Imogen Stidworthy
Liverpool School of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: I.T.Stidworthy@ljmu.ac.uk
What happens to language and sense-making in encounters with unfamiliar or even unknowable forms of voicing? What different forms of relationship and understanding emerge in the spaces between languages? My work grapples with the impossibility of glimpsing language from the outside. It takes the form of films, sound works and multi-part installations involving sound, video, sculptural and technological elements. I engage with these questions through encounters with people whose relationship with language is in some sense radically affected, whether by life experiences, cultural practices (shamanism, ventriloquy), neurological or physical conditions (aphasia, non-verbal autism). My current work engages with relationship between verbal and non-verbal being and involves people who have no practice of language at all. This is the focus of doctoral research I am now completing in the framework of the PhD programme (faculty of Visual Arts) at Lund University (SE) and my dissertation, 'Voicing on the Borders of Language'.
Dutch; Flemish
1987, West Surrey College of Art and Design, Surrey, BA (Hons) Sculpture
Academic appointments
External Examiner, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, 2019 - 2022
External Examiner, Fine Art, Middlesex School of Art, 2009 - 2010
Postgraduate training
PhD: Voicing on the Borders of Language, Sweden, Lund University, 2016 - 2020
FResearcher, The Netherlands, Jan van Eyck Academy, 1992 - 2021
Stidworthy I. 2018. Dialogues with People Author Url
Books (authored)
Stidworthy IT, Dolar M, Connor S, Bergvall C, Lingis A, Oorebeek W, Konrad A, Feiersinger W, Yampolsky M. 2012. (.), artists book Matts Gallery, London and Jan van Eyck Academy, NL. NL 9780907623779
Stidworthy IT. Die Lucky Bush and In the First Circle (a two-part curatorial project)
Stidworthy IT. (.), solo exhibition Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'The Work', solo exhibition Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'Imogen Stidworthy', solo exhibition Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'Speaking in the Voices of Different Gods' (2012), for Busan Biennale 2012. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'The Work' Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'The Work' Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'The Voice and the Lens'. Group exhibition. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'El Hilo de Ariade', group show. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. Paraphrasing Babel, group exhibition Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'Acts of Voicing' ACTS OF VOICING Über die Poetiken und Politiken der Stimme
Stidworthy IT. 'Volumes of Stone'
Stidworthy IT. 'A Crack in the Light'
Stidworthy , Stidworthy IT. 'Balayer – A Map of Sweeping', Sao Paolo Bienal 2014.
Stidworthy IT. ARKIPEL, Jakarta International and Documentary Film Festival 2016. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'Introduction to BLISS for Two Voices with Chorus'. Tate Liverpool.
Stidworthy IT. 'An Introduction to BLISS for Two Voices with Chorus'. Live performance at RADAR, Loughborough. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. Kiev Biennale 2014. Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'Listening'. (Baltic 39, Newcastle, first iteration). Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'An Introduction to BLISS for Two Voices with Chorus'. Online exhibition (permanent), Concreta Magazine (ES). Author Url Publisher Url
Stidworthy IT. 'The Vigilant Eye', group exhibition curated by Jo Stockham. Publisher Url
Stidworthy I. Dialogues with People. Author Url Publisher Url
Stidworthy I. The Work Publisher Url
Imogen S, Stidworthy I. Castrato Author Url Publisher Url
Stidworthy I. Iris [A Fragment] Author Url
Stidworthy I. INFRA-MINCE INFRA MINCE Publisher Url
Stidworthy I. Voicing on the Borders of Language. Completed 25/09/2020. Maharaj S, Sandqvist G.
