PhD Journey Explained
Please select the tabs below for further information about your research degree.
Faq Items
Research Degree Programme Duration
You should complete your research degree within the time scales outlined below. By complete, we mean that you submit your thesis for examination, have your viva and complete any post viva activity such as amendments.
PhD / Full Time – 4 years
3 years + completion year
Earliest thesis submission - 33 months after your start date
PhD / Part Time – 7 years
6 years + completion year
Earliest thesis submission - 48 months after your start date
MPhil / Full Time – 2 years
1 year + completion year
Earliest thesis submission - 12 months after your start date
MPhil / Part Time – If you started before 1 August 2023 - 4 years
3 years + completion year
Earliest thesis submission - 24 months after your start date
MPhil / Part Time – If you started after 1 August 2023 - 3 years
2 years + completion year
Earliest thesis submission - 24 months after your start date
Please note that if you are a funded PGR, your funded period may be different to the programme duration. Your offer letter should detail the length of time you will be funded.
If you started your research degree after the 1 August 2022, please note that you will be required to pay the full award amount detailed in your offer letter even if you submit your final thesis for examination early.
Tuition Fees
Your tuition fee will be detailed in the offer letter that you received when you were admitted onto your research degree. This is a set fee and will not increase while you are on the programme of study that you were admitted onto.
Thesis Pending fee
A thesis pending fee will apply if you started your research degree before the 1 August 2022 when you move into your completion year (see section Research Degree Programme Duration for details of when this will be). The thesis pending fee will be detailed in your offer letter. This is a flat annual fee and will not be applied on a pro rata basis.
The thesis pending fee will be charged for each subsequent academic year when you complete re-enrolment until you submit your thesis for examination.
There is a four week grace period in which the fee will be waived if you submit your thesis for examination within 4 weeks of the date of re-enrolment. For example, if you have a re-enrolment date of the 1 October, the fee will be waived if you submit your thesis by the 28 October.
Re-Registration fee
If you started your research degree after the 1 August 2022, you will not be charged a fee when you go into your completion year (see section Research Degree Programme Duration for details of when this will be). If you do not submit your thesis for examination by the end of your completion year, you will need to extend your registration and pay a re-registration fee. The re-registration fee amount will be detailed in your offer letter. This is a flat annual rate and will not be applied on a pro rata basis.
There is a four week grace period in which the fee will be waived if you submit your thesis for examination within four-weeks of the date of re-enrolment. For example, if you have a re-enrolment date of the 1 October, the fee will be waived if you submit your thesis by the 28 October.
Re-examination fee
If the outcome of your final viva voce examination is one of re-examination, you will be charged a re-examination fee of £500 at the point when you next need to re-enrol.
The university tuition fee policy outlines possible sanctions for non payment of fees and arrangements for refunds where applicable.
Re-enrolment is mandatory for all students and is part of the conditions of offer and enrolment that you agree to when you register to be a student of the university. You will need to complete initial enrolment before you can begin your research degree and you must remain a registered student of the university up until the point that you complete your award. You will be sent a request from Registry Services on the anniversary of your start to re-enrol which you must complete annually. Failure to re-enrol may lead to loss of IT access, have potential funding implications and may lead to you being withdrawn from your research degree.
Even if you have submitted your thesis for final examination and/or have had your viva you must still complete re-enrolment (no fee is charged if you have submitted your thesis for examination). Your award cannot be processed unless you are a fully registered student of the university.
Attendance and Engagement Requirements
We expect you to engage with your research degree programme as follows:
- Full-time: A minimum of 35 hours per week over 45 weeks of the year.
- Part-time: A minimum of 12 hours per week over 45 weeks of the year.
We recognise the additional responsibilities and challenges that are likely to be faced by postgraduate research students. Where the need arises, reasonable adjustments to the minimum number of hours should be discussed and agreed with supervisory teams ahead of time.
Supervisory Meetings
Meetings between supervisors and PGRs may vary according to discipline and the local research culture but as a minimum you should meet with your supervisors ten times per year if you are full time or five times per year if you are part time. It is a joint responsibility of supervisors and PGRs to make sure that these meetings happen. After each meeting, you will need to make a record of this on eDoc. Checks will be made to make sure that you are recording your meetings with your supervisors so we recommend that you get into the habit of recording these on eDoc as soon as they have taken place.
