Prof Jin Wang
School of Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: J.Wang@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2445
Professor of Marine Technology (since 2002)
Director of Liverpool Logistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute (since 2003)
Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange), Faculty of Health, Innovation, Technology and Science (since 2024)
Career history
Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange), Faculty of Engineering and Technology (2015-2024)
1999-2002: Reader in Marine Engineering, LJMU
1995-1999: Lecturer in Marine and Offshore Engineering, LJMU
1991-1995: Research Associate (RA 1A), Engineering Design Centre & Dept. of Computing Science, Newcastle University
1990: Scientific Researcher, Loughborough University
PhD in Maritime Safety Engineering (Newcastle, UK)
MSc in Marine Engineering (Newcastle, UK)
BEng in Marine Automation (Dalian Maritime University, PRC)
Professional qualifications
Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (FIMarEST), 1999 - date (Member from 1995 to 1999).
Fellow of the UK Safety and Reliability Society (FSaRS), 2011 - date (Member from 1997 to 2011).
Fellow of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects (FRINA), 2005 - date.
Chartered Engineer (CEng), 1996 - date.
Research and scholarship awards
First Runner up Award for 2024 UK-Malaysia Education Institutional Partnership, British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Berhad (BMCC), as the Chair of UK-Malaysia University Consortium. Winner of the “Award for Risk Reduction in Mechanical Engineering” for outstanding contribution in risk reduction of maritime/mechanical systems from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) in 2018
2017 RINA – Lloyd’s Register Maritime Safety Award for Lifetime Achievement for improvement of the safety of life at sea the and the protection of the maritime environment through novel and improved design, construction and operational procedures, from Royal Institution of Naval Architecture.
‘Outstanding Contribution to Marine Safety’ award for 2017 from the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST).
Awarded a Research Fellowship on Maritime Safety Regulations from the Leverhulme Trust, 2011-2013.
Won the IMarEST Denny Medal 2007 for the work “Facilitating the treatment of uncertainty in marine formal safety assessment” , IMarEST.
Won the Research Leadership Award for exceptional research in Risk and Safety Assessment of Marine Engineering Systems by Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management, 2008.
Won the IMarEST Denny Medal 2004 for the work “Fuzzy logic approaches to safety assessment in maritime engineering applications”, IMarEST.
Globally ranked 60th and nationally 5th in Civil Engineering (including Maritime Engineering and Naval Architecture) in the World Ranking of Scientists, based on publications and citations, published in October 2021 (https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/3).
Completed supervision of more than 60 PhD and 20 postdoctoral researchers (about 60% as the first supervisor)
2 research monographs, 12 book chapters
More than 200 SCI cited journal papers (h-index 51, 10,000 citations in Web of Science; h-index 67, 18,000 citations in Google Scholar)
Research interests: Design and operation of maritime engineering systems such as ships, offshore installations and port terminals.
Delivered more than 10 keynote addresses at reputable international conferences such as ESREL 2014 and 2023.
SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES (evidence of esteem)
Government agencies/funding bodies
Member of sub-panel 12 in Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 and 2021 in the UK.
Review panel member (one of five) of the UK’s Subgalcial Lake Ellsworth exploration project failure (May 2013).
The sole assessor for Leanwind (10m euro) and one of the two assessors for Space@Sea (8m euro).
Chair of UK-Malaysia University Consortium (https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/uk-malaysia-university-consortium)
Professional bodies
Chairman of the Marine Transportation Safety Committee of the European Safety and Reliability Society (since 2010).
Member of Formal Safety Assessment Experts Group at IMO (since 2009).
Editorial Board/Editor of National and International Journals
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Marine Science and Technology (SCI cited, since 2022, Deputy Editor since 2013).
Associate Editor of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering and of Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (SCI cited)
Involvement in organisation of conferences and workshops
Co-chairman of the Mastering Shipbuilding Management workshop, funded by UK National Shipbuilding Office, Liverpool, 24-29 June 2024.
Co-chairman of the academic committee of the 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023), Xi’an, China, August 4-6, 2023.
Co-chair of the International Workshop on Automation, Computing and Manufacturing, Wuhan, China, 14-16 April 2006 (sponsored by the UK EPSRC).
Co-Chair, The Liverpool-Shanghai Symposium on Maritime Logistics – A Fusion of Research, Knowledge and Experience, funded by the UK EPSRC, 18-19 August 2010
Chairman of Maritime Piracy Workshop, Liverpool John Moores University, Funded by NERC (Global Uncertainties), 26th Feb. 2013.
Co-Chairman of the Academic Committee of the 3rd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, June 25 – June 28, 2015, Wuhan, P. R. China.
CURRENT RESEARCH GRANTS (as PI or Co-Investigator)
1. EU Horizon Europe, €236748, 2024-2026, DROMS-FOWT - Development of a real-time opportunistic maintenance strategy for floating offshore wind turbines, funding via the UK Research and Innovation (as PI).
2. EU Horizon Europe, €110,400 (out of €1.127m), 2024-2028, WINDHY - Multi-disciplinary risk management for stable, safe, and sustainable offshore wind-powered hydrogen production funding via the UK Research and Innovation (as PI).
3. EU Horizon 2020, €1,324,800, 2019-2025, ReMESH - Research Network on Emergency Resources Supply Chain (as Co-PI).
4. EU Horizon Europe, €626,319 (out of €6,691,135), 2023-2026, 101096068, RETROFIT55 - Decarbonising the Shipping Industry and Cutting Emissions by at least 55% by 2030 through Retrofit, funding via the UK Research (as CoI).
5. EU Horizon Europe, €236,748/£204,093, 2023-2025, 101110205, ULTIMATE - Development of a Fully Intelligent Maintenance Framework for Prognostic Health Management of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines (as CoI).
6. EU Horizon Europe, €202,400 (out of €607,200), 2024-2028, 101130406, ice-Link – Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for innovation in freeze casting and advanced porous structures (As CoI)..
7. EU Horizon Europe, €184,000 (out of €795,800), 2024-2028, 101129996, SynAM – Integration of advanced experiments, computation and data for innovation in freeze casting and advanced porous structures (as CoI).
8. EU Horizon Europe, €276,187, 2025-2027, 101152352, IMRA4CE - Inhomogeneity Modelling of Reclaimed Asphalt for Circular Economy in Transport Infrastructure (as CoI).
9. UKRI–Innovate UK, £568,352 out of £4,581,435, 2023-2025, 10,055,448, RESTORE - Retrofittable Propulsion System for Electric Vessels with Hydrogen Range Extender (as CoI).
10. UKRI-Innovate UK, £100,000 (out of £25m), 2023-2025, eSOV: Electric SOV with Methanol Range Extender (as CoI).
11. UKRI-Innovate UK, £345,085 (out of £1,471,973), 2024-2026, HIGHFlEX - Development of a HIGH Capacity FLEXible Energy Storage System for Mini-Grid Application in Sub-Sahara Africa (as CoI).
12. UKRI-Innovate UK, £397,110 (out of £1,841,540), 2024-2026, METTLE - Mobile Energy Storage Unit With Swappable Second-Life Battery (as CoI).
13. UKRI-Innovate UK, £50,006 (out of £900k), 2024-2026, AI-Passport (ZELIM) - IUK consortium (as CoI).
14. UK EPSRC, £4,884,930, 2024-2032, EP/Y035488/1, N0MES - EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (as CoI).
15. UK EPSRC, £2,500,000, 2025-2029, OPP358, Maritime and Last Mile Net Zero (MaLaMi) - Place Based Impact Acceleration Account (as CoI).
16. EPSRC, £4,330,000, 2025-2028, GaP4964, CRDT-Port: Developing a Crisis and Resilience Digital Twin for UK Port-centric Transport Systems (as CoI).
17. EPSRC- Clean Maritime Research, £39,997, 2025-2026, H2O COLORADO (Water Injected Boundary Layer Modification For Drag Reduction) (as CoI).
18. EPSRC- Clean Maritime Research, £39,920, 2024-2025, Hub - Wave 1 Funding Call HYDRO-Port - Safety Management and Risk Assessment of liquid hydrogen bunkering and storage in ports (as CoI).
19. Royal Society £12,000, 2023-2025, EC\NSFC\223196, Adapting to Risks Posed by Climate Change on Port Clusters: Insights for the Cases of the UK and China (as CoI).
20. Royal Society, £12,000, 2024-2026, EC\NSFC\233298, Risk and Reliability Assessment of Passenger Ship Evacuation Strategies in Arctic Environments (as CoI).
21. MarRI-UK, £115,892, 2024-2026, MarRI-UK_CORE_2024_02, Towards a New Horizon: Autonomous Vessel Navigation Challenges, and the Future of Human-Machine Interactions in Maritime Operations (as CoI).
22. IAMU – Inter. Assoc, of Mar.Uni., $20,640 (out of $60,000), 2025-2026, FUTUREMET - Evaluation of marine engineering education in respect to the digital transformation (as CoI).
23. SENACYT of from the Republic of Panama, £30,307/ $44,260 (out of $150,000), 2024-2026, The Panama Connection: A green corridor from Busan to New York/New Jersey to tackle climate change (PERTAIN) (as CoI).
24. British Council, £100,000, 2025-2027, UK-Malaysia University Consortium – Phase 2 (as Co-PI).
COMPLETED GRANTS (As PI/Co-Investigator)
1. British Council, £120,291, 2022-2024, UK-Malaysia University Consortium (as PI).
2. British Academy, £10,000, 2024, PPHE24\100114, Enabling Cost-effective and Low Carbon Blue-Green Mobility (as PI).
3. Royal Academy of Engineering, £30,000, 2021-2024, VP in Marine Technology and Project Management (as PI).
4. Royal Academy of Engineering, £12,800 (out of £199,450), 2020-2024, “Safe and Sustainable Decommissioning of Offshore Structures Taking into Consideration the Peculiarities of the ASEAN & South Asia Regions (as PI).
5. EU, €437,680 (of €3,920,146+€250,000), 2017-2023, ARCWIND - Adaptation and implementation of floating wind energy conversion technology (Co-PI: Dr. C. Michailidis (CUT)) for the Atlantic region (as PI).
6. EU, €180,000 (of €517,500), 2017-2023, Partnership for Research In Geopolymer Concretes (PRIGeoC) (as PI).
7. EU, €1,417,500 , 2017-2023, RESET - Reliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for large maritime engineering systems. https://etmjwang.wixsite.com/eu-reset (as PI).
8. EU, €224,934, 2020-2022, STOPFIRE - Emergency decision support system of offshore platform fires (as PI).
9. Royal Society, £12,000, 2018-2021, Resilience and risk of offshore wind energy generation platforms under extreme environments (as PI) .
10. Petroleum Technology Dev. Fund, £15,000, 2017-2021, Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment (QRA): Non-Historic Data Based Assessment for Onshore Pipelines (as PI).
11. Health & Safety Executive, £15,438, 2017-2018, Effective collision risk management for offshore installations and ship/platform collision incident database (as PI).
12. EU, €700,000 (of €9m), 2011-2016, Weastflows, Strengthening the development of sustainable connectivity in NWE for freight and logistics (as PI).
13. RMRI, £30,000, 2014-2017, e-safety case (as PI).
14. EU, €384,300, 2012-2016, FP 7 Marie Curie Research Network (IRSES) on risk assessment and decision science (as PI).
15. Royal Society, £12,000, 2014-2016, International Collaboration (as PI).
16. Royal Academy of Engineering, £5,865, 2014, Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award (as PI).
17. American Bureau of Shipping Consulting, £5,000, 2017-2011, Risk-based decision making (as PI).
18. Royal Academy of Engineering, £30,000, 2016-2019, Visiting Professorship in Marine Technology and Risk Assessment (as PI).
19. Royal Academy of Engineering, £29,880, 2015-2018, Visiting Professorship in Functional Safety, 2015-2018 (as PI).
20. Royal Academy of Engineering, £15,763, 2006-07, Support for secondment at American Bureau of Shipping Consulting
21. Royal Society, £5,000, 2011-2012, Maritime safety assessment - RS Kan Tong Po Visiting Professorship (as PI).
22. Leverhulme Trust, £42,281, 2011-2013, Study of implementation of maritime safety regulations £42,281, 2011-2013, Assessment of marine regulations (as PI).
