Prof Harry Sumnall
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: H.Sumnall@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4516
Harry is a Professor in Substance Use in the School of Psychology. He is also a member of the Public Health Institute. His undergraduate degree was in Pharmacology at the University of Manchester, and he completed his PhD, examining the Behavioural Pharmacology of MDMA, at the University of Liverpool. He joined LJMU in 2003 where he developed specialisms in public health.
Harry undertakes and collaborates on a wide range of research on drug related topics - from pre-clinical studies to policy analysis - but has particular specialism in young people’s drug use, and prevention interventions. Harry’s funded research programmes have primarily examined the evidence base for substance use prevention and the mechanisms for implementing evidence based practice and policy. Other current work includes research into public stigma towards people who use drugs, public support for drug policy, psychedelic microdosing,
alcohol marketing, and the development and evaluation of interventions and support services for people at higher risk of drug related harm.
Harry regularly discusses drug use topics with UK and international media, and regularly contributes to UK and international practice and policy initiatives.
Harry is a current Member (2025- ) of the UK Government Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), having previously sat on the Council between 2011-2019 (continuing as a co-optee on several working groups including medicinal cannabis, prevention, and cocaine). He sits on the NIHR Public Health Research Programme Funding Commitee. He is a Board Member and Past-President of the European Society for Prevention Research (2010-2019), and is a scientific advisor to the MIND Foundation (Germany). He is a founding Steering Commitee Member of the UK Anti-Stigma Network (https://www.antistigmanetwork.org.uk/), and an Associate Editor of the journals Addictive Behaviors and Journal of Prevention. He is co-Chair of the Cheshire and Merseyside Local Drugs Information System (LDIS) Panel.
2002, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
1997, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, BSc
Academic appointments
Professor In Substance Use, Liverpool John Moores University, 2011 - present
Highlighted publications
Sloboda Z, Johnson K, Fishbein D, Brown CH, Coatsworth JD, Fixsen D, Kandel D, Paschall M, Silva F, Sumnall H, Vanyukov M. 2023. Normalization of Prevention Principles and Practices to Reduce Substance Use Disorders Through an Integrated Dissemination and Implementation Framework Prevention Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Nicholls E, Sumnall H. 2022. ‘Some days I am a lunatic that thinks I can moderate’: Amalgamating recovery and neo-liberal discourses within accounts of non-drinking among women active in the ‘positive sobriety’ community on Instagram in the UK International Journal of Drug Policy, 112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shafi A, Berry AJ, Sumnall H, Wood DM, Tracy DK. 2022. Synthetic opioids: a review and clinical update Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson AM, Montgomery C, Maynard OM, Nicholls J. 2022. Effects of media representations of drug related deaths on public stigma and support for harm reduction International Journal of Drug Policy, 111 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holland AD, Stevens A, Harris M, Lewer D, Sumnall H, Stewart D, Gilvarry E, Wiseman A, Howkins J, McManus J, Shorter GW, Nicholls J, Scott J, Thomas K, Reid L, Day E, Horsley J, Measham F, Rae M, Fenton K, Hickman M. 2022. Analysis of the UK Government’s 10-Year Drugs Strategy—a resource for practitioners and policymakers Journal of Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H. 2022. Recreational use of nitrous oxide BMJ: British Medical Journal, 378 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Parkes T, Price T, Foster R, Trayner K, Sumnall H, Livingston W, Perkins A, Cairns B, Dumbrell J, Nicholls J. 2022. “Why would we not want to keep everybody safe?” The views of family members of people who use drugs on the implementation of drug consumption rooms in Scotland Harm Reduction Journal, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H. 2022. Encouraging a ‘generational shift’ in the UKs relationship with drugs. A commentary on the new UK drug strategy. What can be achieved with drug prevention? International Journal of Drug Policy, 109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Coulton S, Giles EL, McGeechan GJ, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Sumnall H, Vale L, Albani V, Boniface S, Ferguson J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, Ramsay A, Newbury-Birch D. 2022. The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Young People in the High School Setting: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (SIPS JR-HIGH) Alcohol And Alcoholism, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson A, Gage S, Hamilton I, Montgomery C. 2021. Less than human: dehumanisation of people who use heroin Health Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Sumnall H, Holland A, Atkinson AM, Montgomery C, Nicholls J, Maynard OM. 2025. 'Zombie drugs': Dehumanising news frames and public stigma towards people who use drugs International Journal of Drug Policy, 136 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Percy A, Padgett RN, McKay MT, Cole JC, Burkhart G, Brennan C, Sumnall H. 2024. Disentangling the temporal relationship between alcohol-related attitudes and heavy episodic drinking in adolescents within a randomized controlled trial Addiction, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson C, Butler N, Quigg Z, Sumnall H. 2024. Associations between loot box purchasing and gambling behaviours, financial problems, and low mental wellbeing in a household sample from a British island, a cross-sectional study Journal of Public Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hughes E, Harris J, Ainscough T, Bate A, Copello A, Dalkin S, Gilchrist G, Griffith E, Jones L, Maden M, Mitcheson L, Sumnall H, Walker C. 2024. Care models for coexisting serious mental health and alcohol/drug conditions: the RECO realist evidence synthesis and case study evaluation Health Technology Assessment, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ayyagari MM, Heim D, Sumnall H, Monk RL. 2024. Contextual factors associated with subjective effects of cannabis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Sumnall H, Kullu C, Owens L, Montgomery C. 2024. Changes in processing speed during early abstinence from alcohol dependence Journal of Psychopharmacology, :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Hobin E, Vanderlee LM, Sumnall H. 2024. Qualitative analysis of UK women’s attitudes to calorie-based alcohol marketing and alcohol calorie labelling Health Promotion International, 39 :1-12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Sumnall H. 2024. ‘Just a colour?’: Exploring women's relationship with pink alcohol brand marketing within their feminine identity making International Journal of Drug Policy, 125 :104337-104337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Falzon D, Carver H, Masterton W, Wallace B, Sumnall H, Measham F, Craik V, Gittins R, Aston EV, Watson K, Hunter C, Priyadarshi S, Parkes T. 2024. Planning and implementing community-based drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration using the consolidated framework for implementation research Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 19 :7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Sumnall H, Smith J, Kuiper R, Montgomery C. 2024. Recovery of neuropsychological function following abstinence from alcohol in adults diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder: Systematic review of longitudinal studies Manippa V. PLoS One, 19 :1-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Falzon D, Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Wallace B, Craik V, Measham F, Sumnall H, Gittins R, Hunter C, Watson K, Mooney JD, Aston EV. 2023. “It would really support the wider harm reduction agenda across the board”: A qualitative study of the potential impacts of drug checking service delivery in Scotland PLOS ONE, 18 :e0292812-e0292812 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H. 2023. Is it possible to reduce population levels of illegal drugs use? BMJ, 383 :p2684-p2684 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Otanga H, Jeneby F, Handulle M, Busz M, Sumnall H, Van Hout MC. 2023. Drug Use, Gender-Based Violence, Sex Work and (Il)Legality: Intersecting Vulnerabilities among Women who use Drugs. Kenyatta University Women’s Economic Empowerment Journal, 1 :35-44 Publisher Url Public Url
