Dr Amy Whitehead
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: A.E.Whitehead@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4613
Dr Amy Whitehead is a Reader in Sport Psychology and Coaching, and Lead of the Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group. Amy is currently research active in the areas of decision making and expert novice paradigms, using think aloud protocol analysis, and further working in coach education. Amy supervises a number of PhD students, who are using Think Aloud protocol analysis across a number of domains to understand cognition, learning and reflection. In addition, Amy is a BPS accredited (HCPC registered) sport and exercise psychologist and works with a range of athletes from recreational to elite and Olympic and Paralympic athletes. She is a supervisor for BASES trainee sport and exercise psychologists and is the current CPD lead for the BASES Psychology division. Amy has conducted consultation projects for organisations, such as St. Helen’s RFC, British Cycling, the FA, England Netball, UK Coaching.
2019, British Psychological Society, United Kingdom, Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Stage 2)
2015, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PhD in Sport Psychology
2012, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
2008, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology
2007, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology
Academic appointments
Coaching and Pedagogy Research Group Lead, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
External Examiner - MSc Sport Coaching, University of West Scotland, 2020 - 2024
Reader, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
External Examiner, York St John University, 2017 - 2021
Programme Manager, School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, Liverpool John Moores University, 2016 - present
Senior Lecturer in Sports Coaching & Physical Education Psychology, Education, Leisure and Sport, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2016
External Examiner, University of Salford, 2013 - 2017
Lecturer in Sports Coaching, School of Sport, Tourism and the Outdoors, University of Central Lancashire, 2009 - 2015
Highlighted publications
Whitehead A, Coe J. 2021. Myths of Sport Coaching Whitehead A, Coe J. Sequoia Books Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead A, Coe J. 2021. Myths of Sport Coaching Whitehead A, Coe J. Sequoia Books Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead AE, Jackman P. 2020. Towards a framework of cognitive processes during competitive golf using the Think Aloud method Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Eubank MR, Birch P, Whitehead AE. 2020. Thinking Aloud. A qualitative analysis of stressors and coping responses in cricket bowlers during a competitive match. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13 :972-989 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, Whitehead AE, Marchant D, Polman R, Williams E. 2020. An investigation of expertise in cycling: Eye tracking, Think Aloud and the influence of a competitor. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 49 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Eubank MR, Won D, Whitehead AE. 2018. Investigating Stress and Coping During Practice and Competition in Tennis using Think Aloud International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Cropley B, Huntley T, Miles A, Quayle L, Knowles ZR. 2016. ‘Think Aloud’: Towards a framework to facilitate reflective practice amongst rugby league coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 3 :269-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Massey K, Whitehead A. 2025. “I’m still training for a big event:” A qualitative case study exploring an elite athlete's physical identity journey into motherhood International Journal of Sport Psychology, Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Jackman PC, Vaughan S, Swettenham L, Birch P, Tod D, McEwan HE. 2025. A qualitative exploration of sport and exercise psychology practitioners’ perceptions and experiences of using Think Aloud in applied practice The Sport Psychologist, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Lawrence J, Whitehead A. 2024. Developing Self-Regulatory Skills and Reflective Practice in Professional English Soccer Academy Goalkeepers Using Think Aloud: A Pilot Study International Journal of Sport Psychology, 55 :565-585 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Francis-Bayman S, Whitehead A. 2024. Role Conflict in the Director of Netball role within a Netball Super League Franchise Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead A. 2024. What do high performance football coaches need to know about the coach-athlete relationship? Implications for formal coach education International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stodter A, Whitehead A. 2024. Thinking again about the use of think aloud and stimulated recallmethods in sport coaching Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, :1-15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackman P, Whitehead A, Brick N, Wadey R. 2024. “The story just brings the science to life”: exploring the use of stories to translate knowledge about self-regulatory processes during goal striving in running International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, :1-6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Massey