Low Carbon Lancashire Innovation Project

Working with Lancashire businesses to create low carbon goods, processes and services

The Low Carbon Lancashire Innovation Project (LoCal-i) creates innovative low carbon goods, processes and services, developed through collaborative partnerships between small and medium sized companies in the Lancashire Region and University researchers, students and academic staff.

We will work with your organisation to identify opportunities for low carbon development which will ultimately bring about economic and environmental benefits to both your business and the wider community.

By providing direct access to the latest student expertise and facilities at Liverpool John Moores University your business can take advantage of the cutting-edge exploitable assets and knowledge available at the institution, giving your company a significant edge on the competition.

The benefits for your business

We can work with you through a range interventions from short, focused projects and internships through to three year R&D, all delivered through dedicated graduate researchers.

LoCal-i can significantly benefit your business financially as well as environmentally, for example:

  • We help to increase your profitability with the development of new and improved products, processes and/or services
  • We provide your business with increased knowledge of low carbon issues and energy management
  • Working as a collaborative partnership between Liverpool John Moores University and Lancaster University, our combined resources will provide the expertise you need to progress your ideas through cutting edge R&D and innovation schemes

Is my company eligible for support?

The Project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. In most cases the business assistance is free and includes all initial reports and advice. If your company then wishes to pursue the recommendations, this will be at your cost. PhDs are supplemented by the Project and require a contribution.

Companies will need to meet the following European Regional Development Fund guidelines:

  1. Be considered an SME (a small or medium-sized business of up to 250 employees). See the Official Definition (opens in a new tab) of an SME guide provided by the European Commission
  2. Have an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euro, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euro
  3. Be based in Lancashire

Get in touch

To find out more about the LoCal-i Project or to apply for support, please contact Abi Lewis on:

Email: a.h.lewis@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 01244 231 2886

ERDF logoJames Parsons Building
Liverpool John Moores University
Byrom Street
L3 3AF