Prof Keith George
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Vice Chancellors Office
Email: K.George@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3503
I am currently the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange at LJMU. My primary role is to support research strategy and activities across the entire University. Building on REF2021 and the excellent results for LJMU we are launching our new Research and Knowledge Exchange Plan 2030 in January of 2023 to sit alongside the new University Strategy 2030 document to be unveiled at the same time. Allied to this we will be developing set of activities, plans and resources to support the entire research and knowledge exchange community at LJMU over the next 7 years.
Prior to my appointment as PVC in February 2020 I have previously been Associate Dean for Scholarship, Research and Knowledge Transfer in the Faculty of Science, Head of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, interim Director of School of Sport and Exercise Sciences as well as Professor of Exercise and Cardiovascular Physiology.
My background is as a cardiovascular physiologist interested in the health and well being of different human populations from elite athletes to clinical groups. I attained my undergraduate degree in Sport Sciences from Liverpool Polytechnic in 1987 then went on to complete an MSc in Exercise Physiology at Queens University Canada (as a Commonwealth Scholar recipient) and my PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University. I returned to LJMU as a member of staff in January 2002. My research focus in recent years has been to support the athlete cardiac pre-participation screening programme at LJMU, undertaking basic research and developing applied service research that has support two REF Impact Case Studies. In addition, I have been a strong supporter of the local and international "Global Active Cities" program. This was initially a collaborative program between TAFISA (International Sport for All), Evaleo and the IOC - with LJMU as the Academic partner - and has resulted in 10 cities being acknowledged as Global Active Cities. I continue this work now as non-executive Board member of TAFISA in combination with multiple colleagues at LJMU. I am also an active supporter of the current Research England grant at LJMU promoting the development of a professional structure/recognition for Clinical Exercise Physiologists (CEP-UK).
1998, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, PhD Cardiovascular Physiology and Exercise
1990, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada, MSc Exercise Physiology
1987, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) First Class
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, 1990 - 2001
Highlighted publications
Spence AL, Naylor LH, Carter HH, Buck CL, Dembo L, Murray CP, Watson P, Oxborough D, George KP, Green DJ. 2011. A prospective randomised longitudinal MRI study of left ventricular adaptation to endurance and resistance exercise training in humans. J Physiol, 589 :5443-5452 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2011. Growth of Left Ventricular Mass with Military Basic Training in Army Recruits MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 43 :1295-1300 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Cable T, Dawson E, Artis N, Gaze D, Hew-Butler T, Sharwood K, Noakes T. 2009. Left ventricular wall segment motion after ultra-endurance exercise in humans assessed by myocardial speckle tracking. Eur J Echocardiogr, 10 :238-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ainslie PN, Cotter JD, George KP, Lucas S, Murrell C, Shave R, Thomas KN, Williams MJA, Atkinson G. 2008. Elevation in cerebral blood flow velocity with aerobic fitness throughout healthy human ageing JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 586 :4005-4010 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Place F, Carpenter H, Howard LJ, Maxwell JD, Shardey JKK, Morrison BN, Chester N, Cooper R, Stansfield BN, George KP, Angell PJ, Oxborough D. 2025. Left atrial stiffness and its association to left ventricular geometry in resistance trained athletes using anabolic-androgenic steroids European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 26 :jeae333.269 DOI Publisher Url
Legaz-Arrese A, Sitko S, Cirer-Sastre R, Mayolas-Pi C, Jiménez-Gaytán RR, Orocio RN, García RL, Corral PGM, Reverter-Masia J, George K, Carranza-García LE. 2024. The kinetics of cardiac troponin T release during and after 1- and 6-h maximal cycling trials Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, Crozier A, George KP, Miller GD, Whyte GP, Rycroft J, Scott A, Buckley JP, McGregor G, Askew CD, Jack S, Birkett S, Broom D, Tolfrey K, Campbell A, Skelton DA, Steenkamp L, Savage J, Green DJ. 2024. Establishment of Clinical Exercise Physiology as a regulated healthcare profession in the UK: A Progress Report BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Graves LEF, George KP, Richardson D, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2024. A multi-method exploration of a cardiac rehabilitation service delivered by registered Clinical Exercise Physiologists in the UK: key learnings for current and new services BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan VB, Beaumont A, Rowland T, George K, Stewart L, Sculthorpe N, Lord RN, Oxborough D. 2024. The effect of long-term soccer training on left ventricular structure and function in elite male youth soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 34 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Oxborough D, McDerment D, George KP, Johnson C, Morrison B, Parry-Williams G, Papatheodorou E, Sharma S, Cooper R. 2024. Allometric scaling for left ventricular mass and geometry in male and female athletes of mixed and endurance sports Echo Research and Practice, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lord RN, Adams ZH, George K, Somauroo J, Jones H, Oxborough D. 2023. Exploratory assessment of right ventricular structure and function during prolonged endurance cycling exercise Echo Research & Practice, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Place F, Carpenter H, Morrison BN, Chester N, Cooper R, Stansfield BN, George KP, Oxborough D. 2023. The impact of image and performance enhancing drugs on atrial structure and function in resistance trained individuals Echo Research and Practice, 10 :1-12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Flanagan H, Cooper R, George KP, Augustine DX, Malhotra A, Paton MF, Robinson S, Oxborough D. 2023. The athlete's heart: insights from echocardiography. Echo Research & Practice, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Forsythe L, George K, Papadakis M, Mill N, Daniels M, Oxborough D. 2023. Seasonal variation of cardiac structure and function in the elite rugby football league athlete Echo Research and Practice, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGregor-Cheers R, Forsythe L, Cooper R, Johnson C, Sculthorpe N, Papadakis M, Mill N, Daniels M, Kleinnibbelink G, George K, Oxborough D. 2023. Comparison of echocardiographic methods for calculating left ventricular mass in elite rugby football league athletes and the impact on chamber geometry Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5 :1270444 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morrison BN, Campbell AJ, Coté AT, Mohammad A, Sambrook L, Robinson G, George K, Oxborough D. 2023. Three-Dimensional-Derived Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Structure and Function and Indices from the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram across the Menstrual Cycle in Healthy Physically Active Females: An Exploratory Study Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 10 :331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Johnson C, Sculthorpe N, George K, Stout M, Procter W, Cooper RM, Oxborough D. 2023. Concentric and Eccentric Remodelling of the Left Ventricle and Its Association to Function in the Male Athletes Heart: An Exploratory Study Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 10 :269 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Watson PM, Graves LEF, George KP, Richardson D, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2023. Insights and recommendations into service model structure staff roles and qualifications in a UK cancer specific clinical exercise service a multi-method case study Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giannaki CD, Grigoriou SS, George K, Karatzaferi C, Zigoulis P, Lavdas E, Chaniotis D, Stefanidis I, Sakkas GK. 2023. Nine Months of Hybrid Intradialytic Exercise Training Improves Ejection Fraction and Cardiac Autonomic Nervous System Activity. Sports, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morrison BN, George K, Kreiter E, Dixon D, Rebello L, Massarotto RJ, Cote AT. 2023. Effects of endurance exercise training on left ventricular structure in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 30 :772-793 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McClean G, Wilson MG, Riding NR, Pieles G, Watt V, Adamuz C, Shaw A, Harkness A, Johnson A, George KP, Oxborough D. 2023. A New Tool to Aid the Differential Diagnosis of Physiological Remodelling from Cardiac Pathology When Assessing Left Ventricle, Left Atrial and Aortic Structure and Function in Male Arab and Black Paediatric Athletes. Journal of cardiovascular development and disease, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gomes B, Hedman K, Kuznetsova T, Cauwenberghs N, Hsu D, Kobayashi Y, Ingelsson E, Oxborough D, George K, Salerno M, Ashley E, Haddad F. 2023. Defining left ventricular remodeling using lean body mass allometry: a UK Biobank study. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan VB, Beaumont A, Rowland T, George K, Sculthorpe N, Lord RN, Bakhshi A, Oxborough D. 2022. Left Ventricular Responses during Exercise in Highly Trained Youth Athletes: Echocardiographic Insights on Function and Adaptation Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cirer-Sastre R, Jiménez-Gaytán R, Carranza-García LE, George K, Apple FS, Navarro-Orocio R, López-García R, Reverter-Masía J, Mayolas-Pi C, Morales-Corral PG, Legaz-Arrese A. 2022. A comparison of modelled serum cTnT and cTnI kinetics after 60 min swimming BIOMARKERS, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan VB, Rowland T, George KP, Bakhshi A, Beaumont A, Sculthorpe N, Lord RN, Oxborough D. 2022. Effect of long-term soccer training on changes in cardiac function during exercise in elite youth soccer players Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 32 :892-902 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleinnibbelink G, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop N, Hulshof H, van Dijk A, George K, Somauroo J, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2022. Exercise Training Induces Left- but not Right-sided Cardiac Remodelling in Olympic Rowers International Journal of Sports Medicine, 43 :151-160 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Miller GD, Maxwell JD, Thompson A, Cable NT, Low DA, George KP, Jones H. 2022. The effects of exercise training in the cold on cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular function in young healthy individuals Autonomic Neuroscience, 238 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Crozier A, Watson PM, Graves LEF, George KP, Naylor L, Green DJ, Rosenberg M, Jones H. 2022. Clinical exercise provision in the UK: comparison of staff job titles, roles and qualifications across five specialised exercise services BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aengevaeren VL, Baggish AL, Chung EH, George K, Kleiven Ø, Mingels AMA, Ørn S, Shave RE, Thompson PD, Eijsvogels TMH. 2021. Exercise-Induced Cardiac Troponin Elevations: From Underlying Mechanisms to Clinical Relevance. Circulation, 144 :1955-1972 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kong Z, Zhang H, Nie J, Wen L, Shi Q, Ng SF, Huang C, George K. 2021. Exercise Training Increases Serum Cardiac Troponin T Independent of Left Ventricular Mass. International Journal of Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Huang C, Kong Z, Nie J, Pan M, Zhang H, Shi Q, George KP. 2021. Impact of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on heart rate variability and cardiac troponin. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 61 :1301-1308 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jones H, George KP, Scott A, Buckley JP, Watson PM, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ, Graves LEF, Whyte GP, McGregor G, Naylor LH, Rosenberg M, Askew CD, Green DJ. 2021. Charter to establish clinical exercise physiology as a recognised allied health profession in the UK: a call to action BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morrison B, Mohammad A, Oxborough D, Somauroo J, Lindsay S, Drane AL, Shave R, George K. 2021. The 12-lead electrocardiogram of the elite female footballer as defined by different interpretation criteria across the competitive season. European Journal of Sport Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleinnibbelink G, van Dijk APJ, Fornasiero A, Speretta GF, Johnson C, Sculthorpe N, George KP, Somauroo JD, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough D. 2021. Acute Exercise-Induced Changes in Cardiac Function Relates to Right Ventricular Remodeling Following 12-weeks Hypoxic Exercise Training. Journal of Applied Physiology (1985), DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Grigoriou SS, Giannaki CD, George K, Karatzaferi C, Zigoulis P, Eleftheriadis T, Stefanidis I, Sakkas GK. 2021. A single bout of hybrid intradialytic exercise did not affect left-ventricular function in exercise-naïve dialysis patients: a randomized, cross-over trial. International Urology and Nephrology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Morrison B, Chester N, Mcgregor-Cheers R, Kleinnibbelink G, Johnson C, Harrison J, Stansfield B, Henney A, George K, Warburton D, Mckinney J, Sculthorpe N, Cooper R, Fairbairn T, Oxborough D. 2021. The impact of image and performance enhancing drugs on bi-ventricular structure and function in strength-trained athletes and the association to fat-free mass European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 28 DOI Publisher Url
Unnithan VB, Beaumont A, Rowland TW, Sculthorpe N, George K, Lord R, Oxborough D. 2021. The influence of training status on right ventricular morphology and segmental strain in elite pre-adolescent soccer players. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleinnibbelink G, Hulshof HG, van Dijk APJ, Cate TT, George KP, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2020. Effects of preload manipulation on right ventricular contractility: invasive pressure-area loop versus non-invasive strain-area loop. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleinnibbelink G, van Dijk APJ, Fornasiero A, Speretta GF, Johnson C, Hopman MTE, Sculthorpe N, George KP, Somauroo JD, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough D. 2020. Exercise-induced cardiac fatigue after a 45-minute bout of high-intensity running exercise is not altered under hypoxia. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulshof HG, van Dijk AP, Hopman MTE, Heesakkers H, George KP, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2020. 5-Year prognostic value of the right ventricular strain-area loop in patients with pulmonary hypertension. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, 22 :188-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cirer-Sastre R, Legaz-Arrese A, Corbi F, López-Laval I, George KP, Reverter-Masia J. 2020. Influence of maturational status in the exercise-induced release of cardiac troponin T in healthy young swimmers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Brown B, Millar L, Somauroo J, George KP, Sharma S, La Gerche A, Forsythe L, Oxborough D. 2020. Left ventricular remodelling in elite and sub-elite road cyclists. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulshof HG, van Dijk APJ, Hopman MTE, van der Sluijs CF, George KP, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2020. The Acute Impact of Changes to Haemodynamic Load on the Left Ventricular Strain-Volume Relationship in Young and Older Men. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stavroulakis GA, George KP. 2020. Exercise-induced release of troponin Clinical Cardiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kleinnibbelink G, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop NM, Hulshof HG, Van Dijk APJ, George KP, Somauroo JD, Oxborough DL, Thijssen DHJ. 2020. P784 Cardiac remodelling in elite rowers - insights from novel echocardiographic techniques European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, 21 DOI Publisher Url
Beaumont A, Oxborough D, George KP, Rowland TW, Sculthorpe N, Lord R, Unnithan VB. 2019. Superior cardiac mechanics without structural adaptations in pre-adolescent soccer players. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nie J, Zhang H, Kong Z, Wang C, Liu Y, Shi Q, George KP. 2019. The impact of exercise modality and menstrual cycle phase on circulating cardiac troponin T. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 23 :309-314 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aengevaeren V, Hopman MTE, Thompson PD, Bakker EA, George KP, Thijssen DHJ, Eijsvogels TMH. 2019. P1513Exercise-induced cardiac troponin I release and incident cardiovascular morbidity and mortality European Heart Journal, 40 DOI Publisher Url
