Prof Steven Longmore
Astrophysics Research Institute
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: S.N.Longmore@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2929
I am a Professor of Astrophysics within the Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI) and head of the ARI’s Astro-Ecology group. My astrophysics research aims to understand how the Universe evolves over cosmic time to produce the spectacular variety of stars, planets and life we see today. In particular, I’m interested in understanding how clouds of gas in space collapse to form star systems, and how changes in these gas clouds might alter the way in which stars, planets and ultimately life may evolve. I also have a keen interest in applying astronomical techniques to tackle problems a little closer to home, such as conservation of endangered species, helping search and rescue teams identify the optimal way to find people, or trying to stop peat fires that are a major contributor to climate change.
University of Durham, UK, MPhys
University of New South Wales, Australia, PhD
Academic appointments
Research Associate, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 2010 - present
ESO ALMA Fellow, European Southern Observatory, 2010 - 2013
SMA Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 2007 - 2010
Journal article
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Wich SA, Longmore SN, Walsh ND, Oliver L, Warrington J, Quinlan J, Appleby K. 2025. AI-Driven Real-Time Monitoring of Ground-Nesting Birds: A Case Study on Curlew Detection Using YOLOv10 Remote Sensing, 17 :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yang K, Lu X, Zhang Y, Liu X, Ginsburg A, Liu HB, Cheng Y, Feng S, Liu T, Zhang Q, Mills EAC, Walker DL, Inutsuka SI, Battersby C, Longmore SN, Tang X, Kauffmann J, Gu Q, Li S, Luo Q, Kruijssen JMD, Pillai T, Qiao HH, Qiu K, Shen Z. 2025. ALMA observations of massive clouds in the central molecular zone: Slim filaments tracing parsec-scale shocks Astronomy & Astrophysics, 694 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fergus P, Chalmers C, Matthews N, Nixon S, Burger A, Hartley O, Sutherland C, Lambin X, Longmore S, Wich S. 2024. Towards Context-Rich Automated Biodiversity Assessments: Deriving AI-Powered Insights from Camera Trap Data Sensors, 24 :1-31 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Choi Y, Kwon W, Pattle K, Arzoumanian D, Bourke TL, Hoang T, Hwang J, Koch PM, Sadavoy S, Bastien P, Furuya R, Lai SP, Qiu K, Ward-Thompson D, Berry D, Byun DY, Chen HRV, Chen WP, Chen M, Chen Z, Ching TC, Cho J, Choi M, Choi Y, Coudé S, Chrysostomou A, Chung EJ, Dai S, Debattista V, Di Francesco J, Diep PN, Doi Y, Duan HY, Duan Y, Eswaraiah C, Fanciullo L, Fiege J, Fissel LM, Franzmann E, Friberg P, Friesen R, Fuller G, Gledhill T, Graves S, Greaves J, Griffin M, Gu Q, Han I, Hasegawa T, Houde M, Hull CLH, Inoue T, Inutsuka SI, Iwasaki K, Jeong IG, Johnstone D, Karoly J, Könyves V, Kang JH, Kang M, Kataoka A, Kawabata K, Kemper F, Kim J, Kim S, Kim G, Kim KH, Kim MR, Kim KT, Kim H, Kirchschlager F, Kirk J, Kobayashi MIN, Kusune T, Kwon J, Lacaille K, Law CY, Lee CW, Lee H, Lee CF, Lee JE, Lee SS, Li D, Li D, Li G, Li HB, Lin SJ, Liu HL, Liu T, Liu SY, Liu J, Longmore S, Lu X, Lyo AR, Mairs S, Matsumura M, Matthews B, Moriarty-Schieven G, Nagata T, Nakamura F. 2024. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: The Magnetic Fields of the IC 348 Star-forming Region Astrophysical Journal, 977 DOI Publisher Url
Tress RG, Sormani MC, Girichidis P, Glover SCO, Klessen RS, Smith RJ, Sobacchi E, Armillotta L, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Bogue KRJ, Brucy N, Colzi L, Federrath C, García P, Ginsburg A, Göller J, Hatchfield HP, Henkel C, Hennebelle P, Henshaw JD, Hirschmann M, Hu Y, Kauffmann J, Kruijssen JMD, Lazarian A, Lipman D, Longmore SN, Morris MR, Nogueras-Lara F, Petkova MA, Pillai TGS, Rivilla VM, Sánchez-Monge A, Soler JD, Whitworth D, Zhang Q. 2024. Magnetic field morphology and evolution in the Central Molecular Zone and its effect on gas dynamics Astronomy and Astrophysics, 691 :1-28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fergus P, Chalmers C, Longmore S, Wich S. 2024. Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Wildlife Conservation Conservation, 4 :685-702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nonhebel M, Barnes AT, Immer K, Armijos-Abendaño J, Bally J, Battersby C, Burton MG, Butterfield N, Colzi L, García P, Ginsburg A, Henshaw JD, Hu Y, Jiménez-Serra I, Klessen RS, Kruijssen JMD, Liang FH, Longmore SN, Lu X, Martín S, Mills EAC, Nogueras-Lara F, Petkova MA, Pineda JE, Rivilla VM, Sánchez-Monge A, Santa-Maria MG, Smith HA, Sofue Y, Sormani MC, Tolls V, Walker DL, Wallace J, Wang QD, Williams GM, Xu FW. 2024. Disruption of a massive molecular cloud by a supernova in the Galactic Centre: Initial results from the ACES project Astronomy & Astrophysics, 691 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cotera AS, Hankins MJ, Bally J, Barnes AT, Battersby CD, Hatchfield HP, Herter TL, Lau RM, Longmore SN, Mills EAC, Morris MR, Radomski JT, Simpson JP, Stephens Z, Walker DL. 2024. SOFIA/FORCAST Galactic Center Source Catalog The Astrophysical Journal, 973 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pinel-Ramos EJ, Aureli F, Wich S, Longmore SN, Spaan D. 2024. Evaluating Thermal Infrared Drone Flight Parameters on Spider Monkey Detection in Tropical Forests Sensors, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
King SM, Moore TJT, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Eden DJ, Rigby AJ, Rosolowsky E, Tahani K, Su Y, Yiping A, Tang X, Ragan S, Liu T, Kuan YJ, Rani R. 2024. CHIMPS2: 13CO J = 3→2 emission in the central molecular zone Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533 :131-142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ginsburg A, Bally J, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Budaiev N, Butterfield NO, Caselli P, Colzi L, Dutkowska KM, García P, Gramze S, Henshaw JD, Hu Y, Jeff D, Jiménez-Serra I, Kauffmann J, Klessen RS, Levesque EM, Longmore SN, Lu X, Mills EAC, Morris MR, Nogueras-Lara F, Oka T, Pineda JE, Pillai TGS, Rivilla VM, Sánchez-Monge Á, Santa-Maria MG, Smith HA, Sofue Y, Sormani MC, Tremblay GR, Vermariën G, Vikhlinin A, Viti S, Walker D, Wang QD, Xu F, Zhang Q. 2024. A Broad Line-width, Compact, Millimeter-bright Molecular Emission Line Source near the Galactic Center The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 968 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ginsburg A, Bally J, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Budaiev N, Butterfield NO, Caselli P, Colzi L, Dutkowska KM, García P, Gramze S, Henshaw JD, Hu Y, Jeff D, Jiménez-Serra I, Kauffmann J, Klessen RS, Levesque EM, Longmore SN, Lu X, Mills EAC, Morris MR, Nogueras-Lara F, Oka T, Pineda JE, Pillai TGS, Rivilla VM, Sánchez-Monge Á, Santa-Maria MG, Smith HA, Sofue Y, Sormani MC, Tremblay GR, Vermariën G, Vikhlinin A, Viti S, Walker D, Wang QD, Xu F, Zhang Q. 2024. A broad linewidth, compact, millimeter-bright molecular emission line source near the Galactic Center DOI Author Url
Hatchfield HP, Battersby C, Barnes AT, Butterfield N, Ginsburg A, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Lu X, Svoboda B, Walker D, Callanan D, Mills EAC, Ho LC, Kauffmann J, Kruijssen JMD, Ott J, Pillai T, Zhang Q. 2024. CMZoom IV. Incipient High-Mass Star Formation Throughout the Central Molecular Zone The Astrophysical Journal, 962 :1-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ahmadi A, Beuther H, Bosco F, Gieser C, Suri S, Mottram JC, Kuiper R, Henning T, Sánchez-Monge Á, Linz H, Pudritz RE, Semenov D, Winters JM, Möller T, Beltrán MT, Csengeri T, Galván-Madrid R, Johnston KG, Keto E, Klaassen PD, Leurini S, Longmore SN, Lumsden SL, Maud LT, Moscadelli L, Palau A, Peters T, Ragan SE, Urquhart JS, Zhang Q, Zinnecker H. 2023. Kinematics and stability of high-mass protostellar disk candidates at sub-arcsecond resolution - Insights from the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE Astronomy and Astrophysics, 677 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Petkova MA, Kruijssen JMD, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Glover SCO, Sormani MC, Armillotta L, Barnes AT, Klessen RS, Nogueras-Lara F, Tress RG, Armijos-Abendaño J, Colzi L, Federrath C, García P, Ginsburg A, Henkel C, Martín S, Riquelme D, Rivilla VM. 2023. Kinematics of Galactic Centre clouds shaped by shear-seeded solenoidal turbulence Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 525 :962-968 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Karoly J, Ward-Thompson D, Pattle K, Berry D, Whitworth A, Kirk J, Bastien P, Ching T-C, Coude S, Hwang J, Kwon W, Soam A, Wang J-W, Hasegawa T, Lai S-P, Qiu K, Arzoumanian D, Bourke TL, Byun D-Y, Chen H-RV, Chen WP, Chen M, Chen Z, Cho J, Choi M, Choi Y, Choi Y, Chrysostomou A, Chung EJ, Dai S, Debattista V, Francesco JD, Diep PN, Doi Y, Duan H-Y, Duan Y, Eswaraiah C, Fanciullo L, Fiege J, Fissel LM, Franzmann E, Friberg P, Friesen R, Fuller G, Furuya R, Gledhill T, Graves S, Greaves J, Griffin M, Gu Q, Han I, Hoang T, Houde M, Hull CLH, Inoue T, Inutsuka S-I, Iwasaki K, Jeong I-G, Johnstone D, Konyves V, Kang J-H, Kang M, Kataoka A, Kawabata K, Kemper F, Kim J, Kim S, Kim G, Kim KH, Kim M-R, Kim K-T, Kim H, Kirchschlager F, Kobayashi MIN, Koch PM, Kusune T, Kwon J, Lacaille K, Law C-Y, Lee CW, Lee H, Lee Y-H, Lee C-F, Lee J-E, Lee S-S, Li D, Li D, Li G, Li H-B, Lin S-J, Liu H-L, Liu T, Liu S-Y, Liu J, Longmore S, Lu X, Lyo A-R, Mairs S, Matsumura M, Matthews B, Moriarty-Schieven G, Nagata T, Nakamura F, Nakanishi H, Ngoc NB, Ohashi N, Onaka T, Park G, Parsons H, Peretto N, Priestley F, Pyo T-S, Qian L, Rao R, Rawlings J, Rawlings M, Retter B, Richer J, Rigby A, Sadavoy S, Saito H, Savini G, Seta M, Sharma E, Shimajiri Y, Shinnaga H, Tahani M, Tamura M, Tang Y-W, Tang X, Tomisaka K, Tram LN, Tsukamoto Y, Viti S, Wang H, Wu J, Xie J, Yang M-Z, Yen H-W, Yoo H, Yuan J, Yun H-S, Zenko T, Zhang G, Zhang Y, Zhang C-P, Zhou J, Zhu L, Looze ID, André P, Dowell CD, Eden DJ, Eyres S, Falle S, Gouellec VJML, Poidevin F, Robitaille J-F, Loo SV. 2023. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43 Astrophysical Journal, 952 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Liu J, Zhang Q, Tan JC, Bigiel F, Caselli P, Cosentino G, Fontani F, Henshaw JD, Jiménez-Serra I, Kalb D-S, Law CY, Longmore SN, Parker RJ, Pineda JE, Sánchez-Monge A, Lim W, Wang K. 2023. Mother of Dragons: A Massive, quiescent core in the dragon cloud (IRDC G028.37+00.07) Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolcu T, Maciejewski W, Gadotti DA, Fragkoudi F, Erwin P, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Neumann J, Ven GVD, Sá-Freitas CD, Longmore S, Debattista VP. 2023. Composite Bulges - IV. Detecting Signatures of Gas Inflows in the IFU data: The MUSE View of Ionized Gas Kinematics in NGC 1097 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524 :207-223 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kolcu T, Maciejewski W, Gadotti DA, Fragkoudi F, Erwin P, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Neumann J, Van De Ven G, De Sá-Freitas C, Longmore S, Debattista VP. 2023. Composite bulges-IV. Detecting signatures of gas inflows in the IFU data: The MUSE view of ionized gas kinematics in NGC 1097 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 524 :207-223 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Wich SA, Longmore SN, Walsh ND, Stephens PA, Sutherland C, Matthews N, Mudde J, Nuseibeh A. 2023. Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Deep Learning Remote Sensing, 15 :2638-2638 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fergus P, Chalmers C, Longmore S, Wich S, Warmenhove C, Swart J, Ngongwane T, Burger A, Ledgard J, Meijaard E. 2023. Empowering Wildlife Guardians: An Equitable Digital Stewardship and Reward System for Biodiversity Conservation using Deep Learning and 3/4G Camera Traps DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ward-Thompson D, Karoly J, Pattle K, Whitworth A, Kirk J, Berry D, Bastien P, Ching T-C, Coude S, Hwang J, Kwon W, Soam A, Wang J-W, Hasegawa T, Lai S-P, Qiu K, Arzoumanian D, Bourke TL, Byun D-Y, Chen H-RV, Chen WP, Chen M, Chen Z, Cho J, Choi M, Choi Y, Choi Y, Chrysostomou A, Chung EJ, Dai S, Debattista V, Francesco JD, Diep PN, Doi Y, Duan H-Y, Duan Y, Eswaraiah C, Fanciullo L, Fiege J, Fissel LM, Franzmann E, Friberg P, Friesen R, Fuller G, Furuya R, Gledhill T, Graves S, Greaves J, Griffin M, Gu Q, Han I, Hayashi S, Hoang T, Houde M, Hull CLH, Inoue T, Inutsuka S-I, Iwasaki K, Jeong I-G, Johnstone D, Konyves V, Kang J-H, Kang M, Kataoka A, Kawabata K, Kemper F, Kim J, Kim S, Kim G, Kim KH, Kim M-R, Kim K-T, Kim H, Kirchschlager F, Kobayashi MIN, Koch PM, Kusune T, Kwon J, Lacaille K, Law C-Y, Lee CW, Lee H, Lee Y-H, Lee C-F, Lee J-E, Lee S-S, Li D, Li D, Li G, Li H-B, Lin S-J, Liu H-L, Liu T, Liu S-Y, Liu J, Longmore S, Lu X, Lyo A-R, Mairs S, Matsumura M, Matthews B, Moriarty-Schieven G, Nagata T, Nakamura F, Nakanishi H, Ngoc NB, Ohashi N, Onaka T, Park G, Parsons H, Peretto N, Priestley F, Pyo T-S, Qian L, Rao R, Rawlings J, Rawlings M, Retter B, Richer J, Rigby A, Sadavoy S, Saito H, Savini G, Seta M, Shimajiri Y, Shinnaga H, Tahani M, Tamura M, Tang Y-W, Tang X, Tomisaka K, Tram LN, Tsukamoto Y, Viti S, Wang H, Wu J, Xie J, Yang M-Z, Yen H-W, Yoo H, Yuan J, Yun H-S, Zenko T, Zhang G, Zhang Y, Zhang C-P, Zhou J, Zhu L, Looze ID, André P, Dowell CD, Eden D, Eyres S, Falle S, Gouellec VJML, Poidevin F, Robitaille J-F, Loo SV. 2023. First BISTRO observations of the dark cloud Taurus L1495A-B10: the role of the magnetic field in the earliest stages of low-mass star formation The Astrophysical Journal, 946 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kim J, Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Barnes AT, Bigiel F, Blanc GA, Boquien M, Cao Y, Congiu E, Dale DA, Egorov OV, Faesi CM, Glover SCO, Grasha K, Groves B, Hassani H, Hughes A, Klessen RS, Kreckel K, Larson KL, Lee JC, Leroy AK, Liu D, Longmore SN, Meidt SE, Pan H-A, Pety J, Querejeta M, Rosolowsky E, Saito T, Sandstrom K, Schinnerer E, Smith RJ, Usero A, Watkins EJ, Williams TG. 2023. PHANGS-JWST First Results: Duration of the early phase of massive star formation in NGC628 Astrophysical Journal Letters, 944 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Callanan D, Longmore SN, Battersby C, Hatchfield HP, Walker DL, Henshaw J, Keto E, Barnes A, Ginsburg A, Kauffmann J, Kruijssen D, Lu X, Mills EAC, Pillai T, Zhang Q, Bally J, Butterfield N, Contreras YA, Ho LC, Immer K, Johnston KG, Ott J, Patel N, Tolls V. 2023. CMZoom III: Spectral Line Data Release Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520 :4760-4778 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Petkova MA, Kruijssen JMD, Kluge AL, Glover SCO, Walker DL, Longmore SN, Henshaw JD, Reissl S, Dale JE. 2023. The complex multiscale structure in simulated and observed emission maps of the proto-cluster cloud G0.253+0.016 ('the Brick') Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520 :2245-2268 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hwang J, Kim J, Pattle K, Lee CW, Koch PM, Johnstone D, Tomisaka K, Whitworth A, Furuya RS, Kang JI-H, Lyo A-R, Chung EJ, Arzoumanian D, Park G, Kwon W, Kim S, Tamura M, Kwon J, Soam A, Han I, Hoang T, Kim KH, Onaka T, Chakali E, Ward-Thompson D, Liu H-L, Tang X, Chen WP, Matsumura M, Hoang TD, Chen Z, Gouellec VJMLE, Kirchschlager F, Poidevin F, Bastien P, Qiu K, Hasegawa T, Lai S-P, Byun D-Y, Cho J, Choi M, Choi Y, Choi Y, Jeong I-G, Kang M, Kim H, Kim K-T, Lee J-E, Lee S-S, Lee Y-H, Lee H, Kim M-R, Yoo H, Yun H-S, Chen M, Francesco JD, Fiege J, Fissel LM, Franzmann E, Houde M, Lacaille K, Matthews B, Sadavoy S, Moriarty-Schieven G, Tahani M, Ching T-C, Dai YS, Duan Y, Gu Q, Law C-Y, Li D, Li D, Li G, Li H-B, Liu T, Lu X, Qian L, Wang H, Wu J, Xie J, Yuan J, Zhang C-P, Zhang G, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Zhu L, Berry D, Friberg P, Graves S, Liu J, Mairs S, Parsons H, Rawlings M, Doi Y, Hayashi S, Hull CLH, Inoue T, Inutsuka S-I, Iwasaki K, Kataoka A, Kawabata K, Kim G, Kobayashi MIN, Nagata T, Nakamura F, Nakanishi H, Pyo T-S, Saito H, Seta M, Shimajiri Y, Shinnaga H, Tsukamoto Y, Zenko T, Chen H-R, Duan H-Y, Fanciullo L, Kemper F, Lee C-F, Lin S-J, Liu S-Y, Ohashi N, Rao R, Tang Y-W, Wang J-W, Yang M-Z, Yen H-W, Bourke TL, Chrysostomou A, Debattista V, Eden D, Eyres S, Falle S, Fuller G, Gledhill T, Greaves J, Griffin M, Hatchell J, Karoly J, Kirk J, onyves VK, Longmore SN, Loo SVAN, Looze IDE, Peretto N, Priestley F, Rawlings J, Retter B, Richer J, Rigby A, Savini G, Scaife A, Viti S, Diep PN, Ngoc NB, Tram LEN, André P, Coude S, Dowell CD, Friesen R, Robitaille J-F. 2022. The JCMT BISTRO Survey: A Spiral Magnetic Field in a Hub-Filament Structure, Monoceros R2 Astrophysical Journal, 941 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ward JL, Diederik Kruijssen JM, Chevance M, Kim J, Longmore SN. 2022. Towards a multitracer timeline of star formation in the LMC - II. The formation and destruction of molecular clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 :4025-4042 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Westworth SOA, Chalmers C, Fergus P, Longmore SN, Piel AK, Wich SA. 2022. Understanding External Influences on Target Detection and Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Machine Learning Sensors, 22 :5386-5386 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Williams BA, Walker DL, Longmore SN, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Garay G, Ginsburg A, Gomez L, Henshaw JD, Ho LC, Kruijssen JMD, Lu X, Mills EAC, Petkova MA, Zhang Q. 2022. The initial conditions for young massive cluster formation in the Galactic Centre: convergence of large-scale gas flows Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 :578-595 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Molyneux SJ, Smit R, Schaerer D, Bouwens RJ, Bradley L, Hodge JA, Longmore SN, Schouws S, van der Werf P, Zitrin A, Phillips S. 2022. Spectroscopic confirmation of a gravitationally lensed Lyman break galaxy at z[C II]= 6.827 using NOEMA Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 512 :535-543 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gieser C, Beuther H, Semenov D, Suri S, Soler J, Linz H, Syed J, Henning T, Feng S, Möller T, Palau A, Winters JM, Beltrán MT, Kuiper R, Moscadelli L, Klaassen P, Urquhart JS, Peters T, Longmore SN, Sánchez-Monge Á, Galván-Madrid R, Pudritz R, Johnston KG. 2021. Clustered star formation at early evolutionary stages. Physical and chemical analysis of the young star-forming regions ISOSS J22478+6357 and ISOSS J23053+5953 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Syed J, Soler JD, Beuther H, Wang Y, Suri S, Henshaw JD, Riener M, Bialy S, Kh SR, Stil JM, Goldsmith PF, Rugel MR, Glover SCO, Klessen RS, Kerp J, Urquhart JS, Ott J, Roy N, Schneider N, Smith RJ, Longmore SN, Linz H. 2021. The "Maggie" filament: Physical properties of a giant atomic cloud Astronomy and Astrophysics, 657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mcleod AF, Ali AA, Chevance M, Bruna LD, Schruba A, Stevance HF, Adamo A, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Weisz DR, Zeidler P. 2021. The impact of pre-supernova feedback and its dependence on environment Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 :5425-5448 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Suri S, Beuther H, Gieser C, Ahmadi A, Sánchez-Monge Á, Winters JM, Linz H, Henning T, Beltrán MT, Bosco F, Cesaroni R, Csengeri T, Feng S, Hoare MG, Johnston KG, Klaasen P, Kuiper R, Leurini S, Longmore S, Lumsden S, Maud L, Moscadelli L, Möller T, Palau A, Peters T, Pudritz RE, Ragan SE, Semenov D, Schilke P, Urquhart JS, Wyrowski F, Zinnecker H. 2021. Disk fragmentation in high-mass star formation. High-resolution observations towards AFGL 2591-VLA 3 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 655 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Glover SCO, Kreckel K, Ostriker EC, Bigiel F, Belfiore F, Bešlić I, Blanc GA, Chevance M, Dale DA, Egorov O, Eibensteiner C, Emsellem E, Grasha K, Groves BA, Klessen RS, Kruijssen JMD, Leroy AK, Longmore SN, Lopez L, McElroy R, Meidt SE, Murphy EJ, Rosolowsky E, Saito T, Santoro F, Schinnerer E, Schruba A, Sun J, Watkins EJ, Williams TG. 2021. Comparing the pre-SNe feedback and environmental pressures for 6000 HII regions across 19 nearby spiral galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 :5362-5389 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Krumholz MR, Groves B, Keller BW, Hughes A, Glover SCO, Henshaw JD, Herrera CN, Kim J, Leroy AK, Pety J, Razza A, Rosolowsky E, Schinnerer E, Schruba A, Barnes AT, Bigiel F, Blanc GA, Dale DA, Emsellem E, Faesi CM, Grasha K, Klessen RS, Kreckel K, Liu D, Longmore SN, Meidt SE, Querejeta M, Saito T, Sun J, Usero A. 2021. Pre-supernova feedback mechanisms drive the destruction of molecular clouds in nearby star-forming disc galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509 :272-288 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Doull KE, Chalmers C, Fergus P, Longmore S, Piel AK, Wich SA. 2021. An evaluation of the factors affecting ‘poacher’ detection with drones and the efficacy of machine-learning for detection Sensors, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Callanan D, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Schruba A, Ginsburg A, Krumholz MR, Bastian N, Alves J, Henshaw JD, Knapen JH, Chevance M. 2021. The centres of M83 and the Milky Way: opposite extremes of a common star formation cycle Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505 :4310-4337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Gieser C, Suri S, Linz H, Klaassen P, Semenov D, Winters JM, Henning T, Soler JD, Urquhart JS, Syed J, Feng S, Moeller T, Beltran MT, Sanchez-Monge A, Longmore SN, Peters T, Ballesteros-Paredes J, Schilke P, Moscadelli L, Palau A, Cesaroni R, Lumsden S, Pudritz R, Wyrowski F, Kuiper R, Ahmadi A. 2021. Fragmentation and kinematics in high-mass star formation: CORE-extension targeting two very young high-mass star-forming regions Astronomy and Astrophysics, 649 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gieser C, Beuther H, Semenov D, Ahmadi A, Suri S, Möller T, Beltran MT, Klaassen P, Zhang Q, Urquhart JS, Henning T, Feng S, Galván-Madrid R, Magalhães VDS, Moscadelli L, Longmore SN, Leurini S, Kuiper R, Peters T, Menten KM, Csengeri T, Fuller G, Wyrowski F, Lumsden S, Sánchez-Monge Á, Maud L, Linz H, Palau A, Schilke P, Pety J, Pudritz R, Winters JM, Piétu V. 2021. The physical and chemical structure of high-mass star-forming regions. Unraveling chemical complexity with the NOEMA large program "CORE" Astronomy and Astrophysics, 648 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Curbelo Montañez CA, Longmore SN, Wich SA. 2021. Video Analysis for the Detection of Animals Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Consumer-Grade Drones Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Chevance M, Diederik Kruijssen JM. 2021. The Impact of Stellar Clustering on the Observed Multiplicity and Orbital Periods of Planetary Systems ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 911 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2021. When the Peas Jump around the Pod: How Stellar Clustering Affects the Observed Correlations between Planet Properties in Multi-Planet Systems Astrophysical Journal Letters, 910 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Henshaw JD, Fontani F, Pineda JE, Cosentino G, Tan JC, Caselli P, Jiménez-Serra I, Law CY, Avison A, Bigiel F, Feng S, Kong S, Longmore SN, Moser L, Parker RJ, Sánchez-Monge Á, Wang K. 2021. ALMA-IRDC: Dense gas mass distribution from cloud to core scales Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :4601-4626 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Moscadelli L, Beuther H, Ahmadi A, Gieser C, Massi F, Cesaroni R, Sánchez-Monge Á, Bacciotti F, Beltrán MT, Csengeri T, Galván-Madrid R, Henning T, Klaassen PD, Kuiper R, Leurini S, Longmore SN, Maud LT, Möller T, Palau A, Peters T, Pudritz RE, Sanna A, Semenov D, Urquhart JS, Winters JM, Zinnecker H. 2021. Multi-scale view of star formation in IRAS 21078+5211: From clump fragmentation to disk wind Astronomy and Astrophysics, 647 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Li S, Ginsburg A, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Walker DL, Feng S, Zhang Q, Battersby C, Pillai T, Mills EAC, Kauffmann J, Cheng Y, Inutsuka S-I. 2021. ALMA Observations of Massive Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone: Ubiquitous Protostellar Outflows Astrophysical Journal, 909 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Turner S, Siudek M, Salim S, Baldry IK, Pollo A, Longmore SN, Małek K, Collins CA, Lisboa PJ, Krywult J, Moutard T, Vergani D, Fritz A. 2021. Synergies between low- and intermediate-redshift galaxy populations revealed with unsupervised machine learning Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :3010-3031 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker DL, Longmore SN, Bally J, Ginsburg A, Kruijssen JMD, Zhang Q, Henshaw JD, Lu X, Alves J, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Beuther H, Contreras YA, Gómez L, Ho LC, Jackson JM, Kauffmann J, Mills EAC, Pillai T. 2021. Star formation in 'the Brick': ALMA reveals an active proto-cluster in the Galactic centre cloud G0.253+0.016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 503 :77-95 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Chevance M. 