23. ESRC (RCUK), £4,720, 2012-1013, Impact support fund in maritime security (as PI).
24. EPSRC, £248,795, 2008-2012, EP/F024436, Security and risk-based operation of CLSCs (as PI).
25. EPSRC, £135,751, 2009-2012, EP/F041993/1, A fire and rescue management system (as PI).
26. EPSRC, £71,823, 1998-2001, GR/M24967, A safety based decision support system (as PI).
27. EPSRC, £86,782, 2001-2004, GR/R30624, Application of approximate reasoning methodologies (as PI).
28. EPSRC, £112,850, 2004-2007, GR/S85504, An advanced decision support tool (as PI).
29. EPSRC, £3,752, 2003, GR/S28853, An investigation of latest developments in risk assessment (as PI).
30. EPSRC, £11,957, 2010, EP/I004947/1, Organisation of a maritime logistics symposium (as PI).
31. UK HSE, £30,000, 1998-2004, D3474, An offshore decision making system (as PI).
32. EU, 30,000 euro, 2002-2006, GTC2-2000-33043,Safety and Reliability Network (as PI).
33. Connected Places Catapult (CPC), £46570 of £500,000, 2024, Liverpool/Belfast green shipping corridor (as CoI).
34. EU Horizon 2020, €170,200 (out of €961,400), 2019-2023, ENHANCE - Enhancing human performance in complex socio-technical systems (as CoI).
35. EU H2020, €211,500 (out of €1,116,000), 2018-2023, GOLF - Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security (as CoI).
36. EU (Interreg AA), €480k (out of €2.54m), 2019-2023, EMPORIA4KT: Innovative Technology and Knowledge Transfer for Blue Economics (as CoI).
37. MarRI-UK, £31,998 (out of £224,000), 2023, Disruptive technologies for enhancing UK shipbuilding’s (as CoI).
38. EU H2020, €224,934, 2020-2023, Materials Modelling at Atomic Scales and Applications (as CoI).
39. EU ERDF, £1,000,000 (out of £8,486,679), 2019-2023, SUD - Sustainable Urban Development (Low Carbon and Environment and Resource Efficiency): Liverpool City Region (as Co-I).
40. IAMU via Nippon Foundation, $19,920, 2020-2022, Risk Evaluation and Safety Optimization in the Maritime Industry (CoI).
41. RAEng, £10,000 (out of £100,000), 2020-2023, The risks of structural failure of decommissioned offshore oil and gas installations (CoI).
42. British Council, £50,000, 2022-2024, “Catalyst project for Graduate Employability with the UK-Malaysia-Indonesia partnership” (as CoI).
43. MoD (UK) via QinetiQ, £71k, 2021-22, Establish a formal risk assessment methodology to provide confidence regarding rigor for MoD battery certification (as CoI).
44. InnovateUK, £48,028 (out of £497,914), 2022-23, “Reducing Maritime Emissions” (as CoI).
45. MoD (UK) via QinetiQ, £55k, 2020-21, Risk-Based Specifications of Portable Power Packs for Different Applications (CoI).
46. Roy. Acad. of Eng., £30,000, Visiting Professorship with Risktec in Risk Assessment, 2018-2020 (as CoI).
47. AECOM, £30,000, Optimisation & simulation for transport and logistics, 2016-2019 (as CoI).
48. EU (Interreg Atlantic Area), €185k (of €3m), 2017-2019, BluePort - Atlantic Blue Port Services “Discharge polluted water in port, not at sea” (as CoI).
49. DfT, £20,591, Intelligent real-time seat allocation for better rail services, 2016-2018 (CoI).
50. Mersey Travel, £16k, Safe Cycling, 2017-2018 (CoI).
51. Mersey Travel, £55k, An advanced model for realising cycling risk prediction, 2017-2018 (CoI).
52. EU, €590k, 2013-2017, FP7, ENRICH: EC-China Research Network for Integrated Supply Chains (CoI).
53. Newton Fund, £18,000, Modelling and optimising rail operations - A passenger-oriented approach, 2016-2017 (CoI).
54. Nippon Foundation, USD $47,162, 2016-2017, An open-source marine systems and vessels modelling platform (CoI).
55. Roy. Acad. of Eng., £24,000, 2016-2017, Green logistics – a UK-Vietnam research collaboration (CoI).
56. Department for Transport, £20,591, 2016-2017, Intelligent real-time seat allocation for better rail services (CoI).
57. Newton Fund, £18,000, 2016-2017, Modelling and optimising rail operations – a passenger-oriented approach (CoI).
58. UK BIS, £300,000, 2015-2017, Digital innovation research in maritime logistics (CoI).
59. British Council, £41,000, 2015-2016, UK-Vietnam ICT for sustaining logistic services (CoI).
60. TSB, £20k (of £705k), 2014-2016, VoyagOR - Voyage optimal routing in the Cloud (CoI).
61. RCUK NEMODE, £3,000, 2014-2015, Enabling digital, innovative technologies (CoI).
62. IAMU, $54,000, 2013-2015, Development of taxonomy for deck officers' non-technical skills (CoI).
63. EU, €1,180,000 (of €7m), 2010-2014, Intelligent Transport in Dynamic Environment (INTRADE)
64. DTI KTP, £122,733, 2008-2010, 6571, KTP with Risktec Solutions Ltd (CoI).
65. EPSRC, £63,784, 2004-2008, EP/S904616, UK-China network (CoI).
66. EPSRC, £113,572, 2004-2007, GR/S85498, An advanced decision support tool (CoI).
67. EPSRC, £87,062, 2001-2004, GR/R32413, Application of approximate reasoning methodologies (CoI).
Research Projects Completed
Postdoctoral projects
1. Dr M. An & Dr H.S. Sii, “A safety based decision support system for the design of large offshore engineering products” (1998-2001), sponsored jointly by the HSE, EPSRC and Shell. (The EPSRC assessed this project as “outstanding”, the highest possible grade).
2. Dr H.S. Sii, “Application of approximate reasoning approaches in offshore engineering design: risk modelling” (2001-2004), sponsored by the EPSRC. (Rated as “Tending to Outstanding” by the EPSRC).
3. Dr A.G. Eleye-Datubo, “Maritime risk assessment using Fuzzy-Bayesian networks” (2005-2006), sponsored by the Faculty of Technology and Environment, LJMU.
4. Dr J. Ren, “An advanced tool for safety based offshore operations – risk modelling” (2004-2007), sponsored by the EPSRC.
5. Dr. Z.L. Yang, “Advanced maritime risk modelling and decision making” (2006-2008), sponsored by the Faculty of Technology and Environment of LJMU.
6. Dr B. Jones, “Effective cargo handling in a sea port” (2009-2011), sponsored by a EU grant (Intrade) (2nd supervisor).
7. Dr R. Riahi, “Security modelling of container liners” (2008-2011), sponsored by the EPSRC.
8. Dr T.T. Nguyen, “3D port container movement simulation and optimisation” (2011-2013), sponsored by EU (2nd supervisor).
9. Dr J. Lee, “Simulation of a sea port operation in a virtual environment” (2011-2013), funded by EU (Intrade) (co-supervisor).
10. Dr D.B. Matellini, “Risk-based decision making”, (2012-2013), funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
11. Dr S. Chaurasia, “Sustainable maritime logistics research using operational research” (2015-2016), funded by UK BIS (co-supervisor).
12. Dr S. Kavakeb, “Transport system simulation and optimisation” (2015-2016), funded by BC (co-supervisor).
13. Dr J. Peiro Ramada, “Sustainable maritime logistics research using operational research” (2017), funded by BC (2nd supervisor).
14. Dr I. Gheyas, “Simulation for port operations” (1-11/2017), funded by Newton Fund (2nd supervisor).
15. Dr M. Garza, “Fleet sizing for vehicles in ports” (2017-18), funded by Newton Fund (2nd supervisor).
16. Dr C. Lersteau, “Container stacking in ports” (2017-18), funded by Newton Fund (2nd supervisor).
17. S. Loughney, “Ship/offshore installation collision analysis” (2017-2019), funded by LJMU (2017-2019).
18. Dr. Y. Yang, “Integrity modelling of floating offshore wind installations” (2018-2020), funded by EU.
19. Dr. Michailides Constantine, “Structural health modelling of floating offshore wind turbines” (2018-2020), funded by EU.
20. Dr Christos Sakaris, “Array health diagnosis and prognosis of floating offshore wind installations” (2019-2020), funded by EU.
21. E. Shaw, “Risk-based specifications of portable power packs for different applications – part 1”, funded by the Ministry of Defence via QinetiQ (2019-2020) (2nd supervisor).
22. Dr. Yanfu Wang, “Emergency decision support system of offshore platform fires” (2020-2022), funded by EU.
Doctoral projects
23. Dr A. Pillay, “Formal safety assessment of fishing vessels” (1998-2001), sponsored by HEFCE NFF, ORS, QARS and IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
24. Dr H.S. Sii, “Marine and offshore safety assessment” (1998-2001), partially supported by the IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
25. Dr P. Lois, “Cyprus and Mediterranean cruise market: a financial and economic appraisal” (1998-2004).
26. Dr S.W. Kim, “Formal fire safety assessment of passenger ships” (1999-2005), partially funded by Chosun University and IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
27. Dr A.G. Eleye-Datubo, “Integrative risk-based assessment modelling of safety-critical marine and offshore applications” (2002-2006), funded by HEFCE and EPSRC.
28. Dr Z. Yang, “Risk assessment and decision making of container supply chains”, 2003-2006, partially supported by the IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
29. Dr S. Ung, “The development of safety and security assessment techniques and their application to port operations” (2003-2007), partially supported by the IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
30. Dr Kiani, “The impact of automation on the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the quayside and container yard cranes and the selection decision for the yard operating systems” (2003-2007), funded by the Iranian government.
31. Dr E. Mistralis, “Formal safety assessment of marine applications” (2001-2007), partially supported by the IMarEST Stanley Gray Fellowship.
32. Dr A. Harati Mokhtari, “Impact of New Technologies on Safety of Marine Navigation” (2003-2007), funded by the Iranian government (2nd supervisor).
33. Dr D. Godaliyadde, “Formal safety assessment and its application to ship hull vibration” (2005-2008).
34. Dr J.A. Lee, “Technical management of VLCC hull structures based on safety case principles” (2002-2009).
35. Dr B. Jones, “A risk based maintenance methodology of industrial systems” (2006-2009).
36. Dr H. Karahalios, “A risk based appraisal on maritime regulations in shipping industry” (2006-2009).
37. Dr (Capt.) K. Subramanian, “Human reliability assessment in oil tanker operations” (2008-2011) (2nd supervisor).
38. Dr S. Chen, “Qualitative and quantitative analysis of marine accidents using a human error framework” (2006-2009) (3rd supervisor/adviser).
39. Dr P. Eugene, “Risk based framework in ballast water management” (2003-2009) (3rd supervisor).
40. Dr M. Miri Lavasani, “Advanced quantitative risk assessment of offshore gas pipeline systems” (2007-2010).
41. Dr A. Cunningham, “Implementation of Monte Carlo methods considering RAMS applications in the marine industry” (2007-2010), funded by the EPSRC DTA.
42. Dr R. Riahi, “Enabling security and risk based operation of container line supply chains under high uncertainties” (2008-2011), funded by the EPSRC.
43. Dr E. Chukawuka, “Risk based design, maintenance and inspection of marine and offshore structures under particular reference to fatigue analysis” (2007-2011), partially funded by the EU.
44. Dr T. Nwaoha, “Advanced risk and maintenance modelling in LNG carrier operations” (2008-2011) (2nd supervisor).
45. Dr (Capt.) K. Mokhtari, “Advanced risk assessment in offshore terminals and marine ports” (2009-2011) (2nd supervisor).
46. Dr N. Abdul Rahman, "Development of decision making models for analysing a steaming speed for liner containerships under uncertainty" (2009-2012), funded by Malaysian Gov.