Aengevaeren VL, Hopman MTE, Thompson PD, Bakker EA, George KP, Thijssen DHJ, Eijsvogels TMH. 2019. Exercise-Induced Cardiac Troponin I Increase and Incident Mortality and Cardiovascular Events. Circulation, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulshof HG, van Oorschot F, van Dijk APJ, Hopman MTE, George KP, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2019. CHANGES IN DYNAMIC LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION, ASSESSED BY THE STRAIN-VOLUME LOOP, RELATE TO REVERSE REMODELLING AFTER AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT. Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Snelling EP, Seymour RS, Giussani DA, Fuller A, Maloney SK, Farrell AP, Mitchell D, George KP, Dzialowski EM, Jonker SS, Wube T. 2019. Scaling of cardiac morphology is interrupted by birth in the developing sheep Ovis aries. Journal of Anatomy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Forsythe L, Somauroo J, George KP, Papadakis M, Brown B, Qasem M, Oxborough D. 2019. The right heart of the elite senior rugby football league athlete Echocardiography: a journal of cardopvascular ultrasound and allied techniques, 36 :888-896 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Oxborough D, Spence A, George KP, van Oorschot F, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2019. The impact of 24 weeks of supervised endurance versus resistance exercise training on left ventricular mechanics in healthy untrained humans. Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Oates SA, Forsythe L, Somauroo JD, George KP, Papadakis M, Oxborough D. 2019. Scaling to produce size-independent indices of echocardiographic derived aortic root dimensions in elite Rugby Football League players Ultrasound, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zhang H, Nie J, Kong Z, Cao W, Zhu X, Zheng Z, George K. 2019. The cTnT response to acute exercise at the onset of an endurance training program: evidence of exercise preconditioning? European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Angell PJ, Green DJ, Lord R, Gaze D, Whyte G, George KP. 2018. Acute cardiovascular responses to resistance exercise in anabolic steroids users: A preliminary investigation Science and Sports, 33 :339-346 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nie J, Zhang H, He Y, Cao W, Liu Y, Kong Z, George K. 2018. The impact of high-intensity interval training on the cTnT response to acute exercise in sedentary obese young women. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McClean G, Riding NR, Pieles G, Sharma S, Watt V, Adamuz C, Johnson A, Tramullas A, George KP, Oxborough D, Wilson MG. 2018. Prevalence and significance of T-wave inversion in Arab and Black paediatric athletes: Should anterior T-wave inversion interpretation be governed by biological or chronological age? European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aengevaeren VL, VAN Kimmenade RRJ, Hopman MTE, Royen NVAN, Snider JV, Januzzi JL, George KP, Eijsvogels TMH. 2018. Exercise-induced Changes in Soluble ST2 Concentrations in Marathon Runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cirer-Sastre R, Legaz-Arrese A, Corbi F, George KP, Nie J, Carranza-García LE, Reverter-Masià J. 2018. Cardiac Biomarker Release After Exercise in Healthy Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Pediatric Exercise Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McClean G, Riding NR, Pieles G, Watt V, Adamuz C, Sharma S, George KP, Oxborough D, Wilson MG. 2018. Diagnostic accuracy and Bayesian analysis of new international ECG recommendations in paediatric athletes. Heart, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hulshof HG, Eijsvogels TMH, Kleinnibbelink G, van Dijk AP, George KP, Oxborough D, Thijssen DHJ. 2018. Prognostic value of right ventricular longitudinal strain in patients with pulmonary hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Forsythe L, George KP, Oxborough D. 2018. Speckle Tracking Echocardiography for the Assessment of the Athlete's Heart: Is It Ready for Daily Practice? Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Medicine, 20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Popple E, George KP, Somauroo J, Sharma S, Utomi V, Lord R, Cooper R, Malhotra A, Forster J, Oxborough D. 2018. Right Ventricular Structure and Function in Senior and Academy Elite Footballers. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Qasem M, George KP, Somauroo J, Forsythe L, Brown B, Oxborough D. 2018. Right ventricular function in elite male athletes meeting the structural echocardiographic task force criteria for arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan VB, Rowland TW, George KP, Lord R, Oxborough D. 2018. Left ventricular function during exercise in trained pre-adolescent soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lord RN, Utomi V, Oxborough DL, Curry BA, Brown M, George KP. 2018. Left ventricular function and mechanics following prolonged endurance exercise: an update and meta-analysis with insights from novel techniques. European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Forsythe L, MacIver DH, Johnson C, George KP, Somauroo J, Papadakis M, Brown B, Qasem M, Oxborough D. 2018. The relationship between left ventricular structure and function in the elite rugby football league athlete as determined by conventional echocardiography and myocardial strain imaging International Journal of Cardiology, 261 :211-217 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Oxborough D, Augustine D, Gati S, George KP, Harkness A, Mathew T, Papadakis M, Ring L, Robinson S, Sandoval J, Sarwar R, Sharma S, Sharma V, Sheikh N, Somauroo J, Stout M, Willis J, Zaidi A. 2018. A guideline update for the practice of echocardiography in the cardiac screening of sports participants: a joint policy statement from the British Society of Echocardiography and Cardiac Risk in the Young. Echo Research and Practice, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Qasem M, George KP, Somauroo J, Forsythe L, Brown B, Oxborough D. 2018. Influence of different dynamic sporting disciplines on right ventricular Structure and function in elite male athletes. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sharif H, Ting S, Forsythe L, McGregor G, Banerjee P, O'Leary D, Ditor D, George KP, Zehnder D, Oxborough D. 2018. Layer-specific systolic and diastolic strain in hypertensive patients with and without mild diastolic dysfunction. Echo Research and Practice, 5 :41-49 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kooreman Z, Giraldeau G, Finocchiaro G, Kobayashi Y, Wheeler M, Perez M, Moneghetti K, Oxborough D, George KP, Myers J, Ashley E, Haddad F. 2018. Athletic Remodeling in Female College Athletes, the "Morganroth Hypothesis" Revisited. Clin J Sport Med, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lord R, MacLeod D, George KP, Oxborough D, Shave R, Stembridge M. 2018. Reduced left ventricular filling following blood volume extraction does not result in compensatory augmentation of cardiac mechanics. Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rothwell O, George KP, Somauroo J, Lord R, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman MD, Wilson M, Ashley E, Haddad F, Eijsvogels TMH, Oxborough D. 2018. Right Ventricular Structure and Function in the Veteran Ultramarathon Runner: Is There Evidence for Chronic Maladaptation? Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nie J, Zhang H, Kong Z, George KP, Little JP, Tong TK, Li F, Shi Q. 2017. Impact of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training on resting and post-exercise cardiac troponin T concentration. Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Johnson C, Forsythe L, Somauroo J, Papadakis M, George KP, Oxborough D. 2017. Cardiac structure and function in elite Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Rugby Football League athletes: an exploratory study. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thijssen DHJ, Redington A, George KP, Hopman MTE, Jones H. 2017. Association of Exercise Preconditioning With Immediate Cardioprotection: A Review. JAMA Cardiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Legaz-Arrese A, Carranza-García LE, Navarro-Orocio R, Valadez-Lira A, Mayolas-Pi C, Munguía-Izquierdo D, Reverter-Masía J, George KP. 2017. Cardiac Biomarker Release after Endurance Exercise in Male and Female Adults and Adolescents. The Journal of Pediatriatrics, 191 :96-102 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eijsvogels TMH, Oxborough D, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S, Prasad S, Whyte G, George KP, Wilson MG. 2017. Global and regional cardiac function in lifelong endurance athletes with and without myocardial fibrosis. European Journal of Sport Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McClean G, Riding NR, Ardern CL, Farooq A, Pieles GE, Watt V, Adamuz C, George KP, Oxborough D, Wilson MG. 2017. Electrical and structural adaptations of the paediatric athlete's heart: a systematic review with meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Radin R, Sharir R, Robinson M, George K, Atkinson G, Lolli L, Konopinski M, Vanrenterghem J. 2017. ALLOMETRICALLY SCALED H:Q RATIOS: TIME TO SHARPEN OUR VISION CONCERNING STRENGTH RATIOS AS INJURY RISK FACTOR! British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51 :376.1-376 DOI Publisher Url
Hulshof HG, van Dijk AP, George KP, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough D. 2017. Exploratory assessment of left ventricular strain-volume loops in severe aortic valve diseases. Journal of Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Brown B, Green DJ, Wilson M, Drezner J, George KP, Oxborough D. 2017. The Complex Phenotype of the Athletes Heart: Implications for Pre-Participation Screening. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nie J, George KP, Duan F, Tong TK, Tian Y. 2016. Histological evidence for reversible cardiomyocyte changes and serum cardiac troponin T elevation after exercise in rats. Physiological Reports, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kong Z, Nie J, Lin H, George KP, Zhao G, Zhang H, Tong TK, Shi Q. 2016. Sex differences in release of cardiac troponin T after endurance exercise. Biomarkers, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
van de Schoor FR, Aengevaeren VL, Hopman MT, Oxborough D, George KP, Thompson PD, Eijsvogels TM. 2016. Myocardial Fibrosis in Athletes. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Qasem M, Utomi V, George KP, Somauroo J, Zaidi A, Forsythe L, Bhattacharrya S, Lloyd G, Rana B, Ring L, Robinson S, Senior R, Sheikh N, Sitali M, Sandoval J, Steeds R, Stout M, Willis J, Oxborough D. 2016. A meta-analysis for echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular structure and function in ARVC. Echo Research Practice, 3 :95-104 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Eijsvogels TM, George KP, Thompson PD. 2016. Cardiovascular benefits and risks across the physical activity continuum. Current Opinions in Cardiology, 31 :566-571 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
George KP. 2016. Effect of novel, school-based High-intensity Interval Training (HIT) on cardiometabolic health in adolescents: Project FFAB (Fun Fast Activity Blasts) - An exploratory controlled before-and-after trial PLoS One, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sharir R, Rafeeuddin R, Staes F, Dingenen B, George KP, Vanrenterghem J, Robinson MA. 2016. Mapping current research trends on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk against the existing evidence: In vivo biomechanical risk factors. Clinical Biomechanics, 37 :34-43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cocking S, Landman T, Benson M, Lord R, Jones H, Gaze D, Thijssen DHJ, George KP. 2016. The impact of remote ischemic preconditioning on cardiac biomarker and functional response to endurance exercise. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
George KP, Grant MC, Davies B, Baker JS. 2016. The impact of short duration, high intensity exercise on cardiac troponin release. Clinical physiology and functional imaging, 36 :281-285 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lord R, George KP, Somauroo J, Stembridge M, Jain N, Hoffman MD, Shave R, Haddad F, Ashley E, Jones H, Oxborough D. 2016. Alterations in Cardiac Mechanics Following Ultra-Endurance Exercise: Insights from Left and Right Ventricular Area-Deformation Loops. Journal of the American Society Echocardiography, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rafeeuddin R, Sharir R, Staes F, Dingenen B, George KP, Robinson MA, Vanrenterghem J. 2016. Mapping current research trends on neuromuscular risk factors of non-contact ACL injury. Physical Therapy in Sport, 22 :101-113 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Oxborough D, Heemels A, Somauroo J, McClean G, Mistry P, Lord R, Utomi V, Jones N, Thijssen DHJ, Sharma S, Osborne R, Sculthorpe N, George KP. 2016. Left and right ventricular longitudinal strain-volume/area relationships in elite athletes. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dagger RM, Davies IG, Mackintosh KA, Stone GL, George KP, Fairclough SJ, Boddy LM. 2016. The CHANGE! Project: Changes in body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in 10-11 year old children after completing the CHANGE! Intervention Pediatric Exercise Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lord R, George KP, Somauroo J, Jain N, Reese K, Hoffman MD, Haddad F, Ashley E, Jones H, Oxborough D. 2016. Exploratory insights from the right-sided electrocardiogram following prolonged endurance exercise. European Journal of Sport Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Benda NM, Hopman MT, van Dijk AP, Oxborough D, George KP, Thijssen DHJ, Eijsvogels TM. 2016. Impact of prolonged walking exercise on cardiac structure and function in cardiac patients versus healthy controls. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lopez-Laval I, Legaz-Arrese A, George KP, Serveto-Galindo O, Maria Gonzalez-Rave J, Reverter-Masia J, Munguia-Izquierdo D. 2016. Cardiac troponin I release after a basketball match in elite, amateur and junior players CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE, 54 :333-338 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Giraldeau G, Kobayashi Y, Finocchiaro G, Wheeler M, Perez M, Kuznetsova T, Lord R, George KP, Oxborough D, Schnittger T, Froelicher V, Liang D, Ashley E, Haddad F. 2015. Gender Differences in Ventricular Remodeling and Function in College Athletes, Insights from Lean Body Mass Scaling and Deformation Imaging AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 116 :1610-1616 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Legaz-Arrese A, Lopez-Laval I, George KP, Jose Puente-Lanzarote J, Moliner-Urdiales D, Javier Ayala-Tajuelo V, Mayolas-Pi C, Reverter-Masia J. 2015. Individual variability in cardiac biomarker release after 30 min of high-intensity rowing in elite and amateur athletes APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 40 :951-958 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Legaz-Arrese A, Lopez-Laval I, George KP, Jose Puente-Lanzarote J, Castellar-Otin C, Reverter-Masia J, Munguia-Izquierdo D. 2015. Individual variability of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin levels after aerobic exercise is not mediated by exercise mode BIOMARKERS, 20 :219-224 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Ashley E, Lord R, Fletcher S, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman MD, Whyte G, Somauroo J, Sharma S, George KP. 2015. The impact of chronic endurance and resistance training upon the right ventricular phenotype in male athletes EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 115 :1673-1682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan V, George K, Rowland T, Oxborough D. 2015. Right Ventricular Structure and Function in Highly-Trained Pre-Pubertal Soccer Players Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47 :282-283 DOI Publisher Url
Legaz-Arrese A, Lopez-Laval I, George KP, Puente-Lanzarote JJ, Mayolas-Pi C, Serrano-Ostariz E, Revilla-Marti P, Moliner-Urdiales D, Reverter-Masia J. 2015. Impact of an endurance training program on exercise-induced cardiac biomarker release AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY - HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY, 308 :H913-H920 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McClean G, George KP, Lord R, Utomi V, Jones N, Somauroo J, Fletcher S, Oxborough D. 2015. Chronic adaptation of atrial structure and function in elite male athletes EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, 16 :417-422 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Riding NR, Sheikh N, Adamuz C, Watt V, Farooq A, Whyte G, George KP, Drezner JA, Sharma S, Wilson MG. 2015. Comparison of three current sets of electrocardiographic interpretation criteria for use in screening athletes Heart, 101 :384-393 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Unnithan VB, Rowland T, George K, Lindley MR, Roche DM. 2015. Regional and Global Left Ventricular Function Following a Simulated 5 km Race in Sports-Trained Adolescents PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY, 36 :322-328 DOI Author Url
Unnithan VB, Rowland T, George K, Lindley MR, Roche DM. 2015. Regional and Global Left Ventricular Function Following a Simulated 5 km Race in Sports-Trained Adolescents Pediatric Cardiology, 36 :322-328 DOI Publisher Url
Lord R, Somauroo J, Stembridge M, Jain N, Hoffman MD, George K, Jones H, Shave R, Haddad F, Ashley E, Oxborough D. 2015. The right ventricle following ultra-endurance exercise: insights from novel echocardiography and 12-lead electrocardiography EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 115 :71-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eijsvogels TM, Hoogerwerf MD, Maessen MFH, Seeger JPH, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ, George KP. 2015. Predictors of cardiac troponin release after a marathon Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18 :88-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Iga J, Scott M, George K, Drust B. 2014. Seasonal Changes in Multiple Indices of Body Composition in Professional Football Players INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 35 :994-998 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Iga J, Scott M, George K, Drust B. 2014. Seasonal changes in multiple indices of body composition in professional football players International journal of sports medicine, 35 :994-998 DOI
