Image of Dr Minna Lyons

Dr Minna Lyons

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

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Journal article

Lyons M, Mäkinen V, Arogundade R, Zacheus T. 2025. A Qualitative Vignette Study of Perceived Barriers and Facilitators of Bystanders in Racism in the Higher Education Context in Finland Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Gandolfo Conceição MI, Jaramillo-Sierra AL, Reyes-Rodriguez MF. 2025. Barriers and facilitators of bystander intervention in response to racism in Colombia Global Public Health, 20 :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Alshukri S, Blinkhorn V, Warsaw RE, Lyons M. 2024. A systematic review investigating a tolerance for pain and empathy for other people's pain in psychopathic traits within the general population Personality and Individual Differences, 233 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Alshukri S, Lyons M, Blinkhorn V, Muñoz L, Fallon N. 2024. Psychopathy, pain, and pain empathy: A psychophysiological study De Luca V. PLOS ONE, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Zacheus T, Mäkinen V, Lyons M. 2024. Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden etnisestä taustasta johtuvaan epäasialliseen kohteluun puuttuminen: Sivustakatsojien näkökulma Kasvatus, 55 :288-302 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Gupta V, Blaney PS, Ogenyi A, Webster E, Brewer G. 2024. The complex lived experience of schizophrenia diagnosis: a thematic analysis of online forum posts Current Psychology, 43 :24878-24889 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Gómez LDR, Chopen N, Dávila N. 2024. Student Experiences of Sexual Violence as Targets and Bystanders—a Qualitative Investigation in a Public University in Guatemala Sexuality and Culture, 28 :1815-1830 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Brewer G, Singh J, Lyons M. 2023. The Lived Experience of Racism in the Sikh Community Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 39 :2415-2436 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Brewer G, Burnham C, Drysdale S, Katsouris A, Mosey E, Lyons M. 2023. Bystander barriers in sexual harassment - Associations with the Dark Triad and social anxiety Personality and Individual Differences, 217 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G. 2023. “You Have No Idea How Much ‘Just Get the Shot’ Is Triggering Me”: Experiences of COVID-19 Vaccination in Individuals with Psychosis and Schizophrenia Social Sciences, 12 :361-361 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Chopen N, Davila N, Elías D, Gómez LDR, Velásquez J, García GG. 2023. Barriers to Bystander Action in Sexual Violence in Guatemala: The Role of Rape Myth Acceptance Sexuality & Culture, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Hartley AM, Blinkhorn V. 2023. “Never Learned to Love Properly”: A Qualitative Study Exploring Romantic Relationship Experiences in Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents Social Sciences, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Silverio SA, Lyons M, Burton S. 2023. Dangerously intelligent: A call for re-evaluating psychopathy using perceptions of intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Rowe A, Waddington R, Brewer G. 2022. Situational and Dispositional Factors in Rape Cognitions: The Roles of Social Media and the Dark Triad Traits Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence, 37 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Meskelyte J, Lyons M. 2022. Fear of crime and preference for aggressive-formidable same-sex and opposite-sex friends Current Psychology, 41 :1434-1439 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Bogle I, Caicedo JC, Gaspari M, Ghayda C, Huelin M, Liang TW, Centifanti L. 2022. Barriers to Bystander Intervention in Sexual Harassment: The Dark Triad and Rape Myth acceptance in Indonesia, Singapore, and United Kingdom Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Messenger A, Perry R, Brewer G. 2022. The Dark Tetrad in Tinder: hook-up app for high psychopathy individuals, and a diverse utilitarian tool for Machiavellians? Current Psychology, 41 :659-666 DOI Publisher Url