Progression and Review Milestones
Throughout your research degree, you can expect to receive regular reviews to make sure that your progress is satisfactory, appropriate support is in place, and that concerns are addressed in a timely fashion.
Your eDoc project page has details of the dates by which you need to complete your milestones which are available on the Project Dates tab. These dates are calculated specifically for you depending on your start date and you will receive a reminder from eDoc when a milestone is coming up.
The links below provide further information about each milestone, who needs to complete them and when and further details are also available in the policy for reviewing the progress of postgraduate research students.
Programme Approval
Applies to: PhD and MPhil.
Completion Deadline: 3 months from enrolment for full time or 6 months for part time
Following enrolment you will undergo an initial review to gain programme approval for your research project. Your application for programme approval will be considered by your Faculty Research Degrees Committee and will involve peer review outside of your supervisory team.
As part of your application for programme approval, you will be asked to provide:
- A summary of the research, the aims and key objectives or questions
- An explanation of how your project contributes (or challenges) existing work in the field
- A brief outline of your proposed plan of work
- Details of specific facilities, equipment of funding required for your research project
- Details about ethical approval
- Confirmation that you have completed mandatory training including attendance at Faculty Induction, Research Ethics Training and the production of a training plan
The following are mandatory requirements for programme approval and you will not be able to proceed with the submission without providing evidence of the following:
- Attendance at a faculty induction. Note that this is separate to the welcome event hosted by the Doctoral Academy.
- Completion of the Research Ethics online training module on Canvas. A certificate to evidence completion of the module will need to be uploaded to eDoc.
- The submission of a training plan on eDoc.
Confirmation of Registration
Applies to: PhD
Completion Deadline: 12 months from enrolment for full time or 24 months for part time
The purpose of the Confirmation of Registration is to confirm that you are demonstrating the potential to successfully complete the award of PhD. It involves two main stages:
1. Submission of evidence to demonstrate that your work has PhD potential. This should include:
- A submission document which is normally a draft of work which will ultimately contribute to the final thesis. The content and length of the submission should reflect the normal expectations for your area of research. More specific details of what your submission should contain are detailed in your Faculty PGR Handbook.
- A summary report (typically no more than 1 side of A4) critically reflecting your progress to date, and plans from now to completion.
- A research training report (typically no more than 1 side of A4) critically reflecting on research training undertaken and an updated Training Needs Analysis from now to completion.
2. An oral assessment where you will be expected to ‘defend’ your submission and plans for the project moving forward.
A Review Panel will be nominated by your lead supervisor which will need to be approved by your Faculty Research Degrees Committee. The panel must consist of your Lead Supervisor, at least 1 Co-Supervisor and an Independent Assessor.
The Independent Assessor is normally responsible for making the practical arrangements and for completing the appropriate documentation in eDoc such as confirmation of the date, time and location of the oral assessment. If there are particular arrangements or adjustments that you would like to be considered for your oral assessment you should let the Doctoral Academy know as soon as possible.
Prior to the oral assessment, the Review Panel must prepare and submit preliminary reports based on their assessment of the submission. Reports are circulated between Assessors in advance.
Following the oral assessment, the Review Panel shall jointly complete a final joint report and recommendation to be considered by Research Degrees Board.
Annual Progress Review
Applies to: PhD and MPhil.
Completion Deadline: 1 month before your annual re-enrolment is due until you submit your thesis for examination. If you are completing Confirmation of Registration, you will not be expected to complete Annual Progress Review that year.
You will need to re-enrol onto your research degree each year of study on the anniversary of your start date. In the lead up to your annual re-enrolment you will be expected to undergo a formal review of your progress conducted by your supervisory team. This review will determine your eligibility to continue with your studies. As part of this review, you will need to provide:
- A reflection on your progress to date
- A summary of your key objectives for the next 12 months
- A reflection on training you have undertaken and training plan for the year ahead
Your Faculty Handbooks will also have details about other specific information that you may be required to provide as part of this review, so please make sure that you are familiar with your Faculty Handbook.
