Fee Information for PhD and MPhil Programmes

This fee information applies to PGRs admitted onto their programme in the academic year(s) indicated below. Academic years run from 1 August to 31 July. PGRs who started their programme before this will be charged fees according to the offer they were made at the point of admission.

Bands for International fees will be confirmed as part of the application process.

Some MPhil/PhD programmes incur annual research support fees, also known as 'bench fees', to cover the cost of consumables used in your study. Any liability for research support fees will be set out in your offer letter.

Faq Items

Per annum charges are based on the expected programme duration outlined in the Registration Periods section below and the expectation that in the final year, PGRs will move into the ‘Completion Year’.  

Early completion will still be liable for the full award rate.

PGRs who do not submit their final thesis for examination within the expected programme duration can request an extension to their registration period.  The re-registration fee will be applied if a PGR fails to submit their final thesis for examination within 4 weeks of the extended period of registration.  

Registration Periods



Full-time - 2 years

1 year + completion year

Earliest thesis submission - 12 months after your start date

Part-time - 3 years

2 years + completion year

Earliest thesis submission - 24 months after your start date



Full-time - 4 years

3 years + completion year

Earliest thesis submission - 33 months after your start date

Part-time - 7 years

6 years + completion year

Earliest thesis submission - 48 months after your start date


PhD by published work


Thesis Submission (earliest): 3 months
Thesis Submissions (latest): 12 months
Expected completion: 16 months


Intake periods are normally

  • February 
  • June 
  • October