Releasing a document to print

    HP Printers are available throughout the University which work on a simple "Tap and Print" approach:

    1. Tap your card on the reader.
    2. Choose the function you require on the touch screen.
    3. When you're finished, Log off. 

    Points to remember

    • If you're a student, you must have sufficient credit in your Virtual Purse to print.
    • If you're a member of staff, your department are automatically charged - Printing is not free.
    • Jobs will remain on the printer queue for 24 hours before being automatically deleted by the system.
    • If you have chosen to print colour, only pages with colour on will be charged for - not the whole document.

    Step-by-step guide to printing

    Send your work to the printer using the advice given on these pages.

    When you're ready to print, go to any printer with your LJMU card and tap it on the card reader, shown above.

    After a few moments, the screen will display the home screen.

     The 3 main icons provide exactly the features you expect.

    Print Release, Scan and Copy. Scanning includes OCR (Optical Character Recognition) so scanned documents can be searched.

    Choose Print Release.

    All the jobs you've sent in the last 24 hours will be shown, with a cumulative price for the session. 

    Tick the document(s) you want to print, and then tap Print. 

    The cost of your printouts and how many pages colour/ mono is displayed on the right hand side.
    When you've finished, don't forget to log off.  If you don't, you may lose credit from your account.

    Ask for more than one copy of an existing job by ticking the arrow for options on a job.

    Click the Grayscale button to force a job to print in black and white which will be cheaper.