Dr. Emma Roberts, Reader in History of Art & Design, publishes article in Harvard University journal.

Journal article devoted to public sculptures in the Caribbean responding to the theme of emancipation from slavery.

Dr. Emma Roberts, Reader in History of Art & Design at Liverpool School of Art & Design, has published an article in the Harvard University journal, 'ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America'. The article discusses the important topic of public sculptures in the Caribbean on the theme of emancipation from slavery. 

'ReVista: The Harvard Review of Latin America' is published by Harvard University's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies. The journal aims to foster cooperation and understanding among the people of the Americas, to contribute to democracy, social progress and sustainable development, and to stimulate dialogue on these issues. 

The article by Emma Roberts considers emancipation monuments in Jamaica and Barbados. This is a timely subject following on from the important #Black Lives Matter movement. Emma Roberts lectures on these subjects, and this region of the world at LJMU, as part of her role as Programme Leader of BA History of Art & Museum Studies. In addition, she presents these topics during her vacation role as an Enrichment Lecturer on board cultural cruise liners for the benefit of guests' cultural immersion into the locations. Travelling between Caribbean islands on liners enables Emma to discover more thought-provoking and important sculptures and to devote the time to researching these in situ. The article begins by explaining the privileged life on board vessels and then moves to the poignant topic of how artists in the Caribbean have responded to the topic of emancipation from slavery.

The research gleaned from site visits to the Caribbean sculptures will also underpin an exhibition to be curated by Emma Roberts in February 2022 at the Victoria Gallery and Museum in Liverpool. The exhibition examines a range of Jamaican art since the country gained Independence in 1962 and acts to commemorate the 60th anniversary of this event. A scholarly catalogue written by Emma Roberts will be published by Liverpool University Press to accompany this exhibition.

Emma Roberts' article in 'Revista' can be accessed here: Adventures in Public Sculpture by a Cruise Ship Lecturer | ReVista (harvard.edu)


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