Anderson M, Atkinson AM, McAuley A, Sumnall H, Glancy ME, Bloomfield HA, Trayner KMA. 2023. Assessing the reach and engagement with the ‘How To Save A Life’ mass media campaign on drug-related death prevention in Scotland Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Montgomery C, Atkinson AM, Jones A, Sumnall H. 2023. Little Evidence for the Role of Disgust Sensitivity in Implicit Disgust to Images of White People Engaged in Injecting Drug Use (IDU) Substance Use & Misuse, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson AM, Anderson M, McAuley A, Trayner K. 2023. How to Save a Life: Public awareness of a national mass media take home naloxone campaign, and effects of exposure to campaign components on overdose knowledge and responses. International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trayner K, Yeung A, Sumnall H, Anderson M, Glancy ME, Atkinson AM, Smith M, McAuley A. 2023. National increase in the community supply of take-home naloxone associated with a mass media campaign in Scotland: a segmented time series analysis International Journal of Drug Policy, :104106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carver H, Falzon D, Masterton W, Wallace B, Aston EV, Measham F, Hunter C, Sumnall H, Gittins R, Raeburn F, Craik V, Priyadarshi S, Rothney L, Weir K, Parkes T. 2023. 'It's not going to be a one size fits all': a qualitative exploration of the potential utility of three drug checking service models in Scotland Harm Reduction Journal, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris J, Dalkin S, Jones L, Ainscough T, Maden M, Bate A, Copello A, Gilchrist G, Griffith E, Mitcheson L, Sumnall H, Hughes E. 2023. Achieving integrated treatment: a realist synthesis of service models and systems for co-existing serious mental health and substance use conditions The Lancet Psychiatry, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Sumnall H, Montgomery C. 2023. Younger, drunk, and fast: Paradoxical rapid reaction time in hazardous drinkers. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), :2698811231177216 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sloboda Z, Johnson K, Fishbein D, Brown CH, Coatsworth JD, Fixsen D, Kandel D, Paschall M, Silva F, Sumnall H, Vanyukov M. 2023. Normalization of Prevention Principles and Practices to Reduce Substance Use Disorders Through an Integrated Dissemination and Implementation Framework Prevention Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Begley E, Poole H, Sumnall H, Frank B, Montgomery C. 2023. Opioid prescribing and social deprivation: A retrospective analysis of prescribing for CNCP in Liverpool CCG PLoS One, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Nicholls E, Sumnall H. 2022. ‘Some days I am a lunatic that thinks I can moderate’: Amalgamating recovery and neo-liberal discourses within accounts of non-drinking among women active in the ‘positive sobriety’ community on Instagram in the UK International Journal of Drug Policy, 112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Sumnall H. 2022. ‘You’re in the alcohol Matrix, then you unplug from it, and you’re like ‘Wow’’’: exploring sober women’s management, negotiation and countering of alcohol marketing in the UK Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shafi A, Berry AJ, Sumnall H, Wood DM, Tracy DK. 2022. Synthetic opioids: a review and clinical update Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson AM, Montgomery C, Maynard OM, Nicholls J. 2022. Effects of media representations of drug related deaths on public stigma and support for harm reduction International Journal of Drug Policy, 111 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holland AD, Stevens A, Harris M, Lewer D, Sumnall H, Stewart D, Gilvarry E, Wiseman A, Howkins J, McManus J, Shorter GW, Nicholls J, Scott J, Thomas K, Reid L, Day E, Horsley J, Measham F, Rae M, Fenton K, Hickman M. 2022. Analysis of the UK Government’s 10-Year Drugs Strategy—a resource for practitioners and policymakers Journal of Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Sumnall H, Smith J, Kuiper R, Montgomery C. 2022. Recovery of neuropsychological function following abstinence from alcohol in adults diagnosed with an alcohol use disorder: Protocol for a systematic review of longitudinal studies PLoS One, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H. 2022. Recreational use of nitrous oxide BMJ: British Medical Journal, 378 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Falzon D, Aston EV, Carver H, Masterton W, Wallace B, Sumnall H, Measham F, Fletcher E, Gittins R, Priyadarshi S, Parkes T. 2022. Challenges for drug checking services in Scotland: a qualitative exploration of police perceptions. Harm Reduction Journal, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Parkes T, Price T, Foster R, Trayner K, Sumnall H, Livingston W, Perkins A, Cairns B, Dumbrell J, Nicholls J. 2022. “Why would we not want to keep everybody safe?” The views of family members of people who use drugs on the implementation of drug consumption rooms in Scotland Harm Reduction Journal, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H. 2022. Encouraging a ‘generational shift’ in the UKs relationship with drugs. A commentary on the new UK drug strategy. What can be achieved with drug prevention? International Journal of Drug Policy, 109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nicholls J, Livingston W, Perkins A, Cairns B, Foster R, Trayner KMA, Sumnall H, Price T, Cairney P, Dumbrell J, Parkes T. 2022. Drug Consumption Rooms and Public Health Policy: Perspectives of Scottish Strategic Decision-Makers International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Ross-Houle KM, Smith C, Sumnall H. 2022. Magazines as contradictory spaces for alcohol messaging: a mixed method content and thematic analysis of UK women’s magazine representations of alcohol and its consumption Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Coulton S, Giles EL, McGeechan GJ, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Sumnall H, Vale L, Albani V, Boniface S, Ferguson J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, Ramsay A, Newbury-Birch D. 2022. The Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Alcohol Intervention to Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Young People in the High School Setting: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (SIPS JR-HIGH) Alcohol And Alcoholism, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Adley M, Atkinson AM, Sumnall HR. 2022. Including the multiply excluded: a mixed methods study exploring intragroup stigma towards people who use synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Meadows BR, Emslie C, Lyons A, Sumnall H. 2021. 'Pretty in Pink' and ' Girl Power': An analysis of the targeting and representation of women in alcohol brand marketing on Facebook and Instagram International Journal of Drug Policy, 101 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson A, Gage S, Hamilton I, Montgomery C. 2021. Less than human: dehumanisation of people who use heroin Health Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Barkoukis V, Kaffe S, Atkinson A, Sumnall H, Koskelo J, Jussila HK, Jagminiene K, Banyte R. 2021. Fitness professionals’ perceptions of acceptability and usability of anti-doping education tools for recreational sports Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Padgett RN, Andretta JR, Cole JC, Percy A, Sumnall H, McKay MT. 2021. Intervention impact on alcohol use, alcohol harms, and a combination of both: A latent class, secondary analysis of results from a randomized controlled trial Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 227 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H, Meadows B. 2021. 