KL, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2024. ‘Baby Ban’ and ‘We are not the same’: Creative non-fiction dialogue exploring pregnancy and motherhood for a funded Paralympic and unfunded Olympic athlete Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Vaughan S, McEwan H, Whitehead A. 2024. “But I am a Runner”: Trying to be a Rogerian Person-Centred Practitioner with an Injured Athlete Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 8 :47-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hardwick AE, Huntley T, Maher A, Whitehead AE. 2024. “It’s just been learning on the job”: becoming and developing as a ParaHockey coach Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGinty-Minister K, Swettenham L, Champ FM, Whitehead AE. 2024. “Smile more”: Women’s experiences of sexism while working in sport from a social ecological perspective Sport in Society, :1-24 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Jackman PC, Eccles DW, Whitehead A. 2024. Think aloud research in sport and exercise psychology: A focused mapping review and synthesis Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, McEwan HE, Whitehead A, Marchant D. 2024. A Penny for your Thoughts: Athletes’ and Trainee Sport Psychologists’ Internal Dialogue during Consultations Sport Psychologist, :1-9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead A. 2023. Developing coaches’ knowledge of the athlete-coach relationship through formal coach education: the perceptions of FA Coach Developers International Sport Coaching Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jackman P, Whitehead A, Swann C, Brick NE. 2023. Self-regulatory processes in goal striving during excellent distance-running performances: A qualitative study Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 70 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Garner L, McEwan H, Whitehead AE. 2023. “He’s asked for you…”: One-to-one support with an elite academy soccer player and navigating through the unforeseen roles of sport psychology practitioners Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7 :63-70 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McGinty-Minister K, Champ FM, Eubank ME, Littlewood MA, Whitehead A. 2023. Stakeholder conceptualisations of mental health and mental illness in English Premier League Football academies Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Birch P, Yoman B, Whitehead AE. 2022. ‘Think Aloud’ as a facilitator of self-regulation in golfers The Sport Psychologist, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Whitehead AE. 2022. ACT-ing on Injury: Increasing Psychological Flexibility and Adherence to Rehabilitation Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 :94-101 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Montgomery C, Swettenham L, Robinson N. 2022. The Effect of Think Aloud on Performance and Brain Oxygenation During Cycling – an Exploratory Study Perceptual and Motor Skills, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Whitehead AE. 2022. WORKING IN ESPORTS: DEVELOPING TEAM COHESION Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6 :36-44 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Massey K, Whitehead AE. 2022. Pregnancy and Motherhood in Elite Sport: The Longitudinal Experiences of two Elite Athletes Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 60 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Whitehead AE. 2021. Developing the Triad of Knowledge in Coaching: Think Aloud as a Reflective Tool within a Category 1 Football Academy International Sport Coaching Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Robinson N, McQuilliam S, Donovan TF, Langan-Evans C, Whitehead AE. 2021. The Current Landscape of Youth Multi-Sport Training; Athlete and Parent Insight Data. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jackman P, Hawkins R, Whitehead AE, Brick N. 2021. Integrating models of self-regulation and optimal experiences: A qualitative study into flow and clutch states in recreational distance running Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Robinson N, Montgomery C, Swettenham L, Whitehead AE. 2021. A pilot study investigating cortical haemodynamic and physiological correlates of exercise cognition in trained and untrained cyclists over an Incremental self-paced performance test, while thinking aloud. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Jackman P. 2020. Towards a framework of cognitive processes during competitive golf using the Think Aloud method Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 53 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Eubank MR, Birch P, Whitehead AE. 2020. Thinking Aloud. A qualitative analysis of stressors and coping responses in cricket bowlers during a competitive match. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13 :972-989 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horan E, Whitehead AE. 2020. Assessing Football Coaches’ Stressors and Coping Mechanisms, During Competition, Using a Think Aloud Protocol. Applied Coaching Research Journal, 6 Publisher Url Public Url