Gage SH, Brewer G, Steen M, Lyons M. 2022. Living with Drug Use and Addiction during the COVID-19 Pandemic Substance Use and Misuse, 57 :1504-1510 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Evans R, Lyons M, Brewer G, Bethell E. 2021. A domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) model of triarchic psychopathy factors: Development and initial validation of the CAT-Tri+ questionnaire Journal of Research in Personality, 95 :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Bootes E, Brewer G, Stratton K, Centifanti L. 2021. "COVID-19 spreads round the planet, and so do paranoid thoughts". A qualitative investigation into personal experiences of psychosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current Psychology, :1-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Marcinkowska UM, Brewer G, Jaremba A, Jones I, Payne E, Lyons MT. 2021. Dark triad, sociosexual orientation, and mate preferences in short and long-term relationships – Exploratory study Personality and Individual Differences, 180 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Berrios R, Castro J, Castro S, White RG, Brooks H. 2021. A qualitative exploration of the acceptability of a cognitive behavioural therapy self-help book for people with psychosis in Nicaragua Psychosis Psychological, Social and Integrative Approach, 14 :143-152 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Brewer G, Lyons M, Perry A, O'Brien F. 2021. Dark Triad Traits and Perceptions of Sexual Harassment JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE, 36 :NP7373-NP7387 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Brewer G, Centifanti L, Caicedo JC, Huxley G, Peddie C, Stratton K, Lyons M. 2021. Experiences of Mental Distress during COVID-19: Thematic Analysis of Discussion Forum Posts for Anxiety, Depression, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Illness Crisis and Loss, 30 :795-811 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G. 2021. Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence during Lockdown and the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Family Violence, 37 :969-977 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Castro Caicedo J, Andrade M, Morales M, Centifanti L. 2021. Barriers to sexual harassment bystander intervention in Ecuadorian universities Global Public Health, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Evison P, Berrios R, Castro S, Brooks H. 2020. The lived experience of psychosis in Nicaragua: a qualitative examination of the views of service users JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH, 31 :50-57 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Blinkhorn V, Lyons M, Collier ES, Almond L. 2020. The relationship between narcissism and acceptance of violence revealed through a game designed to induce social ostracism JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 161 :261-271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Solomon E, Lyons M. 2020. Not My Protector—Women Have an Aversion to High Dark Triad Faces Irrespective of Childhood or Current Environmental Danger Evolutionary Psychological Science, 6 :241-245 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Houghton E, Brewer G, O'Brien F. 2020. The Dark Triad and Sexual Assertiveness Predict Sexual Coercion Differently in Men and Women Journal of Interpersonal Violence: concerned with the study and treatment of victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual violence, 37 :7-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Floyd K, McCray H, Peddie C, Spurdle K, Tlusty A, Watkinson C, Brewer G. 2020. Expressions of Grief in Online Discussion Forums-Linguistic Similarities and Differences in Pet and Human Bereavement OMEGA-JOURNAL OF DEATH AND DYING, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Brewer G, Erickson E, Whitaker L, Lyons M. 2020. Dark Triad traits and perceived quality of alternative partners Personality and Individual Differences, 154 DOI Publisher Url

McCarrick D, Brewer G, Lyons M, Pollet TV, Neave N. 2020. Referee height influences decision making in British football leagues BMC Psychology, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Carter GL. 2020. Dark Triad traits and preference for partner parenting styles Personality and Individual Differences, 152 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Blinkhorn V, Collier E, Bertamini M. 2019. Mine is Bigger than Yours! Narcissism Predicts Biases in Perceived Head Size Studia Psychologica: journal for basic research in psychological sciences, 61 :245-257 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Khan S, Sandman N, Valli K. 2019. Dark Dreams Are Made of This: Aggressive and Sexual Dream Content, and the Dark Triad of Personality Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 39 :221-229 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Khan S, Sandman N, Valli K. 2019. Dark Dreams Are Made of This: Aggressive and Sexual Dream Content and the Dark Triad of Personality Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 39 :88-96 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Gillies N, Brewer G. 2019. Dark Triad traits, Facebook intensity, and intrasexual competition Personality and Individual Differences, 141 :157-159 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Christiansen P, Dorozkinaite D, Ingleby B, O'Hagan L, Williams C, Lyons M. 2019. A drunk heart speaks a sober mind: Alcohol does not influence the selection of short-term partners with dark triad traits Personality and Individual Differences, 140 :61-64 DOI Publisher Url