'We're in this together': A content analysis of marketing by alcohol brands on Facebook and Instagram during the first UK Lockdown, 2020. International Journal of Drug Policy, 98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McKay MT, Perry JL, Cole JC, Percy A, Sumnall HR. 2021. One rule for one, and a different rule for another: The case of the Parental Rules about Alcohol Questionnaire Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 225 :108824-108824 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Sumnall H, Kullu C, Owens L, Montgomery C. 2021. Subjective executive function deficits in hazardous alcohol drinkers. Journal of Psychopharmacology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Miler J, Carver H, Masterton W, Parkes T, Maden M, Jones L, Sumnall H. 2021. What treatment and services are effective for people who are homeless and use drugs? A systematic ‘review of reviews’ PLoS One, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Montgomery C, Atkinson AM, Gage S, Boardley I. 2021. Moral disengagement and the harms of cocaine use Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cole JC, Percy A, Sumnall HR, McKay MT. 2021. An Examination of the Longer-Term Impact of a Combined Classroom and Parental Intervention on Alcohol-Related Harms and Heavy Episodic Drinking Prevention Science, 22 :443-451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Powell A, Tommerdahl M, Abbasi Y, Sumnall H, Montgomery C. 2021. A pilot study assessing the brain gauge as an indicator of cognitive recovery in alcohol dependence Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Van De Ven K, Cunningham M, de Zeeuw T, Hibbert E, Forlini C, Barkoukis V, Sumnall H. 2021. Performance and image enhancing drug interventions aimed at increasing knowledge among healthcare professionals (HCP): Reflections on the implementation of the Dopinglinkki e-module in the HCP workforce in Europe and Australia International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shafi A, Berry AJ, Sumnall H, Wood DM, Tracy DK. 2020. New Psychoactive Substances - A Review and Updates Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, 10 :1-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H. 2020. 'Zombies', 'cannibals',and'super humans': a quantitative and qualitative analysis of UK news media reporting of the cathinone psychostimulants labelled 'monkey dust' Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Hamilton I, Atkinson AM, Montgomery C, Gage S. 2020. Representation of adverse childhood experiences is associated with lower public stigma towards people who use drugs: an exploratory experimental study Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hamilton I, Sumnall H. 2020. Are we any closer to identifying a causal relationship between cannabis and psychosis? Current Opinion in Psychology, 38 :56-60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts C, Jones A, Sumnall H, Gage S, Montgomery C. 2020. How effective are pharmaceuticals for cognitive enhancement in healthy adults? A series of meta-analyses of cognitive performance during acute administration of modafinil, methylphenidate and d-amphetamine. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson AM, Trayner K, Gage S, McAuley A. 2020. Effects of messaging on public support for drug consumption rooms in Scotland, UK International Journal of Drug Policy, 83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trayner K, Palmateer N, Hutchinson S, Goldberg D, Shepherd S, Gunson R, Tweed E, Priyardashi S, Sumnall H, Atkinson AM, McAuley A. 2020. High willingness to use drug consumption rooms among people who inject drugs in Scotland: findings from a national bio-behavioural survey among people who inject drugs International Journal of Drug Policy, 90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giles EL, McGeechan GJ, Scott SJ, McGovern R, Boniface S, Ramsay A, Hendrie N, McColl E, Sumnall H, Newbury-Birch D, Kaner E, SIPS Jr-HIGH Study Team . 2019. A qualitative account of young people's experiences of alcohol screening and brief interventions in schools: SIPS Jr-HIGH trial findings. Journal of Public Health, 42 :259-267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Percy A, Agus A, Cole J, Doherty P, Foxcroft D, Harvey S, McKay M, Murphy L, Sumnall H. 2019. Recanting of Previous Reports of Alcohol Consumption within a Large-Scale Clustered Randomised Control Trial Prevention Science, 20 :844-851 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Agus A, McKay M, Cole J, Doherty P, Foxcroft D, Harvey S, Murphy L, Percy A, Sumnall H. 2019. Cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention: economic evaluation of data from the Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 9 :e027951-e027951 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giles EL, McGeechan GJ, Coulton S, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Stamp E, Sumnall H, Todd L, Vale L, Albani V, Boniface S, Ferguson J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, Mossop H, Ramsay A, Stanley G, Newbury-Birch D. 2019. Brief alcohol intervention for risky drinking in young people aged 14–15 years in secondary schools: the SIPS JR-HIGH RCT Public Health Research, 7 :1-134 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, McAuley A, Trayner KMA, Sumnall H. 2019. 'We are still obsessed by this idea of abstinence': A critical analysis of UK news media representations of proposals to introduce drug consumption rooms in Glasgow, UK. International Journal of Drug Policy, 68 :62-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGeechan GJ, Giles EL, Scott S, McGovern R, Boniface S, Ramsay A, Sumnall H, Newbury-Birch D, Kaner E, SIPS JR-HIGH Study Team . 2018. A qualitative exploration of school-based staff's experiences of delivering an alcohol screening and brief intervention in the high school setting: findings from the SIPS JR-HIGH trial. Journal of Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gage SH, Sumnall HR. 2018. Rat Park: How a rat paradise changed the narrative of addiction. Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H. 2018. Neo-liberal discourse of substance use in the UK reality TV show, The Jeremy Kyle Show Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harrison R, Van Hout MC, Cochrane MA, Eckley L, Noonan RJ, Timpson H, Sumnall H. 2018. Experiences of Sustainable Abstinence-Based Recovery: an Exploratory Study of Three Recovery Communities (RC) in England International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pennington B, Collins B, Leigh S, Martin A, Owen L, Fischer A, Sumnall H, Bates G. 2018. The cost-effectiveness of seven behavioural interventions to prevent drug misuse in vulnerable populations International Journal of Drug Policy, 57 :42-50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McKay M, Agus A, Cole J, Doherty P, Foxcroft D, Harvey S, Murphy L, Percy A, Sumnall H. 2018. Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme (STAMPP): a school-based and community-based cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8 :e019722-e019722 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wells KE, Morgan G, Worrell FC, Sumnall H, McKay MT. 2018. The influence of time attitudes on alcohol-related attitudes, behaviors and subjective life expectancy in early adolescence: A longitudinal examination using mover-stayer latent transition analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT, 42 :93-105 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H. 2017. ‘Isn’t it mostly girls that do pre-drinks really?’ Young men and women’s accounts of pre-loading in the UK Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 26 :60-69 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holmes J, Sumnall H. 2017. On risk in addiction science, policy and debate. Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Holloway AS, Ferguson J, Landale S, Cariola L, Newbury-Birch D, Flynn A, Knight JR, Sherritt L, Harris SK, O’Donnell AJ, Kaner E, Hanratty B, Loree AM, Yonkers KA, Ondersma SJ, Gilstead-Hayden K, Martino S, Adam A, Schwartz RP, Wu L-T, Subramaniam G, Sharma G, McNeely J, Berman AH, Kolaas K, Petersén E, Bendtsen P, Hedman E, Linderoth C, Müssener U, Sinadinovic K, Spak F, Gremyr I, Thurang A, Mitchell AM, Finnell D, Savage CL, Mahmoud KF, Riordan BC, Conner TS, Flett JAM, Scarf D, McRee B, Vendetti J, Gallucci KS, Robaina K, Clark BJ, Jones J, Reed KD, Hodapp RM, Douglas I, Burnham EL, Aagaard L, Cook PF, Harris BR, Yu J, Wolff M, Rogers M, Barbosa C, Wedehase BJ, Dunlap LJ, Mitchell SG, Dusek KA, Gryczynski J, Kirk AS, Oros MT, Hosler C, O’Grady KE, Brown BS, Angus C, Sherborne S, Gillespie D, Meier P, Brennan A, de Vargas D, Soares J, Castelblanco D, Doran KM, Wittman I, Shelley D, Rotrosen J, Gelberg L, Edelman EJ, Maisto SA, Hansen NB, Cutter CJ, Deng Y, Dziura J, Fiellin LE, O’Connor PG, Bedimo R, Gibert C, Marconi VC, Rimland D, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Simberkoff MS, Justice AC, Bryant KJ, Fiellin DA, Giles EL, Coulton S, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Stamp E, Sumnall H, Vale L, Alabani V, Atkinson A, Boniface S, Frankham J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, McGeechan GJ, Ramsey A, Stanley G, Clephane J, Gardiner D, Holmes J, Martin N, Shevills C, Soutar M, Chi FW, Weisner C, Ross TB, Mertens J, Sterling SA, Shorter GW, Heather N, Bray J, Cohen HA, McPherson TL, Adam C, López-Pelayo H, Gual A, Segura-Garcia L, Colom J, Ornelas IJ, Doyle S, Donovan D, Duran B, Torres V, Gaume J, Grazioli V, Fortini C, Paroz S, Bertholet N, Daeppen J-B, Satterfield JM, Gregorich S, Alvarado NJ, Muñoz R, Kulieva G, Vijayaraghavan M, Adam A, Cunningham JA, Díaz E, Palacio-Vieira J, Godinho A, Kushir V, O’Brien KHM, Aguinaldo LD, Sellers CM, Spirito A, Chang G, Blake-Lamb T, LaFave LRA, Thies KM, Pepin AL, Sprangers KE, Bradley