McGreary M, Eubank MR, Morris R, Whitehead AE. 2020. Thinking Aloud: Stress and Coping in Junior Cricket Batsmen during Challenge and Threat States Perceptual and Motor Skills, 127 :1095-1117 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Brockett C, Westerbeek H, Powling E, Fitton Davies K, Rudd J. 2020. Motivational differences between 5K, half marathon and full marathon participants in the UK and India. Managing Sport and Leisure, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, Whitehead AE, Marchant D, Polman R, Williams E. 2020. An investigation of expertise in cycling: Eye tracking, Think Aloud and the influence of a competitor. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 49 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Elliot S, Whitehead AE, Magias T. 2020. Thought processes during set shot goalkicking in Australian Rules football: An analysis of youth and semi-professional footballers using Think Aloud Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 48 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stephenson J, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2020. ‘Suspended above, and in action’: Think Aloud as a reflective practice tool. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7 :11-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Birch P, Whitehead AE. 2019. Investigating the Comparative Suitability of Traditional and Task-Specific Think Aloud Training Perceptual and Motor Skills, 127 :202-224 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Walsh BA, Whittaker E, Cronin CJ. 2019. Back to Netball: Motivations for participation in a female focused Netball sport program. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 27 :21-29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Sadler I. 2018. Research-informed teaching: releasing the power of the student research conference Innovations in Practice, 12 :18-23 Publisher Url Public Url
Lee J, Knowles ZR, Whitehead AE. 2018. Exploring the use of Think Aloud within Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Judging Education. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Swettenham L, Eubank MR, Won D, Whitehead AE. 2018. Investigating Stress and Coping During Practice and Competition in Tennis using Think Aloud International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walsh BA, Whittaker E, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2018. ‘Net Mums’: a narrative account of participants’ experiences within a netball intervention McGannon K. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Walsh BA, Quayle L, Whittaker E, Whitehead AE. 2018. Carefully supporting autonomy – learning coaching lessons and advancing theory from women’s netball in England. Sports Coaching Review, 8 :149-171 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh K, Quayle L, Morley D. 2017. Mobile Technology usage mediates gender differences in physical activity International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48 :643-659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Jones H, Williams E, Rowley C, Quayle L, Polman R. 2017. Investigating the Relationship between Cognitions, Pacing Strategies and Performance in 16.1 km Cycling Time Trials Using a Think Aloud Protocol. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34 :95-109 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Whitehead AE, Webster S, Huntley T. 2017. Transforming, storing and consuming athletic experiences; a coach’s narrative of using a video app. Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Jones HS, Williams EL, Dowling C, Morley D, Taylor JA, Polman RC. 2017. Changes in Cognition over a 16.1 km Cycling Time Trial using Think Aloud Protocol: Preliminary Evidence. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Huntley T, Whitehead AE, Cullinane D, Nixon S, Huntley E. 2017. Investigating relationships between and within entry pathways on a sport related programme and the degree outcome obtained Cogent Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Horrocks DE, McKenna J, Whitehead AE, Taylor P, Morley AM, Lawrence I. 2016. Preparation, structured deliberate practice and decision making in elite level football. The case study of Gary Neville (Manchester United FC and England). International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Horrocks DE, McKenna J, Whitehead AE, Taylor PJ, Morley AM. 2016. Qualitative perspectives on how Manchester United Football Club developed and sustained serial winning. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Taylor JA, Polman RCJ. 2016. Evidence for Skill Level Differences in the Thought Processes of Golfers During High and Low Pressure Situations Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Taylor JA, Polman R. 2015. Examination of the suitability of collecting in event cognitive processes using Think Aloud protocol in golf. Wilson MR. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Massey K, Whitehead A, Massey K. 2024. The Myth That Being a Good Mother and an Elite Athlete Are Not Compatible Whitehead A, Coe J. Myths of Sports Performance
McGreary M, Vaughan S, Swettenham L, Whitehead A. 2024. Considerations for the use of Think Aloud within Self-Talk research Thibodeaux J, Van Raalte J, Dickens Y. Review of self-talk and performance in real-world settings American Psychological Association. DOI Publisher Url
McGinty-Minister K, Swettenham L, Whitehead A. 2024. Being on the same page!: Reconciling the coach- athlete relationship Coaching Stories: Navigating Storms, Triumphs, and Transformations in Sport :79-87 DOI