Harrison NR, Youssef FF, Lyons M. 2019. Brief Exposure to Pictures Depicting Poor Environments Leads to Increased Consumption of Beer in Adult Social Drinkers Substance Use and Misuse, 54 :681-691 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Witcher M. 2019. Birds of odd feather flock together? Assortative partner preferences, and attractiveness of schizotypy in long and short term partners Personality and Individual Differences, 138 :385-388 DOI Publisher Url

Evans R, Lyons M, Brewer G, Tucci S. 2019. The purrfect match: The influence of personality on owner satisfaction with their domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) Personality and Individual Differences, 138 :252-256 DOI Publisher Url

Lorek J, Centifanti LCM, Lyons M, Thorley C. 2019. The impact of individual differences on jurors’ note taking during trials and recall of trial evidence, and the association between the type of evidence recalled and verdicts PLoS ONE, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lorek J, Centifanti LCM, Lyons M, Thorley C. 2019. The impact of prior trial experience on mock jurors' note taking during trials and recall of trial evidence Frontiers in Psychology, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Evans K, Helle S. 2019. Do “Dark” Personality Features Buffer Against Adversity? The Associations Between Cumulative Life Stress, the Dark Triad, and Mental Distress SAGE Open, 9 DOI Publisher Url

Carter GL, Lyons M, Brewer G. 2018. Lifetime offspring and the Dark Triad Personality and Individual Differences, 132 :79-83 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Aksayli ND, Brewer G. 2018. Mental distress and language use: Linguistic analysis of discussion forum posts Computers in Human Behavior, 87 :207-211 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Carter GL, Lyons M, Green J. 2018. Sensation-seeking in women does not affect their preference for Dark Triad male faces Personality and Individual Differences, 130 :92-95 DOI Publisher Url

Limniou M, Schermbrucker I, Lyons M. 2018. Traditional and flipped classroom approaches delivered by two different teachers: the student perspective Education and Information Technologies, 23 :797-817 DOI Publisher Url

Blinkhorn V, Lyons M, Almond L. 2018. Criminal Minds: Narcissism Predicts Offending Behavior in a Non-Forensic Sample Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Shaw H, Lyons M. 2017. Lie detection accuracy—the role of age and the use of emotions as a reliable cue Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 32 :300-304 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Lyons M. 2017. Is Gaydar Affected by Attitudes Toward Homosexuality? Confidence, Labeling Bias, and Accuracy Journal of Homosexuality, 64 :1241-1252 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Croft A, Fairhurst S, Varley K, Wilson C. 2017. Seeing through crocodile tears? Sex-specific associations between the Dark Triad traits and lie detection accuracy Personality and Individual Differences, 113 :1-4 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Limniou M, Schermbrucker I, Hands C, Downes JJ. 2017. The big five, learning goals, exam preparedness, and preference for flipped classroom teaching: Evidence from a large psychology undergraduate cohort Psychology Learning and Teaching, 16 :36-46 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Brockman C. 2017. The Dark Triad, emotional expressivity and appropriateness of emotional response: Fear and sadness when one should be happy? Personality and Individual Differences, 104 :466-469 DOI Publisher Url

Blanchard A, Lyons M, Centifanti L. 2016. Baby was a black sheep: Digit ratio (2D:4D), maternal bonding and primary and secondary psychopathy Personality and Individual Differences, 99 :67-71 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Blanchard A. 2016. "I could see, in the depth of his eyes, my own beauty reflected": Women's assortative preference for narcissistic, but not for Machiavellian or psychopathic male faces Personality and Individual Differences, 97 :40-44 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Abell L, Lyons M. 2016. Machiavellianism, pretending orgasm, and sexual intimacy Personality and Individual Differences, 96 :155-158 DOI Publisher Url

Marcinkowska UM, Lyons MT, Helle S. 2016. Women's reproductive success and the preference for Dark Triad in men's faces Evolution and Human Behavior, 37 :287-292 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Marcinkowska U, Moisey V, Burriss RP, Harrison N. 2016. Corrigendum to "The effects of resource availability and relationship status on women's preference for facial masculinity in men: An eye-tracking study", [Pers. Individ. Dif. 95 (June 2016) 25–28] Personality and Individual Differences, 97 :311-311 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Marcinkowska U, Moisey V, Harrison N. 2016. The effects of resource availability and relationship status on women's preference for facial masculinity in men: An eye-tracking study Personality and Individual Differences, 95 :25-28 DOI Publisher Url