Lord RN, George KP, Jones H, Somauroo J, Oxborough D. 2014. Reproducibility and feasibility of right ventricular strain and strain rate (SR) as determined by myocardial speckle tracking during high-intensity upright exercise: a comparison with tissue Doppler-derived strain and SR in healthy human hearts. Echo Research and Practice, 1 :31-41 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mahon EA, Hackett AF, Stott TA, George KP, Davies IG. 2014. An Assessment of the Hydration Status of Recreational Endurance Athletes during Mountain Marathon Events. American Journal of Sports Science, 2 :77-86 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Ashley E, Lord R, Fletcher S, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman MD, Whyte G, Somauroo J, Sharma S, George K. 2014. Predominance of normal left ventricular geometry in the male 'athlete's heart' HEART, 100 :1264-1271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Utomi VS, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Somauroo J, George K. 2014. A comprehensive technical assessment of the Athlete's Heart: "The Morganroth Hypothesis" re-visited CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, George KP, Utomi V, Lord R, Morton JP, Jones N, Somauroo J. 2014. Acute response and chronic stimulus for cardiac structural and functional adaptation in a professional boxer. Oxford Medical Case Reports, 2014 :65-68 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Angell PJ, Ismail TF, Jabbour A, Smith G, Dahl A, Wage R, Whyte G, Green DJ, Prasad S, George K. 2014. Ventricular structure, function, and focal fibrosis in anabolic steroid users: a CMR study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 114 :921-928 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Fadel PJ, Taylor NAS. 2014. Thematic reviews. Series III: Blood pressure regulation outside the comfort zone EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 114 :443-444 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tian Y, Nie J, George KP, Huang C. 2014. Reproducibility of cardiac biomarkers response to prolonged treadmill exercise BIOMARKERS, 19 :114-120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Fadel PJ, Taylor NAS. 2014. Thematic reviews. Series III: Blood pressure regulation outside the comfort zone European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114 :443-444 DOI
Almutawa M, Scott M, George KP, Drust B. 2014. The incidence and nature of injuries sustained on grass and 3rd generation artificial turf: a pilot study in elite Saudi National Team footballers. Phys Ther Sport, 15 :47-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Almutawa M, Scott M, George KP, Drust B. 2014. The incidence and nature of injuries sustained on grass and 3rd generation artificial turf: A pilot study in elite Saudi National Teamfootballers Physical Therapy in Sport, 15 :47-52 DOI
Mahon EA, Hackett AF, Stott TA, George KP, Davies IG. 2014. Macronutrient Consumption Prior to, and During, Mountain Marathon Events American Journal of Sports Science, 2 :5-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fischer G, Tarperi C, George K, Ardigo LP. 2014. An Exploratory Study of Respiratory Muscle Endurance Training in High Lesion Level Paraplegic Handbike Athletes CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 24 :69-75 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lord RN, Oxborough D, Somauroo J, George K. 2014. Echocardiographic evidence of the cardiac stress of competing in ultra-endurance exercise Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin, 65 :93-101 DOI Publisher Url
Utomi V, Oxborough D, Whyte GP, Somauroo J, Sharma S, Shave R, Atkinson G, George K. 2013. Systematic review and meta-analysis of training mode, imaging modality and body size influences on the morphology and function of the male athlete's heart. Heart, 99 :1727-1733 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spence A, Batterham A, George K, Green D. 2013. Impact of lean body mass on exercise training-induced ventricular adaptation: Evidence for genuine cardiac hypertrophy? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 16 :e45-e45 DOI Publisher Url
Riding NR, Sharma S, Salah O, Khalil N, Carre F, George KP, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2013. Systematic echocardiography is not efficacious when screening an ethnically diverse cohort of athletes in West Asia EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY, 22 :263-270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dobson R, Burgess MI, Banks M, Pritchard DM, Vora J, Valle JW, Wong C, Chadwick C, George K, Keevil B, Adaway J, Ardill JES, Anthoney A, Hofmann U, Poston GJ, Cuthbertson DJ. 2013. The Association of a Panel of Biomarkers with the Presence and Severity of Carcinoid Heart Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study PLoS ONE, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Giannaki CD, Karatzaferi C, Hadjigeorgiou GM, George KP, Stefanidis I, Sakkas GK. 2013. Periodic limb movements in sleep and cardiovascular disease: Time to act Frontiers in Neurology, 4 JUL DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding NR, Salah O, Sharma S, Carré F, George KP, Farooq A, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2013. ECG and morphologic adaptations in Arabic athletes: Are the European Society of Cardiology's recommendations for the interpretation of the 12-lead ECG appropriate for this ethnicity? British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48 :1138-1143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spence AL, Naylor LH, Carter HH, Dembo L, Murray CP, O'Driscoll G, George KP, Green DJ. 2013. Does echocardiography accurately reflect CMR-determined changes in left ventricular parameters following exercise training? A prospective longitudinal study. J Appl Physiol (1985), 114 :1052-1057 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spence AL, Carter HH, Murray CP, Oxborough D, Naylor LH, George KP, Green DJ. 2013. Magnetic resonance imaging-derived right ventricular adaptations to endurance versus resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45 :534-541 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Giannaki CD, Zigoulis P, Karatzaferi C, Hadjigeorgiou GM, George KP, Gourgoulianis K, Koutedakis Y, Stefanidis I, Sakkas GK. 2013. Periodic limb movements in sleep contribute to further cardiac structure abnormalities in hemodialysis patients with restless legs syndrome Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 9 :147-153 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, King J, Gaze D, Carranza-García LE, Legaz-Arrese A, George K. 2013. Cardiac electromechanical delay is increased during recovery from 40km cycling but is not mediated by exercise intensity Scand J Med Sci Sports, :224-231 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Green DJ, Rowley N, Spence A, Carter H, Whyte G, George K, Naylor LH, Cable NT, Dawson EA, J Thijssen DH. 2013. Why isn't flow-mediated dilation enhanced in athletes? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45 :75-82 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, Gaze D, Waterhouse J, Wen J, George K. 2013. Do the effects of high intensity 40 km cycling upon left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker during recovery vary with time of day? J Sports Sci, 31 :414-423 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scafoglieri A, Tresignie J, Provyn S, Marfell-Jones M, George K, Clarys JP, Bautmans I. 2013. Accuracy and concordance of anthropometry for measuring regional fat distribution in adults aged 20-55 years American Journal of Human Biology, 25 :63-70 DOI
Chan-Dewar F, Gregson W, Whyte G, Gaze D, Waterhouse J, Wen J, George K. 2013. Do the effects of high intensity 40 km cycling upon left ventricular function and cardiac biomarker during recovery vary with time of day? Journal of Sports Sciences, 31 :414-423 DOI
Ismail TF, Hsu L-Y, Angell PJ, Jabbour A, Greve AM, Gonçalves C, Gulati A, Hewins B, Smith G, Wage R, Dahl AL, Roughton M, Whyte G, George K, Pennell DJ, Arai AE, Prasad SK. 2013. Effects of anabolic steroid use on myocardial perfusion in body-builders: a quantitative cardiovascular magnetic resonance Study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 15 :P145-P145 DOI Publisher Url
Drust B, Almutawa M, Scott M, George K. 2013. The incidence, severity and etiology of injuries in players competing in the Saudi Premier League between 2010 and 2012 Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine, 13 :90-90 DOI Publisher Url
Ismail TF, Angell PJ, Jabbour A, Smith G, Wage R, Hewins B, Mistry N, Dahl AL, Clark S, Cowley B, George K, Whyte G, Pennell DJ, Prasad SK. 2012. Cardiac effects of anabolic steroid use amongst recreational body builders - a CMR study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 14 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K. 2012. Exercise and the heart Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine, 17 :7-27
Ismail TF, Angell P, Jabbour A, Mistry N, Wage R, Smith G, Gatehouse P, Firmin D, George K, Whyte G, Pennell D, Prasad S. 2012. Impact of Anabolic Steroid Use on the Cardiac Interstitium in Recreational Bodybuilders: a T-1-Mapping Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study CIRCULATION, 126 Author Url
Rowley NJ, Green DJ, George K, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough D, Sharma S, Somauroo JD, Jones J, Sheikh N, Whyte G. 2012. Peripheral vascular structure and function in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i98-103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte GP, Green DJ, Oxborough D, Shave RE, Gaze D, Somauroo J. 2012. The endurance athletes heart: acute stress and chronic adaptation. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i29-i36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angell PJ, Chester N, Sculthorpe N, Whyte G, George K, Somauroo J. 2012. Performance enhancing drug abuse and cardiovascular risk in athletes: implications for the clinician. Br J Sports Med, 46 Suppl 1 :i78-i84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson MG, Sharma S, Carre F, Charron P, Richard P, O'Hanlon R, Prasad SK, Heidbuchel H, Brugada J, Salah O, Sheppard M, George KP, Whyte G, Hamilton B, Chalabi H. 2012. Significance of deep T-wave inversions in asymptomatic athletes with normal cardiovascular examinations: practical solutions for managing the diagnostic conundrum BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :51-58 DOI Author Url
Riding NR, Salah O, Sharma S, Carre F, O'Hanlon R, George KP, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2012. Do big athletes have big hearts? Impact of extreme anthropometry upon cardiac hypertrophy in professional male athletes BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 46 :90-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, George K, Birch KM. 2012. Intraobserver reliability of two-dimensional ultrasound derived strain imaging in the assessment of the left ventricle, right ventricle, and left atrium of healthy human hearts. Echocardiography, 29 :793-802 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tian Y, Nie J, Huang C, George KP. 2012. The kinetics of highly sensitive cardiac troponin T release after prolonged treadmill exercise in adolescent and adult athletes Journal of Applied Physiology, 113 :418-425 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Gaze D, Mehta R, Jeffries R, Williams K, Sprung T, George K. 2012. Influence Of Training Status Upon Exercise-induced Cardiac Troponin I Release JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE, 27 :659-659 Author Url
Sculthorpe N, Grace F, Angell P, Baker J, George K. 2012. Cardiovascular risk and androgenic anabolic steroids British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 7 :266-275 DOI Publisher Url
Eijsvogels TMH, Veltmeijer MTW, George K, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ. 2012. The impact of obesity on cardiac troponin levels after prolonged exercise in humans. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112 :1725-1732 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mehta R, Gaze D, Mohan S, Williams KL, Sprung V, George K, Jeffries R, Hudson Z, Perry M, Shave R. 2012. Post-exercise cardiac troponin release is related to exercise training history. Int J Sports Med, 33 :333-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MTE, George KP, Whyte GP, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2012. Conduit diameter and wall remodeling in elite athletes and spinal cord injury Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44 :844-849 DOI Author Url
Riding N, Salah O, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Carre F, Sharma S, Brouas R, George KP, Whyte GP, Wilson MG. 2012. Do Big Athletes Have Big Hearts? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :241-241 Author Url
Angell PJ, Chester N, Green DJ, Shah R, Somauroo J, Whyte G, George K. 2012. Anabolic steroid use and longitudinal, radial, and circumferential cardiac motion. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 44 :583-590 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Tew GA, George KP, Cable NT, Hodges GJ. 2012. Endurance exercise training enhances cutaneous microvascular reactivity in post-menopausal women Microvascular Research, 83 :223-228 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Sharma S, Shave R, Whyte G, Birch K, Artis N, Batterham AM, George K. 2012. The right ventricle of the endurance athlete: The relationship between morphology and deformation Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 25 :263-271 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mehta R, Gaze D, Mohan S, Williams KL, Sprung V, George K, Jeffries R, Hudson Z, Perry M, Shave R. 2012. Post-exercise cardiac troponin release is related to exercise training history International Journal of Sports Medicine, 33 :333-337 DOI
Zhu WZ, Wu XF, Zhang Y, Zhou ZN, George KP. 2012. Proteomic analysis of mitochondrial proteins in cardiomyocytes from rats subjected to intermittent hypoxia European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 :1037-1046 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Myllymäki T, Rusko H, Syväoja H, Juuti T, Kinnunen ML, Kyröläinen H, George KP. 2012. Effects of exercise intensity and duration on nocturnal heart rate variability and sleep quality European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 :801-809 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ahler T, Bendiksen M, Krustrup P, Wedderkopp N, George KP. 2012. Aerobic fitness testing in 6- to 9-year-old children: Reliability and validity of a modified Yo-Yo IR1 test and the Andersen test European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 :871-876 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rocha NG, Neves FJ, Silva BM, Sales ARK, Nóbrega AC, George KP. 2012. The 894G>T endothelial nitric oxide synthase genetic polymorphism affects hemodynamic responses to mental stress performed before and after exercise European Journal of Applied Physiology, 112 :877-886 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angell P, Chester N, Green D, Somauroo J, Whyte G, George K. 2012. Anabolic steroids and cardiovascular risk. Sports Med, 42 :119-134 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Somauroo J. 2012. Left ventricular diastolic function in athletes Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin, 63 :63-68 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Somauroo F. 2012. Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Athletes DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPORTMEDIZIN, 63 :63-68 DOI
Scafoglieri A, Tresignie J, Provyn S, Marfell-Jones M, George K, Clarys JP, Bautmans I. 2012. Accuracy and concordance of anthropometry for measuring regional fat distribution in adults aged 20-55 years American Journal of Human Biology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spence AL, Naylor LH, Carter HH, Murray CP, George KP, Green DJ. 2012. MRI Evaluation of Right Ventricular Adaptation to Resistance Versus Endurance Training: a 6-month Randomised Trial MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :242-242 Author Url
George K, Spence A, Naylor LH, Whyte GP, Green DJ. 2011. Cardiac adaptation to acute and chronic participation in endurance sports. Heart, 97 :1999-2004 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spence A, Carter H, Naylor L, Dembo L, George K, Green D. 2011. Does exercise training influence cardiac morphology? A prospective, longitudinal MRI study Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 14 :e20-e21 DOI Publisher Url
Spence AL, Naylor LH, Carter HH, Buck CL, Dembo L, Murray CP, Watson P, Oxborough D, George KP, Green DJ. 2011. A prospective randomised longitudinal MRI study of left ventricular adaptation to endurance and resistance exercise training in humans. J Physiol, 589 :5443-5452 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Hopman MT, George K, Whyte GP, Thijssen DH, Green DJ. 2011. Conduit Diameter and Wall Remodelling In Elite Athletes and Spinal Cord Injury. Med Sci Sports Exerc, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nie J, George KP, Tong TK, Tian Y, Shi Q. 2011. Effect of repeated endurance runs on cardiac biomarkers and function in adolescents. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 43 :2081-2088 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Nie J, Tong TK, Fu FH, Lin H, Shi Q. 2011. Resting and post-exercise serum biomarkers of cardiac and skeletal muscle damage in adolescent runners. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine in Science and Sports, DOI