Whitehead A. 2023. Think Aloud as a Reflection In- and On-Action Tool Reflective Practice in the Sport and Exercise Sciences Critical Perspectives, Pedagogy, and Applied Case Studies Routledge 9781032056944 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Knowles Z, Miles A, Huntley E, Picknell G, Mellilieu S, Hanton S, Ryall E, Borrie A, Telfer H, Trelfa J, Williams K, Adams T, Pope Rhodius A, Wagstaff C, Miller M, Quaterolli A, Whitehead A, Wilding A, Watson P, Needham L, Morton J, Gearity B, Clayton K, Wood H, Simpson A, McIntosh A, Cowley E, Cropley B. 2023. The Reflective Sport and Exercise Science Practitioner 9781032056944 DOI Publisher Url
Whitehead A. 2019. The Think Aloud Program. Developing reflection in coaches: from practice to theory. Sports Coaching: A Theoretical and Practical Guide Routledge
Whitehead AE. 2019. Think Aloud Hackfort D, Schinke RJ, Straus B. Dictionary of Sport Psychology Elsevier Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead AE. 2018. Think Aloud Protocol: Application to Athlete Cognition and Coach Education Thelwell R, Dicks M. Professional Advances in Sports Coaching: Research and Practice Routledge Author Url Publisher Url
McGreary M, Vaughn S, Swettenham L, Whitehead AE. Considerations for the use of Think Aloud within Self-Talk Research Thibodeaux J, Van Raalte J, Dickens Y. Review of self-talk and performance in real-world settings American Psychological Association. APA PsycBooks
Books (edited)
2024. Myths of Sport Performance Whitehead A, Coe J. Sequoia Books Publisher Url
Allen J, Chapman R, Nichol A, Whitehead AE, Johns K, Carroll M, Hayton J, Lascu A, Hall E, Potrac P, Ryrie A, Cronin C. 2024. Challenges and Opportunities for Community Sport Coach Development: An appreciative inquiry project Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Champ F, Gherardi M, Hardwick A, Huntley DT, Lewis C, Rongen F, Ryrie A, Tod D, Whitehead A. 2022. Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ :1-40
Huntley T, Whitehead A, Cronin C, Williams C, Ryrie A, Townsend R. 2019. Pan-European Work Force Audit (Output 1) and Best Practice Case Study (Output 2) Report. The Experiences of Coaches in Paralympic and Disability Sport Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead AE, Walsh BA, Cronin CJ, Quayle L, Whittaker E. 2016. Back to Netball changing lives! Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead A, Cullinane D, Walker C, Beattie I, Starkey S, Boyd V, Charlotte W. England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report England Netball. Together We Will Evaluation Report
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead AE. 2024. The athlete-coach relationship in FA coach education; a black hole? AISEP Conference Public Url
Mahon E, JACKMAN P, Whitehead A. 2023. An exploration of diet and mental coping strategies during the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa: A Case Study
Rankin M, O'Toole P, Roughley M, Roberts A, Whitehead AE, Causer J, Hambleton S, Baker S. 2023. Transforming Polypectomy Education: One Step At A Time NRICAM Showcase Public Url
Books (authored)
Whitehead A, Coe J. 2021. Myths of Sport Coaching Whitehead A, Coe J. Sequoia Books Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead A, Coe J. 2021. Myths of Sport Coaching Whitehead A, Coe J. Sequoia Books Author Url Publisher Url
Internet publication
Whitehead A. 2019. What are you thinking? How Think Aloud Protocol can help us understand ourselves and our athlete’s cognitions. Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead AE. 2015. What are you thinking Author Url
Whitehead AE, Quayle L, Morley D. Technology, Participation and Coaching Author Url
Conference publication
Quayle LRJ, Umeh , Huntley T, Morley D, Knowles Z, Whitehead AE. 2017. Exploring UK Sports Coaches Knowledge and Use of Reflective Practice ICCE Global Coach Confrence
Quayle LRJ, Whitehead AE, Knowles Z, Taylor JA. 2016. 'Think aloud': A novel method for identifying differences in decision making in rugby league coaching. BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Jones H, Williams E, Whitehead A, Quayle L, Marchant D, Polman R. 2016. “Think Aloud”: Investigating the relationship between cognition, external physiological and performance feedback in 16.1km time trial cyclists. BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Whitehead AE, dowling C, morley D, Polman R. 2016. What are you thinking? Using think aloud protocol to collect thought processes of cyclists during a 16.1km time trial event. BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Birch P, Whitehead A. 2016. “Think Aloud” – Examining the suitability of traditional and task specific training for Think Aloud protocol. BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference
Whitehead AE, Cropley B, Huntley T, Miles A, Quayle L, Knowles ZR. 2016. ‘Think Aloud’: Towards a framework to facilitate reflective practice amongst rugby league coaches. International Sport Coaching Journal, 3 :269-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Morley DM, Quayle L, Reeves M, Ryrie A. 2016. How the UK population are using technology to engage in Sport and or Physical Activity http://naspspa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-NASPSPA-Abstract-Supplement-6-13-16.pdf, NASPSPA Author Url
Whitehead AE, Polman R, Dowling C, Morley DM. 2016. Cognitive focus within road cycling time-trial performance using Think Aloud http://naspspa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-NASPSPA-Abstract-Supplement-6-13-16.pdf, NASPSPA Author Url
Whitehead AE, Polman RC, Taylor JA. 2013. Comparison between think aloud and retrospective recall in assessing decision making in golf. European College of Sport Science, 18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.