M, Jorgensen S, Catano NA, Murray AR, Schachter D, Andersen RM, Rey GN, Vahidi M, Rico MW, Baumeister SE, Johansson M, Sinadinovic C, Hermansson U, Andreasson S, O’Grady MA, Kapoor S, Akkari C, Bernal C, Pappacena K, Morley J, Auerbach M, Neighbors CJ, Kwon N, Conigliaro J, Morgenstern J, Magill M, Apodaca TR, Borsari B, Hoadley A, Scott Tonigan J, Moyers T, Fitzgerald NM, Schölin L, Barticevic N, Zuzulich S, Poblete F, Norambuena P, Sacco P, Ting L, Beaulieu M, Wallace PG, Andrews M, Daley K, Shenker D, Gallagher L, Watson R, Weaver T, Bruguera P, Oliveras C, Gavotti C, Barrio P, Braddick F, Miquel L, Suárez M, Bruguera C, Brown RL, Capell JW, Paul Moberg D, Maslowsky J, Saunders LA, McCormack RP, Scheidell J, Gonzalez M, Bauroth S, Liu W, Lindsay DL, Lincoln P, Hagle H, Wallhed Finn S, Hammarberg A, Andréasson S, King SE, Vargo R, Kameg BN, Acquavita SP, Van Loon RA, Smith R, Brehm BJ, Diers T, Kim K, Barker A, Jones AL, Skinner AC, Hinman A, Svikis DS, Thacker CL, Resnicow K, Beatty JR, Janisse J, Puder K, Bakshi A-S, Milward JM, Kimergard A, Garnett CV, Crane D, Brown J, West R, Michie S, Rosendahl I, Andersson C, Gajecki M, Blankers M, Donoghue K, Lynch E, Maconochie I, Phillips C, Pockett R, Phillips T, Patton R, Russell I, Strang J, Stewart MT, Quinn AE, Brolin M, Evans B, Horgan CM, Liu J, McCree F, Kanovsky D, Oberlander T, Zhang H, Hamlin B, Saunders R, Barton MB, Scholle SH, Santora P, Bhatt C, Ahmed K, Hodgkin D, Gao W, Merrick EL, Drebing CE, Larson MJ, Sharma M, Petry NM, Saitz R, Weisner CM, Young-Wolff KC, Lu WY, Blosnich JR, Lehavot K, Glass JE, Williams EC, Bensley KM, Chan G, Dombrowski J, Fortney J, Rubinsky AD, Lapham GT, Forray A, Olmstead TA, Gilstad-Hayden K, Kershaw T, Dillon P, Weaver MF, Grekin ER, Ellis JD, McGoron L, McGoron L. 2017. Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of INEBRIA Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 12 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H, Agus A, Cole JC, Doherty P, Foxcroft D, Harvey S, McKay MT, Murphy L, Percy A. 2017. Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme (STAMPP): a school- and community-based cluster randomised controlled trial Public Health Research, 5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McKay MT, Sumnall H, Harvey SA, Cole JC. 2017. Perceptions of school-based alcohol education by educational and health stakeholders: “Education as usual” compared to a randomised controlled trial Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giles EL, Coulton S, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Stamp E, Sumnall H, Tate L, Todd L, Vale L, Albani V, Boniface S, Ferguson J, Frankham J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, McGeechan GJ, Stanley G, Newbury-Birch D. 2016. Multicentre individual randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent risky drinking in young people aged 14-15 in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH): study protocol. BMJ Open, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harvey SA, McKay MT, Sumnall H. 2016. Adolescents' reflections on school-based alcohol education in the United Kingdom: education as usual compared with a structured harm reduction intervention Journal of Substance Use, 21 :640-645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H. 2016. 'If I don't look good, it just doesn't go up': A qualitative study of young women's drinking cultures and practices on Social Network Site. International Journal of Drug Policy, 38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson A, Ross-Houle KM, Begley E, Sumnall H. 2016. An exploration of alcohol advertising on social networking sites: an analysis of content, interactions and young people’s perspectives Addiction Research and Theory, 25 :91-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Timpson H, Eckley L, Sumnall H, Pendlebury M, Hay G. 2016. “Once you’ve been there, you’re always recovering”: exploring experiences, outcomes, and benefits of substance misuse recovery Drugs and Alcohol Today, 16 :29-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis MA, Hughes K, Jones L, Morleo M, Nicholls J, McCoy E, Webster J, Sumnall H. 2015. Holidays, celebrations, and commiserations: measuring drinking during feasting and fasting to improve national and individual estimates of alcohol consumption BMC MEDICINE, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McKay M, Sumnall H, McBride N, Harvey S. 2014. The differential impact of a classroom-based, alcohol harm reduction intervention, on adolescents with different alcohol use experiences: A multi-level growth modelling analysis Journal of Adolescence, 37 :1057-1067 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Faggiano F, Allara E, Giannotta F, Molinar R, Sumnall H, Wiers R, Michie S, Collins L, Conrod P. 2014. Europe Needs a Central, Transparent, and Evidence-Based Approval Process for Behavioural Prevention Interventions PLOS MEDICINE, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Faggiano F, Allara E, Giannotta F, Molinar R, Sumnall H, Wiers R, Michie S, Collins L, Conrod P. 2014. Europe needs a central, transparent, and evidence-based approval process for behavioural prevention interventions European Journal of Public Health, 24 DOI Publisher Url
Lightowlers C, Sumnall H. 2014. A violent mix? The association between concurrent alcohol and cocaine use and violence amongst young people in England and Wales DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 21 :131-139 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gabrhelík R, Calafat A, Sumnall H, Brenza J, Juan M, Mendes F, Karlsson Rådelius E, Talić S, Csémy L, Brotherhood A, Duch M, Jurystova L, Košir M, Magalhaes C, Ramstedt M, Skarstrand E. 2014. (Self)organizing potential of European parents to prevent children from alcohol, tobacco and other drug use Adiktologie, 14 :116-124
Fernie G, Peeters M, Gullo MJ, Christiansen P, Cole JC, Sumnall H, Field M. 2013. Multiple behavioural impulsivity tasks predict prospective alcohol involvement in adolescents. Addiction, 108 :1916-1923 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fernie G, Peeters M, Gullo MJ, Christiansen P, Cole JC, Sumnall H, Field M. 2013. Multiple behavioural impulsivity tasks predict prospective alcohol involvement in adolescents Addiction, 108 :1916-1923 DOI
Sumnall HR. 2013. The New Zealand new psychoactive substances regime - A step in the right direction, but questions still remain Journal of Psychopharmacology, 27 :1076-1078 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Becoña E, Martínez U, Calafat A, Fernández-Hermida JR, Juan M, Sumnall H, Mendes F, Gabrhelík R. 2013. Parental permissiveness, control, and affect and drug use among adolescents Psicothema, 25 :292-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McBride N, McKay M, Sumnall H. 2013. SHAHRP: School health and alcohol harm reduction project - Developments in Australia and the UK Education and Health, 31 :79-83
McKay MT, Percy A, Goudie AJ, Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2012. The Temporal Focus Scale: factor structure and association with alcohol use in a sample of Northern Irish school children. J Adolesc, 35 :1361-1368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McKay MT, Percy A, Goudie AJ, Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2012. The Temporal Focus Scale: Factor structure and association with alcohol use in a sample of Northern Irish school children Journal of Adolescence, 35 :1361-1368 DOI
McKay MT, Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Goudie AJ. 2012. Framing health messages for adolescents: Should we use objective time periods, temporal benchmarks, or both? Journal of Youth Studies, 15 :351-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McKay MT, McBride NT, Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2012. Reducing the harm from adolescent alcohol consumption: Results from an adapted version of SHAHRP in Northern Ireland Journal of Substance Use, 17 :98-121 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McKay MT, Sumnall HR, Cole JC, Percy A. 2012. Self-esteem and self-efficacy: Associations with alcohol consumption in a sample of adolescents in Northern Ireland Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 19 :72-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McKay MT, Ballantyne N, Goudie AJ, Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2012. "Here for a good time, not a long time": Decision-making, future consequences and alcohol use among Northern Irish adolescents Journal of Substance Use, 17 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goudie AJ, Gullo MJ, Rose AK, Christiansen P, Cole JC, Field M, Sumnall H. 2011. Nonaddictive instrumental drug use: Theoretical strengths and weaknesses. Behav Brain Sci, 34 :314-315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Measham F, Brandt SD, Cole JC. 2011. Salvia divinorum use and phenomenology: results from an online survey. J Psychopharmacol, 25 :1496-1507 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Downing J, Jones L, Bates G, Sumnall H, Bellis MA. 2011. A systematic review of parent and family-based intervention effectiveness on sexual outcomes in young people. Health Educ Res, 26 :808-833 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brandt SD, Freeman S, Sumnall HR, Measham F, Cole J. 2011. Analysis of NRG 'legal highs' in the UK: identification and formation of novel cathinones. Drug Test Anal, 3 :569-575 DOI Author Url
