Image of Dr Paul Lattimore

Dr Paul Lattimore

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

See My Tutor


Research Biography
Dr Lattimore is a research psychologist with specific interests in health and wellbeing. Interest in the basic science of mindfulness meditation and its potential for wellbeing dovetails with interests in eating disorders and mental health. I am research active with over 30 peer reviewed journal publications.

My current research focuses on the potential of self-compassion to alleviate a range of emotional difficulties and body image dissatisfaction. This involves exploring how attachment styles impair or facilitate expression of compassion to self and others.

Qualifications & Academic Appointments
I have 27 years’ experience lecturing and tutoring in Higher Education at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. My role includes pastoral and academic tutoring on a one-to-one basis in-person and online. My approach to tutoring on a one-to-one basis focuses on establishing rapport, identifying skills and needs, conveying competence and knowledge, and establishing a positive and approachable atmosphere where we can communicate openly with respect for each other’s ideas. I strive to promote active and independent learning.

I use a blended approach to teaching which works very well in my current role as statistics tutor on our MSc in Health, and MSc in Positive psychology. I consistently receive high satisfaction ratings for this approach and students love the mix of online teaching and in-class bespoke tutoring. This approach translates to my supervision and tutoring of dissertation and MSc projects. I also lecture on eating behaviour, body image, emotion regulation and compassion.

I completed mindfulness teacher training with Breathworks in 2017 and was awarded accreditation which meets the UK Network for Mindfulness-Based Teacher Training good practice guidelines. My experience as a mindfulness practitioner enhances my approach to teaching and tutoring through recognition of the other person’s needs and conditions that promote active learning.

Dr Lattimore completed his undergraduate studies at LJMU (1992) with a BSc. Applied Psychology (First class). He was awarded an ESRC PhD Studentship (1992) and completed his doctoral studies at University of Manchester (1996). He also holds a PGCert (Liverpool) in Teaching & Learning in HE and recently became an accredited Mindfulness Meditation Teacher (2017; Breathworks). Since completing his doctoral studies, he has held lecturing posts at University of Central Lancashire and University of Chester before joining LJMU in 2004.

Doctoral Research Supervision
Current: Jekaterina Schneider - Mindfulness for Psychical Activity (Director of Studies)
Completed: Dr Naomi Fisher – Mindfulness and Eating Behaviour (Director of Studies)

Teaching & Learning
Research led teaching and curriculum development for modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on the BSc Psychology, MSc Health Psychology, and MSc Positive Psychology & Wellbeing programmes. Supervision of final year and postgraduate thesis projects.
Specialist subjects: Statistical methods; Eating Behaviour; Body Image; Emotion Regulation


2002, University of Chester, United Kingdom, PGCert in Teaching & Learning
1996, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD
1992, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc Applied Psychology


2018, Breathworks, UK, Accredited Mindfulness Teacher

Academic appointments

Senior Lectuer, School of Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - present
Senior Lecturer, Psychology, University of Chester, 2000 - 2004
Lecturer, Psychology, University of Central Lancashire, 1996 - 2000