2020. Bridging the Planet Radius Valley: Stellar Clustering as a Key Driver for Turning Sub-Neptunes into Super-Earths The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 905 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hatchfield HP, Battersby C, Keto E, Walker D, Barnes A, Callanan D, Ginsburg A, Henshaw JD, Kauffmann J, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Lu X, Mills EAC, Pillai T, Zhang Q, Bally J, Butterfield N, Contreras YA, Ho LC, Ott J, Patel N, Tolls V. 2020. CMZoom II: Catalog of Compact Submillimeter Dust Continuum Sources in the Milky Way's Central Molecular Zone The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 251 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Winter AJ, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Chevance M. 2020. Stellar clustering shapes the architectures of planetary systems Nature, 586 :528-532 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Haydon DT, Kruijssen JMD, Chevance M, Hygate APS, Krumholz MR, Schruba A, Longmore SN. 2020. An uncertainty principle for star formation - III. The characteristic emission time-scales of star formation rate tracers MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 498 :235-257 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yek X, Dunham MM, Arce HG, Bourke TL, Chen X, Green JD, Kospal A, Longmore SN. 2020. Detection of a Disk Surrounding the Variably Accreting Young Star HBC722 Research Notes of the American Astronomical Association, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eden DJ, Moore TJT, Currie MJ, Rigby AJ, Rosolowsky E, Su Y, Kim K-T, Parsons H, Morata O, Chen H-R, Minamidani T, Park G, Ragan SE, Urquhart JS, Rani R, Tahani K, Billington SJ, Deb S, Figura C, Fujiyoshi T, Joncas G, Liao LW, Liu T, Ma H, Tuan-Anh P, Yun H-S, Zhang S, Zhu M, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Kobayashi MIN, Thompson MA, Ao Y, Campbell-White J, Ching T-C, Chung EJ, Duarte-Cabral A, Fich M, Gao Y, Graves SF, Jiang X-J, Kemper F, Kuan Y-J, Kwon W, Lee CW, Lee J-E, Liu M, Penaloza CH, Peretto N, Phuong NT, Pineda JE, Plume R, Puspitaningrum E, Samal MR, Soam A, Sun Y, Tang XD, Traficante A, White GJ, Yan C-H, Yang A, Yuan J, Yue N, Bemis A, Brunt CM, Chen Z, Cho J, Clark PC, Cyganowski CJ, Friberg P, Fuller GA, Han I, Hoare MG, Izumi N, Kim H-J, Kim J, Kim S, Koch EW, Kuno N, Lacialle KM, Lai S-P, Lee HLY-H, Li DL, Liu S-Y, Mairs S, Oka T, Pan Z, Qian L, Scicluna P, Shi C-S, Shi H, Srinivasan S, Tan Q-H, Thomas HS, Torii K, Trejo A, Umemoto T, Violino G, Wallstrom S, Wang B, Wu Y, Yuan L, Zhang C, Zhang M, Zhou C, Zhou JJ. 2020. CHIMPS2: Survey description and $^{12}$CO emission in the Galactic Centre Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498 :5936-5951 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Dale JE, Krumholz MR, Kruijssen JMD, Bigiel F. 2020. Which feedback mechanisms dominate in the high-pressure environment of the Central Molecular Zone? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498 :4906-4923 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Haydon DT, Fujimoto Y, Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Krumholz MR, Longmore SN. 2020. An uncertainty principle for star formation -- V. The influence of dust extinction on star formation rate tracer lifetimes and the inferred molecular cloud lifecycle Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 :5076-5089 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ward JL, Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Hygate APS, Schruba A, Longmore SN. 2020. Towards a multi-tracer timeline of star formation in the LMC -- I.\ Deriving the lifetimes of H\,{\sc i} clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 :2286-2301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Riener M, Leroy AK, Rosolowsky E, Ginsburg A, Battersby C, Chevance M, Meidt SE, Glover SCO, Hughes A, Kainulainen J, Klessen RS, Schinnerer E, Schruba A, Beuther H, Bigiel F, Blanc GA, Emsellem E, Henning T, Herrera CN, Koch EW, Pety J, Ragan SE, Sun J. 2020. Ubiquitous velocity fluctuations throughout the molecular interstellar medium Nature Astronomy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Cheng Y, Ginsburg A, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Battersby C, Zhang Q, Walker DL. 2020. ALMA Observations of Massive Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone: Jeans Fragmentation and Cluster Formation Astrophysical Journal Letters, 894 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mottram JC, Beuther H, Ahmadi A, Klaassen PD, Beltran MT, Csengeri T, Feng S, Gieser C, Henning T, Johnston KG, Kuiper R, Leurini S, Linz H, Longmore SN, Lumsden S, Maud LT, Moscadelli L, Palau A, Peters T, Pudritz RE, Ragan SE, Sanchez-Monge A, Semenov D, Urquhart JS, Winters JM, Zinnecker H. 2020. From clump to disc scales in W3 IRS4 A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large programme CORE Astronomy & Astrophysics, 636 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hankins MJ, Lau RM, Radomski JT, Cotera AS, Morris MR, Mills EAC, Walker DL, Barnes AT, Simpson JP, Herter TL, Longmore SN, Bally J, Kasliwal MM, Sabha NB, Garcia-Marin M. 2020. SOFIA/FORCAST Galactic Center Legacy Survey: Overview ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 894 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McLeod AF, Kruijssen JMD, Weisz DR, Zeidler P, Schruba A, Dalcanton JJ, Longmore SN, Chevance M, Faesi CM, Byler N. 2020. Stellar Feedback and Resolved Stellar IFU Spectroscopy in the Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 300 The Astrophysical Journal, 891 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang Y, Bihr S, Beuther H, Rugel MR, Soler JD, Ott J, Kainulainen J, Schneider N, Klessen RS, Glover SCO, McClure-Griffiths NM, Goldsmith PF, Johnston KG, Menten KM, Ragan S, Anderson LD, Urquhart JS, Linz H, Roy N, Smith RJ, Bigiel F, Henning T, Longmore SN. 2020. Cloud formation in the atomic and molecular phase: HI self absorption (HISA) towards a Giant Molecular Filament Astronomy and Astrophysics, 634 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2020. The implications of clustered star formation for (proto)planetary systems and habitability Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 14 :61-65 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Winter AJ, Kruijssen JMD, Chevance M, Keller BW, Longmore SN. 2020. Prevalent externally driven protoplanetary disc dispersal as a function of the galactic environment MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 491 :903-922 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Hygate APS, Schruba A, Longmore SN, Groves B, Henshaw JD, Herrera CN, Hughes A, Jeffreson SMR, Lang P, Leroy AK, Meidt SE, Pety J, Razza A, Rosolowsky E, Schinnerer E, Bigiel F, Blanc GA, Emsellem E, Faesi CM, Glover SCO, Haydon DT, Ho I-T, Kreckel K, Lee JC, Liu D, Querejeta M, Saito T, Sun J, Usero A, Utomo D. 2019. The lifecycle of molecular clouds in nearby star-forming disc galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 :2872-2909 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rashman MF, Steele IA, Bates SD, Copley D, Longmore SN. 2019. Uncooled Microbolometer Arrays for Ground Based Astronomy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 :480-487 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gieser C, Semenov D, Beuther H, Ahmadi A, Mottram JC, Henning T, Beltran M, Maud LT, Bosco F, Leurini S, Peters T, Klaassen P, Kuiper R, Feng S, Urquhart JS, Moscadelli L, Csengeri T, Lumsden S, Winters JM, Suri S, Zhang Q, Pudritz R, Palau A, Menten KM, Galvan-Madrid R, Wyrowski F, Schilke P, Sánchez-Monge Á, Linz H, Johnston KG, Jiménez-Serra I, Longmore SN, Möller T. 2019. Chemical complexity in high-mass star formation: An observational and modeling case study of the AFGL 2591 VLA 3 hot core Astronomy & Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burke C, McWhirter PR, Veitch-Michaelis J, McAree O, Pointon HAG, Wich SA, Longmore SN. 2019. Requirements and Limitations of Thermal Drones for Effective Search and Rescue in Marine and Coastal Areas Drones, 3/4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Mills EAC, Ginsburg A, Walker D, Barnes A, Butterfield N, Henshaw J, Battersby C, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Zhang Q, Bally J, Kauffmann J, Ott J, Rickert M, Wang K. 2019. A Census of Early Phase High-Mass Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone Astrophysical Journal, 244 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keown J, Francesco JD, Rosolowsky E, Singh A, Figura C, Kirk H, Anderson LD, Chen MC-Y, Elia D, Friesen R, Ginsburg A, Marston A, Pezzuto S, Schisano E, Bontemps S, Caselli P, Liu H-L, Longmore SN, Motte F, Myers PC, Offner SSR, Sanhueza P, Schneider N, Stephens I, Urquhart J, collaboration TKEYSTONE. 2019. KFPA Examinations of Young STellar Object Natal Environments (KEYSTONE): Hierarchical Ammonia Structures in Galactic Giant Molecular Clouds Astophysical Journal, 884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hygate APS, Kruijssen JMD, Chevance M, Schruba A, Haydon DT, Longmore SN. 2019. An uncertainty principle for star formation - IV. On the nature and filtering of diffuse emission MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 488 :2800-2824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bosco F, Beuther H, Ahmadi A, Mottram JC, Kuiper R, Linz H, Maud L, Winters JM, Henning T, Feng S, Peters T, Semenov D, Klaassen PD, Schilke P, Urquhart JS, Beltrán MT, Lumsden SL, Leurini S, Moscadelli L, Cesaroni R, Sánchez-Monge Á, Palau A, Pudritz R, Wyrowski F, Longmore SN, team TCORE. 2019. Fragmentation, rotation and outflows in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23033+5951. A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE Astronomy and Astrophysics, 629 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Walsh A, Wang Y, Rugel M, Soler J, Linz H, Klessen RS, Anderson LD, Urquhart JS, Glover SCO, Billington SJ, Kainulainen J, Menten KM, Roy N, Longmore SN, Bigiel F. 2019. OH maser emission in the THOR survey of the northern Milky Way* Astronomy and Astrophysics, 628 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dale JE, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2019. The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre -- III. Tidally--induced star formation in protocluster clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 486 :3307-3326 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cesaroni R, Beuther H, Ahmadi A, Beltran MT, Csengeri T, Galvan-Madrid R, Gieser C, Henning T, Johnston KG, Klaassen PD, Kuiper R, Leurini S, Linz H, Longmore S, Lumsden SL, Maud LT, Moscadelli L, Mottram JC, Palau A, Peters T, Pudritz RE, Sanchez-Monge A, Schilke P, Semenov D, Suri S, Urquhart JS, Winters JM, Zhang Q, Zinnecker H. 2019. IRAS 23385+6053: an embedded massive cluster in the making Astronomy and Astrophysics, 627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Schruba A, Chevance M, Longmore SN, Hygate APS, Haydon DT, McLeod AF, Dalcanton JJ, Tacconi LJ, Dishoeck EFV. 2019. Fast and inefficient star formation due to short-lived molecular clouds and rapid feedback Nature, 569 :519-522 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burke C, Rashman MF, Longmore SN, McAree O, Glover-Kapfer P, Ancrenaz M, Wich SA. 2019. Successful observation of orangutans in the wild with thermal-equipped drones Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Spaan D, Burke C, McAree O, Aureli F, Rangel-Rivera C, Hutschenreiter A, Longmore SN, McWhirter PR, Wich SA. 2019. Thermal Infrared Imaging from Drones Offers a Major Advance for Spider Monkey Surveys Drones, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Avison A, Contreras Y, Ginsburg A, Henshaw JD, Rathborne JM, Walker DL, Alves J, Bally J, Battersby C, Beltrán MT, Beuther H, Garay G, Gomez L, Jackson J, Kainulainen J, Kruijssen JMD, Lu X, Mills EAC, Ott J, Peters T. 2019. Young massive star cluster formation in the Galactic Centre is driven by global gravitational collapse of high-mass molecular clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burke C, Wich SA, Kusin K, McAree O, Harrison M, Ripoll B, Ermiasi Y, Mulero-Pázmány M, Longmore SN. 2019. Thermal-Drones as a Safe and Reliable Method for Detecting Subterranean Peat Fires Wang E. Drones, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Zhang Q, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Ginsburg A, Mills EAC, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Battersby C, Liu HB, Gu Q. 2019. Star Formation Rates of Massive Molecular Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone Astrophysical Journal, 872 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Soler JD, Beuther H, Rugel M, Wang Y, Clark PC, Glover SCO, Goldsmith PF, Heyer M, Anderson LD, Goodman A, Henning T, Kainulainen J, Klessen RS, Longmore SN, McClure-Griffiths NM, Menten KM, Mottram JC, Ott J, Ragan SE, Smith RJ, Urquhart JS, Bigiel F, Hennebelle P, Roy N, Schilke P. 2019. Histogram of oriented gradients: a technique for the study of molecular cloud formation Astronomy and Astrophysics, 622 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Ginsburg A, Haworth TJ, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Mills EAC, Sokolov V, Walker DL, Barnes AT, Contreras Y, Bally J, Battersby C, Beuther H, Butterfield N, Dale JE, Henning T, Jackson JM, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Ragan S, Riener M, Zhang Q. 2019. 