Blinkhorn V, Lyons M, Almond L. 2016. Drop the bad attitude! Narcissism predicts acceptance of violent behaviour Personality and Individual Differences, 98 :157-161 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Blanchard A, Lyons M, Centifanti L. 2016. An effective way to deal with predators is to taste terrible: Primary and secondary psychopathy and mate preference Personality and Individual Differences, 92 :128-134 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Simeonov L. 2016. The undesirable Dark Triad? Women dislike Dark Triad male faces across different mating context and socio-ecological conditions Personality and Individual Differences, 90 :338-341 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Edwards Y. 2016. Perceived childhood inequality predicts schizotypy in adulthood Personality and Individual Differences, 90 :174-176 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Lyons M. 2016. Discrimination of sexual orientation: Accuracy and confidence Personality and Individual Differences, 90 :260-264 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons MT, Brewer G, Bethell EJ. 2016. Sex-Specific Effect of Recalled Parenting on Affective and Cognitive Empathy in Adulthood Current Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Blanchard A, Lyons M. 2016. Sex differences between primary and secondary psychopathy, parental bonding, and attachment style Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10 :56-63 DOI Publisher Url

Blinkhorn V, Lyons M, Almond L. 2015. The ultimate femme fatale? Narcissism predicts serious and aggressive sexually coercive behaviour in females Personality and Individual Differences, 87 :219-223 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Marcinkowska UM, Helle S, Lyons MT. 2015. Dark traits: Sometimes hot, and sometimes not? Female preferences for Dark Triad faces depend on sociosexuality and contraceptive use Personality and Individual Differences, 86 :369-373 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Hughes S. 2015. Feeling me, feeling you? Links between the Dark Triad and internal body awareness Personality and Individual Differences, 86 :308-311 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Jonason PK. 2015. Dark triad, tramps, and thieves: Psychopathy predicts a diverse range of theft-related attitudes and behaviors Journal of Individual Differences, 36 :215-220 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons MT. 2015. Evidence for an evolutionary cheater strategy - Relationships between primary and secondary psychopathy, parenting, and shame and guilt Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 149 :570-581 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2015. Risk anything! secondary, rather than primary psychopathy, is associated with diverse risk-taking in evolutionarily relevant domains Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9 :197-203 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons MT, Hughes S. 2015. Malicious mouths? The Dark Triad and motivations for gossip Personality and Individual Differences, 78 :1-4 DOI Publisher Url

Jonason PK, Lyons M, Blanchard A. 2015. Birds of a "bad" feather flock together: The Dark Triad and mate choice Personality and Individual Differences, 78 :34-38 DOI Publisher Url

Bertamini M, Lyons M. 2015. How men and women respond to hypothetical parental discovery: the importance of genetic relatedness Evolutionary psychology : an international journal of evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior, 13 :424-434 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons MT, Marcinkowska UM, Helle S, McGrath L. 2015. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most masculine of them all? The Dark Triad, masculinity, and women's mate choice Personality and Individual Differences, 74 :153-158 DOI Publisher Url

Rotkirch A, Lyons M, David-Barrett T, Jokela M. 2014. Gratitude for help among adult friends and siblings Evolutionary Psychology, 12 :673-686 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jonason PK, Lyons M, Bethell EJ. 2014. The making of Darth Vader: Parent–child care and the Dark Triad Personality and Individual Differences, 67 :30-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Asquith D, Lyons M, Watson H, Jonason P. 2014. Birds of feather flock together – Evidence for assortative mating for the Dark Triad traits Personality and Individual Differences, 60 :S27-S27 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Healy N, Bruno D. 2014. It takes one to know one: Psychopathy and deception detection Personality and Individual Differences, 60 :S34-S34 DOI Publisher Url

