Tips for exam success

 If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by exams, take a look at some valuable insights on how to prioritise self-care and smash your exams.  

Top revision tricks 

Start early: 

  • Start your revision early to avoid last-minute stress. 

Smart timetables: 

  • Create a realistic timetable for revision and don’t forget to incorporate breaks. 

Short focused sessions: 

  • Quick, regular study sessions over prolonged cramming. Reward yourself after each session to stay motivated. 

One subject at a time: 

  • Focus on one subject per session. Your concentration will thank you. 

Visual aids: 

  • Make visual posters and diagrams to remember the key concepts. 

Mastering distractions

Pick your spot: 

  • Find a study spot that best suits you, whether it's your regular place or a change of scenery. 

Distraction defence: 

  • Tweak your phone notifications and use apps to tame social media. Keep your workspace organised for enhanced concentration. 

Take breaks: 

  • Try the Pomodoro technique – 25 minutes of work, then a break. Use breaks to go for a walk, listen to music or chat with a friend.  

Quick study hacks 

Speedy writing trick: 

  • Ever tried setting a timer during practice? It can help you manage your speed and efficiency.  

Quiz yourself regularly: 

  • Take a quick quiz 10-15 minutes after learning something new. This will increase optimal retention. 

Check exam details: 

  • Know where and when your exams are. Simple but golden advice to keep stress away on the big day. 

Wellbeing advice 

Sleep goals: 

  • Aim for a good night's sleep whenever possible. It boosts concentration and memory. 

Include exercise: 

  • Quick walks or a mini workout are great stress relievers. They lift your mood and sharpen your focus. 

Eat smart: 

  • Eat well and go easy on caffeine. Good nutrition fuels your brain and keeps your energy up. 

Be kind to yourself: 

  • Take breaks, treat yourself kindly, and balance study with some fun. 

Positive mindset and relaxation: 

  • Keep your vibes positive and take deep breaths to manage stress. Positive thoughts make exams feel more like a breeze. 

Talk it out: 

  • Share your feelings with your friends or family for a stress-relieving session. Vocalising concerns can be cathartic.                                                

Incorporating these practical tips into your routine will not only enhance your well-being but also optimise your chances of success. Best of luck on your exams! 

January exam timetable 2024 

For extra support, reach out to Student Advice and Wellbeing at or visit the student support webpages to find out about drop-in sessions and booking appointments with our advisors.  

For other advice on studying and acing assignments contact the Academic Achievement Team at 


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