47. Dr K. Abujaafa, “Enabling risk-based marine operations” (2009-2012), funded by the Libyan government (2nd supervisor)
48. Dr B. Matellini, “A fire and rescue management system” (2009-2013), funded by the EPSRC.
49. Dr S. Pristrom, “A study of maritime security” (2009-2013), funded by IMO and LJMU.
50. Dr D. McNamara, “Development of models using Monte Carlo to analyse the operation of efficiency of the operation of marine systems” (2009-2013), funded by EPSRC DTA.
51. Dr A. John, “Proactive risk assessment of marine infrastructure systems: resilience engineering perspectives” (2010-2013), funded by EU (Weastflows).
52. Dr A. Babader, “Environmental impact modelling and optimisation of waste packaging” (2011-2014), funded by Saudi Arabian government (2nd supervisor).
53. Dr Nural Haqimin Bin Mohd Salleh, “Supply chain risk assessment and management in liner shipping industry under high uncertainties” (2013-2017), funded by the Malaysian government (2nd supervisor).
54. Dr S. Kavakeb, “Optimisation of container movement scheduling in a sea port” (2011-2014), funded by EU (Intrade) (third supervisor).
55. Dr Z.H. (Dianna) Qu, “Quality control in shipping operation using six sigma principles” (2012-2015) (2nd supervisor), funded by EU’s Intrade project (Second supervisor).
56. Dr M. Kasaeyan, “Risk-based offshore design” (2011-2015).
57. Dr A. Dantsoho, “Benchmarking the performance in Nigerian ports” (2011-2015), funded by the Nigerian Port Authority (third supervisor).
58. Dr D. Njumo, “Risk assessment of shipyard operations” (2012-2015), funded by the Common Wealth Scholarships (second supervisor).
59. Dr D. Paraskevadakis, “Infrastructure capacity analysis in North West of Europe (2011-2016), funded by EU (Weastflows).
60. Dr H. Al Yami, “Assessment and its application to sea port systems” (2010-2016), funded by Saudi Arabian government (2nd supervisor).
61. Dr S. Haddad., “Supply chain management modelling" (2010-2016), funded by Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (2nd supervisor).
62. Dr M. Ha, “Port logistics performance measurement” (2012-2016) (2nd supervisor).
63. Dr C. Li, “A system dynamics approach for chemical supply chain risk management: modelling and simulation” (2012-2016), partially supported by an EU Marie Curie project (2nd supervisor).
64. Dr S. Loughney, “Offshore e-integrity case” (2014-2017), funded by MRRI and LJMU.
65. Dr A.Y. Usman, “A resilience modelling approach on oil terminal operations under high uncertainty” (2014-2017), funded by Lloyds Register (2nd supervisor).
66. Dr A. Ishola, “Emergency modelling and planning of chemical refinery processes” (2014-2018) (3rd supervisor)
67. Dr D. Frank, “An Investigation into the Application of Formal Decision Making Techniques to Design Alterations and Additions (As&As) for Vessels of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA)” (2009-2018), funded by the MoD.
68. Dr A. P. Maurice, “Development of an efficient planned maintenance framework for marine and offshore machineries operating under highly uncertain environment” (2012-2017).
69. Dr. L. Wang, “Research on risk assessment methods for healthcare supply chain in hospital - An investigation of the feasibility of integrating risk and Lean & Agile management” (2015-2018) (second supervisor).
70. Dr. A.M.Y Taha, “Investigating an interactive technological self-study conceptual framework for on-board maritime education and training” (2010-2018), funded by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of LJMU (co-supervisor).
71. Dr. D. Yazdani, “Optimisation in Dynamic Environments” (2016-2019), funded by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology of LJMU (3rd supervisor).
72. Dr. A. Bury, “Short-sea shipping for greener logistics transport in North West of Europe (2011-2019), funded by EU (Weastflows)
73. Dr. Fayas Ahmad Najib, “Development of decision making techniques for analysing the Northern Sea shipping route” (2013-2019), funded by the Malaysian government (2nd supervisor).
74. Dr. Muhd Zulhilmi (Wanzul) Abdul Halim, “Measuring service quality of electronic documentation (export) in Malaysia” (2013-2019), funded by the Malaysian government (2nd supervisor).
75. Dr. I. C. Ikewete, “A risk-based framework for design, inspection and maintenance of offshore wind farm turbines” (2012-2019). (3rd supervisor)
76. Dr. Gregory Asuelimen, “An enhanced risk assessment model for offshore seismic survey in hostile environments: A case study of Arctic oil and gas exploration” (2016-2019).
77. Dr. S. Fan, “The Influence of Seafarer’s Emotion on Navigation Safety”, dual PhD degree funded by LJMU and Wuhan University of Technology (2017-2020).
78. Dr. S. Hassan, “Quantitative risk assessment: towards non historic data based assessment” (2017-2020), funded by Petroleum Technology Development Fund.
79. Dr. M.I. Navaz. “Risk Based Verification of Offshore Installations on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf” (2012-2019), funded by Lloyds Register of Shipping.
80. Dr. C. Kelly, “Investigation into the uses of life cycle analysis as an alternative method of selecting tidal power schemes” (2016-2019), funded by the Dean’s scholarship (3rd supervisor).
81. Dr. M. Usman, “Predictive maintenance modelling of large two-stroke marine engines” (2014-2021), funded by Lloyds Register (2nd supervisor).
82. Dr. S. Symes, “Ship simulator-based seafarers’ skill acquisition incorporating the use of Functional-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)”, funded by LJMU scholarship (2017-2022).
83. Dr. E. Shaw, “Investigation and analysis into the current status and future direction relating to the application of complex computer technology for safety critical systems in the marine sector”, funded by LJMU scholarship (2017-2022).
84. Dr. J. Cutler, “Performance Evaluation of a Combined Floating Offshore Energy System (CFOES) in Operational and Extreme Conditions”, funded by LJMU Scholarship (2019-2022). (MB, et al.)
85. Dr. Andrew Spiteri, “A novel design to induce a passive air layer under ships to reduce viscous drag” (2019-2022), (3rd supervisor).
86. Dr. Xuri Xin, Risk assessment and control of ship collision in complex traffic waters/systems (2022-2024), under the dual PhD programme with Wuhan University of Technology (3rd supervisor).
87. Dr. O. Chukwuka, “Risk analysis for emergency supply chain with particular focus on intermodal transport” (2019-2022), funded by Nigerian Government (3rd supervisor).
88. Dr. M.S. Gbako, “Benchmarking the current state of the art of Inland Waterways” (2019-2022), funded by Nigerian Government (3rd supervisor).
89. David Hitchmough, Study of Antifouling Coatings and Textures to Reduce Drag on the Hull of a Boat (2021-2024), (3rd supervisor).
90. Maisem Moammer, An evaluation of risk methodologies and framework for building a smart port (2021-2024), funded by Libyan Government (3rd supervisor).
MPhil projects
91. R. Smyth, “Development of a training and education framework in risk assessment business” (2008-2010), funded by DTI and Risktec) (2nd supervisor).
92. D. Gohomene, “A decision making system for port selection" (2008-2011) (2nd supervisor).
Other projects
93. Dr. D. Cooper, “Safety and Engineering Risk Management” (2018-2021), Visiting Professor from Risktec and funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering (2nd supervisor).
94. Prof. Ron Bell, “Functional safety” (2015-2018), funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering via its Visiting Professorship Scheme.
95. Dr. Paul Davies, “Risk Assessment and Marine Technology” (2016-2019), funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering via its Visiting Professorship Scheme.
96. Prof. X.P. Yan, “Maritime safety assessment”, funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, Aug-Sept. 2014.
97. Prof. Ron Bell, “Functional safety” (2015-2018), funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering via its Visiting Professorship Scheme.
98. Dr. Paul Davies, “Risk Assessment and Marine Technology” (2016-2019), funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering via its Visiting Professorship Scheme.
99. Prof. Tony Graham, “Marine Technology and Project Management”, Visiting Professorship funded by Royal Academy of Engineering (2021-2024).
100. R. Smyth, “Development of a training and education framework in risk assessment business” (2008-2010), funded by DTI and Risktec (awarded the highest grade of “Outstanding” by the KTP Grading Panel in 2010 and the best North West KTP in 2011).
Current Projects
101. Dr Alireza Eslami Majd, “Ship collision avoidance” (2024-2026), funded by Liverpool John Moores University.
102. Dr. E. Shaw, Development of maritime research in maritime decarbonisation (2023-2025), funded by LJMU.
103. Dr. S. Symes, Engagement and knowledge exchange with industrial users (2-23-2025), funded by LJMU.
104. Dr H. Li, “Development of a real-time opportunistic maintenance strategy for floating offshore wind turbines” (2024-2026), funded by UK Research and Innovation through its EU guarantee fund for an EU MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship.
105. Dr. Andrew Spiteri, Air lubrication assistant propulsion (2023-2026), funded by EU Horizon Europe RETROFIT55.
106. Dr Onur Yuksel, Ship machinery retrofitting and decarbonisation (2023-2026), funded by EU Horizon Europe RETROFIT55.
107. Dr Shagar Viknash G
108. David Hitchmough, Air lubrication assisted propulsion (2024-2026). (3rd supervisor).
109. Sustainable river-sea freight transport in major logistic gateways: A socio-economic and environmental performance evaluation of the United Kingdom's and Continental Europe's inland waterway transport
110. S. Waddington, “Offshore decommissioning, risk assessment template using with Monte Carlo analysis” (2019-2024).
111. Taylor Larsen, Development of a framework for the reliability and survivability design of Wave Energy Converters (WECs) (3rd supervisor).
112. Mohamed Hamoud, “A decision-making framework for energy management of a multi-sourced power production plant” (2022-2027) (3rd supervisor).
113. Philip Aihonsu, “Hydrogen fuelled vessels safety assessment using fuzzy modelling and evidential reasoning with Bayesian network” (2023-2028).
114. Louise Wright, “The Future of Ship Safety: Goal-based Regulation in the Maritime Industry” (2024-2029), funded by Lloyds Register.
115. Yuhao Cao, “Resilience Analysis of the Global Container Shipping Network” (2023-2026), funded by LJMU VC scholarship (2nd supervisor).
116. Ali Mokhari Mogadam, “An optimization-based digital twin for planning and operations in maritime container ports” (2024-2028), funded EU (3rd supervisor).