Blanchard A, Lyons M, Nelson E. 2014. What is past is prologue: Pre-natal testosterone and parental bonding predicts adult attachment styles Personality and Individual Differences, 60 :S47-S47 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Lynch A, Brewer G, Bruno D. 2014. Detection of Sexual Orientation ("Gaydar") by Homosexual and Heterosexual Women ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, 43 :345-352 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Bruno D, Lyons M, Brewer G. 2014. Response to Bayesian Advice for Gaydar-Based Picking Up: Commentary on Lyons, Lynch, Brewer, and Bruno (2013) by Ploderl ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, 43 :11-12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Baughman HM, Jonason PK, Lyons M, Vernon PA. 2014. Liar liar pants on fire: Cheater strategies linked to the Dark Triad Personality and Individual Differences, 71 :35-38 DOI Publisher Url

Brewer G, Abell L, Lyons M. 2014. Machiavellianism, competition and self-disclosure in friendship Individual Differences Research, 12 :1-7

Jonason PK, Lyons M, Baughman HM, Vernon PA. 2014. What a tangled web we weave: The dark triad traits and deception Personality and Individual Differences, 70 :117-119 DOI Publisher Url

Wickham S, Shryane N, Lyons M, Dickins T, Bentall R. 2014. Why does relative deprivation affect mental health? The role of justice, trust and social rank in psychological wellbeing and paranoid ideation Journal of Public Mental Health, 13 :114-126 DOI Publisher Url

Marcinkowska UM, Kozlov MV, Cai H, Contreras-Garduño J, Dixson BJ, Oana GA, Kaminski G, Li NP, Lyons MT, Onyishi IE, Prasai K, Pazhoohi F, Prokop P, Rosales Cardozo SL, Sydney N, Yong JC, Rantala MJ. 2014. Cross-cultural variation in men's preference for sexual dimorphism in women's faces Biology Letters, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Rice H. 2014. Thieves of time? Procrastination and the Dark Triad of personality Personality and Individual Differences, 61-62 :34-37 DOI Publisher Url

Burriss RP, Marcinkowska UM, Lyons MT. 2014. Gaze properties of women judging the attractiveness of masculine and feminine male faces Evolutionary Psychology, 12 :19-35 DOI Author Url

Brewer G, Abell L, Lyons M. 2013. It's not just a man-thing: Testing sex as a moderator between peer attachment and Machiavellianism, competition and self-disclosure Individual Differences Research, 11 :114-120

Lyons M, Healy N, Bruno D. 2013. It takes one to know one: Relationship between lie detection and psychopathy Personality and Individual Differences, 55 :676-679 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Lyons M, Helle S. 2013. Digit ratio and risk taking in post-menopausal Finnish women Personality and Individual Differences, 55 :591-594 DOI Publisher Url

Jonason PK, Jones A, Lyons M. 2013. Creatures of the night: Chronotypes and the Dark Triad traits Personality and Individual Differences, 55 :538-541 DOI Publisher Url

Aitken SJ, Lyons M, Jonason PK. 2013. Dads or cads? Women's strategic decisions in the mating game Personality and Individual Differences, 55 :118-122 DOI Publisher Url

Thomas J, Hashmi AA, Chung MC, Morgan K, Lyons M. 2013. The narcissistic mask: An exploration of 'the defensive grandiosity hypothesis' Personality and Mental Health, 7 :160-167 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Jonason PK, Lyons M, Bethell EJ, Ross R. 2013. Different routes to limited empathy in the sexes: Examining the links between the Dark Triad and empathy Personality and Individual Differences, 54 :572-576 DOI

Bethell EJ. 2013. The making of Darth Vader: Parent-child care and the Dark Triad Personality and Individual Differences, DOI Author Url

Lyons M, Morgan K, Thomas J, Hashmi AA. 2013. Patterns of parental warmth, attachment, and narcissism in young women in United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom Individual Differences Research, 11 :149-158

Bourke L, Bamber P, Lyons M. 2012. Global citizens: Who are they? Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 7 :161-174 DOI Publisher Url

