Dr Lorna Porcellato
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: L.A.Porcellato@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4201
Lorna Porcellato is a Reader in Public Health and Health Promotion in the Public Health Institute (PHI). Prior to coming to the UK in 1993, Lorna completed an honours degree in Sociology, a BA in Education (primary school) and an MA in Physical Education and Health (Sociology of Sport) in Canada. Her PhD on children's perspectives on smoking led to the development of the Liverpool Longitudinal Study on Smoking (LLSS) and a post doctoral position as the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Research Fellow. Lorna moved to the University of Salford in 2002 where she held a joint position as Programme Lead for the newly developed MSc in Public Health and Society and Qualitative Lead for Health R&D North West. In 2007, Lorna returned to LJMU and joined the Public Health Education Team. Her specialist teaching areas include: qualitative research methods, health promotion and community engagement at both undergraduate and post graduate level. A major theme running through Lorna's research portfolio is the use of qualitative research methods. She has been involved in a range of health related research studies over the years, bringing qualitative expertise to projects around tobacco control, alcohol, physical activity and discrimination and older workers. Latterly she has been involved in health services research in collaboration with Staffordshire, Shropshire & Black Country maternity network, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation Trust and the RADAR unit to inform policy development and service provision. Current research interests include: understanding health risk behaviours (smoking, obesity, alcohol); developing effective health interventions for children and families, using innovative qualitative research methods in particular life history calendars and draw and write technique, community based participatory research and the patient experience of health services. Lorna has successfully supervised a number of PhD students and currently supervises students conducting qualitative and/or mixed methods research on a range of topics in public health, nursing and sport and exercise science. She is a member of the Research Advisory Panel (RAP) for Yorkshire Cancer Research.
1998, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD, Health Promotion
Queen's University at Kingston, Canada, MA, Sociology of Sport - Physical and Health Education
York University, Canada, BSc in Education, Primary School
University of Western Ontario, Canada, Honours BA, Sociology
Academic appointments
Reader in Public Health and Health Promotion, Centre For Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2007 - present
Journal article
Harrison JE, Abayomi J, Hassan S, Foweather L, Maxwell C, McCann DA, Garbett S, Nugent M, Bradbury D, Timpson H, Porcellato L, Judd M, Chisholm A, Isaac N, Wolfenden B, Greenhalgh A, Watson PM. 2025. Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the HealthyWEY E-Learning Toolkit for Promoting Healthy Weight in the Early Years International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bell Z, Porcellato LA, Holland P, Morris A, Smith C, Haines CR, Graves L. 2024. A systematic scoping review of health-promoting interventions for contact centre employees examined through a behaviour change wheel lens PLoS One, 19 :1-18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Timpson H, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Harrison R, Hunt A, Bigland C, Leavey C, Hay G, Saini P. 2023. Did the UK’s COVID-19 restrictions during 2020 have a differential impact on the well-being of the LGBQ+ population: a mixed methods study BMJ Open, 13 :e068818 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Porcellato L, Hunt A, Timpson H, Harrison R, Bigland C, Levy C, Brett CE, Forshaw MJ, Hope VD, Phoenix Team . 2023. Impact of the government's restrictions and guidance in relation to "social distancing" on the lives of ethnic minority populations: A mixed methods study. Health science reports, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson GL, Keenan J, Porcellato L, Gee I, Gough B, Grogan S. 2023. Using discursive approaches to examine the utility and functions of language in public health and health promotion: highlighting social constructions of e-cigarettes Critical Public Health, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Maxwell C, Fleming V, Porcellato LA. 2023. Why have a bottle when you can have draught? Exploring bottle refusal by breastfed babies. Maternal & Child Nutrition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Swithenbank Z, Harrison R, Porcellato LA. 2022. Service user perceptions of smoking cessation in residential substance use treatment. PloS one, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knight KH, Greenop D, Vickerman PP, Porcellato L. 2022. Factors Affecting the Participation of Physically Disabled Children and Young People in Out-of-School Activities in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, 45 :92-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gambles N, Porcellato L, Fleming KM, Quigg Z. 2021. "If You Don't Drink at University, You're