McKay MT, Cole JC, Field M, Goudie AJ, Sumnall H. 2011. What differentiates adolescent problematic drinkers from their peers? Results from a cross-sectional study in Northern Irish school children Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 3 :187-199 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McKay MT, Cole JC, Sumnall H. 2011. Teenage thinking on teenage drinking: 15- to 16-year olds' experiences of alcohol in Northern Ireland DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 18 :323-332 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H, Measham F. 2011. Depictions of alcohol use in a UK Government partnered online social marketing campaign: Hollyoaks 'The Morning after the night before' DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 18 :454-467 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Evans-Brown M, McVeigh J. 2011. Social, policy, and public health perspectives on new psychoactive substances. Drug Test Anal, 3 :515-523 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brandt SD, Freeman S, Sumnall HR, Measham F, Cole J. 2010. Analysis of NRG 'legal highs' in the UK: identification and formation of novel cathinones. Drug Test Anal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones L, Pickering L, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis MA. 2010. Optimal provision of needle and syringe programmes for injecting drug users: A systematic review. Int J Drug Policy, 21 :335-342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brandt SD, Sumnall HR, Measham F, Cole J. 2010. Analyses of second-generation 'legal highs' in the UK: initial findings. Drug Test Anal, 2 :377-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brandt SD, Sumnall HR, Measham F, Cole J. 2010. The confusing case of NRG-1 BMJ (Online), 341 :62 DOI
Brandt SD, Sumnall HR, Measham F, Cole J. 2010. Second generation mephedrone The confusing case of NRG-1 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 341 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall H. 2010. Effects of a pre-treatment with a neurotoxic regimen of (+/-)3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine upon five common recreational drugs of abuse.
Montgomery C, Field M, Atkinson AM, Cole JC, Goudie AJ, Sumnall HR. 2010. Effects of alcohol preload on attentional bias towards cocaine-related cues. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 210 :365-375 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, Bellis MA, Hughes K, Calafat A, Juan M, Mendes F. 2010. A choice between fun or health? Relationships between nightlife substance use, happiness, and mental well-being JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE, 15 :89-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Woolfall K, Sumnall H. 2010. Evaluating interventions for children of substance using parents: A review of outcome measures ADDICTION RESEARCH & THEORY, 18 :326-343 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall H. 2009. Regulation of synthetic cannabinoids. Lancet, 374 :1595 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goudie AJ, Cole JC, Sumnall H, Field M. 2008. Impulsivity related to “obesity” and alcohol use in young women Appetite, 51 :761-761 DOI Publisher Url
Cole JC, Goudie AJ, Field M, Loverseed AC, Charlton S, Sumnall HR. 2008. The effects of perceived quality on the behavioural economics of alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, and ecstasy purchases Drug Alcohol Depend., 94 :183-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Woolfall K, Cole J, Mackridge A, McVeigh J. 2008. NICE guidance on ADHD. Diversion and abuse of methylphenidate in light of new guidance BMJ, 337 :a2287 Author Url
Sumnall HR, Woolfall K, Edwards S, Cole JC, Beynon CM. 2008. Use, function, and subjective experiences of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB). Drug Alcohol Depend, 92 :286-290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Bellis MA. 2007. Can health campaigns make people ill? The iatrogenic potential of population-based cannabis prevention JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH, 61 :930-931 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goudie AJ, Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2007. Olanzapine withdrawal/discontinuation-induced hyperthermia in rats Prog.Neuropsychopharmacol.Biol.Psychiatry, 31 :1500-1503 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goudie AJ, Sumnall HR, Field M, Clayton H, Cole JC. 2007. The effects of price and perceived quality on the behavioural economics of alcohol, amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, and ecstasy purchases Drug Alcohol Depend., 89 :107-115 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Beynon CM, Conchie SM, Riley SCE, Cole JC. 2007. An investigation of the subjective experiences of sex after alcohol or drug intoxication. J Psychopharmacol, 21 :525-537 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Field M, Sumnall HR, Goudie AJ. 2007. Potentiation of olanzapine substitution in rats discriminating clozapine by the D2/3 agonist quinpirole Behav.Pharmacol., 18 :185-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goudie AJ, Cooper GD, Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2007. Cyproheptadine resembles clozapine in vivo following both acute and chronic administration in rats Journal of Psychopharmacology, 21 :179-190 DOI Author Url
Goudie AJ, Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2007. Olanzapine and JL13 induce cross-tolerance to the clozapine discriminative stimulus in rats Behav.Pharmacol., 18 :9-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beynon C, Sumnall HR, McVeigh J, Cole JC, Bellis MA. 2006. Drink detective: Comments on the manufacturer's response ADDICTION, 101 :1395-1395 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Beynon CM, Sumnall HR, McVeigh J, Cole JC, Bellis MA. 2006. The ability of two commercially available quick test kits to detect drug-facilitated sexual assault drugs in beverages. Addiction, 101 :1413-1420 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Cole JC, Jerome L. 2006. The varieties of ecstatic experience: an exploration of the subjective experiences of ecstasy J.Psychopharmacol., 20 :670-682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Michailidou K, Jerome L, Sumnall HR. 2006. The effects of stereotype threat on cognitive function in ecstasy users J.Psychopharmacol., 20 :518-525 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Field M, Santarcangelo M, Sumnall H, Goudie A, Cole J. 2006. Delay discounting and the behavioural economics of cigarette purchases in smokers: the effects of nicotine deprivation. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 186 :255-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Bellis MA, Cole JC, Mcveigh J. 2005. Crack-cocaine injection: A retrospective analysis of clients in Merseyside specialist drug treatment agencies DRUGS-EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY, 12 :213-221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gamma A, Jerome L, Liechti ME, Sumnall HR. 2005. Is ecstasy perceived to be safe? A critical survey Drug Alcohol Depend., 77 :185-193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2005. Self-reported depressive symptomatology in community samples of polysubstance misusers who report Ecstasy use: a meta-analysis J.Psychopharmacol., 19 :84-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Smith GW, Rostami-Hodjegan A. 2005. Preliminary evidence of the cardiovascular effects of polysubstance misuse in nightclubs J.Psychopharmacol., 19 :67-70 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Tyler E, Wagstaff GF, Cole JC. 2004. A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers Drug Alcohol Depend., 76 :93-99 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, O'Shea E, Marsden CA, Cole JC. 2004. The effects of MDMA pretreatment on the behavioural effects of other drugs of abuse in the rat elevated plus-maze test Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav., 77 :805-814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF, Cole JC. 2004. Self-reported psychopathology in polydrug users J.Psychopharmacol., 18 :75-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Jerome L, Doblin R, Mithoefer MC. 2004. Response to: Parrott AC, Buchanan T, Heffernan TM, Scholey A, Ling J, Rodgers J (2003) Parkinson's disorder, psychomotor problems and dopaminergic neurotoxicity in recreational ecstasy/MDMA users. Psychopharmacology 167(4):449-450 Psychopharmacology (Berl), 171 :229-230 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2003. The pre-clinical behavioural pharmacology of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Neurosci.Biobehav.Rev., 27 :199-217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2003. Altered states: the clinical effects of Ecstasy Pharmacol.Ther., 98 :35-58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, O'Shea E, Marsden CA. 2003. Effects of MDMA exposure on the conditioned place preference produced by other drugs of abuse Psychopharmacology (Berl), 166 :383-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Bailey M, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF, King LA. 2002. The content of ecstasy tablets: implications for the study of their long-term effects Addiction, 97 :1531-1536 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole J, Sumnall H, Grob C. 2002. Where are the casualties? Psychologist, 15 :474