Nie J, Tong TK, George K, Fu FH, Lin H, Shi Q. 2011. Resting and post-exercise serum biomarkers of cardiac and skeletal muscle damage in adolescent runners. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 21 :625-629 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Alpendurada F, Smith G, Wong J, Basavarajaiah S, Sharma S, Nevill A, Gaze D, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Biological markers of cardiac damage are not related to measures of cardiac systolic and diastolic function using cardiovascular magnetic resonance and echocardiography after an acute bout of prolonged endurance exercise. Br J Sports Med, 45 :780-784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Nie J, George KP, Tong TK, Gaze D, Tian Y, Lin H, Shi Q. 2011. The Influence of a Half-Marathon Race Upon Cardiac Troponin T Release in Adolescent Runners CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 18 :3452-3456 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2011. Erratum to "Magnetic-resonance-imaging-derived indices for the normalization of left ventricular morphology by body size" [Magn Reson Imaging 27 (2009) 207-213] Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29 :889 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson MG, O'Hanlon R, Prasad SK, Sharma S, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Reply to: do marathon runners face an "ominous" risk of myocardial fibrosis? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 111 :1227-1229 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Prasad S, Deighan A, MacMillan P, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Smith G, Maceira A, Sharma S, George K, Whyte G. 2011. Diverse patterns of myocardial fibrosis in lifelong, veteran endurance athletes JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1622-1626 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Shave R, Warburton D, Williams K, Oxborough A, Charlesworth S, Foulds H, Hoffman MD, Birch K, George K. 2011. Dilatation and Dysfunction of the Right Ventricle Immediately After Ultraendurance Exercise Exploratory Insights From Conventional Two-Dimensional and Speckle Tracking Echocardiography CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, 4 :253-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rowley NJ, Dawson EA, Birk GK, Cable NT, George K, Whyte G, Thijssen DHJ, Green DJ. 2011. Exercise and arterial adaptation in humans: uncoupling localized and systemic effects JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1190-1195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carranza-Garcia LE, George K, Serrano-Ostariz E, Casado-Arroyo R, Caballero-Navarro AL, Legaz-Arrese A. 2011. Cardiac Biomarker Response to Intermittent Exercise Bouts INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 32 :327-331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Gaze D, Mehta R, Jeffries R, Williams K, Sprung T, George K. 2011. Influence Of Training Status Upon Exercise-induced Cardiac Troponin I Release MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 43 :659-659 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Serrano-Ostariz E, Terreros-Blanco JL, Legaz-Arrese A, Shave R, Bocos-Terraz P, Alvarez_Izquerido S, Bancalero JL, Echavarri JM, Quilez J, Aragones MT, Carranza-Garcia LE. 2011. The impact of exercise duration and intensity on the release of cardiac biomarkers Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 21 :244-249 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Murrell CJ, Cotter JD, George K, Shave R, Wilson L, Thomas K, Williams MJA, Ainslie PN. 2011. Syncope is unrelated to supine and postural hypotension following prolonged exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 111 :469-476 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Warburton DER, Oxborough D, Scott JM, Esch BTA, Williams K, Charlesworth S, Foulds H, Oxborough A, Hoffman MD, Shave R. 2011. Upper Limits of Physiological Cardiac Adaptation in Ultramarathon Runners JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 57 :754-755 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Murrell CJ, Cotter JD, George K, Shave R, Wilson L, Thomas K, Williams MJA, Ainslie PN. 2011. Cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular responses to head-up tilt II: influence of age, training status and acute exercise. Exp Gerontol, 46 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Murrell CJ, Cotter JD, George K, Shave R, Wilson L, Thomas K, Williams MJA, Ainslie PN. 2011. Cardiorespiratory and cerebrovascular responses to head-up tilt I: influence of age and training status. Exp Gerontol, 46 :9-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams K, George K, Hulton A, Godfrey R, Lahart I, Wilson MG, Charlesworth S, Warburton D, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2011. A unique case series of novel biomarkers of cardiac damage in cyclists completing the 4800 km Race Across America (RAAM). Curr Med Chem, 18 :3446-3451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Legaz-Arrese A, George K, Enrique Carranza-Garcia L, Munguia-Izquierdo D, Moros-Garcia T, Serrano-Ostariz E. 2011. The impact of exercise intensity on the release of cardiac biomarkers in marathon runners EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 111 :2961-2967 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2011. Growth of Left Ventricular Mass with Military Basic Training in Army Recruits MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 43 :1295-1300 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2011. Magnetic-resonance-imaging-derived indices for the normalization of left ventricular morphology by body size (vol 27, pg 207, 2009) MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING, 29 :889-889 DOI Author Url
Legaz-Arrese A, George K, Carranza-García LE, Munguía-Izquierdo D, Moros-García T, Serrano-Ostáriz E. 2011. The impact of exercise intensity on the release of cardiac biomarkers in marathon runners European Journal of Applied Physiology, :1-7
Tew GA, George KP, Cable NT, Hodges GJ. 2011. Endurance exercise training enhances cutaneous microvascular reactivity in post-menopausal women Microvascular Research, DOI Author Url
Eijsvogels TMH, Veltmeijer MTW, George K, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ. 2011. The impact of obesity on cardiac troponin levels after prolonged exercise in humans European Journal of Applied Physiology, :1-8
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Exercise-Induced Troponin Elevation Not Necessarily a Benign Phenomenon Reply JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 56 :2145-2146 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart EC, Rasmussen P, Secher NH, George KP, Cable NT, Volianitis S, Shave R. 2010. The carotid baroreflex is reset following prolonged exercise in humans ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, 200 :291-299 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Ross P, Low D, George K, Gaze D. 2010. Cardiac troponin I is released following high-intensity short-duration exercise in healthy humans. Int J Cardiol, 145 :337-339 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Basavarajaiah S, George K, Green D, Ainslie P, Sharma S, Prasad S, Murrell C, Thijssen D, Nevill A, Whyte G. 2010. Cardiovascular function and the veteran athlete EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :459-478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Birch K, Shave R, George K. 2010. "Exercise-Induced Cardiac Fatigue"-A Review of the Echocardiographic Literature ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES, 27 :1130-1140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Wage R, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Dahl A, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Sharma S, Roughton M, George K, Pennell D, Whyte G, Prasad S. 2010. Troponin release following endurance exercise: Is inflammation the cause? A cardiovascular magnetic resonance study Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 12 DOI
Taylor CE, Jones H, Zaregarizi M, Cable NT, George KP, Atkinson G. 2010. Blood pressure status and post-exercise hypotension: an example of a spurious correlation in hypertension research? J Hum Hypertens, 24 :585-592 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Green DJ, Tinken TM, Sutton L, McWhannell N, Cable NT, Stratton G, George K. 2010. Does brachial artery flow-mediated dilation scale to anthropometric characteristics? Eur J Appl Physiol, 110 :171-176 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Whyte G, Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Birch K, Shave R, Smith G, Godfrey R, Prasad S, George K. 2010. A Depression in Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling following Prolonged Strenuous Exercise is Associated with Changes in Left Atrial Mechanics JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 23 :968-976 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, George KP, Whyte GP, Cable NT. 2010. The effectiveness of compression garments and lower limb exercise on post-exercise blood pressure regulation in orthostatically intolerant athletes. Clin J Sport Med, 20 :362-367 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, George KP, Middleton N, Whyte GP, Cable NT. 2010. The effect of prolonged endurance exercise upon blood pressure regulation during a postexercise orthostatic challenge. Br J Sports Med, 44 :720-724 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Oxborough D, Shave R, Gregson W, Whyte G, George K. 2010. Left ventricular myocardial strain and strain rates in sub-endocardial and sub-epicardial layers before and after a marathon. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109 :1191-1196 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hodges GJ, Sharp L, Clements RE, Goldspink DF, George KP, Cable NT. 2010. Influence of age, sex, and aerobic capacity on forearm and skin blood flow and vascular conductance. Eur J Appl Physiol, 109 :1009-1015 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Privett SE, Middleton N, Shave R, Whyte GP, Cable NT. 2010. The effect of prolonged endurance exercise upon blood pressure regulation during a post-exercise orthostatic challenge British Journal of Sports Medicine,
Stapleton CH, Elias J, Green DJ, Cable NT, George KP. 2010. Arterial compression during overhead throwing: a risk for arterial injury? Ultrasound Med Biol, 36 :1259-1266 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Exercise-induced cardiac troponin elevation: evidence, mechanisms, and implications. J Am Coll Cardiol, 56 :169-176 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O'Hanlon R, Wilson M, Wage R, Smith G, Alpendurada FD, Wong J, Dahl A, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, Sharma S, Roughton M, George K, Pennell DJ, Whyte G, Prasad SK. 2010. Troponin release following endurance exercise: is inflammation the cause? a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hodges GJ, Sharp L, Stephenson C, Patwala AY, George KP, Goldspink DF, Cable NT. 2010. The effect of 48 weeks of aerobic exercise training on cutaneous vasodilator function in post-menopausal females EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 108 :1259-1267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Chan-Dewar F, Oxborough D, Shave R, Gregson W, Whyte G, Noakes T, George K. 2010. Evidence of increased electro-mechanical delay in the left and right ventricle after prolonged exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol, 108 :581-587 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, Green DJ, George K, Atkinson G. 2010. Intermittent exercise abolishes the diurnal variation in endothelial-dependent flow-mediated dilation in humans. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 298 :R427-R432 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eijsvogels T, George K, Shave R, Gaze D, Levine BD, Hopman MTE, Thijssen DHJ. 2010. Effect of Prolonged Walking on Cardiac Troponin Levels AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 105 :267-272 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ross EZ, Gregson W, Williams K, Robertson C, George K. 2010. Muscle Contractile Function and Neural Control after Repetitive Endurance Cycling MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 42 :206-212 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Naylor LH, Whyte GP, Shave RE, Oxborough D, Green DJ. 2010. Diastolic function in healthy humans: Non-invasive assessment and the impact of acute and chronic exercise European Journal of Applied Physiology, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Stapleton C, Green DJ, Cable NT. 2010. Arterial compression during overhead throwing: a risk for arterial injury? Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology,
George K, Hodges GJ, Sharp L, Stephenson C, Patwala AY, Goldspink DF, Cable NT. 2010. The effects of 48 weeks of aerobic exercise training on cutaneous vasodilator function in post menopausal females European Journal of Applied PHysiology,
George K, Boddy LM, Stratton G, Hackett AF. 2010. The effectiveness of a "short, sharp, shock" high intensity exercise intervention in 11- and 12-year old Liverpool schoolgirls ARchives of Exercise in Health and Disease, 1 :19-25
Nie J, Close G, George KP, Tong TK, Shi Q. 2010. Temporal association of elevations in serum cardiac troponin T and myocardial oxidative stress after prolonged exercise in rats EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1299-1303 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Baggish A, George K, Wood M, Scharhag J, Whyte G, Gaze D, Thompson PD. 2010. Reply Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 56 :2145-2146 DOI Author Url
Murrell C, Cotter JD, George K, Shave R, Wilson L, Thomas K, Williams MJA, Lowe T, Ainslie PN. 2009. Influence of age on syncope following prolonged exercise: differential responses but similar orthostatic intolerance JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 587 :5959-5969 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Green DJ, Tinken TM, Sutton L, McWhannell N, Thijssen DHJ, Cable NT, Stratton G, George K. 2009. Does conduit artery diameter vary according to the anthropometric characteristics of children or men? Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 297 :H2182-H2187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goldspink DF, George KP, Chantler PD, Clements RE, Sharp L, Hodges G, Stephenson C, Reilly TP, Patwala A, Szakmany T, Tan L-B, Cable NT. 2009. A study of presbycardia, with gender differences favoring ageing women. Int J Cardiol, 137 :236-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Iga J, George K, Lees A, Reilly T. 2009. Cross-sectional investigation of indices of isokinetic leg strength in youth soccer players and untrained individuals SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS, 19 :714-719 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harriss DJ, Atkinson G, Batterham A, George K, Cable NT, Reilly T, Haboubi N, Renehan AG, Colorectal Cancer, Lifestyle, Exercise And Research Group . 2009. Lifestyle factors and colorectal cancer risk (2): a systematic review and meta-analysis of associations with leisure-time physical activity. Colorectal Dis, 11 :689-701 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stapleton CH, Green DJ, Cable NT, George KP. 2009. Flow-mediated dilation and intima-media thickness of the brachial and axillary arteries in individuals with and without inducible axillary artery compression. Ultrasound Med Biol, 35 :1443-1451 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Reilly T, George K, Marfell-Jones M, Scott M, Sutton L, Wallace JA. 2009. How well do skinfold equations predict percent body fat in elite soccer players? Int J Sports Med, 30 :607-613 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harriss DJ, Atkinson G, George K, Cable NT, Reilly T, Haboubi N, Zwahlen M, Egger M, Renehan AG, C-CLEAR group . 2009. Lifestyle factors and colorectal cancer risk (1): systematic review and meta-analysis of associations with body mass index. Colorectal Dis, 11 :547-563 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Leary AC, George KP, Murphy MB, Jones H. 2009. 24-hour variation in the reactivity of rate-pressure-product to everyday physical activity in patients attending a hypertension clinic. Chronobiol Int, 26 :958-973 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Batterham AM, Shave R, Artis N, Birch KM, Whyte G, Ainslie PN, George KP. 2009. Interpretation of two-dimensional and tissue Doppler-derived strain (epsilon) and strain rate data: is there a need to normalize for individual variability in left ventricular morphology? EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 10 :677-682 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, Green DJ, George KP, Black MA, Atkinson G. 2009. Evidence for a greater elevation in vascular shear stress after morning exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41 :1188-1193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Stratton G, Tinken TM, McWhannell N, Ridgers ND, Graves LEF, George K, Cable NT, Green DJ. 2009. Relationships between measures of fitness, physical activity, body composition and vascular function in children. Atherosclerosis, 204 :244-249 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams KL, Whyte GP, Hulton AT, Godfrey R, Laharte I, Mathew W, S C, Gaze DC, Twigg H, Lane A, Warburton D, Ball R, George K. 2009. New Cardiac Biomarkers In The Investigation Of Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :53-54 DOI Publisher Url
Hopkins ND, Thijssen DHJ, Tinken TM, Sutton L, McWhannell N, George K, Cable TN, Stratton G, Green DJ. 2009. Influence Of Measures Of Body Composition On Vascular Function In Children. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :63-64 DOI Publisher Url
Wilson M, O'Hanlon R, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, George K, Gaze D, Prasad S, Whyte G. 2009. Assessment Of Cardiac Inflammation And Injury Following Prolonged Exercise Using Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Imaging Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :30-30 DOI Publisher Url
Jones H, Green DJ, George K, Atkinson G. 2009. Shear Rate Does Not Explain The Morning Reduction In Endothelial-dependent Flow-mediated Dilation Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :105-106 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Warburton D, Oxborough D, Esch B, Scott J, Noakes T, George K. 2009. Ultra-marathon Runners Have The Biggest Hearts: Fact Or Fiction? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :315-316 DOI Publisher Url
Ross EZ, Gregson W, Williams K, George K. 2009. Neuromuscular Fatigue Following Repetitive Endurance Cycling. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :195-195 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Scott J, Esch BT, Warburton DER, Oxborough D, Ainslie PN, Shave RE. 2009. Global And Regional Ventricular Function In Ultra-marathon Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :26-26 DOI Publisher Url