'The Brick' is not a brick: A comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485 :2457-2485 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Dale JE, Longmore SN, Walker DL, Henshaw JD, Jeffreson SMR, Petkova MA, Ginsburg A, Barnes AT, Battersby CD, Immer K, Jackson JM, Keto ER, Krieger N, Mills EAC, Sánchez-Monge Á, Schmiedeke A, Suri ST, Zhang Q. 2019. The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre - II. Spatial structure and kinematics of simulated clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burke C, Rashman M, Wich SA, Symons A, Theron C, Longmore SN. 2019. Optimising observing strategies for monitoring animals using drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40 :439-467 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Mottram AAJC, Linz H, Maud LT, Henning T, Kuiper R, Walsh AJ, Johnston KG, Longmore SN. 2019. High-mass star formation at sub-50AU scales Astronomy and Astrophysics, 621 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson JM, Whitaker JS, Rathborne JM, Foster JB, Contreras Y, Sanhueza P, Stephens IW, Longmore SN, Allingham D. 2018. Asymmetric Line Profiles in Dense Molecular Clumps Observed in MALT90: Evidence for Global Collapse Astrophysical Journal, 870 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackson JM, Contreras Y, Rathborne JM, Whitaker JS, Guzman A, Stephens IW, Sanhueza P, Longmore SN, Zhang Q, Allingham D. 2018. G337.342-0.119 (the "Pebble"): A Cold, Dense, High-Mass Molecular Cloud with Unusually Large Linewidths and a Candidate High-Mass Star Cluster Progenitor Astrophysical Journal, 869 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang Y, Bihr S, Rugel M, Beuther H, Johnston KG, Ott J, Soler JD, Brunthaler A, Anderson LD, Urquhart JS, Klessen RS, Linz H, McClure-Griffiths NM, Glover SCO, Menten KM, Bigiel F, Hoare M, Longmore SN. 2018. Radio continuum emission in the northern Galactic plane: Sources and spectral indices from the THOR survey Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rugel MR, Beuther H, Bihr S, Wang Y, Ott J, Brunthaler A, Walsh A, Glover SCO, Goldsmith PF, Anderson LD, Schneider N, Menten KM, Ragan SE, Urquhart JS, Klessen RS, Soler JD, Roy N, Kainulainen J, Henning T, Bigiel F, Smith RJ, Longmore SN. 2018. OH absorption in the first quadrant of the Milky Way as seen by THOR Astronomy and Astrophysics, 618 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Turner S, Kelvin LS, Baldry IK, Lisboa PJ, Longmore SN, Collins CA, Holwerda BW, Hopkins AM, Liske J. 2018. Reproducible $k$-means clustering in galaxy feature data from the GAMA survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Mottram JC, Ahmadi A, Bosco F, Linz H, Henning T, Klaassen P, Winters JM, Maud LT, Kuiper R, Semenov D, Gieser C, Peters T, Urquhart JS, Pudritz R, Ragan SE, Feng S, Keto E, Leurini S, Cesaroni R, Beltran M, Palau A, Sanchez-Monge A, Galvan-Madrid R, Zhang Q, Schilke P, Wyrowski F, Johnston KG, Longmore SN, Lumsden S, Hoare M, Menten KM, Csengeri T. 2018. Fragmentation and disk formation during high-mass star formation: The IRAM NOEMA (Northern Extended Millimeter Array) large program CORE Astronomy and Astrophysics, 617 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hogge T, Jackson J, Stephens I, Whitaker S, Foster J, Camarata M, Roshi DA, Di Francesco J, Longmore S, Loughnane R, Moore T, Rathborne J, Sanhueza P, Walsh A. 2018. The Radio Ammonia Mid-plane Survey (RAMPS) Pilot Survey ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 237 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ahmadi A, Beuther H, Mottram JC, Bosco F, Linz H, Henning T, Winters JM, Kuiper R, Pudritz R, Sánchez-Monge Á, Keto E, Beltran M, Bontemps S, Cesaroni R, Csengeri T, Feng S, Galvan-Madrid R, Johnston KG, Klaassen P, Leurini S, Longmore SN, Lumsden S, Maud LT, Menten KM, Moscadelli L, Motte F, Palau A, Peters T, Ragan SE, Schilke P, Urquhart JS, Wyrowski F, Zinnecker H. 2018. Core fragmentation and Toomre stability analysis of W3(H2O): A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large program CORE Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Contreras Y, Sanhueza P, Jackson JM, Guzman AE, Longmore SN, Garay G, Zhang Q, Nguyen-Luong Q, Tatematsu K, Nakamura F, Sakai T, Ohashi S, Liu T, Saito M, Gomez L, Rathborne J, Whitaker S. 2018. Infall Signatures in a Prestellar Core embedded in the High-Mass 70 $μ$m Dark IRDC G331.372-00.116 Astrophysical Journal, 861 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. 2018. Constraints on the distribution of gas and young stars in the Galactic Centre in the context of interpreting gamma ray emission features Galaxies, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jeffreson SMR, Kruijssen JMD, Krumholz MR, Longmore SN. 2018. On the physical mechanisms governing the cloud lifecycle in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Schruba A, Hygate APS, Hu C-Y, Haydon DT, Longmore SN. 2018. An uncertainty principle for star formation - II. A new method for characterising the cloud-scale physics of star formation and feedback across cosmic history. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dalgleish HS, Longmore SN, Peters T, Henshaw JD, Veitch-Michaelis JL, Urquhart JS. 2018. Ionised gas kinematics in bipolar H II regions Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 478 :3530-3543 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Breen SL, Contreras Y, Ellingsen SP, Green JA, Walsh AJ, Avison A, Longmore SN, Fuller GA, Voronkov MA, Horton J, Kroon A. 2018. The 6-GHz multibeam maser survey III: comparison between the MMB and HOPS Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 :3898-3911 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ginsburg AG, Bally J, Barnes AT, Bastian N, Battersby C, Beuther H, Brogan C, Contreras Y, Corby J, Darling J, De-Pree C, Galván-Madrid R, Garay G, Henshaw J, Hunter T, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Meng F, Mills EAC, Ott J, Pineda JE, Sánchez-Monge Á, Schilke P, Schmiedeke A, Walker DL, Wilner D. 2018. Distributed star formation throughout the Galactic Center cloud Sgr B2 Astrophysical Journal, 853 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker DL, Longmore SN, Zhang Q, Battersby C, Keto E, Kruijssen JMD, Ginsburg A, Lu X, Henshaw JD, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Mills EAC, Walsh AJ, Bally J, Ho LC, Immer K, Johnston KG. 2018. Star formation in a high-pressure environment: an SMA view of the Galactic Centre dust ridge Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 :2373-2388 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Krieger N, Ott J, Beuther H, Walter F, Kruijssen JMD, Meier DS, Mills EAC, Contreras Y, Edwards P, Ginsburg A, Henkel C, Henshaw J, Jackson J, Kauffmann J, Longmore SN, Martin S, Morris MR, Pillai T, Rickert M, Rosolowsky E, Shinnaga H, Walsh A, Yusef-Zadeh F, Zhang Q. 2017. The Survey of Water and Ammonia in the Galactic Center (SWAG): Molecular Cloud Evolution in the Central Molecular Zone Astrophysical Journal: Supplement Series, 850 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu HB, Dunham MM, Pascucci I, Bourke TL, Hirano N, Longmore SN, Andrews S, Carrasco-González C, Forbrich J, Galván-Madrid R, Girart JM, Green JD, Juárez C, Kóspál Á, Manara CF, Palau A, Takami M, Testi L, Vorobyov EI. 2017. A 1.3 mm SMA Survey of 29 Variable Young Stellar Objects Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitaker JS, Jackson JM, Rathborne JM, Foster JB, Contreras Y, Sanhueza P, Stephens IW, Longmore SN. 2017. MALT90 Kinematic Distances to Dense Molecular Clumps Atronomical Journal, 154 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Walsh AJ, Purcell CR, Burke DJ, Henshaw J, Walker D, Urquhart J, Barnes AT, Whiting M, Burton MG, Breen SL, Britton T, Brooks KJ, Cunningham MR, Green JA, Harvey-Smith L, Hindson L, Hoare MG, Indermuehle B, Jones PA, Lo N, Lowe V, Moore TJT, Thompson MA, Voronkov MA. 2017. H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS): Paper III – properties of dense molecular gas across the inner Milky Way Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470 :1462-1490 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eden DJ, Moore TJT, Plume R, Urquhart JS, Thompson MA, Parsons H, Dempsey JT, Rigby AJ, Morgan LK, Thomas HS, Berry D, Buckle J, Brunt CM, Butner HM, Carretero D, Chrysostomou A, Currie MJ, deVilliers HM, Fich M, Gibb AG, Hoare MG, Jenness T, Manser G, Mottram JC, Natario C, Olguin F, Peretto N, Pestalozzi M, Polychroni D, Redman RO, Salji C, Summers LJ, Tahani K, Traficante A, diFrancesco J, Evans A, Fuller GA, Johnstone D, Joncas G, Longmore SN, Martin PG, Richer JS, Weferling B, White GJ, Zhu M. 2017. The JCMT Plane Survey: First complete data release - emission maps and compact source catalogue Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Walsh AJ, Johnston KG, Henning T, Kuiper R, Longmore SN, Walmsley CM. 2017. Fragmentation and disk formation in high-mass star formation: The ALMA view of G351.77-0.54 at 0.06" resolution Astronomy and Astrophysics, 603 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Anderson LD, Wang Y, Bihr S, Beuther H, Bigiel F, Churchwell E, Glover SCO, Goodman AA, Henning T, Heyer M, Klessen RS, Linz H, Longmore SN, Menten KM, Ott J, Roy N, Rugel M, Soler JD, Stil JM, Urquhart JS. 2017. Galactic Supernova Remnant Candidates Discovered by THOR Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lin Y, Liu HB, Dale JE, Li D, Busquet G, Zhang Z-Y, Ginsburg A, Galvan-Madrid R, Kovacs A, Koch E, Qian L, Wang K, Longmore SN, Chen H-R, Walker DL. 2017. Cloud structure of three Galactic infrared dark star-forming regions from combining ground and space based bolometric observations The Astrophysical Journal, 840 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Battersby C, Bally J, Kruijssen JMD, Henshaw JD, Walker DL. 2017. Star formation rates and efficiencies in the Galactic Centre Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469 :2263-2285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Zhang Q, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Battersby C, Liu HB, Ginsburg A, Mills EAC, Zhang Z-Y, Gu Q. 2017. The Molecular Gas Environment in the 20 KMS−1 Cloud in the Central Molecular Zone The Astrophysical Journal, 839 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Csengeri T, Bontemps S, Wyrowski F, Motte F, Menten KM, Beuther H, Bronfman L, Commercon B, Chapillon E, Duarte-Cabral A, Fuller GA, Henning T, Leurini S, Longmore SN, Palau A, Peretto N, Schuller F, Tan JC, Testi L, Traficante A, Urquhart JS. 2017. ALMA survey of massive cluster progenitors from ATLASGAL. Limited fragmentation at the early evolutionary stage of massive clumps Astronomy and Astrophysics, 600 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Zhang Q, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Battersby C. 2017. Deeply Embedded Protostellar Population in the Central Molecular Zone Suggested by H$_2$O Masers and Dense Cores Proceedings of IAU Symposium, 11 :99-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Battersby C, Bally J, Kruijssen JMD. 2017. Star formation rates on global and cloud scales within the Galactic Centre Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11 :147-148 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Collins RP, Pfeifer S, Fox SE, Mulero-P azm any M, Bezombes F, Goodwin A, de Juan Ovelar M, Knapen JH, Wich SA. 2017. Adapting astronomical source detection software to help detect animals in thermal images obtained by unmanned aerial systems International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38 :2623-2638 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Jiménez-Serra I, Longmore SN, Caselli P, Pineda JE, Avison A, Barnes AT, Tan JC, Fontani F. 2017. Unveiling the early-stage anatomy of a protocluster hub with ALMA Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 464 :L31-L35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Federrath C, Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bally J, Contreras Y, Crocker RM, Garay G, Jackson JM, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2016. The link between turbulence, magnetic fields, filaments, and star formation in the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 832 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fontani F, Commerçon B, Giannetti A, Beltrán MT, Sánchez-Monge Á, Testi L, Brand J, Caselli P, Cesaroni R, Dodson R, Longmore SN, Rioja M, Tan JC, Walmsley CM. 2016. Magnetically-regulated fragmentation of a massive, dense and turbulent clump Astronomy and Astrophysics, 593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Liu HB, Wright MCH, Zhao J-H, Mills EAC, Requena-Torres MA, Matsushita S, Martín S, Ott J, Morris MR, Longmore SN, Brinkerink CD, Falcke H. 2016. The 492 GHz emission of Sgr A* constrained by ALMA Astronomy and Astrophysics, 593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lin Y, Liu HB, Li D, Zhang Z, Ginsburg A, Pineda JE, Qian L, Galván-Madrid R, McLeod AF, Rosolowsky E, Dale JE, Immer K, Koch E, Longmore SN, Walker DL, Testi L. 2016. Cloud Structure of Galactic OB Cluster Forming Regions from Combining Ground and Space Based Bolometric Observations Astrophysical Journal, 828 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. 