Whitehead AE, Taylor JA, Polman RC. An investigation into Level 2 and Level 3 Think Aloud verbalisation as appropriate methods for obtaining data on decision making in sport. 2010 Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference.
Jewitt Beck R, Whitehead A, Knowles Z, Huntley T. The provision of education for coach developers within a UK National Giverning Body International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coach Conference
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Erasmus Plus, Para-Disability Coach Education and Learning Project- Enhancing Para-disability sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment with reference to a Para-Disability European Sport Coaching Framework and Massive Open Online Course, LJMU Team: Dr Amy Whitehead, Professor Philip Vickerman, Dr Colum Cronin, Dr Gus Ryrie, Ms Catherine Walker, Dr Nicola Rowley and Dr James Rudd, Grant value (£): £334,355, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2018
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Joe Causer, Paul O'Toole, Melissa Rankin, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Investigating polypectomy using Think Aloud and Eye Tracking methods, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2025
Health Education England, Understanding expertise and training in colonoscopy, Joe Causer, Paul O'Toole, Mel Rankin, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2024
Mersey School of Endoscopy, Investigating Psychological Safety in Colonoscopy training, Laura Swettenham, Joe Causer, Sigrid Olthof, Paul O'Toole, Mel Rankin, Grant value (£): 20,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2024
Liverpool Football Club, LFC Foundation Female Coach Mentoring Programme in Partnership with Nike, Grant value (£): 5500, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2023
British Universities and Colleges Sport, Monitor and Evaluate FA Women's Leadership Programme, Francesca Champ (PI), Alistair McRobert (co-PI), Kirstin McGinty-Minister, Grant value (£): 5,000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2023
Health Education England, Using ‘Think Aloud’ in Colonoscopy Training, Paul O'Toole, Susan Baker, Joe Causer, Melissa Rankin, Grant value (£): 12,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2023
West Bromwich Albion F.C Academy, Examining and designing the sport psychology curriculum with a Category 1 football academy, Amy Whitehead (DoS), Zoe Knowles and Francesca Champ, Grant value (£): 70,000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022
England Rugby Football League, 'Watch Aloud' - Measuring parental sideline behaviour, Amy Whitehead (P1), Danny Cullinane, Colum Cronin, Gus Ryrie, Katie Fitton-Davies, Vicci Boyd, Colin Lewis, Amy Hardwick, Grant value (£): £21,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022
UK Coaching, Caring Cultures in Sport Coaching, Amy Whitehead (LJMU), David Tod (LJMU), Francesca Champ (LJMU), Angus Ryrie (LJMU), Colin Lewis (LJMU), Fieke Rongen (Leeds Beckett University), Tabo Huntley (LJMU)., Grant value (£): £15, 000, Duration of research project: 7 Months. 2021
British Psychological Society, Think Aloud Research Group, David Tod, Hayley McEwan, Phil Birch, Trish Jackman, Steven Vaughan, Laura Swettenham, Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2020
UK Coaching, Impact Evaluation of the UK Coaching/1st4Sport/Mind eLearning Course 'Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity', Burton, Leanne; Whitehead, Amy; Sadler, Ian; Murphy, Becky, Grant value (£): 7997, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2020
Special Olympics, Special Olympics eLearning Project, PI Tabo Huntley, CoI Amy Whitehead, Grant value (£): $25,000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2020
Special Olympics, Special Olympics Coach Workforce Audit., PI - Tabo Huntley, CI Amy Witehead, Grant value (£): 8,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020
The Rugby Football League, Developing a reflective coach developer workforce, Grant value (£): 2,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2019
England Netball, Liverpool Legacy Netball Project, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: One year. 2018
Saint Helen's RFL, Using the Think Aloud Programme to develop a reflective workforce, Grant value (£): 1,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2018