Cole J, Sumnall H, Grob C. 2002. Sorted: Ecstasy facts and fiction Psychologist, 15 :464-467
Cole J, Sumnall H, Grob C. 2002. Where are the casualties? Response PSYCHOLOGIST, 15 :474-474 Author Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF. 2002. Methodological problems with ecstasy and the SCL-90 Psychopharmacology (Berl), 162 :215-217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, Wagstaff GF. 2002. What is a dose of ecstasy? J.Psychopharmacol., 16 :189-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2002. The BDI of the beholder J.Psychopharmacol., 16 :103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cole J, Sumnall HR, Grob CS. 2002. Sorted: Ecstasy PSYCHOLOGIST, 15 :464-467 Author Url
Atkinson AM, Sumnall H, Bellis MA. Young people's perspective on the portrayal of alcohol on televison: findings from a focus group study Addiction, Research and Theory, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson AM, Kirton AW, Sumnall HR. The gendering of alcohol in consumer magazines: an analysis of male and female targetted publications Journal of Gender Studies, 21 :365-386 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Otanga H, Jeneby F, Hundalle M, Busz M, Sumnall H, Van Hout MC. Gender based violence against women who use drugs (WWUD) in Kenya: Experiences and Policy Directions. Kenya Policy Briefs, Public Url
Masterton W, Falzon D, Burton G, Carver H, Wallace B, Aston E, Sumnall H, Measham F, Gittins R, Craik V, Schofield J, Little S, Parkes T. A Realist Review of How Community-Based Drug Checking Services Could Be Designed and Implemented to Promote Engagement of People Who Use Drugs International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Goudie AJ, Cooper GD, Cole JC, Sumnall HR. Cyproheptadine resembles clozapine in vivo following both acute and chronic administration in rats Journal of Psychopharmacology, DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H, McCoy E, Smith C, Harrison R, Butler N. 2023. Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man
Otanga H, Jeneby F, Handulle M, Busz M, Sumnall H, Van Hout M. 2021. Understanding experiences of gender base violence among women who use drugs (WWUD) and developing prevention and response framework in the coast of Kenya. Understanding experiences of gender base violence among women who use drugs (WWUD) and developing prevention and response framework in the coast of Kenya.
Atkinson A, Sumnall H, McVeigh J. 2019. Evaluating the acceptability, usability, utility, and implementation of a PIED e-learning module(s) and the Safe You app: findings from a comparative European project.
Atkinson A, Begley E, Jones L, Sumnall H. 2019. A rapid narrative review of literature on gendered alcohol marketing and its effects: exploring the targeting and representation of women. Summary Report.
Bates G, Jones L, Maden M, Cochrane M, Pendlebury M, Sumnall HS. 2017. The effectiveness of interventions related to the use of illicit drugs: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. A ‘review of reviews’. The effectiveness of interventions related to the use of illicit drugs: prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery. A ‘review of reviews’. HRB Drug and Alcohol Evidence Review 5 Publisher Url
Atkinson A, Pirona A, Begley E, Sumnall H. 2016. Health responses to new psychoactive substances DOI Public Url
Eckley L, Harrison R, Cochrane MA, Pendlebury M, Sumnall H, Timpson H. 2016. Evaluation of Four Recovery Communities across England: Interim report for the Give it Up project Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson A, Sumnall H, Begley EMMA. 2016. Guidance on safer risk communication for drug checking services.
Atkinson A, Ross KM, Begley E, Sumnall H. 2015. Constructing alcohol identities: the role of Social Network Sites (SNS) in young peoples’ drinking cultures Publisher Url
Atkinson A, Begley E, Ross-Houle K, Sumnall H. 2015. New/Novel Psychoactive substance in Tameside: a local needs assessment.
Jones L, Bates G, Bellis M, Beynon C, Duffy P, Evans-Brown M, Mackridge A, McCoy E, Sumnall H, McVeigh J. 2011. A summary of the health harms of drugs Author Url
Quigg ZA, Atkinson A, Hughes K, Bellis M, Sumnall H, Syed Q. 2009. Interpersonal violence and illicit drugs
Woodfall K, Sumnall H, McVeigh J. 2008. Addressing the needs of children of substance using parents: an evaluation of Families First’s Intensive Intervention Final Report. Author Url
Warering M, McVeigh J, Sumnall H. 2008. Young People and Cannabis use in Liverpool. Author Url
Wareing M, McVeigh J, Sumnall H. 2007. Young People and Substance Misuse: Characteristics, Needs and Perception of Treatment Services of Drug Users Aged 18 to 25 in Liverpool. Author Url
Fordham R, Jones L, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2007. The economics of preventing drug use: An introduction to the issues. Richard Fordham, Lisa Jones, Harry Sumnall, Jim McVeigh and Mark Bellis Author Url
Khundakar A, Sumnall H, Marr A, McVeigh J, Bellis A. 2007. Individuals aged under 25 in contact with treatment services in the North West of England during 2005/06. Author Url
Sumnall H, Jones L, Burrell K, Witty K, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Annual review of Drug Prevention The National Collaborating Centre for Drug Prevention. Author Url
McGrath Y, Sumnall H, Burrell K, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Review of grey literature on drug prevention among young people Review Summary. Author Url
McGrath Y, Sumnall H, Edmonds K, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Review of grey literature on drug prevention among young people. Author Url
Jones L, Sumnall H, Burrell K, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Universal Drug Prevention - Fact Sheets Author Url
Jones L, Sumnall H, Burrell K, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Universal Drug Prevention. Author Url
Sumnall H, McGrath Y, McVeigh J, Burrell K, Wilkinson L, Bellis MA. 2006. Drug use prevention among young people Evidence into practice briefing. Author Url Public Url
Burrell K, Sumnall H, Witty C, McVeigh J. 2006. Alcohol Brief Intervention Author Url
Jones L, Sumnall H, Witty K, Wareing M, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. A review of community-based interventions to reduce stance misuse among vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. Author Url
McGrath Y, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2006. Drug use prevention among young people: a review of reviews. Author Url
BURRELL K, Jones L, SUMNALL H, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2005. Tiered approach to Drug Prevention and treatment among young people. Author Url
Sumnall H, Burrell K, Jones L, Wilkinson L, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2005. Drug Prevention Quarterly September 2005. Author Url
Burrell K, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2005. Drug Prevention - Fact Sheet Author Url
Burrell K, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2005. Drug Prevention vulnerable young people. Author Url
Sumnall H, Cook L, McGrath Y, Wilkinson L, McVeigh J, Bellis M, Burrell K. 2005. Drug Prevention Quarterly - April 2005. Author Url
Cook L, McGrath Y, Wilkinson L, Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Bellis M, Burrell K. 2004. Drug Prevention Quarterly - November 2004. Author Url
Conference publication
Powell A, Sumnall H, Kullu C, Owens L, Montgomery C. 2023. Processing speed in recovery from alcohol dependence: comparisons between inpatient and outpatient settings EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY OPEN, 82 :396-397