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU, Voicing on the Borders of Language, Grant value (£): 2000, Duration of research project: one year. 2019
Arts Council England, In the First Circle, -, Grant value (£): 18,000, Duration of research project: Eighteen months. 2011
David and Annely Juda Award, Juda Foundation, https://www.davidandyukojudaartfoundation.com/the-award. 2018
Grants for Artists, Individual Artists Award for research and production of new work and an artist's book.., Arts Council England. 2011
Conference presentation:
The Sweeping of Janmari, Spacelength Thought, Malmo Kunsthal, Malmo, Sweden, Oral presentation. 2017
Conference presentation, What does your Voice say about You, Wellcome Collection, London, Oral presentation. 2016
The Lost Voice, What does your Voice say about You?, Wellcome Trust, London, Oral presentation. 2016
The Slightest Gesture, The Creative Process, Arts and Sciences Forum, Liverpool University, Oral presentation. 2015
Sonic Spaces in the work of Imogen Stidworthy, Art of Sound, FACT, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2015
Balayer - A Map of Sweeping, Tracer, Transcrire, Spatialiser L'espace, Ecole Supérieure d'arts et de design, Marseilles, France, Oral presentation. 2015
A Map of Sweeping, The Posture of the Key, Callan Workhouse Union, Callan, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2015
Sacha, Listening, Baltic 39, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2015
The Work, The Stressed Voice, W139, Amsterdam, NL, Oral presentation. 2015
Spatialised Sound in the work of Imogen Stidworthy, The School of Sound, Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, London, Oral presentation. 2015
Adventures in the Illuminated Sphere, Adventures in the Illuminated Sphere, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, Oral presentation. 2015
A Crack in the Light, Torque, FACT, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2015
Balayer - A Map of Sweeping, and the work of Fernand Deligny, Schizo Culture - Cracks in the Street, Space Studios, Mare Street, London, Oral presentation. 2014
Imogen Stidworthy: Topography of a Voice, Viewing Voices: Voice and Moving Image, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Scotland, Oral presentation. 2014
Imogen Stidworthy in conversation with Ruth Noack, Voice - Creature of Transition, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 2014
Imogen Stidworthy: On Collaboration, On Collaboration, Lancaster University,, Oral presentation. 2014
Other invited event:
Public presentation and round-table discussion: 'The Castrato Voice', The Wellcome Collection, London, Artists Talk, public event accompanying the exhibition 'This is a Voice', in which I presented the work, 'Castrato' (2016).. 2016
Public Lecture: On the Language of Sweeping and the Sweeping of Janmari, InterArts Centre, Malmo, Sweden, Presentation of research and work to public and staff/students of Malmo School of Art Lund University Faculty of Arts. 2016
Artists Talk, public event: Voicing on the Continuum, Imperial War Museum, London, Artists Talk, Public event. 2015
Workshop: 'Sweeping', University of Applied Arts, Vienna, TransArts Dept., Three day workshop with Masters students focusing on encounters between different forms of language.. 2014
Artists Talk: Imogen Stidworthy, Newcastle College of Art, Artists talk for Masters and postdoctoral students. 2014
Conference Lecture: ‘Acts of Voicing’, Wurtemburgischer Kunstverrein, Stuttgart, Two day conference on the voice: artistic, philosophical and political perspectives.. 2012
Conference Lecture: Exhibiting the Voice: Outside the Museum, University College London, Department of Archeology., Conference on working with the voice in artistic practice in the context of the musuem. Organised by Antony Hudek.. 2011
Conference Lecture: Speaking Out, Tate Modern, Presentation on 'Barrabackslarrabang' in this conference on the spoken word in artistic practice, organised by Tate Modern in collaboration with CRiSAP (CREATIVE RESEARCH INTO SOUND ARTS PRACTICE), London.. 2010
Conference Lecture: Translated Acts: Text, Transmission, Adaptation'., Birkbeck, University College London and Southampton University., Transdisciplinary conference on translation, organised by Caroline Bergvall. I delivered a paper on translation called 'Translation in the borders of Language'.. 2009
Conference Lecture: Flowers in the Mirror, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong., Conference, 'Anxiety of Creativity', for Guangzhou Triennal, at Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong.. 2008
Conference organisation:
'In the First Circle. One the politics of the Body and Language'. Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, NL. (for details see my book '(.)', under 'publications')., Organiser and contributor.. 2011
External committees:
Board, Viewmaster Foundation, Maastricht, NL., Board member. 2010
Board, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, Board member. 2009
Jury for the appointment of Professor in Digital Media., Royal College of Art, Stockholm., External Expert.. 2009
Board, Squash Nutrition, Board member. 2008
Policy Board, Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, The Netherlands, Board member. 2006
Selection committee, Jan van Eyck Academy, Maastricht, The Netherlands., Jury member. 2006
Guest Professor, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, http://www.dieangewandte.at/jart/prj3/angewandte/main.jart. 2007
External collaboration:
University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Guest Professor in the dept of Art and Communication. 2007
Media Coverage:
Art Monthly, issue 348, July-Aug 2011: review of (.), solo exhibition at Matts Gallery, by Laura McLean-Ferris.