Thesis Submission and Viva Voce Examination
The examination of a Research Degree normally involves two stages: first, the submission and preliminary assessment of the thesis; and second, the defence of the thesis by the candidate at a viva voce examination. In the final year of your research degree, you will submit and defend your thesis. The entire examination process can take several months, and we advise that you plan your time appropriately and attend the Preparing for Assessment and the 7 reasons you'll pass your viva workshops provided throughout the year – details are available on the Events section on eDoc. Further details about the university policy and processes for the examination of research degrees are available policy and procedures webpage which we would recommend that you familiarise yourself with.
Below is a summary of the different stages involved in the final thesis submission and viva voce. Guidance on how to complete the various stages in eDoc is available online guides webpage.
Submission Planning
In preparation for your final thesis submission, you must complete Submission Planning where you submit your ‘final’ draft thesis for review by your supervisory team. This is a formal requirement and a candidate cannot proceed to submission until this has taken place. You should allow a month for your supervisors to review and provide feedback on the draft thesis on its readiness for examination. The opinion of your supervisory team is advisory and cannot be guaranteed the final decision of the examiners. Irrespective of the supervisor's opinion, the decision to submit rests with you.
Intention to Submit and Thesis Submission
Once you have completed submission planning you will be able to complete an intention to submit form on eDoc. This is a notification to the Doctoral Academy and to your supervisors of the date that you are intending to submit your final thesis.
The thesis must be submitted electronically in a single PDF document via eDoc. If requested by examiners, hard copies will be made available by the Doctoral Academy.
Under no circumstances should you or your supervisors supply the examiners with the copies of the thesis.
Appointment of the Examination Panel
Your Lead Supervisor will be responsible for recommending your examiners for approval at Research Degrees Board. We would strongly encourage you to discuss with your supervisors who your examination panel could be in plenty of time ahead of this step. An Independent Chair can also be appointed to attend the viva voce.
Details about how many examiners you can expect to have, the criteria for their appointment and the process for their appointment and that of independent chairs are available in our policy and procedures for the examination of research degrees.
The Viva Voce
The practical arrangements of your viva should be confirmed by your lead supervisor. You will receive a notification via eDoc of the date, time and location. Please make the Doctoral Academy aware if any reasonable adjustments need to be taken into consideration when making the arrangements for the viva as soon as possible.
The viva voce can take place in person, online or a hybrid of the two. See our guidance for an online viva.
Ahead of your viva voce, your examiners will be asked to submit preliminary reports on your thesis. These reports will not be shared with you or your supervisors and will remain confidential between the examination panel and Doctoral Academy.
You will receive the provisional recommendation verbally from your examiners on the day of your viva. They will be asked to submit an outcome report with their recommendation to be approved by Research Degrees Board. Once the recommendation has been approved, you will receive confirmation of this via eDoc.
Please refer to the policy and procedures for the examination of research degrees for details about the recommendations that your examiners can make.
Change of Circumstances
We recognise that you may need to make changes along the way and you can request these if you need to. These should always be discussed with your supervisors as soon as possible and before submitting an application. Further details are available in the PGR Attendance, Engagement and Change of Circumstances Policy
The following requests can be submitted via 'Request a Change' on eDoc:
- Change in your mode of study from full time to part time, and vice versa
- Change your research degree from PhD to MPhil
- Request a Leave of Absence
- Return to study
- Withdraw from the research degree
- Request an extension to your registration
If you are studying on a student visa, you will need to ensure that potential visa implications have been considered prior to making an application to change your circumstances and we strongly recommended that you consult with International Advice before making an application. Please visit our International Student Support page for further information.
Change in Mode of Study
You may request a change to your mode of study, either from full time to part time, or part time to full time. Changes in mode of study will not be approved once you have moved into the completion year. It is your responsibility to ensure that any funding implications have been considered and necessary changes have been approved by the funder. Any changes will require support from your supervisory team and Faculty Research Degrees Committee. Once a request has been approved at faculty level, it will then need to be considered and processed by Registry Services and the Doctoral Academy. Changes to mode of study can only be applied within your current year of study and cannot be retrospectively applied.
Change to Programme of Study
You will be registered onto the target award that you were admitted to.
If you are studying for a PhD you may request to change to MPhil. This will need support from your supervisory team and Faculty Research Degrees Committee. Once a request has been approved at faculty level, it will then need to be considered and processed by Registry Services and the Doctoral Academy. Changes to a programme of study can only be applied within the current year of study and cannot be retrospectively applied.
