School/Faculty Ethics Committees

A number of School based Research Ethics Committees (RECs) operate to provide an ethical opinion on research projects undertaken by undergraduate and postgraduate taught students (refer to the information below). For information about the process of submitting an ethics application to a school REC, please contact the school REC.

Please note:
Undergraduate and postgraduate taught student projects must use the latest LJMU templates (for information sheets, consent forms, recruitment material, etcetera) and UREC Approved Standard Procedures and Best Practice (SP&BP) documents when completing their ethics applications and undertaking their projects.
All project supervisors and School RECs must ensure that ethics applications are supported by participant/gatekeeper/parent facing documents (for example information sheets, consent forms, recruitment material, etcetera) that are based on the latest LJMU templates and comply with UREC Approved SP&BP documents.

This is very important in regard to managing risks and ensuring compliance with data protection legislation.

Contact details for School/Faculty RECs

Governance Arrangements for Faculty/School Based Research Ethics Committees

The University’s Research Ethics Committee (UREC) through its Terms of Reference is responsible for the provision of “oversight, guidance and support for the establishment and conduct of School/Faculty based research ethics committees established to provide advice on the ethical implications of research proposals which may lead to undergraduate or taught masters’ qualifications.”

The UREC has established and approved a mechanism by which it can provide a supplementary review of decisions taken at local REC level as a means of quality assurance. Contact the Chair of UREC.

Resources for School RECs – available from the LJMU Research Ethics and Governance SharePoint:

  • Research Ethics training
  • Universal UG/PGT School REC ethics application form
  • UG/PGT School REC study amendment form
  • LJMU templates (information sheets, consent form, recruitment material, etcetera)
  • UREC Approved Standard Procedures and Best Practice (SP&BP) documents
  • UG/PGT Research Ethics Decision Tool
  • Minimal requirements for School RECs for the processing of UG and PGT student projects
  • LJMU Research Ethics and Governance Standard Operating Procedures