Murrell C, Cotter JD, George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Wilson LC, Thomas K, Williams MJA, Ainslie PN. 2009. Older Age Has No Effect on Orthostatic Tolerance Following Prolonged Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 41 :7-7 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Gaze D. 2009. Post-Exercise Release of Cardiac Troponins Reply JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 53 :1341-1342 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Cable T, Dawson E, Artis N, Gaze D, Hew-Butler T, Sharwood K, Noakes T. 2009. Left ventricular wall segment motion after ultra-endurance exercise in humans assessed by myocardial speckle tracking. Eur J Echocardiogr, 10 :238-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stapleton C, Herrington L, George K. 2009. Sonographic evaluation of the subclavian artery during thoracic outlet syndrome shoulder manoeuvres. Man Ther, 14 :19-27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, George K, Edwards B, Atkinson G. 2009. Exercise intensity and blood pressure during sleep. Int J Sports Med, 30 :94-99 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, Taylor CE, Lewis NCS, George K, Atkinson G. 2009. Post-exercise blood pressure reduction is greater following intermittent than continuous exercise and is influenced less by diurnal variation. Chronobiol Int, 26 :293-306 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Middleton N, Hart E, Artis N, Oxborough D. 2009. A comparison of Doppler, tissue Doppler imaging, and strain rate imaging in the assessment of postexercise left ventricular function APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM-PHYSIOLOGIE APPLIQUEE NUTRITION ET METABOLISME, 34 :33-39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2009. Magnetic-resonance-imaging-derived indices for the normalization of left ventricular morphology by body size. Magn Reson Imaging, 27 :207-213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scott JM, Esch BTA, Shave R, Warburton DER, Gaze D, George K. 2009. Cardiovascular Consequences of Completing a 160-km Ultramarathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 41 :25-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Williams K, Gregson W, Robertson C, Datson N, Whyte G, Murrell C, Wilson L, Ainslie P, Ross E, Shave R, Gaze D, George K. 2009. Alterations in left ventricular function and cardiac biomarkers as a consequence of repetitive endurance cycling EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, 9 :97-105 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Taylor CE, Jones H, Zaregarizi M, Cable NT. 2009. Blood pressure status and post-exercise hypotension: an example of a spurious correlation in hypertension research. Journal of Human HYpertension,
George K, Goldspink D, Bun-Tan L, Cable NT. 2009. A study of presbycardia, with gender differences favouring ageing women International Journal of Cardiology, :236-245
George K, Oxborough D, Batterham AM, Shave R, Artis N, Birch KM, Whyte G, Ainslie PN. 2009. Interpretation of 2D and tissue-Doppler derived strain (ε) and strain rate (SR) data: is there a need to normalise for individual variability in left ventricular morphology? European Journal of Echocardiography, :677-682
George K, Stapleton C, Green DJ, Cable NT. 2009. Flow mediated dilation and intima media thickness of the brachial and axillary arteries in individuals with and without inducible axillary artery compression Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, :1443-1451
George K, Atkinson G, Leary AC, Murphy MB. 2009. 24-hour variation in the reactivity of rate-pressure-product to everyday physical activity in patients attending a hypertension clinic Chronobiology International, :958-973
George K, Jones H, Green DJ, Black MA, Atkinson G. 2009. Evidence for elevated vascular shear stress following morning exercise Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, :1188-1193
George K, Birch KM, Pennell DJ, Myerson SG. 2009. Left ventricular mass and dimensions: determining the most appropriate index to account for body size using MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, :207-213
Whyte G, Sheppard M, George K, Shave R, Prasad S, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S. 2009. Post-mortem evidence of idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy and idiopathic interstitial myocardial fibrosis: is exercise the cause? BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Whyte G, Stephens N, Senior R, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Sharma S. 2009. Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise. BMJ Case Rep, 2009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O' Hanlon R, Whyte GP, Smith G, Alpendurada F, Wong J, Wilsonl M, Oxborough D, Godfrey R, George K, Dahl A, Gaze D, Pennell DJ, Prasad SK. 2009. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of cardiac inflammation and injury following prolonged exercise Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 11 DOI Publisher Url
Naylor LH, Watts K, Sharpe JA, Jones TW, Davis EA, Thompson A, George K, Ramsay JM, O'Driscoll G, Green DJ. 2008. Resistance Training and Diastolic Myocardial Tissue Velocities in Obese Children MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :2027-2032 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, George K, Whyte G, Gaze D, Collinson P, Shave R. 2008. Cardiac Troponin T Release Is Stimulated by Endurance Exercise in Healthy Humans JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 52 :1813-1814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, George K, Edwards B, Atkinson G. 2008. Effects of time of day on post-exercise blood pressure: circadian or sleep-related influences? Chronobiol Int, 25 :987-998 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Whyte GP, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Shave RE, Wilson M, George KP, Green DJ. 2008. Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985), 105 :1562-1568 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, Pritchard C, George K, Edwards B, Atkinson G. 2008. The acute post-exercise response of blood pressure varies with time of day. Eur J Appl Physiol, 104 :481-489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Giannaki CD, Oxborough D, George K. 2008. Diastolic Doppler flow and tissue Doppler velocities during, and in recovery from, low-intensity supine exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 33 :896-902 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Myerson SG, George KP, Birch KM, Pennell DJ. 2008. 136 Left ventricular mass and dimensions: determining the most appropriate index to account for body size using MRI Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 10 :A37-A37 DOI Publisher Url
Peng T, Ainslie PN, Cotter JD, Murrell C, Thomas K, Williams MJA, George K, Shave R, Rowley AB, Payne SJ. 2008. The effects of age on the spontaneous low-frequency oscillations in cerebral and systemic cardiovascular dynamics PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, 29 :1055-1069 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ainslie PN, Cotter JD, George KP, Lucas S, Murrell C, Shave R, Thomas KN, Williams MJA, Atkinson G. 2008. Elevation in cerebral blood flow velocity with aerobic fitness throughout healthy human ageing JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 586 :4005-4010 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Warburton D, Scharhag J, Whyte G. 2008. Exercise and the heart: can you have too much of a good thing? Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40 :1390-1392 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stapleton C, Herrington L, George K. 2008. Sonographic evaluation of the axillary artery during simulated overhead throwing arm positions. Phys Ther Sport, 9 :126-135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Middleton N. 2008. Postexercise changes in left ventricular function: The evidence so far MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :1393-1399 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scharhag J, George K, Shave R, Urhausen A, Kindermann W. 2008. Exercise-associated increases in cardiac biomarkers MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :1408-1415 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham A, Shave R, Oxborough D, Whyte G, George K. 2008. Longitudinal plane colour tissue-Doppler myocardial velocities and their association with left ventricular length, volume, and mass in humans EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 9 :542-546 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lucas SJE, Cotter JD, Murrell C, Wilson L, Anson JG, Gaze D, George KP, Ainslie PN. 2008. Mechanisms of orthostatic intolerance following very prolonged exercise JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 105 :213-225 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Henaghan J, McWhannell N, Foweather L, Cable NT, Batterham AM, Stratton G, George KP. 2008. The effect of structured exercise classes and a lifestyle intervention on cardiovascular risk factors in primary schoolchildren: an exploratory trial (The A-CLASS Project). Pediatr Exerc Sci, 20 :169-180 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Esch BT, Shave R, Scott JM, Warburton DER, George K. 2008. Myocardial Strain Analysis Following the Western States 100-Mile Mountain Race MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :S281-S281 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Scott JM, George K, Esch BTA, Warburton DER, Gaze D, Shave R. 2008. Left Ventricular Function and Cardiac Biomarker Changes Following the Western States 100 mile Running Race MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :S281-S281 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Black MA, Jones H, Hopkins N, Shave R, George KP, Wilson M, Whyte G, Green DJ. 2008. Impact Of The London Marathon On Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Vasodilation MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 40 :S90-S91 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Sheppard M, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Prasad S, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S. 2008. Post-mortem evidence of idiopathic left ventricular hypertrophy and idiopathic interstitial myocardial fibrosis: is exercise the cause? Br J Sports Med, 42 :304-305 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart ECJ, Rasmussen P, Secher NH, George KP, Cable T, Volianitis S. 2008. The carotid baroreflex is reset following prolonged exercise in humans FASEB JOURNAL, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stapleton CH, Herrington L, George K. 2008. Anterior translation at the glenohumeral joint: a cause of axillary artery compression? Am J Sports Med, 36 :539-544 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Middleton N, Nevill AM. 2008. Training induced changes in maximum heart rate. Int J Sports Med, 29 :129-133 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Naylor LH, George K, O'Driscoll G, Green DJ. 2008. The athlete's heart - A contemporary appraisal of the 'Morganroth hypothesis' SPORTS MEDICINE, 38 :69-90 DOI Author Url
Scharhag J, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Kindermann W. 2008. "Exercise-induced increases in cardiac troponins in endurance athletes: A matter of exercise duration and intensity?" CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY, 97 :62-63 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ross E, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, McConnell A. 2008. Changes in respiratory muscle and lung function following marathon running in man JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 26 :1295-1301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Lucas SJE, Cotter JD, Murrell M, Wilson I, Anson G, Gaze D, Ainslie PN. 2008. Mechanisms of orthostatic intolerance following very prolonged exercise Journal of Applied Physiology, :213-225
George K, Dawson EA, Whyte GP, Black MA, Jones H, HOpkins N, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Shave RE, Wilson M, Green DJ. 2008. Changes in vascular and cardiac function after prolonged strenuous exercise in humans Journal of Applied Physiology, :1562-1568
George K, Aisnlie P, Cotter JD, Lucas S, Murrell C, Shave R, Thomas K, Williams MJ, Atkinson G. 2008. Elevation in cerebral blood flow velocity with aerobic fitness throughout healthy human ageing Journal of Physiology, :4005-4010
George K, Henaghan J, McWhannell N, Foweather L, Cable NT, Batterham A, Stratton G. 2008. The effect of structured exercise classes and a lifestyle intervention on cardiovascular risk factors in primary school children: An exploratory* trial (The A-Class Project). Pediatric Exercise Science, 20 :169-180
Shave R, George K, Hart E. 2008. β-adrenergic receptor desensitisation – a mechanism for post-exercise reductions in cardiac function Physiology News, :27-29 DOI Publisher Url
Jones H, George K, Edwards B, Atkinson G. 2007. Is the magnitude of acute post-exercise hypotension mediated by exercise intensity or total work done? Eur J Appl Physiol, 102 :33-40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Shave R, Middleton N, George K, Whyte G, Oxborough D. 2007. Effect of preload augmentation on pulsed wave and tissue Doppler echocardiographic indices of diastolic function after a marathon JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY, 20 :1393-1399 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George KP, Atkinson G, Hart E, Middleton N, Whyte G, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2007. Exercise-induced cardiac troponin T release: A meta-analysis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39 :2099-2106 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lane AM, Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Stevens MJ, Barney S. 2007. Marathon: A fun run? Mood state changes among runners at the London marathon :261-270
Harriss DJ, Cable NT, George K, Reilly T, Renehan AG, Haboubi N. 2007. Physical Activity Before and After Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer : Disease Risk, Clinical Outcomes, Response Pathways and Biomarkers. Sports Med, 37 :947-960 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Zaregarizi M, Edwards B, George K, Harrison Y, Jones H, Atkinson G. 2007. Acute changes in cardiovascular function during the onset period of daytime sleep: comparison to lying awake and standing. J Appl Physiol (1985), 103 :1332-1338 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2007. Altered left ventricular diastolic filling following a marathon is a reproducible phenomenon INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY, 122 :87-89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Stephens N, Senior R, George K, Shave R, Wilson M, Sharma S. 2007. Treat the patient not the blood test: the implications of an increase in cardiac troponin after prolonged endurance exercise. Br J Sports Med, 41 :613-615 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Murrell C, Wilson L, Cotter JD, Lucas S, Ogoh S, George K, Ainslie PN. 2007. Alterations in autonomic function and cerebral hemodynamics to orthostatic challenge following a mountain marathon JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 103 :88-96 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hew-Butler T, Sharwood K, Boulter J, Collins M, Tucker R, Dugas J, Shave R, George K, Cable T, Verbalis JG, Noakes T. 2007. Dysnatremia predicts a delayed recovery in collapsed ultramarathon runners CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE, 17 :289-296 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Sheppard M, George KP, Shave RE, Wilson M, Stephens N, Senior R, Sharma S. 2007. Arrhythmias and the athlete: mechanisms and clinical significance EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, 28 :1399-1400 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ross EZ, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Nowicky A. 2007. Changes in Corticomotor Excitability Contribute to Neuromuscular Fatigue following Marathon Running in Man Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S434-S434 DOI Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Hart E, Gaze D, Whyte G, Atkinson G. 2007. Post-Exercise Cardiac TVoponin T Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Esformes JI, George KP, Birch KM. 2007. Gender Differences in Postexercise Hypotension Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39 :S165-S166 DOI Publisher Url
Ross EZ, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Nowicky A. 2007. Corticomotor excitability contributes to neuromuscular fatigue following marathon running in man EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :417-426 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D, Selmer C, Jans O, Secher NH, George KP. 2007. Preload maintenance and the left ventricular response to prolonged exercise in men EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :383-390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harriss DJ, Cable NT, George K, Reilly T, Renehan AG, Haboubi N. 2007. Physical activity before and after diagnosis of colorectal cancer: disease risk, clinical outcomes, response pathways and biomarkers. Sports Med, 37 :947-960 DOI Author Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Simpson R, Florida-James G, Gaze D. 2007. Impact of repeated prolonged exercise bouts on cardiac function and biomarkers MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 39 :83-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Simpson RJ, Florida-James GD, Whyte GP, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Guy K. 2007. The effects of marathon running on expression of the complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) on red blood cells EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 99 :201-204 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Gaze D. 2007. The influence of exercise upon cardiac biomarkers: A practical guide for clinicians and scientists CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 14 :1427-1436 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Atkinson G, Whyte G, Middleton N, Hart E, Gaze D. 2007. Exercise-induced cardiac troponin T release: a meta analysis Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 :2099-2106
George K, Rasool J. 2007. The impact of single-leg dynamic balance training on dynamic stability Physical Therapy in Sport, 8 :177-184
George K, Algafly AA. 2007. The effect of cryotherapy on nerve conduction velocity, pain threshold and pain tolerance British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41 :365-369 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Dawson EA, Shave RE, Whyte GP, Ball D, Selmer C, Jans O, Secher NH. 2007. Preload maintenance and the left ventricular response to prolonged exercise Experimental Physiology, 2007 :383-390
George K, South M. 2007. The effect of peroneal muscle fatigue on ankle joint position sense. Physical Therapy in Sport, 8 :82-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. beta-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 577 :717-725 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart E, Dawson E, Rasmussen P, George K, Secher NH, Whyte G, Shave R. 2006. β-Adrenergic receptor desensitization in man: Insight into post-exercise attenuation of cardiac function Journal of Physiology, 577 :717-725 DOI
Wallace JA, George K, Reilly T. 2006. Validity of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry for body composition analysis Contemporary Ergonomics 2006, :513-515
Wallace JA, Egan E, George K, Reilly T. 2006. Body composition in competitive male sports groups Contemporary Ergonomics 2006, :516-518 DOI Publisher Url