Reuters International News Agency (Television) Interview about my work, in context of the exhibition 'States of Mind' at Wellcome Collection, London (2016). Broadcast throughout their global network.
The Wire Magazine, issue 330, August 2011: review with installation photographs of (.) by Isabelle Stevens.
Flash Art, issue 279 July-Sept 2011: review of (.), solo show at Matts gallery London, by Michelle Robeschi
www.frieze.com (opens in a new tab)
www.flashartonline.com (opens in a new tab)
blog.frieze.com (opens in a new tab)
Front Row, BBC Radio 4, radio interview for this magazine review programme in context of the exhibition This is a Voice, Wellcome Trust, London.
www.bbc.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.bbc.co.uk (opens in a new tab)
Other Professional Activity:
British Art Show 8 (2015). Touring exhibition, first venue: Leeds City Art Gallery. Catalogue: 'British Art Show 8', Hayward Publishers 2015. 145pp, colour illustrations. http://britishartshow8.com/page/leeds-1519 http://britishartshow8.com/artists/imogen-stidworthy-1498 Visitor numbers: 140,000. 8th Sept 2015 - 10th Jan 2016.
British Art Show 8, touring exhibition: John Hansard Gallery, Southampton. http://www.britishartshow8.com/page/southampton-1522. 9th Oct - 5th Jan 2016..
British Art Show 8, touring exhibition: Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich. http://www.britishartshow8.com/page/norwich-1521. 24th June - 4th Sept 2016. Visitor numbers: 120,000..
British Art Show 8, touring exhibition: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 13th Feb - 8th May 2016.http://www.britishartshow8.com/page/edinburgh-1520..
Group Exhibition: ‘Suzhou Documents’, Suzhou, China. Curated by Roger Buergel and Zhang Qing. http://www.suzhoudocuments.com/about.php?id=1&cn=%E5%89%8D%E8%A8%80&en=Preface. http://johannjacobs.com/en/event/90345-suzdocpreview.html. August 21st - October 20th 2016..
Group Exhibition: 'A Glass Darkly', STROOM, The Hague. Curated by Nav Haq. https://www.stroom.nl/activiteiten/tentoonstelling.php?t_id=5316328 28th Sept-29th Nov 2014..
Group Exhibition: 'Acts of Voicing', group exhibition, Powerhouse/MAAS, Sydney, Australia. https://maas.museum/event/this-is-a-voice/. 10th Aug 2017 - 28th Jan 2018..
Group Exhibition: 'Confusion of Tongues: Art and the Limits of Language', Courtauld Gallery, Somerset House, London. http://courtauld.ac.uk/gallery/what-on/exhibitions-displays/confusion-tongues. 16th June - 17th July 2016..
Group exhibition: 'Itself Not So', Lisa Cooley Gallery, New York, curated by Rachel Vilensky. http://www.rachelvalinsky.com/Itself-Not-SoLisa-Cooley. August 7th-29th 2014..
Group Exhibition: 'LANGUAGE', Dresden Museum of Hygiene, DE. http://www.dhmd.de/en/exhibitions/archive/language/. 26th Sept 2016 - 25th August 2017..
Group Exhibition: 'Moonlight Falls in my Study', Johan Jakobs Museum, Zurich, Switzerland. https://www.facebook.com/events/1894481207441251/. 17th Nov 2016 - 20th Jan 2017..
Group Exhibition: 'Murmur', Netwerk, Aalst, Belgium. Tim Bruniges / Christoph De Boeck / Luke Fowler / Luca Frei / Francesca Grilli / Amalia Pica / Imogen Stidworthy / Richard T. Walker http://www.netwerk-art.be/index.html. 8th April - 2nd July..
