Generic job descriptions and Job description template

A number of generic job descriptions have been developed to assist departments in writing job descriptions for frequently occurring roles and to enable swifter grading turnaround times for these posts.

Please note
All generic roles must be advertised on the appropriate template.

Generic job descriptions set out the typical duties for a role.

Academic roles

For academic roles it is not possible to update the role purpose and responsibilities sections of the generic, these must remain unchanged and any contextual/role specific information should be added to the introduction section only.

Research roles

For research roles it is possible to update the responsibilities section, but the amended generic job description must be submitted to HR for review to ensure that the changes have not impacted on the grade.

Job description template

For all other roles that fall outside the available generic job descriptions please complete the job description template (Word, 1.13MB) and submit to HR for grading review.