Peacock A, Bruno R, Barratt MJ, Ezard N, Hill PL, Harrod ME, Brown JA, Page R, Keygan J, Sumnall H, Sutherland R. 2022. Awareness of, and behavioural responses to, drug alerts in Australia: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System and the Illicit Drug Reporting System DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 41 :S108-S108
Giles EL, Scott S, Coulton S, Deluca P, Drummond C, Graybill E, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Stamp E, Sumnall H, Tate L, Todd L, Newbury-Birch D. 2015. Development of a multicentre randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent risky drinking in young people in a high-school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH) LANCET, 386 :S37-S37 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Field M, Fernie G, Gullo MJ, Christiansen P, Cole JC, Sumnall HR. 2012. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INHIBITORY CONTROL AND DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES IN ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL USE ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH, 16th World Congress of the International-Society-for-Biomedical-Research-on-Alcoholism (ISBRA) 36 :30A-30A Author Url
Cole J, Bailey M, Sumnall H, King L. 2002. The content of ecstasy tablets: Implications for their long-term effects JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, Summer Meeting of the British-Association-for-Psychopharmacology 16 :A60-A60 Author Url
Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2002. Neurotoxic MDMA attenuates the rewarding properties of ethanol but has no effect upon cocaine or other drugs of abuse JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 16 :A59-A59 Author Url
Sumnall HR, Cole JC. 2002. Neurotoxic MDMA attenuates the rewarding properties of ethanol but has no effect upon cocaine or other drugs of abuse JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 16 :A68-A68 Author Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson A. 2022. Chapter3 Prevalence of use of novel psychoactive substances Novel Psychoactive Substances :85-108 Elsevier DOI
Sumnall H, Atkinson A. 2021. Prevalence of use of novel psychoactive substances Dargan P, Wood D. Novel Psychoactive Substances: Classification, Pharmacology and Toxicology Academic Press. London, UK 978-0-12-818788-3 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H, Atkinson A. 2021. Prevalence of use of novel psychoactive substances Novel Psychoactive Substances: Classification, Pharmacology and Toxicology :85-108 DOI Publisher Url
Tully J, Montgomery C, Maier LJ, Sumnall HR. 2020. Estimated prevalence, effects and potential risks of substances used for cognitive enhancement HUMAN ENHANCEMENT DRUGS :112-127 978-1-138-55279-1
Sumnall H. 2019. The Substance-Use Prevention Workforce: An International Perspective Sloboda Z, Petras H, Robertson E, Hingson R. Prevention of Substance Use :395-412 Springer. New York 978-3-030-00627-3 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H. 2018. Epidemiologie des Konsums von neuen psychoaktiven Substanzen Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen :263-278 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 9783642551246 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall HR. 2016. Epidemiology of Use of Novel Psychoactive Substances Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen :1-19 Springer Berlin Heidelberg DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H. 2016. Epidemiologie des Konsums von neuen psychoaktiven Substanzen Handbuch Psychoaktive Substanzen :1-21 Springer Berlin Heidelberg DOI Publisher Url
Ross-Houle KM, atkinson A, SUMNALL H. 2015. The Symbolic Value of Alcohol: The importance of alcohol consumption, drinking practices and drinking spaces in classed and gendered identity construction Thurnall-Read T. Drinking Dilemmas: Space, Culture and Identity :28-44 Routledge. London 978-1-138-93114-5 DOI
Conrod P, Brotherhood A, Sumnall HR, Fagiano F, Wiers R. 2015. Drug and Alcohol Policy for European Youth: Current evidence and recommendations for integrated policies and research strategies Anderson P, Rehm J, Room R. Impact of Addictive Substances and Behaviours on Individual and Societal Well-being Oxford University Press 978-0198714002 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H. 2014. Prevention Science: A Global Issue DEFINING PREVENTION SCIENCE :V-VIII 978-1-4899-7423-5
Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Evans-Brown M. 2013. Epidemiology of use of novel psychoactive substances Dargan P, Wood D. Novel Psychoactive Substances Academic Press 9780124158160 DOI Publisher Url
Sumnall H, McVeigh J, Evans-Brown MJ. 2013. Chapter 4 Epidemiology of Use of Novel Psychoactive Substances Novel Psychoactive Substances :79-103 Elsevier DOI
Sumnall H, Jones L. 2009. Redefining Drug Prevention Barlow J. Substance misuse 53 :155-168 Jessica Kingsley Pub. London 9781843106968
Barkoukis V, Kaffe S, Atkinson A, Sumnall H, Koskelo J, Jussila H-K, Jagminiene K, Banyte R. 2020. Evaluation of fitness instructors’ beliefs about using anti-doping education tools for recreational sports DOI Public Url
Giles EL, McGeechan GJ, Coulton S, Deluca P, Drummond C, Howel D, Kaner E, McColl E, McGovern R, Scott S, Stamp E, Sumnall H, Todd L, Vale L, Albani V, Boniface S, Ferguson J, Gilvarry E, Hendrie N, Howe N, Mossop H, Ramsay A, Stanley G, Newbury-Birch D. 2020. Corrigendum: Brief alcohol intervention for risky drinking in young people aged 14–15 years in secondary schools: the SIPS JR-HIGH RCT Public Health Research, 7 :135-142 DOI Publisher Url
Simkhada P, Poudel AN, Simkhada B, Sumnall H, Jones L, Bista S, McVeigh J, Gaidhane A, Zahiruddin QS, Chowdhury ME, Bhuiyan MBAS, Iliyasu Z, Pant PR, Kurmi O, Hill R, Van Teijlingen E, Regmi PR. 2017. Need and scope of global partnership on public health research Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University, 11 :260-262
Chatwin C, Measham F, O'Brien K, Sumnall H. 2017. New drugs, new directions? Research priorities for new psychoactive substances and human enhancement drugs. Int J Drug Policy, 40 :1-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stevens A, Fortson R, Measham F, Sumnall H. 2015. Legally flawed, scientifically problematic, potentially harmful: The UK Psychoactive Substance Bill INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG POLICY, 26 :1167-1170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Simkhada P, Poudel AN, Simkhada B, Sumnall H, Jones L, Bista S, McVeigh J, Gaidhane A, Zahiruddin QS, Chowdhury ME, Bhuiyan MBAS, Iliyasu Z, Pant PR, Kurmi O, Hill R, van Teijlingen E, Regmi PR. 2016. Need and scope of global partnership on public health research Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University, 11 :202-204
Sumnall HR, Woolfall K, Cole J, Mackridge A, McVeigh J. 2008. NICE GUIDANCE ON ADHD Diversion and abuse of methylphenidate BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sumnall HR, Woolfall K, Cole J, Mackridge A, McVeigh J. 2008. Diversion and abuse of methylphenidate BMJ, 337 :1011
Internet publication
Brotherhood A, Sumnall HR. 2013. European drug prevention quality standards: a quick guide DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Sumnall HR, Brotherhood A. 2012. Social reintegration and employment: evidence and interventions for drug users in treatment. 13 Publications Office of the European Union. Luxembourg Publisher Url
Brotherhood A, Sumnall HR, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction . 2011. European drug prevention quality standards: a manual for prevention professionals No 7 The Publications Office of the European Union. Luxembourg
External committees:
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), Home Office, Member, https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/advisory-council-on-the-misuse-of-drugs. 2025
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), Home Office, Member, https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/advisory-council-on-the-misuse-of-drugs. 2011
European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR), EUSPR, Board member, http://www.euspr.org/. 2010
Editorial boards:
Journal of Prevention, Associate Editor. 2022
Addictive Behaviours, Editorial Board Member. 2010
Research Grants Awarded:
NIHR-PRP, AMOUNT: A mixed methods investigation of the individual, sociocultural, and societal factors that underly the recent increase in substance use among young people to inform policy., Grant value (£): 302,483, Duration of research project: 18. 2021
AERC, A pilot intervention providing individually tailored feedback on alcohol consumption in University students, Grant value (£): 4915.
