Image of Prof Zaili Yang

Prof Zaili Yang

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Telephone: 0151 231 2531

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Zaili Yang is Professor of Maritime Transport at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. Prior to his current appointment, he was Reader in Maritime Transport (2010-2014) and a lecturer in Maritime Operations (2007-2010) at the School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations, LJMU. He received his BEng in Maritime Transportation from Dalian Maritime University, China, in 2001, MSc in International Transport from Cardiff University, UK, in 2003, and PhD in Maritime Safety from LJMU, UK, in 2006. Prof. Yang’s research interests are analysis and modelling of safety, resilience and sustainability of transport networks, particularly maritime and logistics systems. Prof. Yang has received more than £13m (located to LJMU only) external grants (£8m as the PI) from the EU, UK EPSRC and UK DTI to support his research, including a prestigious ERC consolidator grant. Research funding support has also been received from government collaborators (i.e. UK MoD and Korean research collaborative funds) via PhD research projects. Prof. Yang has successfully completed 9 postdoctoral and 45 PhD projects. He currently has 5 postdoctoral researcher and 11 PhD students under his supervision in the research areas of maritime safety, logistics operation and port optimisation. His research findings have been published in 400 refereed papers in risk and supply chain areas, including 240 SCI/SSCI cited journal and 150 conference papers. Prof. Yang is a member of 9 transport/maritime journals (e.g. Transport Research Part E). He has also served as a member of review boards for national research councils of USA, UK, EU, Canada, Norway, China and Hong Kong. He has received 15 paper awards and 4 research awards (e.g. Northeast Asia Logistics Award 2018).

Career Profile
2017 – date Chair of Research Degree Committee of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, LJMU
2014 – date Professor of Maritime Transport, Liverpool JMU.
2012 -- date Co-Director of Liverpool Logistics Offshore and Marine Research Institute (LOOM), Liverpool JMU.
2010 – 2014 Reader in Maritime Transport, Liverpool JMU.
2007 - 2010 Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Liverpool JMU.
2006 - 2007 Postdoctoral RA, Liverpool JMU.
2003 - 2006 PhD researcher, Liverpool JMU.
2001 - 2002 MSc student, Cardiff University.
1997 - 2001 BSs student, Dalian Maritime University.

Research Profile
• Authored and co-authored 400 refereed publications (15 paper awards), including 3 books, 15 book chapters, 4 editorials of SCI/SSCI journals, over 250 long journal papers (240 SCI/SSCI cited), and over 150 conference papers. WoS h-index 53, citation 8900; Google scholar h-index 63, citation 14000.
• Authored and co-authored over 50 non-refereed publications, including keynote and plenary presentations.
• Completion of supervision of 9 postdoctoral researchers (9 as the principal supervisor).
• Completion of supervision of 30+ visiting scholars (27 as the principal supervisor).
• Completion of supervision of 45 PhD and 2 MPhil students (27 as the principal supervisor).
• 5 postdoctoral (as the principal supervisor) and 11 PhD students under supervision.
• Research grants received from external funding bodies such as EU and UK research councils (e.g. EPSRC), including a prestigious ERC consolidator grant, totalling over £13m (£8m as the principal investigator).
• Collaborative research with many industrial companies (e.g. Maersk Line and AECOM Group) and leading universities.