Green DJ, Naylor LH, George K. 2006. Cardiac and vascular adaptations to exercise. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 9 :677-684 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Iga J, George K, Lees A, Reilly T. 2006. Reliability of assessing indices of isokinetic leg strength in pubertal soccer players PEDIATRIC EXERCISE SCIENCE, 18 :436-445 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Shave R, Middleton N, Whyte G, Forster J, George K. 2006. The impact of marathon running upon ventricular function as assessed by 2D, Doppler, and tissue-Doppler echocardiography ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES, 23 :635-641 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Dawson E. 2006. Longitudinal and radial systolic myocardial tissue velocities after prolonged exercise. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 31 :256-260 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hassan MY, D Noakes T, Berlyn P, Shave R, George K. 2006. Preload maintenance protects against a depression in left ventricular systolic, but not diastolic, function immediately after ultraendurance exercise BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 40 :536-540 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Forster J, Oxborough D, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2006. Novel application of flow propagation velocity and ischaemia-modified albumin in analysis of postexercise cardiac function in man EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 91 :511-519 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Oxborough D, Whyte G, Middleton N, Hart E. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Cardiac Strain Imaging in Healthy Subjects Following a Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S321-S321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Middleton N, George K, Shave R. 2006. Echocardiograph-determined Left Ventricular Function Immediately After Prolonged Exercise: a Meta-analysis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S321-S321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Forster J, Oxborough D, Gaze D. 2006. Alterations in Left Ventricular Function are Repeated Consistently within the Same Cohort Following Two Separate Marathons MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S321-S322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Dawson E, Worthy J, Privett S, Cable T, Hew-Butler T, Sherwood K, Noakes T. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Strain Imaging: A New Method for Evaluating Exercise-Induced Cardiac Fatigue MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S322-S322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hart EC, Shave R, George K, Oxborough D, Middleton N, Whyte G. 2006. Effect of Preload Augmentation on Indices of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function following a Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S323-S323 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hodges GJ, Cable NT, George KP. 2006. Impact of Aerobic Exercise Training on Cutaneous Vasodilatation in Post-Menopausal Females MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S195-S195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stephenson CE, Cable T, George KP. 2006. An Echocardiographic Evaluation of Cardiac Adaptation to Prolonged and Competitive Training in Post-Menopausal Female Athletes. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S320-S321 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Mulcahy JM, Cable NT. 2006. Pre- and Post-Exercise Orthostatic Stress: Effect of Compression Trousers and Heel-Raises MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S194-S194 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Shave R, Oxborough D, Dawson E, Worthy J, Privett S, Cable T, Hew-Butler T, Sherwood K, Noakes T. 2006. Longitudinal, Radial and Circumferential 2-D Strain Imaging Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S322-S322 DOI Publisher Url
Gregson WA, Altareki NA, Cable NT, Atkinson G, Drust B, George K. 2006. Telemetry Pill and Oesophageal Assessment of Core Temperature during Moderate Duration, High Intensity Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S466-S466 DOI Publisher Url
Altareki NA, Drust B, Cable NT, Atkinson G, Gregson WA. 2006. The Effects of Environmental Heat Stress (35 degrees C) on Simulated 4 km Cycling Time-Trial Performance MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S354-S354 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Middleton N, George K, Shave R. 2006. Echocardiograph-determined Left Ventricular Function Immediately After Prolonged Exercise Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 38 :S321-S321 DOI Publisher Url
Jones H, Atkinson G, Leary A, George K, Murphy M, Waterhouse J. 2006. Reactivity of ambulatory blood pressure to physical activity varies with time of day. Hypertension, 47 :778-784 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Hart E, Atkinson G. 2006. Left ventricular function immediately following prolonged exercise: A meta-analysis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :681-687 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eaton C, George K. 2006. Position specific rehabilitation for rugby union players. Part I: Empirical movement analysis data PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 7 :22-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eaton C, George K. 2006. Position specific rehabilitation for rugby union players. Part II: Evidence-based examples PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 7 :30-35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Drust B, George K, Reilly T, Waterhouse J. 2006. Chronobiological considerations for exercise and heart disease. Sports Med, 36 :487-500 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Dugdill L, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2005. Mitral annular myocardial velocity assessment of segmental left ventricular diastolic function after prolonged exercise in humans. J Physiol, 569 :305-313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stephenson C, McCarthy J, Vikelis E, Shave R, Whyte G, Gaze D, George K. 2005. Effect of weightlifting upon left ventricular function and markers of cardiomyocyte damage. Ergonomics, 48 :1585-1593 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Gates PE, Tolfrey K. 2005. Impact of aerobic training upon left ventricular morphology and function in pre-pubescent children. Ergonomics, 48 :1378-1389 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Reilly T. 2005. Ergonomics in sport and leisure revisited Ergonomics, 48 :1333 DOI
Shave RE, Whyte GP, George K, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2005. Prolonged exercise should be considered alongside typical symptoms of acute myocardial infarction when evaluating increases in cardiac troponin T HEART, 91 :1219-1220 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Reilly T. 2005. Guest Editorial - Ergonomics in sport and leisure revisited ERGONOMICS, 48 :1333-1333 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Atkinson G, Cable NT, George K. 2005. The relationship between baseline blood pressure and magnitude of postexercise hypotension JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION, 23 :1271-1272 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Shave R, George K, Whyte G, Ball D, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2005. Cardiac drift during prolonged exercise with echocardiographic evidence of reduced diastolic function of the heart EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 94 :305-309 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Middleton N, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2005. Is Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Related To Ischemia? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S92-S92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Forster J, Oxborough D, Whyte G. 2005. Doppler Tissue Imaging And Flow Propagation Velocity Reveal Impaired Left Ventricular Filling Following A Marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S93-S93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stephenson CE, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. Cardiovascular Responses To A 6-month Aerobic Training Programme In Post-menopausal Females MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S218-S218 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cable NT, Hodges GJ, George KP. 2005. Effect Of Age And Gender On Cutaneous And Forearm Blood Flow And Vascular Conductance In Humans MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S360-S360 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. The Effect Of Maximal Exercise On Post-exertional Blood Pressure Control In Athletes With And Without Orthostatic Intolerance MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S314-S314 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hodges GJ, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. Effect Mild Aerobic Training On Maximal Cutaneous Blood Flow And Vascular Conductance In Post-menopausal Females MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S313-S313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Middleton N, Shave R, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G. 2005. The Impact Of Prolonged Exercise On Right Ventricular Function: A Tissue-doppler Study MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :S416-S416 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Middleton N, Shave R, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G. 2005. The Impact Of Prolonged Exercise On Right Ventricular Function Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S416-S416 DOI Publisher Url
Cable NT, Hodges GJ, George KP. 2005. Effect Of Age And Gender On Cutaneous And Forearm Blood Flow And Vascular Conductance In Humans Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S360-S360 DOI Publisher Url
Privett SE, Whyte GP, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. The Effect Of Maximal Exercise On Post-exertional Blood Pressure Control In Athletes With And Without Orthostatic Intolerance Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S314-S314 DOI Publisher Url
Hodges GJ, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. Effect Mild Aerobic Training On Maximal Cutaneous Blood Flow And Vascular Conductance In Post-menopausal Females Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S313-S313 DOI Publisher Url
Stephenson CE, George KP, Cable NT. 2005. Cardiovascular Responses To A 6-month Aerobic Training Programme In Post-menopausal Females Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S218-S218 DOI Publisher Url
Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Forster J, Oxborough D, Whyte G. 2005. Doppler Tissue Imaging And Flow Propagation Velocity Reveal Impaired Left Ventricular Filling Following A Marathon Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S93-S93 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, George K, Middleton N, Gaze D, Whyte G. 2005. Is Exercise Induced Cardiac Damage Related To Ischemia? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37 :S92-S92 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2005. Diastolic performance after prolonged exercise - Response MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 37 :165-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K, Shave R, Dawson E, Stephenson C, Edwards B, Gaze D, Oxborough D, Forster J, Simspon R. 2005. Impact of marathon running on cardiac structure and function in recreational runners CLINICAL SCIENCE, 108 :73-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Gates PE, Tolfrey K. 2005. Exercise training in children: A longitudinal study of cardiac adaptation to exercise. Ergonomics, 48 :1378-1398
George K, Chantler PD, Clements RE, Sharp L, Bun-Tan L. 2005. The influence of body size on measurements of overall cardiac performance American Journal of Physiology, 289 :H2059-H2065 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Kasikcioglu E, Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2005. Diastolic performance after prolonged exercise [2] (multiple letters) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 :164-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dadebo B, White J, George KP. 2004. Erratum: A survey of flexibility training protocols and hamstring strains in professional football clubs in England (British Journal of Sports Medicine (2004) 38 (388-394)) British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38 :793 DOI Publisher Url
Rolls A, George K. 2004. The relationship between hamstring muscle injuries and hamstring muscle length in young elite footballers PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 5 :179-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Postexercise left ventricular function and cTnT in recreational marathon runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36 :1709-1715 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Nimmo M, Layden J, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2004. The impact of prolonged exercise in a cold environment upon cardiac function MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1522-1527 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gates P, Campbell I, George K. 2004. Concentric left ventricular morphology in aerobically trained kayak canoeists JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 22 :859-865 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Sharma S, Firoozi S, Stephens N, Senior R, McKenna WJ. 2004. The upper limit of physiological cardiac hypertrophy in elite male and female athletes: the British experience EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 92 :592-597 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hinds T, Mcewan I, Perkes J, Dawson E, Ball D, George K. 2004. Effects of massage on limb and skin blood flow after quadriceps exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1308-1313 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Dawson E, Shave RE, Whyte G, Jones M, Hare E, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Left ventricular systolic function and diastolic filling after intermittent high intensity team sports. Br J Sports Med, 38 :452-456 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Altered cardiac function and minimal cardiac damage during: Prolonged exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :1098-1103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Nevill A, Shave R, Sharma S, McKenna WJ. 2004. Left ventricular morphology and function in female athletes: A meta-analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 25 :380-383 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler Analysis of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Function After a Marathon Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac Damage in Recreational London Marathon Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Claire S, Ellen D, Oxborough D, Edwards B. 2004. Cardiac Function Following a Marathon in Recreational Runners Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36 :S331-S331 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K. 2004. Myocardial stress after competitive exercise in professional road cyclists MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 36 :738-738 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2004. Effect of prolonged exercise in a hypoxic environment on cardiac function and cardiac troponin T BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 38 :86-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Doyle C, George K. 2004. Injuries associated with elite participation in women's rugby over a competitive season: an initial investigation PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 5 :44-50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Dadebo BA, White JA. 2004. A survey of flexibility training protocols and hamstring strains in professional football clubs in England British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38 :388-394 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Taylor A. 2004. Lower limb vascular syndromes in young endurance athleses: Implications for clinicians. Critical REviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 16 :39-52 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Batterham A, Sullivan I. 2003. Validity in clinical research: a review of basic concepts and definitions (Reprinted from Physical Therapy in Sport, vol 1, pg 19-27, 2000) PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 4 :115-121 DOI Author Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte PG, George K, Ball D, Gaze CD, Collinson P. 2003. Cardiac troponin T in female athletes during a two-day mountain marathon. SCOTTISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 48 :41-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Shave R, Edwards B. 2003. IMPACT OF AGE AND FINSIHING TIME ON LV FUNCTION POSTMARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Shave R, Dawson E, Edwards B, Gaze D. 2003. EVIDENCE OF CARDIAC MYOCYTE DAMAGE IN RECREATIONAL RUNNERS AFTER THE LONDON MARATHON Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, Dawson E, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. THE IMPACT OF PROLONGED EXERCISE UPON MARKERS OF CARDIAC FUNCTION AND DAMAGE Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 35 :S120-S120 DOI Publisher Url
Gates PE, George KP, Campbell IG. 2003. Concentric adaptation of the left ventricle in response to controlled upper body exercise training. J Appl Physiol (1985), 94 :549-554 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson E, George K, Shave R, Whyte G, Ball D. 2003. Does the human heart fatigue subsequent to prolonged exercise? SPORTS MEDICINE, 33 :365-380 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Whyte GP, Redding E, Wilson M, Lane A, Firoozi S. 2003. Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic findings in contemporary dancers Journal of Dance Medicine and Science, 7 :91-95 DOI Publisher Url
George K. 2003. The influence of a progressive upper-body exercise training programme upon left ventricular structure and function Journal of Applied Physiology, :549-554
George K, Herrington L, Williams S. 2003. The relationship between arthroscopic findings and isokinetic quadriceps performance in patello-femoral pain syndrome patients: an initial investigation. Research in Sports Medicine, 11 :1-9 DOI Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP. 2003. Reliability in evidence-based clinical practice:: a primer for allied health professionals (Reprinted from Physical Therapy in Sport, vol 1, pg 54-62, 2000) PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 4 :122-128 DOI Author Url