Erasmus Plus, Para-Disability Coach Education and Learning Project- Enhancing Para-disability sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment with reference to a Para-Disability European Sport Coaching Framework and Massive Open Online Course, LJMU Team: Dr Amy Whitehead, Professor Philip Vickerman, Dr Colum Cronin, Dr Gus Ryrie, Ms Catherine Walker, Dr Nicola Rowley and Dr James Rudd, Grant value (£): £334,355, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2018
Liverpool County Football Association, Developing a reflective workforce using Think Aloud., Grant value (£): 850, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2018
Welsh Government, Welsh Curriculum Development: Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience, Elizabeth Myers - Lead Application. Amy Whitehead, Barbara Walsh, Julie Money, Nigel Green., Grant value (£): 5,000, Duration of research project: 6 weeks. 2017
Sports Coach UK, Using technology to change behvaiour, Grant value (£): 2,000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
University of Chichester: Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences Research Fund, A social validation examination of think aloud: Perceptions of golfers and teaching professionals., Phil Birch (Lead applicant), Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2016
England Netball, Back to Netball Impact Study, PI - Amy Whitehead, Co Applicants - David Morley, Barbara Walsh, Laura Quayle, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2016
University of Chichester, Department of Sport & Exercise Sciences Research Fund: Training and impact of think aloud protocols in golf., Phil Birch, University of Chichester, Grant value (£): 3707, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Liverpool John Moores University, Research Capacity Building Fund. Using novel methods to investigate pacing strategies and decision making in cycling., Hollie Jones, University of Central Lancashire, Remco Polman, Bournemouth University, Emily Williams Leeds Beckett, David Marchant, Edge Hill, David Morley LJMU, Grant value (£): 14,900, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Sports Coach UK, Coaching & new technology, Grant value (£): 12,000, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2015
Liverpool John Moores University, Funding for Research Capacity Building. Think Aloud protocol analysis and its application to athletic performance, practitioner reflection and patient cognitions, Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2015
Membership of professional bodies:
Chair of the Division of Psychology, and Board Director, British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES). 2023
BASES member, The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences | BASES, https://www.bases.org.uk/. 2019
Talent and Learning Research Hub Member, UK Coaching (previously Sports Coach UK), https://www.sportscoachuk.org/. 2017
Women in Sport: Research Advisory Group Member, Women in Sport, https://www.womeninsport.org/. 2017
Professional Member, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Acitivity, http://naspspa.com/. 2016
Chartered Member, British Psychology Society, Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 2010
Member of the British Psychological Society; Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, British Psychological Society, http://www.bps.org.uk/. 2008
Editorial boards:
International Journal of Sport Psychology, Co Editor in Chief, http://www.ijsp-online.com/journal/board. 2023
Frontiers in Sports and Active Learning - Sport Coaching: Performance and Development, Review Editor, https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sports-and-active-living. 2022
Journal of Sports Sciences, Advisor board member. Social and Behavioural Sciences, https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=rjsp20. 2021
International Sport Coaching Journal, Editorial Board Member, https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/iscj/iscj-overview.xml. 2021
International Journal of Sport Psychology, Associate Editor, http://www.ijsp-online.com/. 2019
Other invited event:
The South West Sports Coaching Conference, Millfield School, Somerset, Invited keynote: Understanding ourselves, to better understand others: Using Think Aloud as a reflection method.. 2023
BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Pre Conference workshop, The Think Aloud Method, Liverpool, A pre conference workshop to DSEP delegates.. 2021
Ontario Coaches Conference., Online, Using Think Aloud in your coaching. 2021
FA Youth Mentor Programme - developing reflection using Think Aloud, Zoom, Delivering a mentor development workshop for the FA Youth Mentor delegates.. 2020