AERC, European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs; UK survey 2011, Grant value (£): 36000.
Alcohol Research UK, Constructing alcohol identities. How young people navigate and make sense of online intoxicogenic marketing and culture, Grant value (£): 58000.
ARUK, Alcohol and interpersonal violence, Grant value (£): 8000.
Blackburn DAAT, Evidence review of YP drug services in Blackburn with Darwen, Grant value (£): 10000.
British Academy, Risk perception and risk taking behaviours in non-treatment seeking drug users, Grant value (£): 7006.
CHAMPS, Behavioural change interventions in Cheshire and Merseyside, Grant value (£): 25000.
Cheshire DAAT, Young people substance use needs assessment, Grant value (£): 10000.
Department of Health, Assessment, integration and delivery of evidence from government sponsored research on the prevention of drug misuse in a manner which maximises the implementation of evidence based practice, Grant value (£): 160000.
Department of Health, Evaluation of Families First, Grant value (£): 88312.
Department of Health, Evaluation of projects working in High Focus Areas, Grant value (£): 98226.
Department of Health, Work Programme on Drug Prevention Evidence Review and Dissemination, Grant value (£): 101000.
EC DG-Justice DPIP, Promoting Excellence in Drug Prevention in the EU, Grant value (£): 590956.
EMCDDA, Assistance to European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) for the analysis of drug use profiles from EMCDDA Databank on surveys on drug use’, Grant value (£): 16000.
EMCDDA, Best practices in risk communication, Grant value (£): 20000.
EMCDDA, Development of the EMCDDA Best Practice Portal, Grant value (£): 8000.
EMCDDA, Development of the EU ADAPT prevention curriculum, Grant value (£): 5000.
EMCDDA, Health responses to Novel Psychoactive Substances, Grant value (£): 8000.
EMCDDA, Increase the impact of the ESPAD project through further analysis of data to address key research questions with policy importance, Grant value (£): 8000.
EMCDDA, Rapid evidence review: drug demand reduction, harm reduction, treatment, Grant value (£): 8000.
EMCDDA, Reference methodological package on the EMCDDA General Population Survey Indicator, Grant value (£): 10950.
EMCDDA, risk communication responses to Novel Psychoactive Substances, Grant value (£): 8000.
EMCDDA, Social reintegration and reduction of social exclusion of drug users – Improving labour market participation of drug users in treatment, Grant value (£): 10000.
ERASMUS+ Sport, Towards quality anti-doping education in recreational sports, Grant value (£): 400000.
ESRC, ESRC Seminar Series on New Psychoactive Substances/Human Enhancement Drugs, Grant value (£): 20000.
EU Public Health Executive Agency, EU Standards in Drug prevention, Grant value (£): 284507.
EU, ALICE-RAP: Adolescents as customers, Grant value (£): 225000.
EU-DPIP, European Family Empowerment: Improving family skills to prevent alcohol and drug related problems, Grant value (£): 396000.
Government of Guernsey, Review of possession of drugs for personal use, Grant value (£): 20000.
Government of Isle of Man, Review of possession of drugs for personal use, Grant value (£): 50000.
Health Development Agency, Health Development Agency (currently National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence) Collaborating Centre (Drug Prevention)., Grant value (£): 200000.
Irish Health Research Board, Evidence reviews to support development of new Irish drugs strategy, Grant value (£): 60000.
Irish Health Research Board., Review of recovery and support services for people who are homeless and use drugs, Grant value (£): 60000.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Alcohol and Poverty, a rapid review, Grant value (£): 8000.
JRF, Influence of media on transmission of drinking cultures in young people, Grant value (£): 100000.
Knowsley D(A)AT, Class A drug use in Knowsley D(A)AT, Grant value (£): 14000.
Liverpool CitySafe, Cannabis use in Liverpool, Grant value (£): 15000.
Liverpool D(A)AT, Young People and Substance Misuse: Characteristics, Needs and Perception of Treatment Services of Drug Users Aged 18 to 25 in Liverpool, Grant value (£): 20994.
Liverpool PCT, Evaluation of Operation SafeSpace, Merseyside, Grant value (£): 10000.
Liverpool, Sefton, and Salford PCTs, Health Needs Assessment in NW Prisons, Grant value (£): 35000.
MRC, Inhibitory control and cue salience in alcohol abuse, Grant value (£): 283104.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, NICE Evidence Review (economic modelling) : drug prevention, Grant value (£): 60000.
NICE, Community based interventions for the reduction of substance misuse among vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. A rapid review, Grant value (£): 65007.
NICE, Fieldwork to inform NICE guidance on optimum provision of NSPs, Grant value (£): 35000.
NICE, Fieldwork to inform NICE guidance on prevention of alcohol use disorders, Grant value (£): 35000.
NICE, NICE Evidence Review (economic modelling): drug prevention, Grant value (£): 60000.
NICE, Perceptions of new smoking cessation interventions by young people, Grant value (£): 30000.
NICE, Review of effectiveness and cost effectiveness of optimum provision of needle exchanges for injecting drug users, Grant value (£): 127500.
NICE, Review of effectiveness and cost effectiveness of PSHE, Grant value (£): 99000.
NICE, Scoping exercise on Drugs Prevention in the Community and Server Focussed intoxication management strategies, Grant value (£): 40000.
NICE, Substance misuse interventions – fieldwork, Grant value (£): 45000.
NIHR PHR, Development of a trial application to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of adult dRug screening and brief interventionS in key hEalth, social care and justice setTings: The RESET PROJECT, Grant value (£): 98764.
NIHR, The Illicit Project UK: Adaption and implementation of an evidence based schools prevention programme for older adolescents, Grant value (£): 400,000.
NIHR-HTA, Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a peer-delivered, relational, harm reduction intervention to improve mental health, quality of life, and related outcomes, for people experiencing homelessness and substance use problems: The ‘SHARPS’ cluster randomised controlled trial, Grant value (£): 2100000.
NIHR-HTA, The RECO study: Realist Evaluation of service models and systems for CO- existing serious mental health and alcohol/drug conditions, Grant value (£): 557559.
NIHR-PH, SHAHRP and TATI alcohol misuse prevention programme (STAMPP): school based randomised controlled trial, Grant value (£): 1044370.
NIHR-PHR, A multi-centre individual-randomised controlled trial of screening and brief alcohol intervention to prevent risky drinking in young people aged 14-15 in a high school setting (SIPS JR-HIGH, Grant value (£): 855650.
Preston PCT, Evaluation of Alcohol Brief Intervention, Grant value (£): 9836.
Roy Castle Foundation, Qualitative evaluation of service users experiences of community smoking cessation programmes, Grant value (£): 15000.
Tameside Council, Needs Assessment of New Psychoactive Substance Use (Tameside Council, Grant value (£): 20000.
Warrington DAAT, Public perceptions of drug use in Warrington, UK, Grant value (£): 15000.
Wirral D(A)AT, Class A drug use in Wirral D(A)AT, Grant value (£): 28276.
Wirral PCT, R&D Needs Assessment in Wirral PCT, Grant value (£): 20000.
Membership of professional bodies:
Society for Prevention Research, Member. 2019
Society for the Study of Addiction, Member. 2019