2016. Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, 463 :L122-L126 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Beuther H, Bihr S, Rugel M, Johnston K, Wang Y, Walter F, Brunthaler A, Walsh AJ, Ott J, Stil J, Henning T, Schierhuber T, Kainulainen J, Heyer M, Goldsmith PF, Anderson LD, Longmore SN, Klessem RS, Glover SCO, Urquhart JS, Plume R, Ragan SE, Schneider N, McClure-Griffiths NM, Menten KM, Smith R, Roy N, Shanahan R, Nguyen-Luong Q, Bigiel F. 2016. The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR) Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Caselli P, Fontani F, Jimenez-Serra I, Tan JC, Longmore SN, Pineda JE, Parker RJ, Barnes AT. 2016. Investigating the structure and fragmentation of a highly filamentary IRDC Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rathborne JM, Whitaker JS, Jackson JM, Foster JB, Contreras Y, Stephens IW, Guzman AE, Longmore SN, Sanhueza P, Schuller F, Wyrowski F, Urquhart JS. 2016. Molecular Line Emission Towards High-Mass Clumps: The MALT90 Catalogue PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, 33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Battersby C, Keto E, Zhang Q, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Pillai T, Kauffmann J, Walker D, Lu X, Ginsburg A, Bally J, Mills EAC, Henshaw J, Immer K, Patel N, Tolls V, Walsh A, Johnston K, Ho LC. 2016. A Brief Update on the CMZoom Survey Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11 :90-94 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Federrath C, Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bally J, Contreras Y, Crocker RM, Garay G, Jackson JM, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2016. The link between solenoidal turbulence and slow star formation in G0.253+0.016 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11 :123-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Bally J, Kruijssen JMD, Dale J, Henshaw JD, Walker DL, Rathborne J, Testi L, Ott J, Ginsburg A. 2016. Using young massive star clusters to understand star formation and feedback in high-redshift-like environments EAS Publication Series: Conditions and Impact of Star Formation From Lab to Space, :43-48 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Csengeri T, Bontemps S, Wyrowski F, Menten KM, Leurini S, Urquhart JS, Motte F, Schuller F, Testi L, Bronfman L, Beuther H, Longmore SN, Commercon B, Henning T, Palau A, Tan JC, Fuller G, Peretto N, Duarte-Cabral A, Traficante A. 2016. The first Galaxy scale hunt for the youngest high-mass protostars EAS Publications Series: Conditions and Impact of Star Formation, 75-76 :255-258 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker DL, Longmore SN, Bastian N, Kruijssen JMD, Rathborne JM, Galván-Madrid R, Liu HB. 2016. Comparing Young Massive Clusters and their Progenitor Clouds in the Milky Way Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 457 :4536-4545 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Davies B, Bally J, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Burton M, Cunningham MR, Dale JE, Ginsburg A, Immer K, Jones PA, Kendrew S, Mills EAC, Molinari S, Moore TJT, Ott J, Pillai T, Rathborne J, Schilke P, Schmiedeke A, Testi L, Walker DL, Walsh A, Zhang Q. 2016. Molecular gas kinematics within the central 250 pc of the Milky Way Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 457 :2675-2702 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Russeil D, Tige J, Adami C, Anderson LD, Schneider N, Zavagno A, Samal MR, Amram P, Guennou L, Le Coarer E, Walsh A, Longmore SN, Purcell C. 2016. NGC 6334 and NGC 6357: H alpha kinematics and the nature of the H II regions Astronomy and Astrophysics, 587 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walsh AJ, Beuther H, Bihr S, Johnston KG, Dawson JR, Ott J, Longmore SN, Luong QN, Klessen RS, Ragan S, McClure-Griffiths N, Brunthaler A, Urquhart J, Menten K, Bigiel F, Wyrowski F, Rugel M. 2016. A Survey for Hydroxyl in the THOR Pilot Region around W43 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455 :3494-3510 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ginsburg A, Henkel C, Ao Y, Riquelme D, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Mills EAC, Requena-Torres MA, Immer K, Testi L, Ott J, Bally J, Battersby C, Darling J, Aalto S, Stanke T, Kendrew S, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Dale J, Guesten R, Menten KM. 2016. Dense gas in the Galactic central molecular zone is warm and heated by turbulence Astronomy and Astrophysics, 586 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bihr S, Johnston KG, Beuther H, Anderson LD, Ott J, Rugel M, Bigiel F, Brunthaler A, Glover SCO, Henning T, Heyer MH, Klessen RS, Linz H, Longmore SN, McClure-Griffiths NM, Menten KM, Plume R, Schierhuber T, Shanahan R, Stil JM, Urquhart JS, Walsh AJ. 2016. Continuum sources from the THOR survey between 1 and 2 GHz Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rigby AJ, Moore TJT, Plume R, Eden DJ, Urquhart JS, Thompson MA, Mottram JC, Brunt CM, Butner HM, Dempsey JT, Gibson SJ, Hatchell J, Jenness T, Kuno N, Longmore SN, Morgan LK, Polychroni D, Thomas H, White GJ, Zhu M. 2015. CHIMPS: the $^{13}$CO/C$^{18}$O (J=3-2) Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456 :2885-2899 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Tremblay CD, Walsh AJ, Longmore SN, Urquhart JS, König C. 2015. A search for High Mass Stars Forming in Isolation using CORNISH & ATLASGAL Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lu X, Zhang Q, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Battersby C, Gu Q. 2015. DEEPLY EMBEDDED PROTOSTELLAR POPULATION IN THE 20 km s(-1) CLOUD OF THE CENTRAL MOLECULAR ZONE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Moore TJT, Plume R, Thompson MA, Parsons H, Urquhart JS, Eden DJ, Dempsey JT, Morgan LK, Thomas HS, Buckle J, Brunt CM, Butner H, Carretero D, Chrysostomou A, deVilliers HM, Fich M, Hoare MG, Manser G, Mottram JC, Natario C, Olguin F, Peretto N, Polychroni D, Redman RO, Rigby AJ, Salji C, Summers LJ, Berry D, Currie MJ, Jenness T, Pestalozzi M, Traficante A, Bastien P, diFrancesco J, Davis CJ, Evans A, Friberg P, Fuller GA, Gibb AG, Gibson SJ, Hill T, Johnstone D, Joncas G, Longmore SN, Lumsden SL, Martin PG, Luong QN, Pineda JE, Purcell C, Richer JS, Schieven GH, Shipman R, Spaans M, Taylor AR, Viti S, Weferling B, White GJ, Zhu M. 2015. The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the l = 30 degree field Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453 :4264-4277 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bihr S, Beuther H, Ott J, Johnston KG, Brunthaler A, Anderson LD, Bigiel F, Carlhoff P, Churchwell E, Glover SCO, Goldsmith PF, Heitsch F, Henning T, Heyer MH, Hill T, Hughes A, Klessen RS, Linz H, Longmore SN, McClure-Griffiths NM, Menten KM, Motte F, Nguyen-Lu'o'ng Q, Plume R, Ragan SE, Roy N, Schilke P, Schneider N, Smith RJ, Stil JM, Urquhart JS, Walsh AJ, Walter F. 2015. THOR - The HI, OH, Recombination Line Survey of the Milky Way - The pilot study: HI observations of the giant molecular cloud W43 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 580 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fomalont EB, Vlahakis C, Corder S, Remijan A, Barkats D, Lucas R, Hunter TR, Brogan CL, Asaki Y, Matsushita S, Dent WRF, Hills RE, Phillips N, Richards AMS, Cox P, Amestica R, Broguiere D, Cotton W, Hales AS, Hiriart R, Hirota A, Hodge JA, Impellizzeri CMV, Kern J, Kneissl R, Liuzzo E, Marcelino N, Marson R, Mignano A, Nakanishi K, Nikolic B, Perez JE, Pérez LM, Toledo I, Aladro R, Butler B, Cortes J, Cortes P, Dhawan V, Francesco JD, Espada D, Galarza F, Garcia-Appadoo D, Guzman-Ramirez L, Humphreys EM, Jung T, Kameno S, Laing RA, Leon S, Mangum J, Marconi G, Nagai H, Nyman L-A, Radiszcz M, Rodón JA, Sawada T, Takahashi S, Tilanus RPJ, Kempen TV, Vilaro BV, Watson LC, Wiklind T, Gueth F, Tatematsu K, Wootten A, Castro-Carrizo A, Chapillon E, Dumas G, Gregorio-Monsalvo ID, Francke H, Gallardo J, Garcia J, Gonzalez S, Hibbard JE, Hill T, Kaminski T, Karim A, Krips M, Kurono Y, Lopez C, Martin S, Maud L, Morales F, Pietu V, Plarre K, Schieven G, Testi L, Videla L, Villard E, Whyborn N, Zwaan MA, Alves F, Andreani P, Avison A, Barta M, Bedosti F, Bendo GJ, Bertoldi F, Bethermin M, Biggs A, Boissier J, Brand J, Burkutean S, Casasola V, Conway J, Cortese L, Dabrowski B, Davis TA, Trigo MD, Fontani F, Franco-Hernandez R, Fuller G, Madrid RG, Giannetti A, Ginsburg A, Graves SF, Hatziminaoglou E, Hogerheijde M, Jachym P, Serra IJ, Karlicky M, Klaasen P, Kraus M, Kunneriath D, Lagos C, Longmore SN, Leurini S, Maercker M, Magnelli B, Vidal IM, Massardi M, Maury A, Muehle S, Muller S, Muxlow T, O'Gorman E, Paladino R, Petry D, Pineda J, Randall S, Richer JS, Rossetti A, Rushton A, Rygl K, Monge AS, Schaaf R, Schilke P, Stanke T, Schmalzl M, Stoehr F, Urban S, Kampen EV, Vlemmings W, Wang K, Wild W, Yang Y, Iguchi S, Hasegawa T, Saito M, Inatani J, Mizuno N, Asayama S, Kosugi G, Morita K-I, Chiba K, Kawashima S, Okumura SK, Ohashi N, Ogasawara R, Sakamoto S, Noguchi T, Huang Y-D, Liu S-Y, Kemper F, Koch PM, Chen M-T, Chikada Y, Hiramatsu M, Iono D, Shimojo M, Komugi S, Kim J, Lyo A-R, Muller E, Herrera C, Miura RE, Ueda J, Chibueze J, Su Y-N, Trejo-Cruz A, Wang K-S, Kiuchi H, Ukita N, Sugimoto M, Kawabe R, Hayashi M, Miyama S, Ho PTP, Kaifu N, Ishiguro M, Beasley AJ, Bhatnagar S, III JAB, Brisbin DG, Brunetti N, Carilli C, Crossley JH, D'Addario L, Meyer JLD, Emerson DT, Evans AS, Fisher P, Golap K, Griffith DM, Hale AE, Halstead D, Hardy EJ, Hatz MC, Holdaway M, Indebetouw R, Jewell PR, Kepley AA, Kim D-C, Lacy MD, Leroy AK, Liszt HS, Lonsdale CJ, Matthews B, McKinnon M, Mason BS, Moellenbrock G, Moullet A, Myers ST, Ott J, Peck AB, Pisano J, Radford SJE, Randolph WT, Venkata UR, Rawlings MG, Rosen R, Schnee SL, Scott KS, Sharp NK, Sheth K, Simon RS, Tsutsumi T, Wood SJ. 2015. The 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign: An Overview ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 808 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walker DL, Longmore SN, Bastian N, Kruijssen JMD, Rathborne JM, Jackson JM, Foster JB, Contreras Y. 2015. Tracing the Conversion of Gas into Stars in Young Massive Cluster Progenitors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449 :715-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fuller GA, Forbrich J, Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Molinari S. 2015. Star and Stellar Cluster Formation: ALMA-SKA Synergies Proceedings of Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Jackson JM, Alves JF, Bally J, Bastian N, Contreras Y, Foster JB, Garay G, Kruijssen JMD, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2015. A CLUSTER IN THE MAKING: ALMA REVEALS THE INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR HIGH-MASS CLUSTER FORMATION ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 802 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jordan CH, Walsh AJ, Lowe V, Voronkov MA, Ellingsen SP, Breen SL, Purcell CR, Barnes PJ, Burton MG, Cunningham MR, Hill T, Jackson JM, Longmore SN, Peretto N, Urquhart JS. 2015. MALT-45: a 7 mm survey of the southern Galaxy - I. Techniques and spectral line data MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 :2344-2361 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cabrera-Ziri I, Bastian N, Longmore SN, Brogan C, Hollyhead K, Larsen SS, Whitmore B, Johnson K, Chandar R, Henshaw JD, Davies B, Hibbard JE. 2015. Constraining globular cluster formation through studies of young massive clusters - V. ALMA observations of clusters in the Antennae MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN. 2015. Heart of Darkness: dust obscuration of the central stellar component in globular clusters younger than ~100Myr in multiple stellar population models Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 448 :L62-L66 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sharon CE, Baker AJ, Harris AI, Tacconi LJ, Lutz D, Longmore SN. 2015. EXCITATION CONDITIONS IN THE MULTI-COMPONENT SUBMILLIMETER GALAXY SMM J00266+1708 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 798 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN. 2015. Heart of Darkness: dust obscuration of the central stellar component in globular clusters younger than ~100Myr in multiple stellar population models Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Dale JE, Longmore SN. 2014. The dynamical evolution of molecular clouds near the Galactic Centre - I. Orbital structure and evolutionary timeline Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447 :1059-1079 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thompson M, Beuther H, Dickinson C, Mottram JC, Klaassen P, Ginsburg A, Longmore SN, Remijan A, Menten K. 2014. The ionised, radical and molecular Milky Way: spectroscopic surveys with the SKA Proceedings of Science, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sharon CE, Baker AJ, Harris AI, Tacconi LJ, Lutz D, Longmore SN. 2014. Excitation Conditions in the Multi-component Submillimeter Galaxy SMM J00266+1708 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, DOI Public Url
Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Jackson JM, Kruijssen JMD, Alves JF, Bally J, Bastian N, Contreras Y, Foster JB, Garay G, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2014. TURBULENCE SETS THE INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR STAR FORMATION IN HIGH-PRESSURE ENVIRONMENTS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 795 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bally J, Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Jackson JM, Alves JF, Bressert E, Contreras Y, Foster JB, Garay G, Ginsburg A, Johnston KG, Kruijssen JMD, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2014. ABSORPTION FILAMENTS TOWARD THE MASSIVE CLUMP G0.253+0.016 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 795 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walsh AJ, Purcell CR, Longmore SN, Breen SL, Green JA, Harvey-Smith L, Jordan CH, Macpherson C. 2014. Accurate water maser positions from HOPS MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 442 :2240-2252 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Jackson JM, Foster JB, Contreras Y, Garay G, Testi L, Alves JF, Bally J, Bastian N, Kruijssen JMD, Bressert E. 2014. G0.253+0.016: A CENTRALLY CONDENSED, HIGH-MASS PROTOCLUSTER ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 786 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2014. An uncertainty principle for star formation - I. Why galactic star formation relations break down below a certain spatial scale MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 439 :3239-3252 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Contreras Y, Rathborne J, Jackson J, Foster J, Longmore S. 2014. MALT90: tracing the chemistry and kinematics of molecular clumps within the central molecular zone Sjouwerman LO, Lang CC, Ott J. GALACTIC CENTER: FEEDING AND FEEDBACK IN A NORMAL GALACTIC NUCLEUS, 9 :182-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN. 2014. Conversion of gas into stars in the Galactic center Sjouwerman LO, Lang CC, Ott J. GALACTIC CENTER: FEEDING AND FEEDBACK IN A NORMAL GALACTIC NUCLEUS, 9 :132-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jackson JM, Rathborne JM, Foster JB, Whitaker JS, Sanhueza P, Claysmith C, Mascoop JL, Wienen M, Breen SL, Herpin F, Duarte-Cabral A, Csengeri T, Longmore S, Contreras Y, Indermuehle B, Barnes PJ, Walsh AJ, Cunningham MR, Brooks KJ, Britton TR, Voronkov MA, Urquhart JS, Alves J, Jordan CH, Hill T, Hoq S, Finn S, C S, Bains I, Bontemps S, Bronfman L, Caswell JL, Deharveng L, Ellingsen SP, Fuller GA, Garay G, Green JA, Hindson L, Jones PA, Lenfestey C, Lo N, Lowe V, Mardones D, Menten KM, Minier V, Morgan LK, Motte F, Muller E, Peretto N, Purcell CR, Schilke P, Schneider-Bontemps N, Schuller F, Titmarsh A, Wyrowski F, Zavagno A. 2013. MALT90: The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bastian N, Lamers HJGLM, Mink SED, Longmore SN, Goodwin SP, Gieles M. 2013. Early Disc Accretion as the Origin of Abundance Anomalies in Globular Clusters DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2013. Comparing molecular gas across cosmic time-scales: the Milky Way as both a typical spiral galaxy and a high-redshift galaxy analogue DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Klaassen PD, Galvan-Madrid R, Peters T, Longmore SN, Maercker M. 2013. Ionization driven molecular outflow in K3-50A DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster JB, Rathborne JM, Sanhueza P, Claysmith C, Whitaker JS, Jackson JM, Mascoop JL, Wienen M, Breen SL, Herpin F, Duarte-Cabral A, Csengeri T, Contreras Y, Indermuehle B, Barnes PJ, Walsh AJ, Cunningham MR, Britton TR, Voronkov MA, Urquhart JS, Alves J, Jordan CH, Hill T, Hoq S, Brooks KJ, Longmore SN. 2013. Characterization of the MALT90 Survey and the Mopra Telescope at 90 GHz DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Klaassen PD, Mottram JC, Longmore SN, Fuller GA, van der Tak FFS, Kaper L. 2013. High-mass star formation Astronomy & Geophysics, 54 :3.33-3.33 DOI Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bally J, Ott J, Testi L, Rathborne J, Bastian N, Bressert E, Molinari S, Battersby C, Walsh AJ. 2013. Candidate super star cluster progenitor gas clouds possibly triggered by close passage to Sgr A* DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Elmegreen BG, Murray N, Bally J, Testi L, Jr RCK. 2013. What controls star formation in the central 500 pc of the Galaxy? DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Foster JB, Rathborne JM, Jackson JM, Longmore SN, Whitaker S, Hoq S. 2013. The Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz Survey (MALT90) and ALMA DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Bally J, Testi L, Purcell CR, Walsh AJ, Bressert E, Pestalozzi M, Molinari S, Ott J, Cortese L, Battersby C, Murray N, Lee E, Kruijssen JMD, Schisano E, Elia D. 2013. Variations in the Galactic star formation rate and density thresholds for star formation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429 :987-1000 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jordan CH, Walsh AJ, Lowe V, Lo N, Purcell CR, Voronkov MA, Longmore SN. 2013. Pilot observations for malt-45: A galactic plane survey at 7 mm Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429 :469-481 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Klaasen PD, Mottram JC, Longmore SN, Fuller GA, van der Tak FFS, Kaper L. 2013. High-mass star formation ASTRONOMY & GEOPHYSICS, 54 :33-33 Author Url
Longmore SN. 2012. Molecular gas in the inner 500pc of the MilkyWay: violating star formation relations and on the verge of forming extreme stellar clusters DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Purcell CR, Longmore SN, Walsh AJ, Whiting MT, Breen SL, Britton T, Brooks KJ, Burton MG, Cunningham MR, Green JA, Harvey-Smith L, Hindson L, Hoare MG, Indermuehle B, Jones PA, Lo N, Lowe V, Phillips CJ, Thompson MA, Urquhart JS, Voronkov MA, White GL. 2012. The H
Bressert E, Ginsburg A, Bally J, Battersby C, Longmore S, Testi L. 2012. How to find young massive cluster progenitors Astrophysical Journal Letters, 758 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Walsh AJ, Purcell C, Longmore S, Jordan CH, Lowe V. 2012. Maser source-finding methods in HOPS Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 29 :262-268 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Peters T, Longmore SN, Dullemond CP. 2012. Understanding hydrogen recombination line observations with ALMA and EVLA Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 425 :2352-2368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN. 2012. Using the Milky Way as a template for understanding star formation in extreme environments across cosmological timescales Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 8 :333-333 DOI Publisher Url
Van Kempen TA, Longmore SN, Johnstone D, Pillai T, Fuente A. 2012. The small-scale physical structure and fragmentation difference of two embedded intermediate-mass protostars in Orion Astrophysical Journal, 751 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bressert E, Bastian N, Evans CJ, Sana H, Henault-Brunet V, Goodwin SP, Parker RJ, Gieles M, Bestenlehner JM, Vink JS, Taylor WD, Crowther PA, Longmore SN, Graefener G, Maiz Apellaniz J, De Koter A, Cantiello M, Kruijssen JMD. 2012. The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey IV. Candidates for isolated high-mass star formation in 30 Doradus ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 542 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Rathborne J, Bastian N, Alves J, Ascenso J, Bally J, Testi L, Longmore A, Battersby C, Bressert E, Purcell C, Walsh A, Jackson J, Foster J, Molinari S, Meingast S, Amorim A, Lima J, Marques R, Moitinho A, Pinhao J, Rebordao J, Santos FD. 2012. G0.253+0.016: A MOLECULAR CLOUD PROGENITOR OF AN ARCHES-LIKE CLUSTER ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 746 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Testi L, Bressert E, Longmore S. 2012. Modes of star formation from Herschel Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 8 :87-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Foster JB, Jackson JM, Barnes PJ, Barris E, Brooks K, Cunningham M, Finn SC, Fuller GA, Longmore SN, Mascoop JL, Peretto N, Rathborne J, Sanhueza P, Schuller F, Wyrowski F. 2011. The Millimeter Astronomy Legacy Team 90GHz (MALT90) pilot survey Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Muller S, Beelen A, Guélin M, Aalto S, Black JH, Combes F, Curran SJ, Theule P, Longmore SN. 2011. Molecules at z = 0.89: A 4-mm-rest-frame absorption-line survey toward PKS 1830-211 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 535 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rathborne JM, Garay G, Jackson JM, Longmore S, Zhang Q, Simon R. 2011. Hot molecular cores in Infrared Dark Clouds Astrophysical Journal, 741 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pineda JE, Goodman AA, Arce HG, Caselli P, Longmore S, Corder S. 2011. Expanded very large array observations of the barnard 5 star-forming core: Embedded filaments revealed Astrophysical Journal Letters, 739 DOI
Pineda JE, Goodman AA, Arce HG, Caselli P, Longmore S, Corder S. 2011. EVLA Observations of the Barnard 5 Star-Forming Core: Embedded Filaments Revealed DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Pillai T, Keto E, Zhang Q, Qiu K. 2011. Is protostellar heating sufficient to halt fragmentation? a case study of the massive protocluster G8.68-0.37 Astrophysical Journal, 726 DOI
Voronkov MA, Walsh AJ, Caswell JL, Ellingsen SP, Breen SL, Longmore SN, Purcell CR, Urquhart JS. 2011. Discovery of the new class I methanol maser transition at 23.4 GHz Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 413 :2339-2344 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Walsh AJ, Breen SL, Britton T, Brooks KJ, Burton MG, Cunningham MR, Green JA, Harvey-Smith L, Hindson L, Hoare MG, Indermuehle B, Jones PA, Lo N, Longmore SN, Lowe V, Phillips CJ, Purcell CR, Thompson MA, Urquhart JS, Voronkov MA, White GL, Whiting MT. 2011. The H
