Collaborative Student Registration

As part of the enrolment process onto Liverpool John Moores University's programmes, students studying at Partner Colleges are required to activate their LJMU IT accounts and to upload a current photograph.

In order for you to be registered as a Liverpool John Moores University student, your college has shared your personal data with us.

We have emailed your personal email address that gives you the information you require to activate your IT account.

Activate my LJMU account

Please note:
Your LJMU password will expire every 60 days.

In order to complete the registration process you need to upload a sensible looking photo of yourself similar to a passport photo, but you are allowed to smile. No-one else should be visible in the picture. Please use a desktop computer/laptop rather than a mobile device to complete this process. 

Photos cannot be less than 280x360 pixels in size. You can upload BMP, GIF, EXIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF files and you will be able to crop your photo online.

Upload my photograph

Data Protection Statement

LJMU takes your privacy very seriously and will keep your personal data secure at all times. We will only use the information given to us to provide you with educational services and for legitimate business reasons.

More information on how we use your personal data is set out in our Student Fair Processing Notice.