Batterham AM, George KP. 2003. Reliability in evidence-based clinical practice: A primer for allied health professionals Physical Therapy in Sport, 4 :122-128 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Batterham A, Sullivan I. 2003. Validity in clinical research: A review of basic concepts and definitions Physical Therapy in Sport, 4 :115-121 DOI Publisher Url
Gates PE, Campbell IG, George KP. 2002. Absence of training-specific cardiac adaptation in paraplegic athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 34 :1699-1704 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url
Birch K, Cable N, George K. 2002. Combined oral contraceptives do not influence post-exercise hypotension in women EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY, 87 :623-632 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Shave RE, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN NORMOBARIC HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Shave RE, Whyte GP, Dawson E, George KP, Gaze D, Collinson PO. 2002. EVIDENCE OF SECONDARY CARDLAC DAMAGE FOLLOWING PROLONGED EXERCISE IN HYPOXIA. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S286-S286 DOI Publisher Url
Harriss DJ, Sale C, George KP, Atkinson G, Cable NT. 2002. NON-INVASIVE STROKE VOLUME MEASUREMENT Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 34 :S62-S62 DOI Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url
Dawson E, Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Holland M. 2002. Cardiac dysfunction in man following prolonged exercise at two different ambient temperatures JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 539 :57P-58P Author Url
Shave RE, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Gaze DC, Collinson PO. 2002. Evidence of exercise-induced cardiac dysfunction and elevated cTnT in separate cohorts competing in an ultra-endurance mountain marathon race 23 :489-494 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D, Collinson P, Gaze D. 2002. The cardiospecificity of the third-generation cTnT assay after exercise-induced muscle damage 34 :651-654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Gates PE, Campbell IC. 2002. Absence of training specific cardiac adaptation in spinal cord injured athletes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 34 :1699-1704
Myerson SG, George K, Birch K, World M, Pennell DJ. 2001. Scaling of left ventricular mass to body size: Allometric analysis of the relationships to body composition variables using MRI CIRCULATION, 104 :639-640 Author Url
George KP, Myerson SG, Birch KM, World MJ, Pennell DJ. 2001. Allometric Relationships between Mri-Determined LVM and Body Size Variables Clinical Science, 101 :10P-10P DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Nevill A, George K, Shave R, Sharma S, McKenna WJ. 2001. A META-ANALYTICAL EXAMINATION OF DIFFERENTIAL CARDIAC RE-MODELLING AND UPPER NORMAL LIMITS IN THE ATHLETES?? HEART Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33 :S20-S20 DOI Publisher Url
Raine NM, Cable NT, George KP, Campbell IG. 2001. The influence of recovery posture on post-exercise hypotension in normotensive men. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33 :404-412 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Sharma S, Batterham A, Whyte G, McKenna W. 2001. Allometric analysis of the association between cardiac dimensions and body size variables in 464 junior athletes. Clin Sci (Lond), 100 :47-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Taylor A. 2001. The ankle-brachial blood pressure index in normal subjects and cyclists with exercise induced leg pain Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33 :1862-1867 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Raine NM, Cable NT, Campbell IC. 2001. The effect of posture on post-exertional hypotension and peripheral blood flow Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, :404-412
George K, Taylor A. 2001. Endofibrosis of the external iliac artery: A cause of leg pain in young athletes frequently misdiagnosed as pain of musculoskeletal origin. Two case reports Manual Therapy, 6 :48-52
Gates PE, George KP, Campbell IG. 2001. Reliability of echocardiographic measurements in young, healthy adult males. FASEB JOURNAL, 15 :A793-A793 Author Url
Taylor AJ, George KP. 2001. Exercise induced leg pain in young athletes misdiagnosed as pain of musculo-skeletal origin Manual Therapy, 6 :48-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Middleton-Duff T, George K, Batterham A. 2000. The reliability and validity of the 'Tape' and 'Block' methods for assessing anatomical leg-length discrepancy Physical Therapy in Sport, 1 :91-99 DOI Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Sharma S, Lumley S, Gates P, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 2000. Cardiac fatigue following prolonged endurance exercise of differing distances. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32 :1067-1072 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Lumley S, George K, Gates P, Sharma S, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 2000. Physiological profile and predictors of cycling performance in ultra-endurance triathletes. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 40 :103-109 Author Url
George KP, Birch KM, Jones B, Lea R. 2000. Estrogen variation and resting left ventricular structure and function in young healthy females. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32 :297-303 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham A, Sullivan I. 2000. Validity in clinical research: A review of basic concepts and definitions Physical Therapy in Sport, 1 :19-27 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Whyte G, Lumley S, Gates PE, Sharma S, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 2000. Cardiac structure and function in elite male and female judoists Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 40 :103-109
George K, Middleton-Duff T, Batterham AM. 2000. The validity and reliability of blocking and tap-measure approaches to the estimation of leg-length discrepancy Physical Therapy in Sport, 1 :91-100
George K, Batterham AM. 2000. Reliability in evidence-based clinical practice: A primer for allied health professionals Physical Therapy in Sport, 1 :54-62 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Birch K, Jones B, Lea R. 2000. The influence of menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptive use or withdrawal upon left ventricular structure and function Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, :297-303
Burns-Salmond SS, Birch KM, George KP, Cable NT. 2000. Effects of opposed and unopposed ethinyl oestradiol upon resting and post-exertional haemodynamics Journal of Sports Sciences, 18 :528-529
Davids K, Kingsbury D, George K, O'Connell M, Stock D. 1999. Interacting Constraints and the Emergence of Postural Behavior in ACL-Deficient Subjects. J Mot Behav, 31 :358-366 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP, Whyte G, Sharma S, McKenna W. 1999. Scaling cardiac structural data by body dimensions: A review of theory, practice, and problems INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 20 :495-502 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, Sharma S, George K, McKenna WJ. 1999. Exercise gas exchange responses in the differentiation of pathologic and physiologic left ventricular hypertrophy. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 31 :1237-1241 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Gates PE, Birch KM, Campbell IG. 1999. Left ventricular morphology and function in endurance-trained female athletes. J Sports Sci, 17 :633-642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham A, Jones B. 1999. Echocardiographic evidence of concentric left ventricular enlargement in female weight lifters - Response EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY AND OCCUPATIONAL PHYSIOLOGY, 80 :171-172 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte G, Sharma S, George K, McKenna WJ. 1999. Alterations in cardiac morphology and function in elite multi-disciplinary athletes. Int J Sports Med, 20 :222-226 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whyte GP, George K, Gates P, Lumley S, Sharma S, Prasad K, McKenna WJ. 1999. CARDIAC FATIGUE FOLLOWING ULTRA - ENDURANCE TRIATHLONS. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 31 :S393-S393 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Whyte G, Batterham A, Sharma S, McKenna W. 1999. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEFT VENTRICULAR MASS AND BODY SIZE IN MALE ATHLETES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 31 :S151-S151 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Batterham AM, Whyte G, Sharma S, McKenna WJ. 1999. Scaling cardiac structural data by body dimensions: A review of theory, practice, problems and implications for cardiovascular and "athletic heart" research International Journal of Sports Medicine, 20 :495-502
George K, Gates PE, Campbell IC, Birch KM. 1999. Global left ventricular enlargement in endurance-trained female athletes Journal of Sports Sciences, 17 :633-642
George K, Mulhearn S. 1999. Low back pain, posture and abdominal muscle endurance in elite male and female gymnasts Physiotherapy, 85 :210-216
George K, Gates PE, Whyte GW, Fenoglio R, Lea R. 1999. Echocardiographic examination of cardiac structure and function in elite cross-trained male and female Alpine skiers British Journal of Sports Medicine, 33 :93-99 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Birch KM. 1999. Overtraining in female athletes Journal of Bodyworks and Movement Therapy, 3 :24-30 DOI Publisher Url
Urhausen A, Kindermann W, George K, Batterham A, Jones B. 1999. Echocardiographic evidence of concentric left ventricular enlargement in female weight lifters (multiple letters) [1] European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 80 :169-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Mulhearn S, George K. 1999. Abdominal muscle endurance and its association with posture and low back pain. An initial investigation in male and female elite gymnasts Physiotherapy, 85 :210-216 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Batterham AM, Jones B. 1998. Echocardiographic evidence of concentric left ventricular enlargement in female weight lifters. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 79 :88-92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Prasad K, Sharma S, Whyte G, George K, Gates P, Fredericks S, Holt DW, McKenna WJ. 1998. Are serum creatine kinase isoforms and troponin-T useful markers of altered cardiac function after strenuous exercise? CIRCULATION, 98 :431-432 Author Url
O'Connell M, George K, Stock D. 1998. Postural sway and balance testing: a comparison of normal and anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees GAIT & POSTURE, 8 :136-142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
GEORGE KP, BATTERHAM AM, JONES B. 1998. The impact of scalar variable and process on athlete-control comparisons of cardiac dimensions Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 30 :824-830 DOI Publisher Url
Prasad K, Sharma S, Whyte G, George K, Gates P, Fredericks S, Holt DW, McKenna W. 1998. Altered cardiac function after strenuous exercise is reflected by changes in serum creatine kinase isoforms and troponin-T Heart, 79
Draper N, Whyte G, George K, Davies B. 1998. Alterations in Left Ventricular Morphology and Function Following Multi-Activity Training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 30 :15-15 DOI Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP. 1998. Modeling the influence of body size and composition on M-mode echocardiographic dimensions. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 274 :H701-H708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Turl SE. 1998. Adverse neural tension - a factor in repetitive hamstring strain Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 27 :16-21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham AM, Jones B. 1998. The impact of scalar variable and process on athlete-control comparisons of cardiac dimensions Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 30 :824-830 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham AM. 1998. Modeling the influence of body size and composition on M-mode echocardiographic dimensions. American Journal of Physiology, 274 :701-708 DOI Author Url
Nevill A. 1997. Collinearity: a function of the sample size, range, and similarity of observations. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 83 :2167-2168 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Raine NM, Cable NT, George KP, Campbell IG. 1997. THE EFFECT OF POSTURE ON POST-EXERTIONAL HYPOTENSION AND PERIPHERAL BLOOD FLOW 812 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29 :141-141 DOI Publisher Url
Cable NT, Raine NM, George KP, Campbell IG. 1997. THE EFFECT OF POSTURE ON POST-EXERTIONAL HYPOTENSION AND STROKE VOLUME811 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29 :141-141 DOI Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP. 1997. ALLOMETRIC MODELING OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC DIMENSIONS IN MALES AND FEMALES 809 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 29 :140-140 DOI Publisher Url
George K. 1997. Allometric scaling does not provide a body size independent power output exponent Journal of Applied Physiology, 83 :2158-2166
George K, Batterham AM, Tolfrey K. 1997. Nevill's explanation of Kleiber's 0.75 mass exponent: an artifact of collinearity problems in least squares models? Journal of Applied Physiology, :693-697 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham AM, Mullineaux D. 1997. Allometric scaling of left ventricular mass by body dimensions in males and females Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 29 :181-186 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP. 1997. Allometric modeling does not determine a dimensionless power function ratio for maximal muscular function JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 83 :2158-2166 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Batterham AM, Tolfrey K, George KP. 1997. Collinearity: A function of the sample size, range, and similarity of observations - Reply JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 83 :2168-2168 Author Url
George K, Lewis ER. 1996. An initial investigation of injuries in women, men and youths playing Rugby Union Football at the same club Sport and Exercise Injury, 2 :186-191
Jones B, George KP, Lea RD. 1996. The effect of menstrual cycle phase upon cardiac structure and function Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :89-90
George KP, Gates PE, Lea RD. 1996. The effect of pre-season training on cardiac structure and function in pole-vaulters Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :54
Bilzon J, George KP. 1996. Lactate and ventilatory thresholds are coincident irrespective of changes in ambient temperature Journal of Sports Sciences, 14 :64
George KP, Batterham AM, Gates PE, Mullineaux DR. 1995. RATIO-STANDARD VERSUS ALLOMETRIC SCALING IN CARDIAC DIMENSIONS OF ATHLETES AND CONTROLS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 27 :S158-S158 DOI Publisher Url
Batterham AM, George KP, Mullineaux DR. 1995. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEART SIZE AND BODY DIMENSIONS: AN ALLOMETRIC SCALING APPROACH Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 27 :S158-S158 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Wolfe LA, Burggraf GW, Norman R. 1995. Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic characteristics of female athletes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 27 :1362-1370 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, El-Sayed MS, Dyson K. 1993. Blood lactate kinetics during graded and steady-state treadmill running European Journal of Physiology, 67 :518-522
George K, El-Sayed MS, Wilkinson D, Mullan N, Fenoglio R, flannigan J. 1993. Fingertip and venous blood lactate concentration in response to graded exercise Journal of Sports Sciences, 11 :139-143 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
el-Sayed MS, George KP, Dyson K. 1993. The influence of blood sampling site on lactate concentration during submaximal exercise at 4 mmol.l-1 lactate level. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 67 :518-522 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
El-Sayed MS, George KP, Dyson K. 1992. Fingertip and venous blood lactate concentration during graded and submaximal treadmill exercise protocols Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 :586
George KP, Wolfe LA, Burggraf GW, Norman R. 1992. Resting haemodynamics in post-pubescent female gymnasts Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 :564-565
Moffatt L, George KP. 1992. Passive vs active heat exposure: A study of intermittent and low-intensity exercise acclimatization Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 :570-571
Batterham AM, George KP. 1992. Differences in anaerobic performance between men and women matched for habitual physical activity Journal of Sports Sciences, 10 :566-567
George K. 1991. The "Athletic Heart Syndrome": A critical review. Sport Medicine, 11 :300-331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, MacLaren DPM. 1988. The effects of induced alkalosis and acidosis on endurance running at an intensity corresponding to 4mM blood lactate Ergonomics, 31 :1639-1645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Johnson CS, Morrison BN, Chester N, Stansfield B, Sculthorpe N, Cooper R, George K, Oxborough D. 2024. Bi-ventricular structure and function in resistance trained athletes using anabolic androgenic steroids as determined by three-dimensional echocardiography European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 31 DOI Publisher Url
Sharir R, Vanrenterghem J, Robinson MA, George K. 2017. What Separates An Individual At Risk Of ACL Injury? A First Step Towards An ACL-risk Movement Passport British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51 DOI Publisher Url