Longmore SN, Pillai T, Keto E, Zhang Q, Qiu K. 2010. Is protostellar heating sufficient to halt fragmentation? A case study of the massive protocluster G8.68-0.37 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nicholas B, Rowell G, Burton MG, Walsh A, Fukui Y, Kawamura A, Longmore S, Keto E. 2010. 12mm line survey of the dense molecular gas towards the W28 field TeV gamma-ray sources DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Danielson ALR, Swinbank AM, Smail I, Cox P, Edge AC, Weiss A, Harris AI, Baker AJ, Breuck CD, Geach JE, Ivison RJ, Krips M, Lungdren A, Longmore S, Neri R, Flacquer BO. 2010. The Properties of the Interstellar Medium within a Star-Forming Galaxy at z=2.3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Swinbank AM, Smail I, Longmore S, Harris AI, Baker AJ, De Breuck C, Richard J, Edge AC, Ivison RJ, Blundell R, Coppin KEK, Cox P, Gurwell M, Hainline LJ, Krips M, Lundgren A, Neri R, Siana B, Siringo G, Stark DP, Wilner D, Younger JD. 2010. Intense star formation within resolved compact regions in a galaxy at z = 2.3. Nature, 464 :733-736 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Smith RJ, Longmore S, Bonnell I. 2009. The simultaneous formation of massive stars and stellar clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 400 :1775-1784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hill T, Longmore SN, Pinte C, Cunningham MR, Burton MG, Minier V. 2009. Physical characterisation of southern massive star-forming regions using Parkes NH$_3$ observations DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Purcell CR, Minier V, Longmore SN, André P, Walsh AJ, Jones P, Herpin F, Hill T, Cunningham MR, Burton MG. 2009. Multi-generation massive star-formation in NGC3576 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beuther H, Walsh AJ, Longmore SN. 2009. Hot high-mass accretion disk candidates Astrophys.J.Suppl., 184 :366-386 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG, Keto E, Kurtz S, Walsh AJ. 2009. Too large and overlooked? Extended free-free emission towards massive star formation regions DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG. 2009. Ks-band (2.14 micron) imaging of southern massive star formation regions traced by methanol masers Publ.Astron.Soc.Austral., 26 :439-447 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Purcell CR, Longmore SN, Burton MG, Walsh AJ, Minier V, Cunningham MR, Balasubramanyam R. 2008. Physical and chemical conditions in methanol maser selected hot-cores and UCHII regions DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Buizer JMD, Redman RO, Longmore SN, Caswell J, Feldman PA. 2008. SiO Outflow Signatures Toward Massive Young Stellar Objects with Linearly Distributed Methanol Masers DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Walsh AJ, Lo N, Burton MG, White GL, Purcell CR, Longmore SN, Phillips CJ, Brooks KJ. 2008. A Pilot Survey for the H$_2$O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wong T, Ladd EF, Brisbin D, Burton MG, Bains I, Cunningham MR, Lo N, Jones PA, Thomas KL, Longmore SN, Vigan A, Mookerjea B, Kramer C, Fukui Y, Kawamura A. 2008. Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - II. Column density and dynamical state of the clumps DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG, Purcell CR, Barnes P, Ott J. 2007. Determining the relative evolutionary stages of very young massive star formation regions Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walsh AJ, Longmore SN, Thorwirth S, Urquhart JS, Purcell CR. 2007. New ammonia masers towards NGC6334I DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Maercker M, Ramstedt S, Burton MG. 2007. Embedded Stellar Populations towards Young Massive Star Formation Regions I. G305.2+0.2 Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 380 :1497-1510 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG, Barnes PJ, Wong T, Purcell CR, Ott J. 2007. Multi-wavelength observations of Southern Hot Molecular Cores traced by methanol masers - I. Ammonia and 24 GHz Continuum Data Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 379 :535-572 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG, Barnes PJ, Wong T, Purcell CR, Ott J. 2007. The molecular environment of massive star forming cores associated with Class II methanol maser emission DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Minier V, Peretto N, Longmore SN, Burton MG, Cesaroni R, Goddi C, Pestalozzi MR, André P. 2006. Anatomy of the S255-S257 complex - Triggered high-mass star formation Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2 :160-164 DOI Publisher Url
Curran SJ, Whiting MT, Murphy MT, Webb JK, Longmore SN, Pihlstroem YM, Athreya R, Blake C. 2006. A survey for redshifted molecular and atomic absorption lines I Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 371 :431-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN, Burton MG, Minier V, Walsh AJ. 2006. Mid-Infrared Source Multiplicity within Hot Molecular Cores traced by Methanol Masers Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc., 369 :1196-1200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Purcell CR, Balasubramanyam R, Burton MG, Walsh AJ, Minier V, Hunt-Cunningham MR, Kedziora-Chudczer LL, Longmore SN, Hill T, Bains I, Barnes PJ, Busfield AL, Calisse P, Crighton NHM, Curran SJ, Davis TM, Dempsey JT, Derragopian G, Fulton B, Hidas MG, Hoare MG, Lee JK, Ladd EF, Lumsden SL, Moore TJT, Murphy MT, Oudmaijer RD, Pracy MB, Rathborne J, Robertson S, Schultz ASB, Shobbrook J, Sparks PA, Storey J, Travouillion T. 2006. A CH3CN and HCO+ survey towards southern methanol masers associated with star formation MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 367 :553-576 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Curran SJ, Whiting MT, Murphy MT, Webb JK, Longmore SN, Pihlström YM, Athreya R, Blake C. 2006. A survey for redshifted molecular and atomic absorption lines - I. The Parkes half-Jansky flat-spectrum red quasar sample Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 371 :431-443 DOI Publisher Url
Bains I, Wong T, Cunningham M, Sparks P, Brisbin D, Calisse P, Dempsey JT, Deragopian G, Ellinsen S, Fulton B, Herpin F, Jones P, Kouba Y, Kramer C, Ladd EF, Longmore SN, McEvoy J, Maller M, Minier V, Mookerjea B, Phillips C, Purcell CR, Walsh A, Voronkov MA, Burton MG. 2006. Molecular line mapping of the giant molecular cloud associated with RCW 106 - I.13CO Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 367 :1609-1628 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burton MG, Hill T, Longmore SN, Purcell CR, Walsh AJ. 2005. Uncovering the earliest stages of massive star formation Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 1 :157-162 DOI Publisher Url
Minier V, Burton MG, Hill T, Purcell CR, Longmore S, Walsh AJ, Herpin F. 2004. High-mass star formation in the Southern Hemisphere sky Proceedings of the Dusty 2004 conference held in Paris, October 2004, DOI Author Url
Minier V, Burton MG, Hill T, Pestalozzi MR, Purcell CR, Garay G, Walsh A, Longmore S. 2004. Star-forming protoclusters associated with methanol masers Astron.Astrophys., 429 :945-960 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burton MG, Lawrence J, Ashley MCB, Bailey JA, Blake C, Bedding TR, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bond IA, Glazebrook K, Hidas MG, Lewis G, Longmore SN, Maddison ST, Mattila S, Minier V, Ryder SD, Sharp R, Smith CH, Storey JWV, Tinney CG, Tuthill P, Walsh AJ, Walsh W, Whiting M, Wong T, Woods D, Yock PCM. 2004. Science Programs for a 2 m-class Telescope at Dome C, Antarctica: PILOT, the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope Publ.Astron.Soc.Austral., 22 :199-235 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wallstrom S, Lagadec E, Muller S, Black JH, Cox NLJ, Galvan-Madrid R, Justtanont K, Longmore S, Olofsson H, Oudmaijer RD, Quintana-Lacaci G, Szczerba R, Vlemmings W, Winckel HV, Zijlstra A. ALMA Compact Array observations of the Fried Egg nebula: Evidence for large-scale asymmetric mass-loss from the yellow hypergiant IRAS 17163-3907 Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Henshaw JD, Krumholz MR, Butterfield NO, Mackey J, Ginsburg A, Haworth TJ, Nogueras-Lara F, Barnes AT, Longmore SN, Bally J, Kruijssen JMD, Mills EAC, Beuther H, Walker DL, Battersby C, Bulatek A, Henning T, Ott J, Soler JD. A wind-blown bubble in the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 509 :4758-4774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Valieva R, Peluso K, Emmons N, Longmore SN. Merit-Based Sortition in Decentralized Systems Allora Decentralized Intelligence, 1 :20-27 DOI Publisher Url
Kruijssen JMD, Emmons N, Peluso K, Ghaffar F, Huang A, Longmore SN, Kell T. Allora: a Self-Improving, Decentralized Machine Intelligence Network Allora Decentralized Intelligence, 1 :1-19 DOI Publisher Url
Battersby C, Keto E, Walker D, Barnes A, Callanan D, Ginsburg A, Hatchfield HP, Henshaw J, Kauffmann J, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Lu X, Mills EAC, Pillai T, Zhang Q, Bally J, Butterfield N, Contreras YA, Ho LC, Ott J, Patel N, Tolls V. CMZoom: Survey Overview and First Data Release Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Chevance M, Laporte CFP, Motylinski M, Keller BW, Henshaw JD. Not the Birth Cluster: the Stellar Clustering that Shapes Planetary Systems is Generated by Galactic-Dynamical Perturbations The Astrophysical Journal, DOI Author Url
Ginsburg A, Walsh A, Henkel C, Jones PA, Cunningham M, Kauffmann J, Pillai T, Mills EAC, Ott J, Kruijssen JMD, Menten KM, Battersby C, Rathborne J, Contreras Y, Longmore SN, Walker DL, Dawson J. High-mass star-forming cloud G0.38+0.04 in the Galactic Center Dust Ridge contains H2CO and SiO masers Astronomy & Astrophysics, 584 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kruijssen JMD, Valieva R, Longmore SN. Optimizing Decentralized Online Learning for Supervised Regression and Classification Problems Allora Decentralized Intelligence, 2 :1-14 DOI Publisher Url
Yang K, Lu X, Zhang Y, Liu X, Ginsburg A, Liu HB, Cheng Y, Feng S, Liu T, Zhang Q, Mills EAC, Walker DL, Inutsuka S-I, Battersby C, Longmore SN, Tang X, Kauffmann J, Gu Q, Li S, Luo Q, Kruijssen JMD, Pillai T, Qiao H-H, Qiu K, Shen Z. 2025. ALMA observations of massive clouds in the central molecular zone: slim filaments tracing parsec-scale shocks Author Url Publisher Url
Kruijssen JMD, Valieva R, Longmore SN. 2025. Optimizing Decentralized Online Learning for Supervised Regression and Classification Problems DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN. 2025. COOL Research DAO Whitepaper -- Towards community-owned astrophysics for everyone DOI Author Url
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Wich S, Longmore SN, Walsh ND, Oliver L, Warrington J, Quinlan J, Appleby K. 2024. AI-Driven Real-Time Monitoring of Ground-Nesting Birds: A Case Study on Curlew Detection Using YOLOv10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fergus P, Chalmers C, Matthews N, Nixon S, Burger A, Hartley O, Sutherland C, Lambin X, Longmore S, Wich S. 2024. Towards Context-Rich Automated Biodiversity Assessments: Deriving AI-Powered Insights from Camera Trap Data DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kruijssen JMD, Valieva R, Peluso K, Emmons N, Longmore SN. 2024. Merit-Based Sortition in Decentralized Systems DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Walker DL, Battersby C, Lipman D, Sormani MC, Ginsburg A, Glover SCO, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Klessen RS, Immer K, Alboslani D, Bally J, Barnes A, Hatchfield HP, Mills EAC, Smith R, Tress RG, Zhang Q. 2024. 3-D CMZ III: Constraining the 3-D structure of the Central Molecular Zone via molecular line emission and absorption DOI Author Url
Battersby C, Walker DL, Barnes A, Ginsburg A, Lipman D, Alboslani D, Hatchfield HP, Bally J, Glover SCO, Henshaw JD, Immer K, Klessen RS, Longmore SN, Mills EAC, Molinari S, Smith R, Sormani MC, Tress RG, Zhang Q. 2024. 3-D CMZ I: Central Molecular Zone Overview DOI Author Url
Battersby C, Walker DL, Barnes A, Ginsburg A, Lipman D, Alboslani D, Hatchfield HP, Bally J, Glover SCO, Henshaw JD, Immer K, Klessen RS, Longmore SN, Mills EAC, Molinari S, Smith R, Sormani MC, Tress RG, Zhang Q. 2024. 3-D CMZ II: Hierarchical Structure Analysis of the Central Molecular Zone DOI Author Url
Lipman D, Battersby C, Walker DL, Sormani MC, Bally J, Barnes A, Ginsburg A, Glover SCO, Henshaw JD, Hatchfield HP, Immer K, Klessen RS, Longmore SN, Mills EAC, Smith R, Tress RG, Alboslani D, Zhang Q. 2024. 3-D CMZ IV: Distinguishing Near vs. Far Distances in the Galactic Center Using Spitzer and Herschel DOI Author Url
Schoedel R, Alberdi A, Jimenez-Serra I, Yusef-Zadeh F, Gardini A, Kramer M, Torres MP, Morris MR, Forbrich J, Ingallinera A, Nogueras-Lara F, Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Moldon J, Heywood I, Rammala I, Montenegro LV, Exposito SS. 2024. The SKA Galactic Centre Survey -- A White Paper DOI Author Url
Kruijssen JMD, Chevance M, Longmore SN, Ginsburg A, Ramambason L, Romanelli A. 2024. Death of the Immortal Molecular Cloud: Resolution Dependence of the Gas-Star Formation Relation Rules out Decoupling by Stellar Drift DOI Author Url
Fergus P, Chalmers C, Matthews N, Nixon S, Burger A, Hartley O, Sutherland C, Lambin X, Longmore S, Wich S. 2024. Towards Context-Rich Automated Biodiversity Assessments: Deriving AI-Powered Insights from Camera Trap Data Preprints.org DOI Publisher Url