St Mirren FA. Think Aloud and Coach Reflection, Zoom, Delivering a Think Aloud and coach reflection online workshop to coaches at St Mirren FC Academy and other academy coaches in the Scottish Premier league academies.. 2020
Manchester FA Webinar: Introducing Think Aloud, Zoom, Delivering an introduction to Think Aloud as a coach reflection tool for coaches at Manchester FA.. 2020
Cluster for Research into Coaching (CRiC) 5th International Conference 2019, Worcester, Think Aloud and Sport Coaching Seminar. 2019
UK Coaching Conference 2019, Loughborough, Invited speaker - Think Aloud and Reflection workshop. 2019
English Football Association: National Coach Mentor Development Days 2019, Saint Georges Park, Invited key note speaker. Delivering a Think Aloud in mentoring workshop.. 2019
Rugby Football League: England Talent Pathway Conference, Leeds, Key note session. Using Think Aloud to develop a reflective coaching workforce.. 2019
FA Grassroots Development Day, The Belfry, Think Aloud: Improving the reflective practice process of our workforce.. 2018
World Modern Pentathlon Coaches Conference, Manchester, Key note speaker. Think Aloud & Decision Making – Application to Coaching Modern Pentathlon. 2018
UK Coaching - Coach Developer Family Day., Coventry, Title of workshop: Think Aloud: Developing a Reflective Workforce. 2018
Vice Chancellor's Award for the promotion of EDI in Research & Knowledge Exchange (Faculty Winner), LJMU, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/research/research-stars-of-2021. 2021
Conference presentation:
The Think Aloud method and its utility within coach, athlete and sport psychology practitioner development, Global Coaching Conference, Lisbon, Oral Symposium. 2021
The Think Aloud Program: Considerations for developing reflection in coach education., International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coaching Conference, Tokyo, Oral presentation. 2019
Using ‘Think Aloud’ to reflect on mentor practice: A collaborative action research approach in grassroots football, International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coaching Conference, Tokyo, Poster presentation. 2019
What are you thinking? Using Think Aloud as a reflective practice tool, Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, British Columbia University, Vancouver, Canada, Oral presentation. 2018
Changes in cognition over a 16.1 km cycling time trial using Think Aloud protocol: Preliminary evidence. Applications for Coaching, ICCE Gobal Coach Conference 2017, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2017
“Think Aloud”: Investigating the relationship between cognition, external physiological and performance feedback in 16.1km time trial cyclists., BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference, Cardiff, Oral presentation. 2016
What are you thinking? Using think aloud protocol to collect thought processes of cyclists during a 16.1km time trial event., BPS Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Cardiff, Oral presentation. 2016
Investigating the relationship between cognitions, external physiological and performance feedback in 16.1km time trial cyclists, LJMU Cycling Symposium 2016, LJMU Redmonds Building, Oral presentation. 2016
What are you thinking? Using think aloud protocol to collect thought processes of cyclists during a 16.1km time trial event, LJMU Cycling Symposium 2016, LJMU Redmonds Building, Oral presentation. 2016
Coaching and Technology, UK Coaching Summit, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2016
Technology vs the naked eye. What works best for the talent workforce?, UK Coaching Summit, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2016
Conference organisation:
The Power of Sport Student Conference 2018 at LJMU, Lead organisaer, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/the-power-of-sport. 2018
ICCE Global Coach Conference 2017, Member of organising committee, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/global-coach-conference. 2017
LJMU International Cycling Symposium 2016, Lead organiser, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/events/cycling-symposium. 2016
External committees:
Research Advisory Group, Women in Sport, Research Advisory Member, https://www.womeninsport.org/. 2017
Talent and Learning Research Hub, UK Coaching, Research advisor, http://www.ukcoaching.org/. 2017
Teaching qualification:
PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2012
PGCert in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 2012