Steeds RP, Cowie MR, Rana BS, Chambers JB, Ray S, Srinivasan J, Schwarz K, Neil CJ, Scally C, Horowitz JD, Frenneaux MP, Pislaru C, Dawson DK, Rothwell OJ, George K, Somauroo JD, Lord R, Stembridge M, Shave R, Hoffman M, Ashley EA, Haddad F, Eijsvogels TMH, Oxborough D, Hampson R, Kinsey CD, Gurunathan S, Vamvakidou A, Karogiannis N, Senior R, Ahmadvazir S, Shah BN, Zacharias K, Bowen D, Robinson S, Ihekwaba U, Parker K, Boyd J, Densem CG, Atkinson C, Hinton J, Gaisie EB, Rakhit DJ, Yue AM, Roberts PR, Thomas D, Phen P, Sibley J, Fergey S, Russhard P. 2017. Report from the Annual Conference of the British Society of Echocardiography, November 2016, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London ECHO RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 4 :M1-M16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Johnson C, George K, Oxborough DL. 2022. Assessment of cardiac structure and function Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines: Volume II - Exercise and Clinical Testing: The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Guide :182-196 DOI Publisher Url
Finocchiaro G, George KP. 2020. Impact of Sporting Disciplines and Body Size on the Athlete’s Heart Textbook of Sports and Exercise Cardiology :53-71 Springer International Publishing 9783030353735 DOI Publisher Url
George KP, Riding N. 2016. Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart :1-12 Wiley 9781119046868 DOI Publisher Url
Harriss DJ, cable NT, george K, reilly T, renehan A, haboubi N. 2010. Physical Activity Before and After Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer Saxton J, Delay A. Exercise and Cancer Survivorship :153-172 Springer Verlag 9781441911728 DOI Publisher Url
George K, Lane AM, Whyte G, Shave R, Barney S. 2007. A fun run? Mood state changes among runners at the London Marathon Lane AM. Mood and human performance: Conceptual, Measurement and Applied Issues :261-270 Nova Science Pub Inc. New York 9781600212697
George K, Bromley P, Whyte G. 2006. Cardiac Disorders Winter EM, Jones AM, Sciences BAOSAE, Davison RCR. Sport and Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines 2 Exercise and Clinical Testing Routledge. London 9780415379656
George K, Green DJ, Naylor LH. Cardiovascular and pulmonary adaptations to exercise training Taylor NS, Groeller H, McLennan PL. Physiological bases of human performance during work and exercise Elsevier. Melbourne
George K, Wallaceq J, Donovan T, Reilly T. Body composition in female sports participants with particular reference to bone density Marfell-Jones M, Olds T. Kinanthropometry X: Proceedings of the 10th International Society for the Advancement of KInanthropometry Conference, held in conjunction with the 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference
George K, Wallace J, Egan E, Lawlor J, Reilly T. Body composition changes in professional soccer players in the off-season Marfell-Jones M, Olds T. Kinanthropometry X: Proceedings of the 10th International Society for the Advancement of KInanthropometry Conference, held in conjunction with the 13th Commonwealth International Sport Conference
Editorial/letter to the editor
George KP, Green DJ. 2018. Historical perspectives in the assessment of cardiovascular structure and function European Journal of Applied Physiology, 118 :1079-1080 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hulshof HG, van Dijk AP, George KP, Merkus D, Stam K, van Duin RW, van Tertholen K, Hopman MTE, Haddad F, Thijssen DHJ, Oxborough DL. 2017. Echocardiographic-Derived Strain-Area Loop of the Right Ventricle is Related to Pulmonary Vascular Resistance in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, 10 :1286-1288 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Batterham AM. 2015. So what does this all mean? PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, 16 :1-2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
France M, Miller GD, Low DA, George KP, Cable NT, Jones H. 2017. Cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reactivity to CO2 is not improved by exercise training in the cold Graduate Journal of Sport, Exercise & Physical Education Research, British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES) 2017 Student Conference Vol. 5, Suppl.1 :S130-S130
Eijsvogels TM, Oxborough D, O'Hanlon R, Sharma S, Prassad S, Whyte G, George K, Wilson M. 2017. Global And Regional Cardiac Function In Lifelong Endurance Athletes With And Without Myocardial Fibrosis MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) 49 :718-718 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hulshof H, van Dijk A, George K, Thijssen D, Oxborough D. 2016. EXPLORATORY ASSESSEMENT OF SIMULTANEOUS LEFT VENTRICULAR STRAIN AND VOLUME IN CHRONIC SEVERE AORTIC VALVE DISEASE HEART, Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) on Prediction and Prevention 102 :A110-A111 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Bracknall T, Lord R, Forsythe L, Qasem M, Mistry P, Somauroo J, George K. 2016. THE EFFECT OF PRELOAD REDUCTION USING HEAD-UP TILT TESTING: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY USING LEFT VENTRICULAR LONGITUDINAL AND TRANSVERSE STRAIN-VOLUME LOOPS HEART, Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) on Prediction and Prevention 102 :A83-A84 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Forsythe L, George K, Somauroo J, Qasem M, Brown B, Papadakis M, Oxborough D. 2016. THE 12-LEAD ELECTROCARDIOGRAM OF THE ELITE RUGBY FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYER HEART, Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) on Prediction and Prevention 102 :A86-A86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Warburton J, Perez De Heredia Benedicte F, George K, Marcos A, Gomez S, Zapatera B. 2015. Comparison of three commonly used indicators of abdominal obesity in estimating prevalence and metabolic risk ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 12th European Nutrition Conference 67 :260-260 Author Url
Mahon E, Stott TA, George K, Davies IG. 2015. IS A HIGH CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE SUSTAINABLE DURING ULTRA-ENDURANCE RUNNING EVENTS? 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science
Grigoriou S, Zigoulis P, Giannaki C, Zakynthinos E, George K, Karatzaferi C, Stefanidis I, Sakkas G. 2015. INTRADIALYTIC EXERCISE AND MYOCARDIAL STUNNING IN PATIENTS RECEIVING HEMODIALYSIS THERAPY NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION, 52nd Congress of the European-Renal-Association-European-Dialysis-and-Transplant-Assocation 30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Eijsvogels TM, Reuser AM, George KP, Thompson PD, Hopman MT, Thijssen DH. 2015. Endurance Exercise-induced Cardiac Troponin Elevations In Clinical Populations. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 47 :CP516-CP516 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Leslie R, George K, Buckley J. 2014. Post-exercise Brain Natriuretic Peptide Levels In Chronic Heart Failure Patients; A Pilot Study MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 61st Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 46 :663-663 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Riding N, Salah O, Sharma S, Carre F, George K, Hamilton B, Chalabi H, Whyte G, Wilson MG. 2013. Including Routine Echocardiography Alongside The Electrocardiogram When Screening High-level Athletes Is Not Economically Effective MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 60th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 45 :643-643 Author Url
Mawhinney C, Jones H, Low DA, Hwa-Joo C, George KP, Green DJ, Gregson W. 2012. The Influence of Cold Water Immersion on Limb and Cutaneous Blood Flows Following Exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :388-388 Author Url
Jones H, Wong CK, Burgess MI, Pugh CJ, George K, Umpleby M, Shojaee-Moradie F, Kemp GJ, Cuthbertson DJ. 2012. Exercise Training Does Not Enhance Diastolic Function In Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 44 :725-725 Author Url
Warburton GL, Abayomi, JC , Mahon, E , Gobbi, R , Mackintosh, K , Fairclough, SJ , Boddy, LM , George, K , Davies, IG . 2012. Comparison of the reported intakes of fruits and vegetables in Year 6 children: The CHANGE! Project Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, :E227 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Oxborough D, Shave R, Whyte G, Birch K, Artis N, George K, Sharma S. 2011. THE RIGHT VENTRICLE OF THE ENDURANCE ATHLETE: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MORPHOLOGY AND DEFORMATION HEART, Annual Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society (BCS) 97 :A95-A96 DOI Author Url
Wong CK, Burgess MI, Irwin A, Pugh CJ, George K, Richardson P, Cuthbertson DJ. 2010. Evidence of diastolic dysfunction in NAFLD: A study using tissue Doppler echocardiography DIABETOLOGIA, 46th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the- Study-of-Diabetes (EASD) 53 Author Url
Somauroo JD, Shave R, Williams KL, Forster J, George C, Bett T, Gave DC, George KP. 2010. Comparison of ECGs and cardiac troponin I in ultra-endurance athletes before and after 50 and 100 mile trial race in UK EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL, ESC Congress 31 :304-304 Author Url
Esformes JI, George KP, Birch KM. 2010. Influence of Female Reproductive Hormonal Variation on Cardiovascular Responses during Aerobic Exercise MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 42 :243-243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones H, George K, Atkinson G. 2009. TIMING OF EXERCISE WITHIN THE WAKING PERIOD DOES NOT ALTER BLOOD PRESSURE DURING SUBSEQUENT NOCTURNAL SLEEP IN NORMOTENSIVE INDIVIDUALS JOURNAL OF EXERCISE SCIENCE & FITNESS, 8th Annual Conference of the Society-of-Chinese-Scholars-on-Exercise-Physiology-and-Fitness 7 :S42-S50 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lewis NT, Goldspink D, George K, Sharp L, Clements R, Chantler P, Tan L-B. 2008. Pumping capacity is lost through aging in male but not female hearts JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 57th Annual Scientific Session of the American-College-of-Cardiology 51 :A177-A177 Author Url
Rasool J, George K. 2007. The impact of single-leg dynamic balance training on dynamic stability PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT, World-Confederation-for-Physical-Therapy Congress 8 :177-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lewis NT, Goldspink DF, Clements RE, Sharp L, Chantler PD, Patwala A, George K, Stephenson C, Tan LB. 2007. Aging diminishes the pumping capacity of healthy human male but not female hearts HEART, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Cardiovascular-Society 93 :A10-A10 Author Url
Gaze DC, Shave RE, Middleton N, Hart E, George K, Gregory WP, Paul CO. 2006. IMMULITE 2500 cardiac troponin I is elevated in non-elite marathon runners. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, 58th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-of-Clinical-Chemistry 52 :A128-A128 Author Url
Artis N, Oxborough D, George K, Shave R, Cable T, Dawson E, Williams G, Pepper C, Tan L. 2006. A novel method to identify dyssynchronous contraction through regional time differences in peak strain and strain rate HEART, Annual Scientific Conference of the British-Society-Promoting-Cardiovascular-Health 92 :A94-A94 Author Url
Jones H, George K, Edwards B, Atkinson G. 2006. Is the Magnitude of Post-Exercise Hypotension Mediated by Exercise Intensity or Total Work Done? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S197-S197 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Barr D, Chester N, Drust B, Edwards B, Gregson W, Atkinson G. 2006. Manipulation of the Light-Dark Schedule Alters the Thermoregulatory Responses to Exercise in the Heat MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 38 :S355-S356 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Guy K, Simpson RJ, Whyte GP, Middleton N, Shave R, George K, Florida-James GD. 2005. The effects of marathon running on red blood cell haemolysis and cell membrane expression of the GPI-anchored complement regulatory proteins CD55 (DAF) and CD59 (MACIF) BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY, 7th Symposium of the International-Society-for-Exercise-and-Immunology 19 :484-484 Author Url
Whyte GP, George K, Shave R, Claire S, Ellen D, Oxborough D, Edwards B. 2004. Cardiac function following a Marathon in recreational runners MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George KP, Oxborough D, Forster J, Whyte G, Shave R, Stephenson C, Dawson E. 2004. Tissue-Doppler analysis of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function after a marathon MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shave R, Whyte G, George K, Stephenson C, Dawson E, Oxborough D, Forster J, Gaze D. 2004. Cardiac damage in recreational London marathon runners MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine 36 :S331-S331 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
George K, Taylor A. 2003. Can post-exercise ankle-brachial blood pressure predict lower limb vascular injury in athletes JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :321-321 Author Url
Martin J, Tolfrey K, Smith N, George K, Jones A. 2003. The development and validation of a field-based fitness test for rugby union referees JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :282-282 Author Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. Evidence of cardiac and skeletal muscle damage during a simulated half ironman triathlon JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :335-336 Author Url
Whyte G, Shave R, George K, Dawson E, Gaze D, Collinson P. 2003. Duration-dependent presentation of exercise-induced cardiac damage JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, 12th Commonwealth International Sport Conference 21 :338-339 Author Url
George K, Myerson S, Birch K, World M, Pennell D. 2002. Relationships between left ventricular linear dimensions and body size variables: an MRI study in humans JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, Conference of the Physiological-Society 543 :92P-92P Author Url
Shave R, Dawson E, Whyte G, George K, Ball D. 2002. Markers of cardiac damage after 2 days of prolonged endurance exercise JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES, Annual Conference of the British-Association-of-Sport-and-Exercise-Sciences (BASES) 20 :58-58 Author Url
Ball D, Fordy G, Dawson E, George KP. 2002. The influence of mode of muscle contraction on muscle blood flow in man JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 543 :103P-103P Author Url
FOWLER NE, GEORGE K, CAMPBELL I. 1994. INTER-TEST DIFFERENCES IN UPPER-LIMB ISOKINETIC STRENGTH MEASURES Robertson SA. CONTEMPORARY ERGONOMICS 1994: ERGONOMICS FOR ALL, Ergonomics-Societys 1994 Annual Conference - Contemporary Ergonomics 1994: Ergonomics for All :276-280 Author Url
GEORGE K, ELSAYED M, BELLIS B. 1994. PHYSIOLOGICAL-RESPONSES OF TRAINEE FIRE FIGHTERS TO EXERCISE IN THE HEAT Robertson SA. CONTEMPORARY ERGONOMICS 1994: ERGONOMICS FOR ALL, Ergonomics-Societys 1994 Annual Conference - Contemporary Ergonomics 1994: Ergonomics for All :367-370 Author Url
Gobbi R, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Abayomi J, Mackintosh KA, Warbuton GL, Stratton G, George KP, Davies IG. Macronutrient intake and relations to cardiometabolic risk in 10-11 year old children: The CHANGE! Project Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Nutrition Society DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Gobbi R, Boddy LM, Fairclough SJ, Abayomi J, Mackintosh KA, Warbuton GL, Stratton G, George KP, Davies IG. Macronutrient intake and relations to physical activity and sedentary behaviour in 10-11 year old children: The CHANGE! Project Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Nutrition Society DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dawson EA, Black MA, Pybis J, Cable NT, George KP, Green DJ. The impact of exercise on derived central measures obtained from the Sphygmocor device Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SJ, Gobbi R, Davies IG, Hackett AF, Warburton G, Stratton G, George KP, Boddy LM. Clustered cardiometabolic risk, cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity in 10-11 year old children. The CHANGE! Project 16th Annual Conference of the European College of Sports Sciences DOI
Unnithan V, Rowland T, George K, Oxborough D. 2016. Cardiac Systolic And Diastolic Function During Incremental Exercise In Highly-trained Youth Soccer Players Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM) Author Url
Books (authored)
Birch K, MacLaren D, George K. 2005. Sport and exercise physiology Taylor & Francis 9781859962497
Birch K, George K, McLaren D. 2004. Instant Notes: Sport and Exercise Physiology :1-219 DOI Publisher Url
TAFISA Mission 2030 Academia Award, TAFISA, http://www.tafisa.org/news/TAFISAAwards2019. 2019
Vice Chancellors Award for Socio-Economic Engagement 2017 - Runner Up - Global Active Cities in the Physical Activity Exchange. 2017
Impact Award 2017: The Physical Activity Exchange: Global Active Cities for delivering change through shaping and influencing policy, practice and guidelines, Liverpool John Moores University. 2017
Marie Curie Post Doctoral Fellowship, EU Horizon 2020. 2015
Uitslag RIHS Junioronderzoekerronde, “Evaluating and developing non-invasive pressure-volume loops in humans” £200 000. Four year PhD studentship, Radboud University Nijmegen. 2015
Conference organisation:
BASES Student Conference, Organising Committee. 2015
ECSS, Chair Scientific Program. 2011
Other invited event:
To screen or not to screen that is the question? invited talk to Aspire Seminar Series on Cardiac Screening and Vascular Adaptation in Athletes: Prot, Doha, Qatar, Invited talk to Aspire Seminar Series on Cardiac Screening and Vascular Adaptation in Athletes. 2015
The Athletic Heart, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Keynote to the Sudden Cardiac Death in Sports Workshop hosted by the Saudi Federation for Sports Medicine. 2014
The Athletic Heart: New insights from new tools, Amsterdam, Netherlands,, Invited Symposium, 19th European College of Sport Science Conference,. 2014
External collaboration:
University of Canberra, Professor Kevin Thompson. 2015
African Union Sports Council Region 5, Stanley Mutoya.
External PGR examinations performed:
Canterbury Christ Church University, Jenna Smith, PhD, Isometric exercise training. 2014
University of Leeds, Ali Khalil, PhD, Vascular function and intermittent training. 2014
FBASES, British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. 2012
FECSS, European College of Sport Science. 2012
FACSM, Fellowship of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2002
Editorial boards:
Journal of Applied Physiology, International Editorial Board. 2012
European Journal of Applied Physiology, Editor. 2010
Physical Therapy in Sport, Ediotrial Board. 1999