Schoedel R, Longmore S, Henshaw J, Ginsburg A, Bally J, Feldmeier A, Hosek M, Lara FN, Ciurlo A, Chevance M, Kruijssen JMD, Klessen R, Ponti G, Amaro-Seoane P, Anastasopoulou K, Anderson J, Arias M, Barnes AT, Battersby C, Bono G, Ferres LB, Bryant A, Gonzáalez MC, Cassisi S, Chaves-Velasquez L, Conte F, Ramos RC, Cotera A, Crowe S, Teodoro ED, Do T, Eisenhauer F, Fedriani R, Friske JKS, Gadotti D, Gallart C, Calvente TG, Cano EG, Marín MG, Gardini A, Gautam AK, Ghez A, Gillessen S, Gualandris A, Gutermuth R, Haggard D, Hankins M, Hu Y, Kauffmann J, Lau R, Lazarian A, Libralato M, Lu A, Lu X, Lu JR, Luetzgendorf N, Magorrian J, Mandel S, Markoff S, Arranz , Mastrobuono-Battisti A, Mills E, Morris M, Najarro F, Nandakumar G, Nataf D, Neumayer N, Nishiyama S, Paré DM, Petkova M, Pillai TGS, Román MRC, Sabha N, Bermúdez JS, Sánchez-Monge Á, Schultheis M, Shao L, Simpson J, Tan JC, Thorsbro B, Torne P, Valenti E, Marel RVD, Verberne S, Fellenberg SV, Walker D, Witzel G, Xu S, Yusef-Zadeh F, Zajaček M, Zoccali M. 2023. The JWST Galactic Center Survey -- A White Paper DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Petkova MA, Kruijssen JMD, Kluge AL, Glover SCO, Walker DL, Longmore SN, Henshaw JD, Reissl S, Dale JE. 2021. The complex multi-scale structure in simulated and observed emission maps of the proto-cluster cloud G0.253+0.016 (`the Brick') DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Wich S, Longmore SN. 2021. Modelling Animal Biodiversity Using Acoustic Monitoring and Deep Learning arXiv DOI
Ginsburg A, Mills EAC, Battersby CD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. 2019. Astro2020 Science White Paper: What is the lifecycle of gas and stars in galaxy centers? arXiv DOI
Burke C, Rashman MF, McAree O, Hambrecht L, Longmore SN, Piel AK, Wich SA. 2018. Addressing environmental and atmospheric challenges for capturing high-precision thermal infrared data in the field of astro-ecology arXiv DOI
Csengeri T, Bontemps S, Wyrowski F, Belloche A, Menten KM, Leurini S, Beuther H, Bronfman L, Commerccon B, Chapillon E, Longmore S, Palau A, Tan JC, Urquhart JS. 2018. The search for high-mass protostars with ALMA revealed up to kilo-parsec scales (SPARKS): I. Indication for a centrifugal barrier in the environment of a single high-mass envelope arXiv DOI
Partnership A, Fomalont EB, Vlahakis C, Corder S, Remijan A, Barkats D, Lucas R, Hunter TR, Brogan CL, Asaki Y, Matsushita S, Dent WRF, Hills RE, Phillips N, Richards AMS, Cox P, Amestica R, Broguiere D, Cotton W, Hales AS, Hiriart R, Hirota A, Hodge JA, Impellizzeri CMV, Kern J, Kneissl R, Liuzzo E, Marcelino N, Marson R, Mignano A, Nakanishi K, Nikolic B, Perez JE, Pérez LM, Toledo I, Aladro R, Butler B, Cortes J, Cortes P, Dhawan V, Di Francesco J, Espada D, Galarza F, Garcia-Appadoo D, Guzman-Ramirez L, Humphreys EM, Jung T, Kameno S, Laing RA, Leon S, Mangum J, Marconi G, Nagai H, Nyman L-A, Radiszcz M, Rodón JA, Sawada T, Takahashi S, Tilanus RPJ, van Kempen T, Vilaro BV, Watson LC, Wiklind T, Gueth F, Tatematsu K, Wootten A, Castro-Carrizo A, Chapillon E, Dumas G, de Gregorio-Monsalvo I, Francke H, Gallardo J, Garcia J, Gonzalez S, Hibbard JE, Hill T, Kaminski T, Karim A, Krips M, Kurono Y, Lopez C, Martin S, Maud L, Morales F, Pietu V, Plarre K, Schieven G, Testi L, Videla L, Villard E, Whyborn N, Zwaan MA, Alves F, Andreani P, Avison A, Barta M, Bedosti F, Bendo GJ, Bertoldi F, Bethermin M, Biggs A, Boissier J, Brand J, Burkutean S, Casasola V, Conway J, Cortese L, Dabrowski B, Davis TA, Trigo MD, Fontani F, Franco-Hernandez R, Fuller G, Madrid RG, Giannetti A, Ginsburg A, Graves SF, Hatziminaoglou E, Hogerheijde M, Jachym P, Serra IJ, Karlicky M, Klaasen P, Kraus M, Kunneriath D, Lagos C, Longmore S, Leurini S, Maercker M, Magnelli B, Vidal IM, Massardi M, Maury A, Muehle S, Muller S, Muxlow T, O'Gorman E, Paladino R, Petry D, Pineda J, Randall S, Richer JS, Rossetti A, Rushton A, Rygl K, Monge AS, Schaaf R, Schilke P, Stanke T, Schmalzl M, Stoehr F, Urban S, van Kampen E, Vlemmings W, Wang K, Wild W, Yang Y, Iguchi S, Hasegawa T, Saito M, Inatani J, Mizuno N, Asayama S, Kosugi G, Morita K-I, Chiba K, Kawashima S, Okumura SK, Ohashi N, Ogasawara R, Sakamoto S, Noguchi T, Huang Y-D, Liu S-Y, Kemper F, Koch PM, Chen M-T, Chikada Y, Hiramatsu M, Iono D, Shimojo M, Komugi S, Kim J, Lyo A-R, Muller E, Herrera C, Miura RE, Ueda J, Chibueze J, Su Y-N, Trejo-Cruz A, Wang K-S, Kiuchi H, Ukita N, Sugimoto M, Kawabe R, Hayashi M, Miyama S, Ho PTP, Kaifu N, Ishiguro M, Beasley AJ, Bhatnagar S, Braatz JA, Brisbin DG, Brunetti N, Carilli C, Crossley JH, D'Addario L, Meyer JLD, Emerson DT, Evans AS, Fisher P, Golap K, Griffith DM, Hale AE, Halstead D, Hardy EJ, Hatz MC, Holdaway M, Indebetouw R, Jewell PR, Kepley AA, Kim D-C, Lacy MD, Leroy AK, Liszt HS, Lonsdale CJ, Matthews B, McKinnon M, Mason BS, Moellenbrock G, Moullet A, Myers ST, Ott J, Peck AB, Pisano J, Radford SJE, Randolph WT, Venkata UR, Rawlings MG, Rosen R, Schnee SL, Scott KS, Sharp NK, Sheth K, Simon RS, Tsutsumi T, Wood SJ. 2015. An Overview of the 2014 ALMA Long Baseline Campaign arXiv DOI
Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bastian N, Bally J, Rathborne J, Testi L, Stolte A, Dale J, Bressert E, Alves J. 2014. The Formation and Early Evolution of Young Massive Clusters arXiv DOI
Mills EAC, Ginsburg A, Kruijssen JMD, Sjouwerman L, Lang CC, Mao SA, Walsh A, Su M, Longmore SN, Zhao J-H, Meier D, Morris MR. 2014. VLASSICK: The VLA Sky Survey in the Central Kiloparsec arXiv DOI
Pineda JE, Goodman AA, Arce HG, Caselli P, Longmore S, Corder S. 2011. EVLA Observations of the Barnard 5 Star-Forming Core: Embedded Filaments Revealed arXiv DOI
Fuller GA, Avison A, Beltran M, Casasola V, Caselli P, Cicone C, Costagliola F, Breuck CD, Hunt L, Jimenez-Serra I, Laing R, Longmore SN, Massardi M, Paladino R, Ramstedt S, Richards A, Testi L, Vergani D, Viti S, Wagg J. The Science Case for ALMA Band 2 and Band 2+3 DOI Author Url Public Url
Federrath C, Rathborne JM, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bally J, Contreras Y, Crocker RM, Garay G, Jackson JM, Testi L, Walsh AJ. 2022. Erratum: The Link between Turbulence, Magnetic Fields, Filaments, and Star Formation in the Central Molecular Zone Cloud G0.253+0.016 (ApJ (2016) 832 (143) DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/832/2/143) Astrophysical Journal, 938 DOI Publisher Url
Winter AJ, Kruijssen JMD, Longmore SN, Chevance M. 2021. Stellar clustering shapes the architecture of planetary systems (vol 586, pg 528, 2020) NATURE, 590 :E14-E14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang Y, Bihr S, Rugel M, Beuther H, Johnston KG, Ott J, Soler JD, Brunthaler A, Anderson LD, Urquhart JS, Klessen RS, Linz H, McClure-Griffiths NM, Glover SCO, Menten KM, Bigiel F, Hoare M, Longmore SN. 2020. Radio continuum emission in the northern Galactic plane: Sources and spectral indices from the THOR survey (vol 619, A124, 2018) ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 641 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Csengeri T, Bontemps S, Wyrowski F, Belloche A, Menten KM, Leurini S, Beuther H, Bronfman L, Commercon B, Chapillon E, Longmore S, Palau A, Tan JC, Urquhart JS. 2018. Search for high-mass protostars with ALMA revealed up to kilo-parsec scales (SPARKS) I. Indication for a centrifugal barrier in the environment of a single high-mass envelope ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 617 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lin Y, Liu HB, Dale JE, Li D, Busquet G, Zhang Z-Y, Ginsburg A, Galvan-Madrid R, Kovacs A, Koch E, Qian L, Wang K, Longmore S, Chen H-R, Walker D. 2017. Cloud Structure of Three Galactic Infrared Dark Star-forming Regions from Combining Ground and Space-based Bolometric Observations (vol 840, 22, 2017) ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 843 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. 2017. Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds (vol 463, pg L122, 2016) MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 466 :L13-L13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Henshaw JD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. 2017. Correction - Seeding the Galactic Centre gas stream: Gravitational instabilities set the initial conditions for the formation of protocluster clouds Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 464 :4145-4145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Chalmers C, Fergus P, Wich SA, Longmore SN. 2021. Modelling Animal Biodiversity Using Acoustic Monitoring and Deep Learning International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Virtual Event DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McWhirter PR, Veitch-Michaelis J, Burke C, Lam MC, Longmore SN. 2019. Saving Endangered Animals with Astro-Ecology Teuben PJ, Pound MW, Thomas BA, Warner EM. ASTRONOMICAL DATA ANALYSIS SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS XXVIII, 28th Annual Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVIII) 523 :95-98 Author Url
Burke C, Rashman M, McAree O, Hambrecht L, Longmore SN, Piel AK, Wich SA. 2018. Addressing environmental and atmospheric challenges for capturing high-precision thermal infrared data in the field of astro-ecology Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE. Astronimcal Telescopes and Instrumentation DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rashman MF, Steele IA, Burke C, Longmore SN, Wich S. 2018. Adapting thermal-infrared technology and astronomical techniques for use in conservation biology Holland AD, Beletic J. HIGH ENERGY, OPTICAL, AND INFRARED DETECTORS FOR ASTRONOMY VIII, Conference on High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VIII 10709 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Immer K, Reid M, Brunthaler A, Menten K, Zhang Q, Lu X, Mills EAC, Ginsburg A, Henshaw J, Longmore S, Kruijssen D, Pillai T. 2017. How maser observations unravel the gas motions in the Galactic Center Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 :176-179 DOI Publisher Url
Thompson MA, Goedhart S, Benaglia P, Beuther H, Blomme R, Chrysostomou AC, Clark JS, Dickinson C, Ellingsen S, Fenech D, Hindson L, van Langevelde HJ, Longmore SN, MacLeod G, Molinari S, Prinja R, Purcell CR, Stevens I, Umana G, Urquhart JS, Vlemmings W, Walsh AJ, van der Walt J, Yang AY, Zijlstra A. 2016. MeerGAL: the MeerKAT galactic plane survey Proceedings of Science, Part F138095 DOI Publisher Url
Thompson MA, Goedhart S, Benaglia P, Beuther H, Blomme R, Chrysostomou AC, Clark JS, Dickinson C, Ellingsen S, Fenech D, Hindson L, van Langevelde HJ, Longmore SN, MacLeod G, Molinari S, Prinja R, Purcell CR, Stevens I, Umana G, Urquhart JS, Vlemmings W, Walsh AJ, van der Walt J, Yang AY, Zijlstra A. 2016. MeerGAL: the MeerKAT galactic plane survey Proceedings of Science,
Fuller G, Forbrich J, Rathborne J, Longmore S, Molinari S. 2015. Star and Stellar Cluster Formation: ALMA-SKA Synergies Proceedings of Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array — PoS(AASKA14), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array :152-152 DOI Publisher Url
Thompson M, Beuther H, Dickinson C, MOttram J, Klaassen P, Ginsburg A, Longmore S, Remijan A, Menten KM. 2015. The ionised,radical and molecular Milky Way: spectroscopic surveys with the SKA Proceedings of Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array — PoS(AASKA14), Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array :126-126 DOI Publisher Url
Walsh AJ, Breen SL, Britton T, Brooks KJ, Burton MG, Cunningham MR, Green JA, Harvey-Smith L, Hindson L, Hoare MG, Indermuehle B, Jones PA, Lo N, Longmore SN, Lowe V, Phillips CJ, Purcell CR, Thompson MA, Urquhart JS, Voronkov MA, White GL, Whiting M. 2011. HOPS: THE H2O SOUTHERN GALACTIC PLANE SURVEY Rollig M, Simon R, Ossenkopf V, Stutzki J. CONDITIONS AND IMPACT OF STAR FORMATION: NEW RESULTS WITH HERSCHEL AND BEYOND, 5th Zermatt ISM Symposium Conditions and Impact of Star Formation: New Results with Herschel and Beyond 52 :135-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wich SA, Hudson M, Andrianandrasana H, Longmore SN. 2021. Drones for conservation Conservation Technology :35-52 DOI Publisher Url
Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bastian N, Bally J, Rathborne J, Testi L, Stolte A, Dale J, Bressert E, Alves J. 2014. The Formation and Early Evolution of Young Massive Clusters Beuther H, Klessen RS, Dullemond CP, Henning TK. Protostars and Planets VI :291-314 University of Arizona Press. Tucson 9780816598762 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Longmore SN. 2014. Molecular Gas in the Inner 500 pc of the Milky Way: Violating Star Formation Relations and on the Verge of Forming Extreme Stellar Clusters The Labyrinth of Star Formation 36 :373-377 Springer Nature DOI
Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD, Bastian N, Bally J, Rathborne J, Testi L, Stolte A, Dale J, Bressert E, Alves J. 2014. The Formation and Early Evolution of Young Massive Clusters Protostars and Planets VI University of Arizona DOI
Books (authored)
Crocker R, Longmore S, Bicknell G. 2016. Preface to IAU Symposium 322 11 :xi-xii
Ginsburg A, Mills EAC, Battersby CD, Longmore SN, Kruijssen JMD. Astro2020 Science White Paper: What is the lifecycle of gas and stars in galaxy centers? Author Url Public Url
Mills EAC, Ginsburg A, Kruijssen JMD, Sjouwerman L, Lang CC, Mao SA, Walsh A, Su M, Longmore SN, Zhao J-H, Meier D, Morris MR. VLASSICK: The VLA Sky Survey in the Central Kiloparsec Author Url Public Url