International Partnerships frequently asked questions
Faq Items
How do I know that LJMU qualifications, delivered online or at an overseas partner institution, are genuine?
You will find all LJMU programmes delivered at a partner institution listed on the LJMU International Partnerships website and on the Academic Registry website.
Will my LJMU degree be recognised in my home country?
Where applicable LJMU works with its international partners to obtain the necessary approvals in-country. For further details, please check with partner institution.
Does professional accreditation accompany my LJMU degree? If so, are there additional costs?
This varies by partner and programme. For clarification, please contact the partner institution.
Am I able to pay for my studies in instalments? If so, who should I speak with about this?
All payments for tuition at a partner organisation are the responsibility of the partner. Please seek clarification from the partner.
Whilst I have the motivation and academic credentials to study an LJMU qualification in my home country, I am struggling financially. Is there any help available?
Some partner organisations offer students financial help/scholarships. Please check with your partner institution.
Will I be allocated a personal tutor for the duration of my studies?
Details of your personal tutor should be provided by the partner institution at the start of the programme.
Will my programme be delivered online, face-to-face or a combination of each?
This varies between partners and programmes. Please contact the partner institution for full details.
Will LJMU staff be teaching on my programme?
On some occasions, LJMU staff do teach on programmes with partner institutions. Please check with the partner institution for further details.
Are the teaching staff, at partner institutions, vetted by LJMU?
Yes. All staff teaching on LJMU programmes at a partner institution must receive approval by the University.
If I am dissatisfied with my experience at a partner institution, do I have the right to complain?
Yes. All partner institutions have Complaints Procedures that are aligned with LJMUs expectations. Full details should be available on request from the partner institution. We would encourage you to discuss your concerns with the appropriate person at the partner institution, in the first instance.
Does LJMU regularly check the quality of the teaching staff and infrastructure of partner institutions?
Yes. All staff teaching on LJMU programmes must receive prior approval from the University. Partner facilities are considered at the point that programmes are validated and when they are reviewed. All LJMU programmes delivered at partner institutions undergo continuous monitoring and enhancement in line with the University’s current Quality Management Processes (opens in a new tab).
Are industry-placements available during my studies?
Please check with the Partner institution.
What are the advantages of studying an LJMU qualification over a regular, local qualification?
UK higher education qualifications are recognised internationally and are highly sought after by employers around the world, which may greatly enhance your career prospects.
Will I be awarded LJMU alumni status upon graduation?
Yes, absolutely! All graduates with LJMU awards are welcome to join the online alumni community at LJMU Connect (opens in a new tab), wherever they studied.
The alumni office can be contacted directly by email at alumni@ljmu.ac.uk.
Will I receive an LJMU degree certificate upon successful completion of my studies?
Yes. All students successfully completing an award of LJMU will receive the regular University degree certificate on LJMU parchment paper.
Am I able to buddy up, or meet, with my classmates who are based in Liverpool?
This is something that will be encouraged. Please discuss with your Link Tutor.
Are scholarships and bursaries available for partnership students?
Please check with the partner institution.
How can I give something back to LJMU for the experience?
In some situations LJMU would like to be able to make contact with students who have studied at partner institutions to act as LJMU Ambassadors in-country. If you are interested please contact the International Partnerships Team and we will record your details.
Is there the opportunity to spend part of my studies in Liverpool at the LJMU campus?
This is dependent on the programme that you are studying. The partner institution will be able to advise if this is possible.
Can I graduate in the City of Liverpool upon successful completion of my studies?
For both national and international collaborative programmes/partners, unless specified otherwise in the contract, graduation ceremonies for collaborative students will be arranged by the Partner which is delivering the LJMU validated programme in partnership with the University.
Does LJMU hold my personal data? If so, how is this used and how long is it stored for?
LJMU has strict rules regarding personal data. The University’s Data Protection Policy is available online.
Are the LJMU online programmes available to students in areas with poor internet connectivity?
Details of all LJMU programmes offered online with our collaborative partners UNICAF and upGrad are available online.
Can the LJMU careers service provide guidance to me if I wish to work in the UK upon successful completion of my studies?
Normally support for students about their future careers is provided by the Collaborative Partner which is delivering the LJMU validated programme in partnership with the University. Collaborative students have access to Online Guides and Advice via their University log-in details.
Can I continue with further studies, at LJMU, upon successful completion of an LJMU qualification at a partner institution?
Yes. Please refer to individual programme entry requirements (opens in a new tab).
Contact us
If you have a specific question not covered above, please contact the International Partnerships Team.