1994, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, PhD in Maritime Safety Engineering
1989, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, MSc in Marine Engineering
Dalian Maritime University, China, BEng in Marine Automation (Marine Control Engineering)
Academic appointments
Professor of Marine Technology; Director of LOOM Research Institute; Associate Dean (Scholarship, Research and Knowledge Transfer), Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, 1995 - present
Research Associate, Engineering Design Centre and Department of Computer Science, Newcastle University, 1991 - 1995
Scientific Researcher, Mechanical Engineering, Loughborough University, 1990 - 1990
Highlighted publications
Matellini DB, Wall AD, Jenkinson ID, Wang J, Pritchard R. 2013. Modelling dwelling fire development and occupancy escape using Bayesian network RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 114 :75-91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riahi R, Li K, Robertson I, Jenkinson I, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2013. A proposed decision-making model for evaluating a container's security score Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones B, Jenkinson I, Wang J. 2009. Methodology of using delay-time analysis for a manufacturing industry RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 94 :111-124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang J-B, Liu J, Xu D-L, Wang J, Wang H. 2007. Optimization models for training belief-rule-based systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS, 37 :569-585 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J. 2003. Modified failure mode and effects analysis using approximate reasoning RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 79 :69-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J. 1997. A subjective methodology for safety analysis of safety requirements specifications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, 5 :418-430 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Wang X, Cao W, Li T, Feng Y, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J. 2025. An integrated multidimensional model for heterogeneity analysis of maritime accidents during different watchkeeping periods Ocean & Coastal Management, 264 :107625-107625 DOI Publisher Url
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Yang Z, Wang J, Shaw E. 2025. An investigation of the effect of fatigue on ship engine room operators using fNIRS Ocean Engineering, 327 :120352-120352 DOI Publisher Url
Feng Y, Huang D, Hong X, Wang H, Loughney S, Wang J. 2025. Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Maritime Accident Hot Spots in the East China Sea: A Space-Time Cube Representation Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 13 DOI Publisher Url
Yuksel O, Blanco-Davis E, Spiteri A, Hitchmough D, Shagar V, Di Piazza MC, Pucci M, Tsoulakos N, Armin M, Wang J. 2025. Optimising the Design of a Hybrid Fuel Cell/Battery and Waste Heat Recovery System for Retrofitting Ship Power Generation Energies, 18 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yıldız S, Uğurlu Ö, Wang X, Loughney S, Wang J. 2024. Dynamic Accident Network Model for Predicting Marine Accidents in Narrow Waterways Under Variable Conditions: A Case Study of the Istanbul Strait Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Graham T, Wang J, Shaw E. 2024. The survivability of autonomous vessels from cyber-attacks Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, :1-23 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zhou Y, Liu Z, Wang X, Xie H, Tao J, Wang J, Yang Z. 2024. Human errors analysis for remotely controlled ships during collision avoidance Frontiers in Marine Science, 11 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Graham T, Wang J, Shaw E. 2024. Cyberattacks on the Maritime Sector: A Literature Review Journal of Marine Science and Application, 23 :689-706 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xu Z, Zhao K, Wang J, Bashir M. 2024. Physics-informed probabilistic deep network with interpretable mechanism for trustworthy mechanical fault diagnosis Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Yang Z, Wang J, Shaw E. 2024. An investigation of the effect of workload on ship engine room operators using fNIRS Ocean Engineering, 310 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Feng Y, Wang X, Chen Q, Yang Z, Wang J, Li H, Xia G, Liu Z. 2024. Prediction of the severity of marine accidents using improved machine learning Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 188 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Özkaya E, Kaya AY, Tonoğlu F, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J. 2024. Effect of Exhaust Emissions Produced by Fishing Vessels on Air Pollution: A Case Study of Purse Seine Vessels Operating in the Black Sea Journal of ETA Maritime Science, 12 :156-168 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fang S, Liu Z, Wang X, Matellini B, Wang J, Yang Z, Zhang X, Wan B, Ni S. 2024. Experimental study on human evacuation onboard passenger ships considering heeling angle and opposite directions Ocean Engineering, 308 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chukwuka OJ, Ren J, Wang J, Paraskevadakis D. 2024. Managing risk in emergency supply chains–An empirical study International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, :1-37 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tao J, Liu Z, Wang X, Cao Y, Zhang M, Loughney S, Wang J, Yang Z. 2024. Hazard identification and risk analysis of maritime autonomous surface ships: A systematic review and future directions Ocean Engineering, 307 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shi J, Liu Z, Feng Y, Wang X, Zhu H, Yang Z, Wang J, Wang H. 2024. Evolutionary model and risk analysis of ship collision accidents based on complex networks and DEMATEL Ocean Engineering, 305 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Matellini DB, Pemberton K. 2024. Investigation and analysis of ship to platform collision incidents on the UK continental shelf: highlighting trends between the enforcement of offshore regulations and the occurrence of vessel to platform collision incidents Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, :1-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jenkins M, Loughney S, Matellini DB, Wang J. 2024. Advancing the Sustainability of Risk Assessments within the Renewable Energy Sector—Review of Published Risk Assessments Sustainability, 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang T, Wang Y, Khan F, Wang J. 2024. Safety analysis of fire evacuation from Drilling and Production Platforms (DPP) Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 183 :782-800 DOI Publisher Url
Shekwoyemia G, Paraskevadakis D, Ren J, Wang J. 2024. Digitalisation and Decarbonisation Challenges of Inland Waterways Freight Logistics Transport and their Integration into Regional Supply Chains – A Case Study Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Global Challenges, 14 :1-23 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ma F, Kang Z, Chen C, Sun J, Xu XB, Wang J. 2024. Identifying Ships From Radar Blips Like Humans Using a Customized Neural Network IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25 :7187-7205 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gbako S, Paraskevadakis D, Ren J, Wang J, Radmilovic Z. 2024. A systematic literature review of technological developments and challenges for inland waterways freight transport in intermodal supply chain management Benchmarking: An International Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fang S, Liu Z, Yang X, Wang X, Wang J, Yang Z. 2023. A quantitative study of the factors influencing human evacuation from ships Ocean Engineering, 285 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Huang D, Liang T, Hu S, Loughney S, Wang J. 2023. Characteristics analysis of intercontinental sea accidents using weighted association rule mining: Evidence from the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea Ocean Engineering, 287 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cao Y, Wang X, Yang Z, Wang J, Wang H, Liu Z. 2023. Research in marine accidents: A bibliometric analysis, systematic review and future directions Ocean Engineering, 284 :115048-115048 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Le HT, Punurai W, Yubonmhat K, Yuliati E, Leow JS, Kang HS, Amelia S, Yaakob OB, Zawawi NAW, Wang J, Van Le S. 2023. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Waste Management in the ASEAN Oil and Gas Industry: A Review Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 28 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xin X, Liu K, Loughney S, Wang J, Li H, Ekere N, Yang Z. 2023. Multi-scale collision risk estimation for maritime traffic in complex port waters Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 240 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xin X, Liu K, Loughney S, Wang J, Li H, Yang Z. 2023. Graph-based ship traffic partitioning for intelligent maritime surveillance in complex port waters Expert Systems with Applications, 231 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang T, Wang Y, Li X, Wang J. 2023. Evacuation performance on offshore platforms under different visibility conditions Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 620 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chukwuka OJ, Ren J, Wang J, Paraskevadakis D. 2023. A comprehensive research on analyzing risk factors in emergency supply chains Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Zhang J, Yan X, Wang J, Yang Z. 2023. Incorporation of seafarer psychological factors into maritime safety assessment Ocean and Coastal Management, 237 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xu Z, Bashir M, Liu Q, Miao Z, Wang X, Wang J, Ekere NN. 2023. A Novel Health Indicator for Intelligent Prediction of Rolling Bearing Remaining Useful Life based on Unsupervised Learning Model Computers and Industrial Engineering, 176 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cao Y, Wang X, Wang Y, Fan S, Wang H, Yang Z, Liu Z, Wang J, Shi R. 2023. Analysis of factors affecting the severity of marine accidents using a data-driven Bayesian network Ocean Engineering, 269 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yildiz S, Tonoğlu F, Uğurlu Ö, Loughney S, Wang J. 2022. Spatial and Statistical Analysis of Operational Conditions Contributing to Marine Accidents in the Singapore Strait Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bashir M, Xu Z, Wang J, Soares C. 2022. Data-Driven Damage Quantification of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platforms Based on Multi-Scale Encoder–Decoder with Self-Attention Mechanism Guedes Soares C. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hassan S, Kontovas CA, Bashir M, Wang J. 2022. A Decision-Support System for Assessing Cross-Country Pipeline Systems: Approach Based on Evidential Reasoning and Cost–Benefit Analysis Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Li H, Jia P, Wang X, Yang Z, Wang J, Kuang H. 2022. Ship carbon dioxide emission estimation in coastal domestic emission control areas using high spatial-temporal resolution data: A China case Ocean and Coastal Management, 232 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Yang Z, Wang J, Marsland J. 2022. Shipping accident analysis in restricted waters: Lesson from the Suez Canal blockage in 2021 Ocean Engineering, 266 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xin X, Liu K, Loughney S, Wang J, Yang Z. 2022. Maritime traffic clustering to capture high-risk multi-ship encounters in complex waters Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Xia G, Zhao J, Wang J, Yang Z, Loughney S, Fang S, Zhang S, Xing Y, Liu Z. 2022. A novel method for the risk assessment of human evacuation from cruise ships in maritime transportation Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yildiz S, Uğurlu Ö, Loughney S, Wang J, Tonoğlu F. 2022. Spatial and statistical analysis of operational conditions influencing accident formation in narrow waterways: A Case Study of Istanbul Strait and Dover Strait Ocean Engineering, 265 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Xu Z, Bashir M, Yang Y, Wang X, Wang J, Ekere NN, Li C. 2022. Multisensory collaborative damage diagnosis of a 10MW floating offshore wind turbine tendons using multi-scale convolutional neural network with attention mechanism Renewable Energy, 199 :21-34 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang H, Liu Z, Wang X, Huang D, Cao L, Wang J. 2022. Analysis of the injury-severity outcomes of maritime accidents using a zero-inflated ordered probit model Ocean Engineering, 258 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cutler J, Bashir M, Yang Y, Wang J, Loughney S. 2022. Preliminary development of a novel catamaran floating offshore wind turbine platform and assessment of dynamic behaviours for intermediate water depth application Ocean Engineering, 258 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yan Y, Yang Y, Bashir M, Li C, Wang J. 2022. Dynamic analysis of 10 MW offshore wind turbines with different support structures subjected to earthquake loadings Renewable Energy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kontovas C, Armada Bras AM, Chang C-H, Romano A, Poo MC-P, Wang J, McCormack H, Qu Z, Paraskevadakis D, Lamb LE, Yang Z. 2022. Fostering innovation in the blue economy within the United Kingdom (UK): A stakeholders’ perspective Ocean and Coastal Management, 224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tonoğlu F, Atalar F, Başkan , Yildiz S, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J. 2022. A new hybrid approach for determining sector-specific risk factors in Turkish Straits: Fuzzy AHP-PRAT technique Ocean Engineering, 253 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Huang D, Wang S, Loughney S, Wang J. 2022. Evolutionary Game Model of Strategic Maritime Transport Passages: A Case of the Strait of Hormuz Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Díaz H, Loughney S, Wang J, Guedes Soares C. 2022. Comparison of multicriteria analysis techniques for decision making on floating offshore wind farms site selection Ocean Engineering, 248 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang YF, Ma W, Wang T, Liu J, Wang X, Malkeson SP, Yang Z, Wang J. 2022. Dynamic optimisation of evacuation route in the fire scenarios of offshore drilling platforms Ocean Engineering, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Özaydın E, Fışkın R, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J. 2022. A hybrid model for marine accident analysis based on Bayesian Network (BN) and Association Rule Mining (ARM) Ocean Engineering, 247 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Uğurlu Ö, Kartal , Gundogan O, Aydin M, Wang J. 2022. A statistical analysis-based Bayesian Network model for assessment of mobbing acts on ships Maritime Policy and Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fang S, Liu Z, Wang X, Wang J, Yang Z. 2022. Simulation of evacuation in an inclined passenger vessel based on an improved social force model Safety Science, 148 :105675-105675 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang H, Liu Z, Liu Z, Wang X, Wang J. 2022. GIS-based analysis on the spatial patterns of global maritime accidents Ocean Engineering, 245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Liu Z, Loughney S, Yang Z, Wang Y, Wang J. 2022. Numerical analysis and staircase layout optimisation for a Ro-Ro passenger ship during emergency evacuation Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Huang D, Loughney S, Wang J. 2021. Identification of China's strategic transport passages in the context of the belt and road initiative Maritime Policy and Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hassan S, Wang J, Kontovas CA, Bashir M. 2021. An assessment of causes and failure likelihood of cross-country pipelines under uncertainty using bayesian networks Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 218 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kaptan M, Sarialioglu S, Ugurlu O, Wang J. 2021. The evolution of the HFACS method used in analysis of marine accidents: A review International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chen C, Ma F, Xu X, Chen Y, Wang J. 2021. A novel ship collision avoidance awareness approach for cooperating ships using multi-agent deep reinforcement learning Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hassan S, Wang J, Kontovas CA, Bashir M. 2021. Modified FMEA hazard identification for cross-country petroleum pipeline using Fuzzy Rule Base and approximate reasoning Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sakaris C, Yang Y, Bashir M, Michailides C, Wang J, Sakellariou JS, Li C. 2021. Structural health monitoring of tendons in a multibody floating offshore wind turbine under varying environmental and operating conditions Renewable Energy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yildiz S, Sönmez VZ, Uğurlu Ö, Sivri N, Loughney S, Wang J. 2021. Modelling of possible tanker accident oil spills in the Istanbul Strait in order to demonstrate the dispersion and toxic effects of oil pollution. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Matellini DB, Nguyen TT. 2021. Utilizing the Evidential Reasoning approach to determine a suitable wireless sensor network orientation for asset integrity monitoring of an offshore gas turbine driven generator Expert Systems with Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Bashir M, Armin M, Yang Y. 2021. Development and application of a multiple-attribute decision-analysis methodology for site selection of floating offshore wind farms on the UK Continental Shelf Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 47 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kaptan M, Ugurlu O, Wang J. 2021. The effect of nonconformities encountered in the use of technology on the occurrence of collision, contact and grounding accidents Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 215 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Li C, Wang J. 2021. Investigation on Mooring Breakage Effects of a 5 MW Barge-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Using F2A Ocean Engineering, 233 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang H, Liu Z, Wang X, Graham T, Wang J. 2021. An analysis of factors affecting the severity of marine accidents Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 210 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang Y, Wang K, Wang T, Li XY, Khan F, Yang Z, Wang J. 2021. Reliabilities analysis of evacuation on offshore platforms: A dynamic Bayesian Network model Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 150 :179-193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sakaris C, Bashir M, Yang Y, Michailides C, Wang J, Sakellariou J. 2021. Diagnosis of damaged tendons on a 10 MW multibody floating offshore wind turbine platform via a response-only Functional Model Based Method Engineering Structures, 242 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Liu Z, Loughney S, Yang Z, Wang Y, Wang J. 2021. An experimental analysis of evacuees’ walking speeds under different rolling conditions of a ship Ocean Engineering, 233 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Michailides C, Mei X, Wang J, Li C. 2021. Coupled Analysis of a 10 MW Multi-Body Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Subjected to Tendon Failures Renewable Energy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Liu Z, Wang J, Loughney S, Zhao Z, Cao L. 2021. Passengers’ safety awareness and perception of wayfinding tools in a Ro-Ro passenger ship during an emergency evacuation Safety Science, 137 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Uğurlu Ö, Köse E, Başar E, Özkök M, Wang J. 2021. Simulation modelling of chief officers’ working hours on short sea shipping Ships and Offshore Structures, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yildiz S, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J, Loughney S. 2021. Application of the HFACS-PV approach for identification of human and organizational factors (HOFs) influencing marine accidents Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 208 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Liu Z, Wang J, Loughney S, Yang Z, Gao X. 2021. Experimental study on individual walking speed during emergency evacuation with the influence of ship motion Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 562 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Huang D, Hua Y, Loughney S, Blanco-Davis E, Wang J. 2020. Lifespan cost analysis of alternatives to global sulphur emission limit with uncertainties Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Ren J, Wang J. 2020. A services operations performance measurement framework for multimodal logistics gateways in emerging megaregions Transportation Planning and Technology, 44 :63-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sarialioglu S, Ugurlu O, Aydin M, Vardar B, Wang J. 2020. A hybrid model for human-factor analysis of engine-room fires on ships: HFACS-PV&FFTA Ocean Engineering, 217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yan X-P, Wang S-W, Ma F, Liu Y-C, Wang J. 2020. A novel path planning approach for smart cargo ships based on anisotropic fast marching Expert Systems with Applications, 159 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ugurlu O, Yildiz S, Aydin M, Aydin T, Kaptan M, Wang J. 2020. Analysis of occupational burnout utilising Maslach inventory: a case study of Turkish male seafarers Maritime Policy and Management: an international journal of shipping and port research, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Zhang J, Bury A, Warren J, Yang Z, Yan X, Wang J, Fairclough S. 2020. The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex and Functional Connectivity during Maritime Operations: An fNIRS study Brain and Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Wang J, Michailides C, Loughney S, Armin M, Hernandez S, Urbano J, Li C. 2020. Wind-Wave Coupling Effects on the Fatigue Damage of Tendons for a 10 MW Multi-Body Floating Wind Turbine Ocean Engineering, 217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Asuelimen G, Blanco-Davis E, Wang J, Yang Z, Matellini DB. 2020. Formal Safety Assessment of a Marine Seismic Survey Vessel Operation, Incorporating Risk Matrix and Fault Tree Analysis Journal of Marine Science and Application, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang W, Zou Z, Wang J, Du L. 2020. Multi-ship following operation in ice-covered waters with consideration of inter-ship communication Ocean Engineering, 210 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Wang J, Yu J, Chun L. 2020. Performance evaluation of an integrated floating energy system based on coupled analysis Energy Conversion and Management, Volume DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Michailides C, Li C, Wang J. 2020. Development and application of an aero-hydro-servo-elastic coupling framework for analysis of floating offshore wind turbines Renewable Energy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Uğurlu Ö, Yıldız S, Loughney S, Wang J, Kuntchulia S, Sharabidze I. 2020. Analyzing Collision, Grounding, and Sinking Accidents Occurring in the Black Sea Utilizing HFACS and Bayesian Networks. Risk Analysis, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Li C, Michailides C, Wang J. 2020. Mitigation of coupled wind-wave-earthquake responses of a 10 MW fixed-bottom offshore wind turbine Renewable Energy, 157 :1171-1184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang X, Liu Z, Zhao Z, Wang J, Loughney S, Wang H. 2020. Passengers' likely behaviour based on demographic difference during an emergency evacuation in a Ro-Ro passenger ship Safety Science, 129 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ishola A, Matellini DB, Wang J. 2020. A proactive approach to quantitative assessment of disruption risks of petroleum refinery operation Safety Science, 127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ugurlu F, Yildiz S, Boran M, Ugurlu O, Wang J. 2020. Analysis of fishing vessel accidents with Bayesian network and Chi-square methods Ocean Engineering, 198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Asuquo M, Wang J, Zhang L, Phylip-Jones G. 2020. An integrated risk assessment for maintenance prediction of oil wetted gearbox and bearing in marine and offshore industries using a fuzzy rule base method Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang YF, Wang LT, Jiang JC, Wang J, Yang ZL. 2020. Modelling ship collision risk based on the statistical analysis of historical data: A case study in Hong Kong waters Ocean Engineering, 197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chen C, Chen XQ, Ma F, Chen YW, Wang J. 2019. Deviation warnings of ferries based on artificial potential field and historical data Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Matellini DB. 2019. Utilising Bayesian networks to demonstrate the potential consequences of a fuel gas release from an offshore gas-driven turbine Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 233 :1177-1197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chen C, Chen XQ, Ma F, Zeng XJ, Wang J. 2019. A knowledge-free path planning approach for smart ships based on reinforcement learning Ocean Engineering, 189 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wang YF, Liu ZM, Jiang JC, Khan F, Wang J. 2019. Blowout fire probability prediction of offshore drilling platform based on system dynamics Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 62 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
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Yang Y, Bashir M, Li C, Wang J. 2019. Analysis of seismic behaviour of an offshore wind turbine with a flexible foundation Ocean Engineering, 178 :215-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kartal ŞE, Uğurlu Ö, Kaptan M, Arslanoğlu Y, Wang J, Loughney S. 2019. An analysis and comparison of multinational officers of the watch in the global maritime labor market Maritime Policy and Management, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Li C, Bashir M, Wang J, Yang C. 2019. Investigation on the sensitivity of flexible foundation models of an offshore wind turbine under earthquake loadings Engineering Structures, 183 :756-769 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Asuquo MP, Wang J, Phylip-Jones G, Riahi R. 2019. Condition monitoring of marine and offshore machinery using evidential reasoning techniques Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Zhang J, Blanco-Davis E, Yang Z, Wang J, Yan X. 2018. Effects of seafarers' emotion on human performance using bridge simulation Ocean Engineering, 170 :111-119 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wahab DA, Blanco-Davis E, Ariffin AK, Wang J. 2018. A review on the applicability of remanufacturing in extending the life cycle of marine or offshore components and structures Ocean Engineering, 169 :125-133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Uğurlu Ö, Yıldız S, Loughney S, Wang J. 2018. Modified human factor analysis and classification system for passenger vessel accidents (HFACS-PV) Ocean Engineering, 161 :47-61 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Matellini DB, Wall AD, Jenkinson ID, Wang J, Pritchard R. 2018. A Three-Part Bayesian Network for Modeling Dwelling Fires and Their Impact upon People and Property. Risk Analysis, 38 :2807-2104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kelly CL, Blanco-Davis E, Michailides C, Davies PA, Wang J. 2018. Site Selection Appraisal for Tidal Turbine Development in the River Mersey Journal of Marine Science and Application, 17 :112-121 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Ma F, Chen Y-W, Yan X-P, Chu X-M, Wang J. 2018. Target recognition for coastal surveillance based on radar images and generalised Bayesian inference IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, 12 :103-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Salleh NHM, Riahi R, Yang Z, Wang J. 2017. Predicting a Containership's Arrival Punctuality in Liner Operations by Using a Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Network (FRBBN) Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 33 :95-104 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J. 2017. Bayesian network modelling of an offshore electrical generation system for applications within an asset integrity case for normally unattended offshore installations Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 232 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Xi YT, Yang ZL, Fang QG, Chen WJ, Wang J. 2017. A new hybrid approach to human error probability quantification-applications in maritime operations Ocean Engineering, 138 :45-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chen LJ, Yan XP, Huang LW, Yang ZL, Wang J. 2017. A systematic simulation methodology for LNG ship operations in port waters: a case study in Meizhou Bay Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, :1-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sang L-Z, Yan X-P, Wall A, Wang J, Mao Z. 2016. CPA Calculation Method based on AIS Position Prediction Journal of Navigation, 69 :1409-1426 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S, Jenkinson I. 2016. The impact of transport infrastructure projects on sustainable development within a major logistics gateway in North West England Logistics & Sustainable Transport, 7 :18-40 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Alyami H, Yang Z, Riahi R, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2016. Advanced uncertainty modelling for container port risk analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 123 :411-421 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ma F, Chen Y-W, Huang Z-C, Yan X-P, Wang J. 2016. A novel approach of collision assessment for coastal radar surveillance RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 155 :179-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pristrom S, Yang Z, Wang J, Yan X. 2016. A novel flexible model for piracy and robbery assessment of merchant ship operations RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 155 :196-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ma F, Chen Y-W, Yan X-P, Chu X-M, Wang J. 2016. A novel marine radar targets extraction approach based on sequential images and Bayesian Network OCEAN ENGINEERING, 120 :64-77 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Babader A, Ren J, Jones KO, Wang J. 2016. A system dynamics approach for enhancing social behaviours regarding the reuse of packaging EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 46 :417-425 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang D, Yan X, Zhang J, Yang Z, Wang J. 2016. Use of fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning approach in the navigational risk assessment of inland waterway transportation systems Safety Science, 82 :352-360 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