Fellowship and Research Awards
2021 LJMU VC Award for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Transfer.
2021 LOGMS Conference Second Best Student Paper Award, paper title ““Modeling categorized truck arrivals at ports big data for traffic predication”, (co-authored with Haotian Sheng (first author, PhD student), Na Li, Pingyao Wang, Yulin Jia, Zhihong Jin), awarded by the 10th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems (LOGMS2021), Oct 29-30, Zhoushan, China.
2021 ICASL Conference Best Paper Award, paper title “Vulnerability analysis of cruise shipping in ASEAN countries facing COVID-19”, (co-authored with Dr Ching-Pong Poo and Dr Yui Yep Lau), awarded in the 14th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL) Conference, Seoul, South Korea August 27, 2021.
2020 Emerald Literati Award Highly Commended Paper, paper title: ‘Selection of effective risk mitigation strategies in container shipping operations’, published in Maritime Business Review, (Co-authored with Chang C.H., Xu J.J., and Dong J.X.), awarded by Emerald in Emerald Literati Award 2020.
2020 ALRT Conference Best Paper Award, paper title “Evaluating recovery strategies for the disruptions in liner shipping networks: A resilience perspective”, (co-authored with Wan C.P., Tao J.L., Wu J., Zhang D.), awarded in Asian Logistics Round Table 2020 Conference, Tasmania, November 19-20, 2020.
2018 The Best Paper in the Young Researcher Group of the PROLOG2018, (the awardee: Tianni Wang, directly supervised PhD researcher) for the awarded paper ‘How Can the UK Road System be Adapted to the Impacts Posed by Climate Change? By Creating a Climate Adaptation Framework’ (Co-authored with Qu Z., Nichol T., Yang Z., Dimitriu D., Clarke G., Bowden D.) in International Conference on Project Logistics (PROLOG), Hull, UK, June 28-29, 2018.
2018 Northeast Asia Logistics Award, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the logistics development of the Northeast Asia, awarded by Incheon National University jointly with Asian Association of Shipping and Logistics and Ministry of Ocean and Fishery, Korea.
2018 Emerald Literati Award Highly Commended Paper, paper title: ‘Application of Bayesian networks in analysing tanker shipping bankruptcy risks’, (co-authored with Wang G., Yang Z.S., Zhang D.), awarded by Emerald in Emerald Literati Award 2018.
2017 Maritime Policy & Management Best Paper Award, paper title: ‘Use of Bayesian network for risk based port state control’, (co-authored with Yang Z.S., and Yin J.B.), awarded in International Association of Maritime Economics 2017 Conference, Kyoto, Japan, June 28-30, 2017.
2017 LISS Conference Best Paper Award, paper title: ‘A Fuzzy Rule-Based Bayesian Reasoning Approach for Risk Assessment of Petroleum Transportation Systems’, (co-authored with Alghanmi A., and Blanco-Davis E.), awarded in 7th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences 2017 Conference, Kyoto, Japan, with satellite session in Beijing China, July 24-27, 2017.
2016 QR2MSE Conference Best Paper Award, paper title “Measurement and Management of KPIs under Uncertainty: A Case of Shipping Management”, (co-authored with Z.Qu, M. Asquco, I.D. Jenkinson, J. Wang), awarded in International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Maintainability and Safety, July 25-28, Jiuzhaigou, China, 2016.
2015 ALRT Conference Best Paper Award, paper title “Modelling Risk Based Cost Analysis of Port Adaptation Measures to Climate Change”, (co-authored with A.K.Y. Ng, P.T.W. Lee, T. Wang, V.S. Rodrigues, S. Pettit, I. Harris), awarded in Asian Logistics Round Table 2015 Conference, Taipei, August 30- September 1, 2015.
2012 Eagle Prize, awarded to Outstanding Potential Young Scholars in Maritime Research, awarded during IAME 2012 Conference, Taipei, September 6-8, 2012.
2012 Award of NW Regional KTP of year and finalist in KTP of year at Innovation 2012, UK (as the technical advisor of the project).
2012 Maritime Policy & Management Best Paper Award – 1st Runners Up, paper title: ‘Modeling port choice in an uncertain environment’, (co-authored with Yeo G.T., Ng A.K.Y. and Lee P.T.W.).
2011 Highly Commended Paper Award from Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, paper title: ‘A new fuzzy evidential reasoning method for risk analysis and control of a liquefied natural gas carrier system’ (co-authored with Nwaoha T.C., Wang J., Bonsall S.).
2010 Research Award for outstanding contributions to scholarship and research in Maritime Operation Safety and Risk Analysis, conferred by the University of Lingaya through ICRITO.
2009 Highly Commended Paper Award from Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, paper title: ‘Incorporating uncertainty and multiple criteria in vessel selection’ (co-authored with Maistralis L., Bonsall S. and Wang J.).
2009 University Promising Research Fellowship by LJMU.
2009&2008 Faculty Research Award twice at LJMU.
Before 2007 Several awards including Stanley Gray Fellowship (2004-2006) awarded by the Institute of Maritime Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST), Excellent Graduate Award of Liaoning Province (China), Conference Best Paper Awards and Nomination of Best Maritime PhD Thesis Award, etc.

Research Interests
· Formal maritime safety assessment.
· Maritime security modelling.
· Human reliability assessment.
· Quantitative quality control.
· Container supply chain risk analysis.
· Risk based multiple attribute decision making.
· Uncertainty treatment in risk assessment.
· Port safety assessment.
· Intelligent transport system.
· Maritime logistics performance measurement.

External grants (as the PI)
2022-2024 Royal Society £12k Incorporation of Ship Dynamic Motion Models into Real-time Collision Risk Prediction of Autonomous Ships
2020-2025 ERC Consolidator grant €1.99m TRUST – Towards Resilient and Sustainable Container Supply Chains
2019-2022 EU Interreg Atlantic €480k (out of €2.32m) EMPORIA4TT – Innovative Knowledge Transfer for Blue Economy
2018-2023 EU H2020 €173k (out of 960k) ENHANCE – Human Reliability and Training network.
2018-2019 UK DfT (Department for Transport) £55,000 Cycling Risk Prediction
2018-2020 UK EPSRC £50,000 PVC – Prioritising Vehicle Cleanliness for better air quality
2018-2023 EU H2020 €189,000 (out of €1m) GOLF – Food Supply Chains.
2017-2018 DfT/Mersey Travel £16,400 Cycling Safety Management
2015-2018 Norwegian Research Council £25,000 SeaConAZ - Exploring the Potential for Making Sea Containers Go All the Way through the Supply Chain
2015-2018 Red Ninjia Ltd. £30,000 Group Route Optimisation through Simulation
2015-2017 AECOM UK £30,000 Climate Adaptation in Transportation
2014-2015 Korea Maritime and Ocean University £3,000 Green Ports and Port Adaptation to Climate Change
2014-2016 Innovate UK (UK Technology Strategy Board) £20,000 VoyagOR - Voyage Optimal Routing in the Cloud
2014-2017 Lloyds Register £5,700 Risk Based Maintenance Management
2014-2015 Korean Government $10,000 MPC - Marine Policy Comparison : The UK and Korean Cases
2014-2015 EU (INTERREG IVB) €64,000 Transferability of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
2013-2017 EU FP7 Marie Curie IRSES network €592,000 ENRICH – EU China Research Network on Integrated Supply Chains
2009-2014 EU (INTERREG IVB NWE) €1,032,000 (€7 million in total) InTraDE – Intelligent Transport for Dynamic Environment 2008
2009 Nuffield Foundation (NF/UBR/35483) £1,400