Group Exhibition: 'Public View', The Bluecoat, Liverpool. http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/events/view/exhibitions/3586. 4th Feb - 23rd April 2017..
Group Exhibition: 'States of Mind: Tracing the Edges of Consciousness', Wellcome Collection, London. Catalogue: reader, 'States of Mind', edited by Anna Faherty, with an introduction by Mark Haddon; 256pp, colour illustrations, pub. Wellcome Trust, London 2016. https://wellcomecollection.org/exhibitions/states-mind-tracing-edges-consciousness. 4th Feb - 16th Oct 2016. Visitor numbers: 193,070.
Group Exhibition: 'The Inner Acoustic', Errant Bodies, Berlin. Curated by Brandon LaBelle as part of Transmediale and CTM Vorspiel programme 2015. http://errantbodiesspace.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/the-inner-acoustic.html..
Group Exhibition: 'The Vigilant Eye', The Bluecoat, Liverpool, curated by Jo Stockham. Catalogue: 'The Negligent Eye', 34pp, text with colour photographs; pub. Bluecoat Liverpool and RCA London 2014, distributed by Cornerhouse. http://www.thebluecoat.org.uk/events/view/exhibitions/1971. 8th March-15th June 2014..
Group Exhibition: 'This is a Voice', The Wellcome Collection, London, UK. Newly commissioned installation. https://wellcomecollection.org/thisisavoice Reader: https://wellcomecollection.org/voice. 12th April - 17th July 2016. Visitor numbers: 76,577..
Group touring exhibition: 'Listening', Baltic 39, Newcastle. Hayward Touring Exhibition 2014-15, curated by Sam Belinfante. Catalogue: 'Listening', a reader based on the Hayward Touring exhibition. Including an interview with Imogen Stidworthy, by Sam Belinfante. Ed. Sam Bellinfante and Joseph Kohlmaier, 122pp full colour. Cours de Poétique publishers, London 2016. https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/about/press/press-releases/listening-curated-sam-belinfante. 26th Sept 2014 - 11th Jan 2015. Visitor numbers: 120,000..
Group touring exhibition: 'Listening', Firstsite, Colchester, UK. 11th Dec 2015 - 14th Feb 201. Visitor numbers: 20, 801..
Kiev Biennale 2014. Installation at the Rodchenko National Film Archive, Kiev, Ukraine. Catalogue: 'The Book of Kyiv' A Project of The School of Kyiv – Kyiv Biennial 2015 Edited by Kateryna Mishchenko Medusa Publishing House Kyiv 2015. http://theschoolofkyiv.org/. Sept 8th - Nov 1st 2015..
Live Performance of 'Introduction to BLISS for Two Voices with Chorus at RADAR, Loughborough University. Live work co-commissioned by Liverpool Biennial and RADAR (Loughbrough University Contemporary Arts Programme). With Tony O'Donnell, Judith Langley and chorus. http://www.lboro.ac.uk/news-events/news/2014/march/54-talkaction.html. 27th March 2014..
Live Performance: 'Introduction to Bliss for Two Voices with Chorus'. Tate Liverpool, 2nd May 2014. New live work co-commissioned by Liverpool Biennial and RADAR (Loughborough University Contemporary Arts). With Tony O'Donnell, Judith Langley and chorus. http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-liverpool/special-event/thinking-city-imogen-stidworthy..
Sao Paulo Bienal 2014. 'Balayer – A Map of Sweeping', new commission. Catalogue: 'How to (...) Things that Don't Exist', edited by curator Nuria Enguita Mayo and artist Eric Beltrán, pub. Fundação Bienal de São Paulo (2014). http://www.31bienal.org.br/en/. 6th Sept - 7th Dec 2014. Visitor numbers: 900,000..
Solo Exhibition: 'The Work', IWM Contemporary, Imperial War Museum, London. New commission. http://southbanklondon.com/iwm-contemporary-imogen-stidworthy. May - 6th Sept 2015..
Video Screening: ARKIPEL, Jakarta International and Documentary Film Festival 2016..