John A, Yang Z, Riahi R, Wang J. 2016. A risk assessment approach to improve the resilience of a seaport system using Bayesian networks OCEAN ENGINEERING, 111 :136-147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sang L-Z, Wall A, Mao Z, Yan X-P, Wang J. 2015. A novel method for restoring the trajectory of the inland waterway ship by using AIS data OCEAN ENGINEERING, 110 :183-194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gohomene DA, Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Maistralis E, Wang J, Li KX. 2015. The Attractiveness of Ports in West Africa: Some Lessons from Shipping Lines' Port Selection Growth and Change, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McNamara D, Cunningham A, Riahi R, Jenkinson I, Wang J. 2015. Application of Monte Carlo techniques with delay-time analysis to assess maintenance and inspection policies for marine systems Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 231 :89-106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
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Alyami H, Lee PT-W, Yang Z, Riahi R, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2014. An advanced risk analysis approach for container port safety evaluation MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 41 :634-650 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McNamara D, Cunningham A, Jenkinson I, Wang J. 2014. A model assessing cost of operating marine systems using data obtained from Monte Carlo analysis PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART M-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT, 228 :398-412 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
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Zhang D, Yan X, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. An accident data-based approach for congestion risk assessment of inland waterways: A Yangtze River case PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART O-JOURNAL OF RISK AND RELIABILITY, 228 :176-188 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang H, Ren J, Wang J, Yang J. 2014. Developing a conceptual framework to evaluate effectiveness of emergency response system for oil spill Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 1 :120-128 DOI Publisher Url
Li KX, Yin J, Bang HS, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. Bayesian network with quantitative input for maritime risk analysis TRANSPORTMETRICA A-TRANSPORT SCIENCE, 10 :89-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Karahalios H, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. A risk appraisal system regarding the implementation of maritime regulations by a ship operator MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 42 :389-413 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Z, Ng AKY, Wang J. 2014. A new risk quantification approach in port facility security assessment TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE, 59 :72-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McNamara D, Cunningham A, Jenkinson I, Wang J. 2014. Application of the Monte Carlo method to marine system maintenance studies considering failure modes and spare part stock control JOURNAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 13 :37-58 DOI Author Url
Li KX, Yin J, Luo M, Wang J. 2014. Leading factors in job satisfaction of Chinese seafarers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT LOGISTICS, 6 :680-693 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zhao Z, Wu MS, Zou C, Tang Q, Lu J, Liu D, Wu Y, Yin J, Xie X, Shen J, Kang T, Wang J. 2014. Downregulation of MCT1 inhibits tumor growth, metastasis and enhances chemotherapeutic efficacy in osteosarcoma through regulation of the NF-κB pathway Cancer Letters, 342 :150-158 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chen S-T, Wall A, Davies P, Yang Z, Wang J, Chou Y-H. 2013. A Human and Organisational Factors (HOFs) analysis method for marine casualties using HFACS-Maritime Accidents (HFACS-MA) SAFETY SCIENCE, 60 :105-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pristrom S, Li KX, Yang Z, Wang J. 2013. A study of maritime security and piracy MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 40 :675-693 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nwaoha TC, Yang Z, Wang J, Bonsall S. 2013. Adoption of new advanced computational techniques to hazards ranking in LNG carrier operations OCEAN ENGINEERING, 72 :31-44 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Xu Q, Xue C, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Wang J, Yu X, Zhang X, Zhang R, Yang X, Guo C. 2013. Medium-chain fatty acids enhanced the excretion of fecal cholesterol and cholic acid in C57BL/6J mice fed a cholesterol-rich diet Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 77 :1390-1396 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Yin JQ, Wen L, Wu LC, Gao ZH, Huang G, Wang J, Zou CY, Tan PX, Yong BC, Jia Q, Shen JN. 2013. The glycogen synthase kinase-3β/nuclear factor-kappa B pathway is involved in cinobufagin-induced apoptosis in cultured osteosarcoma cells Toxicology Letters, 218 :129-136 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Matellini DB, Wall AD, Jenkinson ID, Wang J, Pritchard RW. 2013. A study of human reaction during the initial stages of a dwelling fire using a Bayesian network model PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART O-JOURNAL OF RISK AND RELIABILITY, 227 :207-221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Yang ZL, Wang J, Li KX. 2013. Maritime safety analysis in retrospect MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT, 40 :261-277 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
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Sii HS, Wang J, Eleye-Datubo AG, Yang JB, Liu J. 2005. Safety assessment of FPSO turret-mooring system using approximate reasoning and evidential reasoning MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND SNAME NEWS, 42 :88-102 Author Url
Yang Z, Bonsall S, Wall A, Wang J. 2005. Reliable container line supply chains: - A new risk assessment framework for improving safety performance WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 4 :105-120 DOI Publisher Url
Ren J, Jenkinson I, Sii HS, Wang J, Xu L, Yang JB. 2005. An offshore safety assessment framework using fuzzy reasoning and evidential synthesis approaches Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, 4 :3-16 DOI Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J, Wall A, Ruxton T, Loughran CG. 2004. Formal safety assessment of fishing vessels: Risk and maintenance modelling Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part A: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, :29-42 DOI
Sii HS, Wang J, Ruxton T, Yang JB, Liu J. 2004. Use of fuzzy logic approaches to safety assessment in maritime engineering applications Proceedings of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology Part A: Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, :45-58
Sii HS, Wang J, Jenkinson I, Yang JB, Liu L. 2004. A design-decision support framework for evaluation of design options/proposals using a fuzzy-logic-based composite structure methodology JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN, 15 :493-514 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J, Sii HS, Yang JB, Pillay A, Yu D, Liu J, Maistralis E, A Saajedi . 2004. Use of advances in technology for maritime risk assessment. Risk Anal, 24 :1041-1063 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lois P, Wang J, Wall A, Ruxton T. 2004. Formal safety assessment of cruise ships TOURISM MANAGEMENT, 25 :93-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J, Wall A, Ruxton T, Loughran CG. 2004. Formal safety assessment of fishing vessels: Risk and maintenance modelling Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, 3 :29-42 DOI Publisher Url
Sii HS, Wang J, Ruxton T, Yang JB, Liu J. 2004. Use of fuzzy logic approaches to safety assessment in maritime engineering applications Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, 3 :45-58 DOI Publisher Url
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Sii HS, Wang J. 2003. A design-decision support framework for evaluation of design options/proposals using a composite structure methodology based on the approximate reasoning approach and the evidential reasoning method PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 217 :59-76 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J. 2003. Modified failure mode and effects analysis using approximate reasoning RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 79 :69-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J. 2002. Risk assessment of fishing vessels using fuzzy set approach International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 9 :163-181 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
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Sii HS, Ruxton T, Wang J. 2002. Synthesis using fuzzy set theory and a Dempster-Shafer-based approach to compromise decision-making with multiple-attributes applied to risk control options selection PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 216 :15-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Loughran CG, Pillay A, Wang J, Wall A, Ruxton T. 2002. A preliminary study of fishing vessel safety Journal of Risk Research, 5 :3-21 DOI Publisher Url
Sii HS, Ruxton T, Wang J. 2002. Novel risk assessment and decision support techniques for safety management systems Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology, 1 :15-27 DOI Publisher Url
Wang J, Xiao F, Zhang M, Song N, Tao L, Cui H, Chen H, Guo Y. 2002. Circulation assist in the radical operation of retro-peritoneal malignancy with the inferior vena cava thrombotic involvement Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery], 40 :127-129 Author Url
Sii HS, Ruxton T, Wang J. 2001. Taguchi concepts and their applications in marine and offshore safety studies JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN, 12 :331-358 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sii HS, Wang J, Ruxton T. 2001. Novel risk assessment techniques for maritime safety management system International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 18 :982-999 DOI Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J, Wall AD, Ruxton T. 2001. A maintenance study of fishing vessel equipment using delay-time analysis Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 7 :118-127 DOI Publisher Url
Sii HS, Ruxton T, Wang J. 2001. A fuzzy-logic-based approach to qualitative safety modelling for marine systems RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 73 :19-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J. 2001. The current status and future aspects in formal ship safety assessment SAFETY SCIENCE, 38 :19-30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J, Wall A. 2001. Optimal inspection period for fishing vessel equipment: A cost and downtime model using delay time analysis MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND SNAME NEWS, 38 :122-129 Author Url
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Wang J. 2000. Analysis of safety-critical software elements in offshore safety studies Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 9 :271-281 DOI Publisher Url
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Wang J, Ruxton T. 1998. A design-for-safety methodology for large engineering systems JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN, 9 :159-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shen J, Wang J, Zhao B, Hou J, Gao T, Xin W. 1998. Effects of EGb 761 on nitric oxide and oxygen free radicals, myocardial damage and arrhythmia in ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1406 :228-236 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J. 1998. A review of design for safety methodology for large marine and offshore engineering systems PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 212 :251-261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J. 1998. A review of design for safety methodology for large marine and offshore engineering systems Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical, 212 :251-261 DOI
Wang J. 1997. A subjective methodology for safety analysis of safety requirements specifications IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, 5 :418-430 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J, Ruxton T. 1997. A review of safety analysis methods applied to the design process JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN, 8 :131-152 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J. 1997. Design for safety of marine and other large made-to-order products QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, 13 :47-47 Author Url
Wang J, Yang JB, Sen P. 1996. Multi-person and multi-attribute design evaluations using evidential reasoning based on subjective safety and cost analyses RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 52 :113-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J, Yang JB, Sen P, Ruxton T. 1996. Safety based design and maintenance optimisation of large marine engineering systems APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH, 18 :13-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J, Yang JB, Sen P. 1996. Safety analysis and synthesis using fuzzy sets and evidential reasoning RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 7 :103-118 DOI Publisher Url
Wang J, Ruxton T, Labrie CR. 1995. Design for safety of engineering systems with multiple failure state variables RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY, 50 :271-284 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang J, Yang JB, Sen P. 1995. SAFETY ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS USING FUZZY-SETS AND EVIDENTIAL REASONING Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 50 :271-284 DOI Author Url
Ren J, Ren J, Wang J, Jenkinson I, Xu DL, Yang JB. A methodology to model human and organisational errors on offshore risk analysis IEEE Access, 7 :142-147 DOI Publisher Url
Küçük N, Yildiz S, Uğurlu Ö, Wang J. Hotspot analysis of global piracy and armed robbery incidents at sea: A decadal review of regional vulnerabilities and security strategies Ocean and Coastal Management, 260 :107480-107480 DOI Publisher Url
Spiteri A, Renzsch H, Routledge A, Falchi M, Spinosa E, Iafrati A, Hitchmough D, Yuksel O, Blanco-Davis E, Wang J, Harries S, Armson R. 2024. RETROFIT 55 System design to deliver maximum drag reduction by PALS D5.1: System design to deliver maximum drag reduction by PALS (Under Review) Publisher Url Public Url
Wall A, Loughney S, Ma F, Wang J. 2020. Vessel collision threat detection for offshore oil and gas installations Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Wall A. 2020. Ship/Platform Collision Incident Database (2015) for offshore oil and gas installations Publisher Url Public Url
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. A cross project synthesis of innovative methods and ICT tools Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. Dynamic mapping of a North West European East-West Green axis Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. An overview of the gaps and solutions for a better use of targeted North West European transport infrastructure Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2014. The modelization of targeted North West European transport infrastructure level of use according to selected supply/demand scenarios Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. A catalogue of significant freight transport modal choice scenarios Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. Key stakeholders in North West England’s freight industry Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. North West England’s most significant freight handling infrastructure Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Bury A, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J, Bonsall S. 2013. The environmental impact of North West Europe's freight industry Interreg IVB NWE Weastflows project