Sylwester K, Lyons M, Buchanan C, Nettle D, Roberts G. 2012. The role of Theory of Mind in assessing cooperative intentions Personality and Individual Differences, 52 :113-117 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Caldwell T, Shultz S. 2010. Mind-reading and manipulation - Is Machiavellianism related to theory of mind? Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 8 :261-274 DOI Publisher Url

Blanchard A, Lyons M. 2010. An investigation into the relationship between digit length ratio (2D: 4D) and psychopathy British Journal of Forensic Practice, 12 :23-31 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2009. Cry baby cry, make your mother buy? Evolution of tears, smiles, and reciprocity potential Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32 :399 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons MT, Aitken SJ. 2008. Machiavellianism in strangers affects cooperation Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 6 :173-185 DOI Publisher Url

Jonason PK, Lyons M, Bethell EJ, Ross R. Different routes to limited empathy in the sexes: Examining the links between the Dark Triad and empathy Personality and Individual Differences, In Press DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Lyons M, Aitken S. Machiavellian friends? The role of Machiavellianism in friendship formation and maintenance. Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 4 :194-202 DOI Publisher Url


Lyons M, Gupta V, Blaney PS, Ogenyi A, Webster E, Brewer G. 2024. Retraction Note: The complex lived experience of schizophrenia diagnosis: a thematic analysis of online forum posts (Current Psychology, (2024), 43, 30, (24878-24889), 10.1007/s12144-024-06175-2) Current Psychology, DOI Publisher Url


Lyons M, Gupta V, Blaney PS, Ogenyi A, Webster E, Brewer G. 2023. The complex lived experience of schizophrenia diagnosis: A thematic analysis of online forum posts Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url

Alshukri S, Lyons M, Blinkhorn V, Muñoz L, Fallon N. 2023. Psychopathy, pain, and pain empathy: A psychophysiological study Authorea, Inc. DOI Publisher Url

McCarrick DJ, Brewer G, Lyons M, Pollet TV, Neave N. 2019. Referee height influences decision making in British football leagues. Center for Open Science DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Brewer G, Bogle I, Caicedo JC, Gaspar M, Ghayda C, Huelin M, Liang TW, Centifanti L. Barriers to Bystander Intervention in Sexual Harassment: The Dark Triad and Rape Myth acceptance in Indonesia, Singapore, and United Kingdom DOI Publisher Url


Lyons M. 2021. Cost of Same-Sex Friendships Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1517-1519 Springer International Publishing 9783319196497 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2021. Same-Sex Friend Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :6802-6803 Springer International Publishing 9783319196497 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2021. Rescuing Strangers Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :6636-6637 Springer International Publishing 9783319196497 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2021. Rescuing Friends and Relatives Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :6634-6636 Springer International Publishing 9783319196497 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2021. Environmental Harshness/Mortality Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :2362-2364 Springer International Publishing 9783319196497 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Centifanti L, Foell J. 2020. Psychopathy Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences :4170-4174 Springer International Publishing 9783319246109 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2018. Rescuing Strangers Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1-2 Springer International Publishing 9783319169996 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2018. Rescuing Friends and Relatives Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1-2 Springer International Publishing 9783319169996 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2017. Cost of Same-Sex Friendships Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1-3 Springer International Publishing 9783319169996 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2017. Same-Sex Friend Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1-2 Springer International Publishing 9783319169996 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M. 2016. Environmental Harshness/Mortality Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science :1-2 Springer International Publishing DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Centifanti L, Foell J. 2016. Psychopathy Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences :1-5 Springer International Publishing 9783319280998 DOI Publisher Url

Books (authored)

Lyons M. 2019. The dark triad of personality: Narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy in everyday life :1-219 DOI Publisher Url

Lyons M, Harrison N, Brewer G, Robinson S, Sanders R. 2014. Biological Psychology Learning Matters 9780857256942

Conference publication

Limniou M, Lyons M, Schermbrucker I. 2015. Comparison of the traditional With a flipped classroom approach in a psychology module Proceedings of the European Conference on e-Learning, ECEL, :313-321