Going to Struggle to Make Friends" Prospective Students' Perceptions around Alcohol Use at Universities in the United Kingdom Substance Use & Misuse, 57 :249-255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson GL, Keenan J, Grogan S, Porcellato LA, Powell S, Gee I. 2021. An investigation of factors encouraging and deterring EC use: a thematic analysis of accounts from UK adults. Psychology & Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Hillis A, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2021. A narrative systematic review of sexualised drug use and sexual health outcomes among LGBT people. International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Germain J, Brett CE, Van Hout MC, Hope V, Porcellato LA. 2021. Service provision and barriers to care for men who have sex with men engaging in chemsex and sexualised drug use in the North and West Midlands of England. International Journal of Drug Policy, 92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Porcellato LA, Buckley BJR, Watson PM. 2020. Facilitators and challenges in delivering a peer-support physical activity intervention for older adults: a qualitative study with multiple stakeholders BMC Public Health, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris J, Atkinson AM, Mink M, Porcellato LA. 2020. Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of YouTuber-Produced Health Content: Implications for Health Promotion Health Education and Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2020. Image and performance enhancing drug use among men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women in the UK. International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Maxwell C, Fleming KM, Fleming V, Porcellato LA. 2020. UK mothers' experiences of bottle refusal by their breastfed baby. Maternal and Child Nutrition, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Porcellato LA, Ross-Houle K, Quigg Z, Harris J, Bigland C, Bates R, Timpson H, Gee I, Bishop J, Gould A, Davies AR. 2020. Welsh Primary Schoolchildren's Perceptions of Electronic Cigarettes: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Porcellato L, Houle-Ross K, Quigg Z, Gee I, Harris J, Bigland C, Bates R, Timpson H, Bishop J, Gould A, Davis A. 2020. Welsh primary schoolchildren’s perceptions of e-cigarettes: a mixed method study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 :3639-3639 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson GL, Grogan S, Powell S, Gee I, Porcellato LA, Keenan J. 2020. A thematic analysis of smokers’ and non-smokers’ accounts of E-cigarettes Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope V. 2020. Sexually transmitted infection diagnoses, sexualised drug use and associations with pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men in the UK International Journal of STD and AIDS, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hurter L, Cooper-Ryan AM, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM. 2020. A novel mixed-method approach to assess children's sedentary behaviours Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Wolton A, Weeks H, Ross M, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2019. Psychosocial and sexual factors associated with recent sexual health clinic attendance and HIV testing among trans people in the UK. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Hope VD. 2019. Associations with drug use and sexualised drug use among women who have sex with women (WSW) in the UK: Findings from the LGBT Sex and Lifestyles Survey International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bradbury D, Porcellato LA, Timpson H, Turner GL, Goodhew S, Young R, Isaacs N, Watson PM. 2019. Multiple stakeholder views of pre-school child weight management practices: A mixed methods study Health Education Journal, 78 :798-811 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hurter L, Rowlands AV, Fairclough SJ, Gibbon KC, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Cooper-Ryan AM, Boddy LM. 2019. Validating the Sedentary Sphere method in children: does wrist or accelerometer brand matter? Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 :1910-1918 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2019. Psychosocial and sexual characteristics associated with sexualised drug use and chemsex among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK. Sexually Transmitted Infections, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schölin L, Hughes K, Bellis MA, Eriksson C, Porcellato LA. 2018. “I think we should all be singing from the same hymn sheet” – English and Swedish midwives’ views of advising pregnant women about alcohol Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy, 26 :394-400 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris J, Porcellato LA. 2018. Opt-Out Parental Consent in Online Surveys: Ethical Considerations. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schölin L, Hughes K, Bellis MA, Eriksson C, Porcellato LA. 2017. Exploring practices and perceptions of alcohol use during pregnancy in England and Sweden through a cross-cultural lens. European Journal of Public Health, 28 :533-537 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jelliman P, Porcellato LA. 2017. HIV is now a manageable long-term condition, but what makes it unique? A qualitative study exploring views about distinguishing features from multi professional HIV specialists in North West England Janac-Journal of the Association of Nurses in Aids Care, 28 :165-178 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Farmer S, Porcellato L. 2016. “Thinking about drinking”: Exploring children’s perceptions of alcohol using the Draw and Write tool Health Education, 116 :541-560 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGee CE, Trigwell J, Fairclough SJ, Murphy RC, Porcellato LA, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2016. Effect of a sport-for-health intervention (SmokeFree Sports) on smoking-related intentions and cognitions among 9-10 year old primary school children: a controlled trial BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Porcellato L, Carmichael F, Hulme C. 2016. Using occupational history calendars to capture lengthy and complex working lives: a mixed method approach with older people International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19 :269-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGee CE, Trigwell J, Fairclough SJ, Murphy RC, Porcellato L, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2015. Influence of family and friend smoking on intentions to smoke and smoking-related attitudes and refusal self-efficacy among 9-10 year old children from deprived neighbourhoods: a cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 15 :1513
Trigwell J, McGee CE, Porcellato LA, Murphy RC, Knowles ZR, Ussher M, Garnham-Lee K, Foweather L. 2015. Process evaluation of a sport-for-health intervention to prevent smoking amongst primary school children: SmokeFree Sports BMC Public Health, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Porcellato LA, Masson G, O'Mahony F, Jenkinson S, Vanner T, Cheshire K, Perkins E. 2015. "It's something you have to put up with' - service users' experiences of in utero transfer: a qualitative study BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 122 :1825-1832 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Knight KH, Porcellato L, Tume L. 2014. Out-of-school lives of physically disabled children and young people in the United Kingdom: a qualitative literature review. J Child Health Care, 18 :275-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Trigwell J, McGee C, Casstles H, Murphy RC, Porcellato L, Ussher M, Foweather L. 2014. Preventing smoking among nine to ten-year-old children using a novel school-based physical activity intervention: Overview of SmokeFree Sports. Education and Health,, 3 :93-102
Jones L, Atkinson A, Bates G, McCoy E, Porcellato L, Beynon C, McVeigh J, Bellis MA. 2014. Views and experiences of hepatitis C testing and diagnosis among people who inject drugs: Systematic review of qualitative research International Journal of Drug Policy, 25 :204-211 DOI
Porcellato L, Masson G, O’Mahony F, Perkins E, Jenkinson S, Vanner T, Cheshire K. 2013. PL.42 In Utero Transfer: ‘It’s Something You Have to Put Up with’: A Qualitative Exploration of Its Impact on Families Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 98 :A66.2-A66 DOI Publisher Url
Carmichael F, Hulme C, Porcellato L. 2013. Older age and ill-health: Links to work and worklessness International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 6 :54-65 DOI Publisher Url
Cooper A, Pine C, Porcellato L, Dugdill L. 2013. Use of Draw & Write (D&W) with children in health and wellbeing research: A review INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS, 12 :701-702 Author Url
Selvadurai S, Porcellato LA. 2013. Perceptions of Malaysian Dental Students of their role in smoking cessation. Malaysian Dental Journal, 35
Porcellato L, Masson G, O'Mahony F, Jenkinson S, Vanner T. 2012. W346 THE EXPERIENCE OF IN UTERO TRANSFER PERSPECTIVES FROM UK WOMEN AND THEIR FAMILIES International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, 119 DOI Publisher Url
Milton BS, Dugdill L, Porcellato LA, Jane Springett R. 2012. 'My Mum and Dad said it Calms You Down': Children's Perceptions of Smoking as a Coping Strategy Children and Society, 26 :89-99 DOI
Lockyear V, Porcellato LA, Gee I. 2011. Vitamin D deficiency: awareness and practice Community Practitioner, 3 :23-26 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mason BS, Porcellato L, van der Woude LHV, Goosey-Tolfrey VL. 2010. A qualitative examination of wheelchair configuration for optimal mobility performance in wheelchair sports: a pilot study. J Rehabil Med, 42 :141-149 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gardner K, Salah S, Leavey C, Porcellato LA. 2010. The Perfect Size: perceptions of and influences on body image and body size in young Somali women living in Liverpool: a qualitative study Diversity in Health and Social Care, 1 :23-34
Porcellato L, Carmichael F, Hulme C, Ingham B, Prashar A. 2010. Giving older workers a voice: Constraints on the employment of older people in the North West of England Work, Employment and Society, 24 :85-103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dugdill L, Coffey M, Coufopoulos A, Byrne K, Porcellato L. 2009. Developing new community health roles: can reflective learning drive professional practice? Reflective Practice, 10 :121-130 DOI Publisher Url