If you are considering changing your programme from MPhil to PhD, please contact the Doctoral Academy at for guidance.
It is your responsibility to ensure that any funding implications have been considered and necessary changes have been approved by the funder.
For PGRs studying on a student visa, UKVI requirements may mean that PGRs need to return to the home country to apply for a new visa. It is the responsibility of the PGR to ensure that potential visa implications have been consideration prior to making an application to change a programme of study and it is strongly recommended that PGRs on a student visa consult with International Advice before making an application to change their programme of study.
Absence from Study
There are two different ways in which you can request an approved absence from your study.
- Short Term Absence – Less than 30 days in duration
You can request this via the Recording Short Term Absence tab on your eDoc main project page. It will need to be agreed by your lead supervisor. If you are a PGR on a student visa, please make sure that you discuss and clear this with the International Office before you request the short-term absence as there may be implications for your visa.
- Leave of Absence – Between 30 days and 12 months
If you need to take a longer break you can apply for an official and temporary period away from your research degree on personal, financial, medical or academic grounds. You will need to do this via the ‘Request a Change’ button on your eDoc main project page. Please note that approval is not guaranteed and, for example, may be subject to the approval of external bodies such as the research council (or other sponsor/funding body) concerned.
A leave of absence can be granted for a maximum of one year at a time and a maximum of two years in total. They will not normally be considered in your first month of enrolment. A Leave of Absence in your completion year will not normally be approved unless it is required for medical purposes and is supported by evidence.
A leave of absence that is entirely retrospective will not normally be approved unless in exceptional circumstances such as if you have been seriously ill.
Whilst on leave of absence, you may not participate in any research-related activities although your will still be able to access support services offered by Student Advice and Wellbeing and may use other university facilities including IT facilities.
If you are on a leave of absence, you will be contacted by Registry Services one month before you are due to resume studies with details about what you need to do to return to study. There may be additional requirements that will need to be met prior to your return, for example, payment of outstanding fees accrued prior to the leave of absence.
You will need to complete a Return to Study form on eDoc. It is important that you advise the university if you do not intend to return to study on the date that was approved as part of your request. Failure to return from an agreed Leave of Absence period can result in your registration being terminated if we do not hear from you.
Fine out more information about funding entitlements if you are a funded PGR.
Extensions to Registration
If you think you will need to extend your registration to allow you more time to complete and submit your thesis, you should discuss this with your supervisors and agree a realistic revised submission date. You will need to put the request through via the ‘Request a Change’ tab on your main eDoc project page. You will be asked to provide the new expected submission date and to provide details of why you need to request the extension. This will need to be agreed by your supervisors and your faculty research degree committee before it goes for university level approval to Research Degrees Board. If your extension takes you past another re-enrolment date, you will be charged a further thesis pending/re-registration fee (this will be outlined in your offer letter).
Additional Support Services
Further support and information for PGRs is available at the following websites:
Following Completion of your Research Degree
Depositing your e-thesis
Upon successful completion of a research degree, candidates are expected to upload the final approved copy thesis online to the LJMU E-Theses Collection.
The LJMU E-Theses Collection. Details of what you need to do to complete this step will be sent out to you once you have completed your research degree and are also available in the policy and procedures for depositing e-Theses.
IT Account Expiry
Please visit the Help with IT /User accounts and security/When does my account expire for details about your IT account once you have completed your research degree: When does my account expire
To be eligible to attend one of the university graduation ceremonies you must have fully completed your award and have registered to attend graduation by the university set deadline. The deadlines for the 2025 ceremonies are as follows.
- For a PGR to be able to graduate at the March 2025 Graduation Ceremonies, they will need to have completed their degree by Thursday 12 December 2024, this means that the named examiner(s) on the examination outcome report required to review the revised thesis will have confirmed the award via eDoc by 12 December 2024.
- For a PGR to be able to graduate at the July 2025 Graduation Ceremonies, they will need to have completed their degree by Monday 19 May 2025, this means that the named examiner(s) on the examination outcome report required to review the amended or revised thesis will have confirmed the award via eDoc by 19 May 2025.
For information relating to graduation please visit the graduation webpages.
Degree certificates are produced by Registry Services and are normally issued via post. Further information is available on the Registry Services awards webpage.