External grants (as a CoI)
2021-2023 ESRC £24,799 Maritime autonomous shipping: A UK-Taiwan joint cooperation in integrating the regulatory framework
2021-2024 National Nature Science Foundation of China $480k Study on the basic theory of ship navigation risk in complex navigable waters
2021-2023 International Association of Maritime Universities $8,000 (out of $59,980) Integration of ports in global hydrogen supply chains: Opportunities and challenges
2021-2023 International Association of Maritime Universities $59,779 Application of Human Factors in Digital Bridge Design
2021-2023 Royal Academy of Engineering £19,990 Building costal resilient infrastructure in Gwadar port, Pakistan
2020-2022 MariUK £170,000 LADDER - Lookout Awareness of Distractions & Distraction Evaluation Ratio.
2020-2022 EU H2020 RISE IF €224,934 Offshore fire emergency systems
2019-2020 CILT £7500 Risk evaluation of autonomous surface ships
2018-2021 EU ERDF €673,000 (out of €8.35m) LCR Green Sustainable Corridors
2017-2020 EU (INTERREG Atlantic Area) €404,000 (out of €3.9m) ARCWIND - Adaptation and implementation of floating wind energy conversion technology
2018-2020 Royal Society £12,000 Resilience and risk of offshore wind energy generation platforms under extreme environments
2017-2020 Petroleum Technology Development Fund £15,000 Quantitative Pipeline Risk Assessment
2017-2018 The UK HSE £15,000 Effective collision risk management for offshore installations and ship/platform collision incident database
2018-2021 EU (INTERREG Atlantic Area) €144,000 (out of €2.22m) Atlantic Blue Port Services - Discharge polluted water in port, not at sea
2016-2020 EU H2020 Marie Curie RISE network €243,000 (out of €1.28m in total) REliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for large maritime engineering systems
2016-2017 Royal Academy of Engineering £24,000 Newton research collaborations programme
2015-2019 EU H2020 Marie Curie RISE network €108,000 Partnership for Research in Geopolymer Concretes
2015-2017 UK BIS (Newton Fund) £300,000 Sustainable maritime logistics research UK- Vietnam
2015-2016 British Council £40,100 ICT for sustaining and renovating logistics services in Vietnam, a UK-Vietnam research partnership
2014-2015 UK Research Council Digital Economic Research Programme £3,000 The economic benefits of green automated vehicles in UK/North West England container terminals using simulation and analytical Techniques
2014-2016 Royal Society £12,000 A case study-based collaborative investigation into inland waterway ship safety
2014-2017 UK RMRI Consulting £30,000 Offshore safety case study
2014-2015 CITL- Charted Institute of Transport and Logistics £7,800 Traffic management and transport optimisation
2013-2014 IAMU- International Assoc. of Maritime Universities $54,000 Deck officers' non-technical skills (NTS) and training needs for human element
2012-2015 EU (FP7-Marie Curie IRSES) €383,000 REFERENCE (Research NEtwork on FlExible Risk AssEssmeNt and DeCision SciencE)
2011-2014 EU (INTERREG IVB NEW) €350,000 (€7 million in total) Strengthening the development of sustainable connectivity in NWE for freight and logistics with the support of ICT innovative solutions
2010 EPSRC £12,000 Travel grant on Maritime Logistics Symposium
2007-2010 DTI KTP (Risktec) £122,000 KTP with Risktec Solutions Ltd

External Collaboration
Collaboration has been developed with many industrial companies, research institutions and government bodies. They include the Maersk Line (UK Ltd), American Bureau of Shipping (Greece), Mersey Maritime Group, Port of Liverpool, Port of Oostende, Risktech Ltd, Stanford University, University of Oxford, University of Manitoba, University of Tasmania, World Maritime University, Lille University of Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Incheon National University, Wuhan University of Technology, Shanghai Maritime University, Taiwan National Ocean University, Dalian Maritime University, Beijing Jiaotong University, University of Antwerp, Edinburgh Napier University, Cardiff University, the Mersey Partnership and South East England Development Agency (SEEDA), Liverpool City Council and Manchester City Council, etc.


2007, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2003, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, MSc
2001, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, China, BEng