Dugdill L, Coffey M, Coufopoulus A, Byrne K, Porcellato L. 2009. Developing New Community Health Roles: can reflective learning drive professional practice? Reflective Practice, 1 :121-130
Milton BS, Dugdill L, Porcellato LA, Springett RJ. 2008. 'Kids who smoke think that they can be adults as well': Children's smoking and transitions to adulthood CHILDREN & SOCIETY, 22 :291-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Milton B, Woods SE, Dugdill L, Porcellato L, Springett RJ. 2008. Starting young? Children's experiences of trying smoking during pre-adolescence. Health Educ Res, 23 :298-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Milton B, Porcellato LA, Dugdill L, Springett J, Woods S. 2008. Starting Young: Children's Experiences of trying to smoke: implications for tobacco control Health Education Research, 2 :298-309 Publisher Url
Mair M, Barlow A, Woods SE, Kierans C, Milton B, Porcellato L. 2006. Lies, damned lies and statistics? Reliability and personal accounts of smoking among young people. Soc Sci Med, 62 :1009-1021 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Woods SE, Springett J, Porcellato L, Dugdill L. 2005. 'Stop it, it's bad for you and me': experiences of and views on passive smoking among primary-school children in Liverpool. Health Educ Res, 20 :645-655 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Dugdill L, Springett J. 2005. A longitudinal study exploring liverpool primary schoolchildren's perspectives on smoking Childhood, 12 :425-443 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Milton B, Cook PA, Dugdill L, Porcellato L, Springett J, Woods SE. 2004. Why do primary school children smoke? A longitudinal analysis of predictors of smoking uptake during pre-adolescence PUBLIC HEALTH, 118 :247-255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Dughill L, Springett J. 2002. Using focus groups to explore children's perceptions of smoking: Reflections on practice Health Education, 102 :310-320 DOI Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Dugdill L, Springett J, Sanderson FH. 1999. Primary schoolchildrens' perceptions of smoking: implications for health education. Health Educ Res, 14 :71-83 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Reid G, Kinsella E, Cooke P, Shotton D, Porcellato LA. Consumer Involvement in Research using Oral History: What are people's experiences of health and well being in Halton? Special Issue of the International Journal of Consumer Studies - Consumer, User and Carer Involvement in Health and Social Care, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Trigwell J, McGee C, Murphy RC, Porcellato L, Ussher M, Garnham-Lee K, Knowles ZK, Foweather L. The implementation of a sport-for-health intervention to prevent smoking among primary school children: SmokeFree Sports BMC Public Health,
Ross-Houle K, Porcellato L. Recovery capital in the context of homelessness, high levels of alcohol consumption, and adverse significant life events Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Bates R, Quigg Z, Porcellato L, Mcmanus M, McCoy E, Booth C, Smith C. 2024. 482 Merseyside violence reduction partnership – child/adolescent to parent/caregiver violence and abuse (CAPVA) research study India Towards Zero Drowning, 15th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2024) abstracts :A100.3-A101 DOI Publisher Url
Woodhead N, Porcellato L. 2019. Exploring women's views and experiences of transvaginal ultrasound with focus on the training of professionals BJOG-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY, 126 :116-116 Author Url
Hurter L, Fairclough SJ, Knowles ZR, Porcellato LA, Cooper-Ryan A, Boddy LM. 2018. Establishing Raw Acceleration Thresholds to Classify Sedentary and Stationary Behaviour in Children Children, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bradbury D, Porcellato L, Timpson H, Chisholm A, Goodhew S, Young R, Isaac N, Watson PM. 2018. Promoting healthy weight in pre-school: co-production of an online training resource for multi-agency professionals JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S209-S209 Author Url
Harris J, Porcellato L, Atkinson A, Mink M. “LIKE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE”. EXPLORING THE ROLE PROFESSIONAL YOUTUBERS PLAY IN YOUNG PEOPLE’S HEALTH BEHAVIOURS AND IDENTITES IN THE UK Selected Papers of Internet Research, AoIR 2018: The 19th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Publisher Url
Maxwell C, Porcellato L, Hanlon C, Fleming V. 2024. An evaluation of the PSS Growing Together parent-baby relationship service and Everton in the Community’s Starting Well Dads Club 2024 An evaluation of the PSS Growing Together parent-baby relationship service and Everton in the Community’s Starting Well Dads Club :1-42
Bates R, Smith C, Porcellato L, Booth C, McCoy E, McManus M, Quigg Z. 2023. Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership - Child and Adolescent to Parent/Caregiver Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) research study Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership - Child and Adolescent to Parent/Caregiver Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) research study Publisher Url Public Url