Conference publication
Wang L, Ren J, Wang J, Paraskevadakis D, Morecroft C. 2023. A comprehensive analysis of diverse risk management strategies in healthcare supply chain 2023 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), 2023 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wang J, Wan C, Alyami H, Bonsall S, Riahi R, Yang Z, Qu Z. 2023. Selection of safety measures in container ports International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 16 :425-425 DOI Publisher Url
Wang H, Jiang Y, Wang X, Liu Z, Jenkins M, Matellini DB, Wang J. 2023. The Impacts of Personal Protective Measures on the Safety of Pilotage Operations During the COVID-19 Epidemic 7th IEEE International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, ICTIS 2023, :1962-1968 DOI Publisher Url
Huang D, Wang S, Loughney S, Wang J. 2022. Evolutionary game model of strategic transport passages in the context of Belt and Road Initiative: A case of the Strait of Hormuz 2021 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety ICTIS, 2021 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS) :600-612 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Loughney S, Ngwoke K, Wang J, Yildiz S, Uğurlu Ö. 2022. INVESTIGATION AND EVALUATION OF MARINE ACCIDENTS IN TERMS OF GROUNDING AND CONTACTS/COLLISIONS IN THE ENGLISH CHANNEL UTILISING THE HFACS-PV APPROACH Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022 - Understanding and Managing Risk and Reliability for a Sustainable Future, :544-551 DOI Publisher Url
Cutler J, Bashir M, Yang Y, Wang J, Loughney S. 2021. Assessment of Dynamic Responses of 5 Mw Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platforms in Intermediate Water Depth CORE 2021 Conference Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J. 2020. Development of an Algorithm to Convert Linear Belief Function inputs to Exponential Conditional Probability Functions for Multiple Method Applications Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) :4524-4531 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hassan S, Wang J, Bashir M, Kontovas C. 2020. Application of Bayesian model for third party damage assessment of cross-country oil pipeline under uncertainty Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2019, :1486-1493 DOI
Loughney S, Wang J. 2020. Development of an algorithm to convert linear belief function inputs to exponential conditional probability functions for multiple method applications 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2020 and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, PSAM 2020, :4525-4531 DOI
Al-Badani K, Elmshawet E, Tang C, Kaid T, Li L, Liu J, Wang J, Ren XJ. 2019. Investigating the Effect of TIG Welding on the Surface Roughness of the Welded Closure of Thin Stainless Steel Tubes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 611 DOI Publisher Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Matellini DB. 2019. Applying a Bayesian Network methodology to an offshore gas turbine driven power generator to demonstrate the cause and effect relationship of the turbine running over-speed and the associated switchboard failures. Beer M, Zio E. Proceedings of the 29th EUROPEAN SAFETY AND RELIABILITY CONFERENCE (ESREL 2019), 29th EUROPEAN SAFETY AND RELIABILITY CONFERENCE (ESREL 2019)? DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Yang Y, Bashir M, Li C, Wang J, Loughney S. 2018. Analysis of the Dynamic Behaviour of 10mw Bottom-Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Offshore Renewable-energy (CORE), 3rd International Conference of Offshore Renewable-energy (CORE) :40-47 Public Url
Loughney S, Wang J, Matellini DB, Pemberton K. 2018. An investigation identifying trends between the enforcement of offshore safety case regulations and the occurrence of vessel to platform collision incidents Haugen S, Barros S, van Gulijk C, Kongsvik T, Vinnem JE. Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World: Proceedings of ESREL 2018, June 17-21, 2018, Trondheim, Norway, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Olubitan O, Loughney S, Wang J, Bell R. 2018. An investigation and statistical analysis into the incidents and failures associated with dynamic positioning systems Haugen S. Proceeding of the 28th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018, the 28th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018 :79-85 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Zhang J, Yan X, Blanco-Davis E, Yang Z, Wang J. 2018. Study on seafarers’ emotion identification during watch-keeping using bridge simulation Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2018, 28th International European Safety and Reliability Conference :347-354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yazdani D, Trung TN, Branke J, Wang J. 2018. A Multi-objective Time-Linkage Approach for Dynamic Optimization Problems with Previous-Solution Displacement Restriction Sim K, Kaufmann P, Ascheid G, Bacardit J, Cagnoni S, Cotta C, DAndreagiovanni F, Divina F, EsparciaAlcazar AL, DeVega FF, Glette K, Hidalgo JI, Hubert J, Iacca G, Kramer O, Mavrovouniotis M, Garcia AMM, Nguyen TT, Schaefer R, Silva S, Tonda A, Urquhart N, Zhang M. APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, EVOAPPLICATIONS 2018, 21st International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApplications) 10784 :864-878 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ramasamy S, Abdullah MMAB, Huang Y, Hussin K, Wang J, Shahedan NF. 2017. Correlation between Hardness and Water Absorption Properties of Saudi Kaolin and White Clay Geopolymer Coating Abdullah MMA, Ramli MM, AbdRahim SZ, Isa SSM, Saad MNM, Ismail RC, Ghazli MF. AIP Conference Proceedings, 3rd Electronic and Green Materials International Conference (EGM) 1885 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Yazdani D, Trung TN, Branke J, Wang J. 2017. A New Multi-swarm Particle Swarm Optimization for Robust Optimization Over Time Squillero G, Sim K. APPLICATIONS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (EVOAPPLICATIONS 2017), PT II, 20th European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApplications) 10200 :99-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al Yami H, Yang Z, Riahi R, Bonsall S, Wang J, Wan C, Qu Z. 2017. Analytical strategic safety management in container ports 2017 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND SAFETY (ICTIS), 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS) :184-191 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fan S, Yan X, Zhang J, Wang J. 2017. A Review on Human Factors in Maritime Transportation Using Seafarers' Physiological Data 2017 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND SAFETY (ICTIS), 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS) :104-110 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Abujaafar KM, Qu Z, Yang Z, Wang J, Nazir S, Ovcrgard KI. 2016. Use of evidential reasoning for eliciting Bayesian subjective probabilities in human reliability Analysis 2016 11TH SYSTEMS OF SYSTEM ENGINEERING CONFERENCE (SOSE), IEEE, 11th IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Li C, Ren J, Wang J, Yang Z, Chang D. 2016. Hazard Identification in Chemical Supply Chains: The Development of a Novel Taxonomy Zhang R, Zhang J, Hensher D, Fu X, Hua G, Tang M. 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS, INFORMATICS AND SERVICE SCIENCES (LISS' 2016), International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fan S, Zhang D, Blanco-Davis E, Wang J, Huang M, Zhang F, Yan X. 2016. Current Status and Framework of China's Inland Passenger Ship Safety System Zhang R, Zhang J, Hensher D, Fu X, Hua G, Tang M. 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS, INFORMATICS AND SERVICE SCIENCES (LISS' 2016), International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS) DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Qu Z, Asquco M, Jenkinson I, Wang J, Yang Z. 2015. Measurement and Management of KPIs under Uncertainty: A Case of Shipping Management 2015 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering :393-402
Pristrom S, Yang Z, Wang J, Zhang D, Yan X. 2015. Major Issues Associated with Maritime Security and Piracy Study Yan XP, Hu ZZ, Zhong M, Wu CZ, Yang ZL. 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION AND SAFETY (ICTIS 2015), 3rd Int Conference Transportation Information Safety :588-594 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yan XP, Zhang D, Wang J, Soares CG. 2015. Maritime risk assessment in inland waterways: The past and the future Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, :3699-3706 DOI Publisher Url
Abujaafar KM, Yang Z, Wang J, Nazir S, Øvergård KI. 2015. Modelling adequacy of organisation in human reliability analysis—a case of maritime operations Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, :3157-3164 DOI Publisher Url
McNamara D, Cunningham A, Riahi R, Jenkinson I, Wang J. 2015. Modelling of maintenance and inspection policies for marine systems using Monte Carlo simulation and delay-time analysis Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems - Proceedings of the 25th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2015, :1845-1852 DOI Publisher Url
Riahi R, Robertson I, Jenkinson I, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2014. A model for evaluating the security level of a port Steenbergen RDJM, VanGelder PHAJM, Miraglia S, Vrouwenvelder ACWMT. SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK ANALYSIS: BEYOND THE HORIZON, 22nd Annual Conference on European Safety and Reliability (ESREL) :3245-3252 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
John A, Riahi R, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. A new approach for evaluating the disruption risks of a seaport system. 24th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2014 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wang H, Ren J, Wang J, Yang J. 2014. Developing a conceptual framework to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency response system for an oil spill CICTP 2014: Safe, Smart, and Sustainable Multimodal Transportation Systems - Proceedings of the 14th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, :3731-3742 DOI Publisher Url
Salleh NHM, Riahi R, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. Risk Assessment of Liner Shipping from a Business Environment Perspective Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Quantification, Mitigation, and Management - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management, ICVRAM 2014 and the 6th International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, ISUMA 2014, :2320-2329 DOI Publisher Url
Zhang D, Yan X, Yang Z, Wang J. 2012. A subjective approach for evaluating navigational risk of yangtze river 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference and the Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference 2012, PSAM11 ESREL 2012, 3 :2348-2357
Matellini DB, Wall AD, Jenkinson ID, Wang J, Pritchard R. 2012. A Bayesian network model for fire development and occupant response within dwellings Proceedings of IEEE 2012 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-2012, DOI Publisher Url
Wang J, Riahi R, Li KX. 2012. A study on challenges and developments in maritime safety and security assessment RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Managing Reliability and Maintainability in the Maritime Industry, Papers, :71-80
Mokhtari K, Ren J, Wang J, Roberts C, Jenkinson I. 2012. A Preliminary Research on Risk Management for Marine Industry Applications Huang HZ, Zuo MJ, Liu Y. 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUALITY, RELIABILITY, RISK, MAINTENANCE, AND SAFETY ENGINEERING (ICQR2MSE), International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE) :23-28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riahi R, Jenkinson I, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2012. A proposed Fuzzy Bayesian Network (FBN) model for measuring seafarers' reliability Berenguer C, Grall A, Soares CG. ADVANCES IN SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT, European Safety And Reliability Conference (ESREL) :2855-2862 Author Url
Karahalios H, Yang ZL, Wang J. 2012. A study of the implementation of maritime safety regulations by a ship operator Berenguer C, Grall A, Soares CG. ADVANCES IN SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT, European Safety And Reliability Conference (ESREL) :2863-2869 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang Z, Wang J. 2011. Toward an effective human reliability assessment ICTIS 2011: Multimodal Approach to Sustained Transportation System Development - Information, Technology, Implementation - Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Transportation Information and Safety, :2822-2832 DOI Publisher Url
Shao MKY, Zhang HY, Shi K, Wang J, Li F, Li WC. 2011. The application of complex dual population genetic algorithms to optimizing the fuzzy control Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), :926-931 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Z, Wang J, Rochdi M, Belkacem O. 2011. Bayesian Modelling for Human Error Probability Analysis in CREAM Huang HZ, Zuo MJ, Jia X, Liu Y. 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUALITY, RELIABILITY, RISK, MAINTENANCE, AND SAFETY ENGINEERING (ICQR2MSE), International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance and Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE) :137-142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones B, Jenkinson I, Yang Z, Wang J. 2010. Use of delay time concept and BN for effective maintenance planning Reliability, Risk and Safety: Back to the Future, :1453-1458
Wang J, Phipps J, Matellini DB. 2010. A study of risk-based verification for offshore engineering systems 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management 2010, PSAM 2010, 2 :1154-1165
Yang ZL, Wang J. 2010. Quantitative analysis of maritime security assessment in ISPS Bris R, Soares CG, Martorell S. RELIABILITY, RISK AND SAFETY: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS VOLS 1-3, European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2009) :2069-2073 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang Z, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2009. A Fuzzy Bayesian Reasoning Method to Realise Interactive Failure Analysis Kang R, Huang HZ, Zuo MJ, Miao Q. PROCEEDINGS OF 2009 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, MAINTAINABILITY AND SAFETY, VOLS I AND II, 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS 2009) :403-406 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Wang J, Wong S. 2007. Risk management with multiple uncertain decision making attributes Aven T, Vinnem JE. RISK, RELIABILITY AND SOCIETAL SAFETY, VOLS 1-3, European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2007) :763-+ Author Url
Xie X, Wang S, Roberts C, Wang J. 2006. Locating bus stations using advanced approach Proceedings of the Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, ICTTS, :780-791
Kim SW, Wall A, Wang J, Kwon YS. 2006. Fire-risk moelling of machinery space: An application of approximate reasoning approach (fuzzy averaging method) in passenger ship engine room INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING, 15th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2005) 16 :48-56 Author Url
Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Wang J, Fang QG. 2006. Relative risk analysis using Bayesian networks and evidential reasoning Soares CG, Zio E. SAFETY AND RELIABILITY FOR MANAGING RISK, VOLS 1-3, European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2006) :1137-+ Author Url
Ren J, Wang J, Jenkinson I, Xu D, Yang J. 2006. Methodology to model human and organisational errors on offshore risk analysis 2006 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, VOLS 1 AND 2, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering :144-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bonsall S, Wall A, Wang J. 2006. The changing business activity of UK maritime institutions Proceedings of Globalization and MET: 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference, AGA 2006,
Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Fang QG, Wang J. 2006. Maritime security-assessment and management Proceedings of Globalization and MET: 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference, AGA 2006,
Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Fang QG, Wang J. 2006. Maritime security-assessment and management Proceedings of Globalization and MET: 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference, AGA 2006,
Bonsall S, Wall A, Wang J. 2006. The changing business activity of UK maritime institutions Proceedings of Globalization and MET: 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference, AGA 2006,
Bonsall S, Wang J. 2006. Modern marine and maritime teaching and research training in UK higher education establishments Proceedings of Globalization and MET: 7th Annual General Assembly and Conference, AGA 2006,
Yang ZL, Bonsall S, Wang J, Fang QG. 2005. Formal safety assessment of container liner supply chains Advances in Safety and Reliability - Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2005, 2 :2061-2070
Wang J, Pillay A. 2005. A multiple criteria model for ship maintenance inspection optimization Advances in Safety and Reliability - Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2005, 2 :2025-2034
Yu DL, Chang TH, Wang J. 2005. Fault tolerant control of nonlinear processes with adaptive diagonal recurrent neural network model Wang J, Liao X, Yi Z. ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2005, PT 3, PROCEEDINGS, 2nd International Symposium on Neural Networks 3498 :86-91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Yang ZL, Wang J, Bonsall S, Fang QG. 2005. Risk assessment of container supply chains using bayesian networks Cui L, Tsang AHC. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Quality & Reliability, 4th International Conference on Quality and Reliability (ICQR 2005) :91-99 Author Url
Yang JB, Liu J, Wang J, Liu GP, Wang HW. 2004. An optimal learning method for constructing belief rule bases Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1 :994-999 DOI Publisher Url
Yi Y, Chang HY, Wang J, Bai JC. 2004. Soft computing for parallel scheduling with setup times Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 4 :2041-2046
Liu J, Yang JB, Wang J, Sii HS, Wang YM. 2004. Fuzzy rule-based evidential reasoning approach for safety analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS, 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligent Systems for Applied Research 33 :183-204 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eleye-Datubo AG, Sil HS, Wang J, Yang JB, Liu J. 2004. The application of approximate reasoning methodologies to offshore engineering design based on risk assessment Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2004, 3 :679-688 DOI Publisher Url
Liu J, Martinez L, Yang JB, Wang J. 2004. Self-tuning method for fuzzy rule base with belief structure Applied Computational Intelligence - Proceedings of the 6th International FLINS Conference, :272-275 DOI Publisher Url
Xu F, Wang J. 2003. Advance in radiotherapy of lung cancer Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer, 6 :456-459
Yang JB, Liu J, Wang J, Sii HS. 2003. The evidential reasoning approach for inference in rule-based systems Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 3 :2461-2468
Saajedi MA, Wang J, English R. 2002. Strength reduction factor for tubular joints under combined loading Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, 2 :635-642 DOI Publisher Url
Wang J, Sii HS, Pillay A, Saajedi A, Yang JB, Liu J. 2002. Design for safety of large maritime engineering products Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, 2 :659-667 DOI Publisher Url
Pillay A, Wang J. 2001. Human error assessment and decision making for fishing vessels using analytical hierarchy processing American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis Division, SERA, 11 :81-89
Sii HS, Wang J, Yang JB, Kieran O, Ruxton T. 2001. Subjective design evaluation framework using approximate reasoning and evidential reasoning approaches Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, 2 :317-324
Pillay A, Wang J, Jung GM, Kwon YS, Loughran CG, Anson TI, Wall AD, Ruxton T. 2001. Modified FMEA for fishing vessels: A fuzzy set and grey theory approach Langen I, Yao T, Koo J, Knapp RH, Chung JS. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH (2001) INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, VOL IV, 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE-2001) :522-528 Author Url
Liu YG, Wall AD, Wang J. 2000. Human error analysis in ship operations Cottam MP, Pape RP, Harvey DW. FORESIGHT AND PRECAUTION, VOLS 1 AND 2, Conference on Foresight and Precaution :377-384 Author Url
An M, Wang J, Ruxton T. 2000. Risk analysis of offshore products using approximate reasoning in the concept design stage Cottam MP, Pape RP, Harvey DW. FORESIGHT AND PRECAUTION, VOLS 1 AND 2, Conference on Foresight and Precaution :631-639 Author Url
Pillay A, Wang J, Wall AD, Ruxton T. 2000. Analysis of fishing vessel failure data using fuzzy set approach Cottam MP, Pape RP, Harvey DW. FORESIGHT AND PRECAUTION, VOLS 1 AND 2, Conference on Foresight and Precaution :1005-1013 Author Url
An M, Wang J, Ruxton T. 2000. The development of a fuzzy-rule-base for risk analysis of offshore engineering products using approximate reasoning Sivaloganathan S, Andrews PTJ. ENGINEERING DESIGN CONFERENCE 2000: DESIGN FOR EXCELLENCE, Engineering Design Conference 2000 :327-338 Author Url
Sii HS, Ruxton T, Wang J. 2000. A statistical study of the risk associated with ship/platform encounters in UK waters Cottam MP, Pape RP, Harvey DW. FORESIGHT AND PRECAUTION, VOLS 1 AND 2, Conference on Foresight and Precaution :647-654 Author Url
Wang J. 1998. The current status and future aspects of offshore safety assessment in the UK Zeng QX, Wang LQ, Xie XP, Qian XM. PROGRESS IN SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 98th International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (98'ISSST) :464-481 Author Url
Wang J, Kieran O. 1998. Offshore safety assessment and decision making Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE,
Wang J, Ruxton T, Thompson RV. 1993. Failure analysis of made-to-order (MTO) products American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper), :1-10
Harrison M, Yang Z, Nguyen TT, Kavakeb S, Wang J, Bonsall S. A TOPSIS method for vehicle route selection in seaports — A real case analysis of a container terminal in North West Europe 2015 International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), :599-606 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Qu Z, Jenkinson I, Wang J, Fraser G, Yang Z. A new fuzzy TOPSIS method for six sigma project selection: A case analysis in shipping quality control IAME 2013 : conference proceedings, International Association of Maritime Economics Conference
Loughney SJ, Davies P, Wang J. Bayesian network modelling for offshore installations: Gas turbine fuel gas release with potential fire and explosion consequences Safety and Reliability. Theory and Application, 27th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017) :2907-2915 DOI Publisher Url
Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Ren J, Bonsall S, Wang J, Jenkinson I. The impact of transport infrastructure projects on sustainable development within a major logistics gateway in North West England International Conference on Logistics and Sustainable Transport (ICLST)
Qu Z, Jenkinson I, Wang J, Yang Z. Six Sigma in Onshore Service Quality Control of Shipping Operations The Global Port Research Alliance (GPRA) Conference
Qu Z, Laidlaw P, Fraser G, Jenkinson I, Wang J, Yang Z. Revised FMEA Model to Facilitate Six Sigma Quality Control in Shipping Management International Association of Maritime Economics Conference 2014
Shekwoyemi G, Paraskevadakis D, Wang J, Ren J. A review of the challenges of utilising inland waterways for freight transport and future perspectives for the UK e-LRN CILT Special web conference 2020
Qu Z, Abujaafar M, Wang J, Nazir S, Mallam S, Blanco-Davis E, Guo FB, Sivori H, Symes S, Yang Z. Advanced Bayesian model to quantify the adequacy of organisation for human reliability: A maritime case. DOI Publisher Url
Chukwuka O, Ren J, Wang J, Paraskevadakis D. A preliminary research on risk management in emergency supply chains 2021 Logistics Research Network Conference
Prapaspongsa T, Ren J, Wang J, Sapsathiarna Y, Ren J, Ornthammaratha T. Lessons learned from international best practices in sustainable maritime transport: potential technology and system adaptation for life cycle management of maritime transport in emerging economies the Life Cycle Management Conference 2017
Li CY, Ren J, Wang J, chang D, Yang Z. Hazard identification in chemical supply chains: The development of a novel taxonomy 6th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences
Li CY, Ren J, Wang J, Yang Z. Dynamic risk management of chemical supply chains International Association of Maritime Economics Conference 2016
Haddad S, Ren J, Wang J, Wall A. A study on the implementation of relationship marketing approach in supply chain performance: an analytical literature review the 17th International conference of Logistics Research Network (LRN)
Babader A, Ren J, Wang J, Jones K. Waste packaging problems and its optimization SPAR conference at Salford university
Jones K, Wang J, Ren J, Usman A. An Overview on Resilience Modelling for Oil Terminal Operations
Jenkins M, Loughney S, Matellini DB, Wang J. 2023. Advancing the Sustainability of Risk Assessments within the Renewable Energy Sector- Review of Published Risk Assessments MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Jenkins M, Loughney S, Matellini DB, Wang J. 2023. Advancing the Sustainability of Risk Assessments within the Renewable Energy Sector- Review of Published Risk Assessments MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Xu Z, Miao W, Sun K, Zhang W, Wang J, Bashir M. 2023. Collaborative Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Probabilistic Neural Network with Decision Information Fusion Elsevier BV DOI Publisher Url
Xu Z, Bashir M, Zhang W, Sun K, Miao W, Wang J. 2023. Dealing with Diagnostic Uncertainties: A Novel Intelligent Framework Embedded with Decision-Level Fusion Algorithm for Multi-Scale Information Fusion Elsevier BV DOI Publisher Url
Fan S, Yang Z, Wang J, Marsland J. 2022. Shipping Accident Analysis in Restricted Waters: Lesson from the Suez Canal Blockage in 2021 Elsevier BV DOI Publisher Url
Pam E, Wall A, Yang Z, Blanco-Davis E, Wang J. 2023. Multi-criteria Based Selection of Ship-Based Ballast Water Treatment Technologies Advances in Reliability and Maintainability Methods and Engineering Applications Part F :3-19 Springer Nature Switzerland 9783031288586 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sinsabvarodom C, Punurai W, Asavadorndeja P, Wang J. 2023. Long-term fatigue assessment of offshore monopile structure under corrosive environmental condition Human-Assisted Intelligent Computing: Modelling, simulations and applications :26.1-26.16 DOI Publisher Url
Al Yami H, Riahi R, Wang J, Yang Z. 2023. Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Enhance Container Port Safety Analysis Under Uncertainty Springer Series in Reliability Engineering Part F266 :265-291 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Z, Wang Y, Li D, Hjelle H, Yan X, Shi X, Cullinane K, Zhang D, Huang A, Wang J, Riahi R, Song D, Drake P, Hernandez JE, Jin Z, Shen L, Qu Z, Lin N. 2021. Challenges and developments in integrated container supply chains: A research agenda for the Europe-China Research Network on Integrated Container Supply Chains (ENRICH) project Collaborative Logistics and Intermodality: Integration in Supply Chain Network Models and Solutions for Global Environments :1-15 DOI Publisher Url
Bashir M, Yang Y, Wang J, Loughney S, Michailides C, Li C. 2020. Tuned mass damper effects on the tendon responses of a novel 10 MW multi-body floating offshore wind turbine platform. Guedes-Soares C. Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2020, 12 - 15 October 2020, Lisbon, Portugal) Proceedings in Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering 9780367681319 DOI Publisher Url
Loughney S, Bashir M, Wang J, Armin M. 2020. Application of a Multiple-Attribute Decision-Analysis methodology for site selection of floating offshore wind farms off the West coast of Ireland Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2020, 12 - 15 October 2020, Lisbon, Portugal) Proceedings in Marine Technology and Ocean Engineering 9780367681319 DOI Publisher Url
John A, Yang Z, Riahi R, Wang J. 2018. A decision support system for the assessment of seaports’ security under fuzzy environment Intelligent Systems Reference Library 131 :145-177 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Z, Maistralis L, Bonsall S, Wang J. 2018. Use of Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning for Vessel Selection Under Uncertainty International Series in Operations Research and Management Science 260 :105-121 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Z, Wang J, Ng AKY. 2016. Toward Robust Management of Maritime Risk and Security Dynamic Shipping and Port Development in the Globalized Economy 1 :122-149 DOI Publisher Url
John A, Riahi R, Paraskevadakis D, Bury A, Yang Z, Wang J. 2014. A new approach for evaluating the disruption risks of a seaport system. Nowakowski T, Młyńczak M, Jodejko-Pietruczuk A, Werbińska-Wojciechowska S. Safety and Reliability: Methodology and Applications :591-598 CRC Press 978-1-315-73697-6 DOI Publisher Url
Yang Z, Wang J. 2013. Ship formal safety assessment Maritime Safety Security and Piracy :31-53 DOI Publisher Url
Hassan S. 2020. Onshore Cross Country Pipelines Risk Assessment and Decision Making Under Uncertainty Wang J, Kontovas C, Bashir M. Public Url
Ahmad Najib AF. 2020. Development of Decision Making Techniques for Analysing the Designation of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) Matellini D, Wang J. Public Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Kontovas C, Hassan S, Wang J, Bashir M. Application of Bayesian Model for Third Party Damage Assessment of Cross-Country Oil Pipeline under Uncertainty 10.3850/978-981-11-2724-3 0802-cd, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Membership of professional bodies:
FRINA, Fellow of Royal Institution of Naval Architects, http://www.rina.org.uk/. 2006
FSaRS, Fellow of Safety and Reliability Society, http://www.sars.org.uk/. 1997
Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council, http://www.engc.org.uk/. 1996
FIMarEST, Fellow of Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, http://www.imarest.org/. 1996