Image of Dr Sam Burton

Dr Sam Burton

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health

See My Tutor


I joined Liverpool John Moores University as a Senior Lecturer in Psychology, in September 2023. I previously worked at the university from September 2020 till August 2021, upon which I took up a post as a civil servant. I have previously worked at King's College London as a post-doc and retain links with the university and colleagues.

My research focuses on substance use, decision making and perinatal mental health, with a particular interest in substance use in the perinatal period and disclosure of use. My research primarily uses quantitative methods, primarily with routinely collected healthcare records, RCT's or cohort datasets. Recently my work has used cohort datasets to examine child substance use and mental health outcomes as a result of maternal substance use. I am developing a line of work to examine stigma of women who use alcohol during the perinatal period, with an aim to improve access to care, to reduce alcohol-harm in person-focused manner.

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Research associate, King's College London, 2022 - present
Research assistant, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2021