Weber K, Porcellato LA, Fleming V, Maxwell C. 2023. Joint Maternity Services Needs Assessment Cheshire and Merseyside 2022 Public Url
Porcellato L, Gee I, Harris J. 2022. Evaluation of the July 2022 Liverpool Smokefree Sidelines No Smoking Policy at Youth Football Public Url
McCoy E, Bates R, Porcellato L, Quigg Z. 2022. Exploring school exclusions in St Helens and outcomes and impacts for young people, schools and wider society
Ozano KA, Simkhada PP, Porcellato LA, Khatri RJ. 2019. Discussions around Primary Health Care and the Private Sector during the Global Symposia on Health Systems Research 2018 Publisher Url Public Url
Harrison R, McCoy E, Watson P, Porcellato L, Timpson H. 2019. An evaluation of the Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles Activity Referral Scheme An evaluation of the Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles Activity Referral Scheme
Harris J, Madden H, Oysten J, Billington H, Venturas C, Porcellato LA. 2017. A Health needs assessment for children and adults with neurodevelopmental conditions in Liverpool A health needs assessment for children and adults with neurodevelopmental conditions in Liverpool
Hay G, Oyston JE, Porcellato L, Madden H, Ross-Houle K, Timpson H. 2015. Evaluation of Rapid Access to Alcohol Detoxification Acute Referral (RADAR) Evaluation of Rapid Access to Alcohol Detoxification Acute Referral (RADAR)
Jones L, Atkinson A, Porcellato L, Bates G, McCoy E, Beynon C, McVeigh J, Bellis M. 2011. A systematic review of qualitative research on the views, perspectives and experiences of hepatitis B and C testing among practitioners and people at greatest risk of infection. Author Url
Jones L, Woodfall K, Porcellato L, McVeigh J. 2009. The impact of advocacy initiatives led by, or on the behalf of, young people. A systematic map and summary of the evidence. Author Url
Jones L, Woolfall K, Porcellato L, McVeigh J. 2009. Evidence relating to new tobacco control priorities that aim to protect children and young people from exposure to tobacco Evidence. Author Url
Ross-Houle KM, venturas C, porcellato L, bradbury A. An exploration of the role of alcohol in relation to living situation and significant life events for the homeless population in Merseyside, UK Publisher Url
Carmichael F, Duberley J, Porcellato L. 2019. Using Occupational History Calendars in semi-structured interviews to capture long working lives: a small sample approach using sequence analysis Wheatley D. Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives :301-317 Edward Elgar Publishing 9781788118774 DOI Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Knowles Z. 2014. Exploring reflective methodologies with and for children Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences: Contemporary issues :38-46
Knowles ZR, Porcellato L. 2014. Reflecting forward: exploring reflective methodologies with and for children Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Contemporary Issues :38-47 9780415814935
Carmichael F, Hulme C, Porcellato LA, Ingham B, Prashar A. 2011. Ageism and age discrimination: the experiences and perceptions of older employees Parry E, Tyson S. Managing an Age Diverse Workforce Palgrave MacMillan 9780230240933 DOI Publisher Url
Carmichael F, Hulme C, Porcellato L, Ingham B, Prashar A. 2011. Ageism and Age Discrimination: The Experiences and Perceptions of Older Employees Managing an Age-Diverse Workforce :115-128 Palgrave Macmillan UK 9781349316632 DOI Publisher Url
Porcellato L, Dugdill L, Springett J, Sanderson F. 2000. Exploring children’s perceptions of smoking with the ‘draw and write’ investigative technique Tobacco: The Growing Epidemic :303-305 Springer London 9781852332969 DOI Publisher Url
Knight KH, Porcellato LA, Vickerman P, Greenop DT. 2013. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: the children, young people and family perspective Children’s Nursing Research Unit conference: ‘Making a difference for children and families’ Public Url
Knight KH, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training. Poster Presentation: ACCN Symposium 2014 Jersey 05/09/14. Author Url
Scholarly edition
Carmichael F, Hulme C, Porcellato L. 2013. Work histories of Older People - Evidence from Mixed Method Occupational History Calendars
Porcellato L. Perspectives on smoking of Liverpool primary schoolchildren in their early years. Public Url
Research Grants Awarded:
NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North West Coast, Development of an industry-specific, evidence-informed toolkit to improve working conditions and lifestyle factors of call agents - Improving Population Health (IPH) Theme, Dr Abigail Morris (Lancaster University), Dr Paula Holland (Lancaster University), Dr Lorna Porcellato (LJMU), Grant value (£): 64,827, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2021
Public Health England, Implementation and evaluation of a child weight e-learning toolkit (HealthyWEY) for maternity and health visiting workforces, Watson, P M, Foweather, L, Maxwell C, Porcellato, L, Timpson H, Harrison J, Wolfenden B, Isaac N, Bradbury D, Abayomi J, Hassan S, Chisholm A, Nugent M, Grant value (£): 105042.31, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2021
External committees:
Research Advisory Panel (RAP) ., Yorkshire Cancer Research.