Image of Dr Matthew Cocks

Dr Matthew Cocks

Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Science

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Dr Matt Cocks (Reader in Exercise Physiology) is an academic member of staff with teaching duties. Matt's research focuses on three key areas:

1. The skeletal muscle microvasculature and how changes in activity can influence delivery of nutrients to the skeletal muscle.

2. Innovative methods to increase exercise adherence and compliance. In particular Matt's work has focused on 1) the use of high intensity interval training as a time efficient exercise mode, 2) how home-based exercise can be effectively incorporated into guidelines reducing barriers to exercise and 3) the use of mobile health biometrics to increase exercise adherence through improved feedback to participant.

3. Exercise strategies for people with Type 1 diabetes, with the aim of reducing barriers to exercise in this population through the use of innovative exercise protocols, for example fasted exercise and high intensity interval training which we have shown are both effective strategies for maintaining blood glucose levels during exercise in people with Type 1 diabetes.
