Student Led European Youth Parliament Regional Debating Event

A European Youth Parliament (EYP) regional debating event was hosted on campus on Wednesday 28 February, organised by LJMU students Rachael Carroll and Zoe Woodward.  

Rachael, currently pursuing a BSc (Hons) in Geography, and Zoe, studying BA (Hons) in Sports Journalism, decided to put themselves forward to host the event after bonding over their shared passion for complex global issues and Rachael’s own experience participating in EYP debating events during her time at college.  

EYPUK is the UK’s National Committee under the umbrella of the European Youth Parliament and a registered educational charity. EYPUK orchestrates 15 regional debating competitions and two national sessions annually, engaging thousands of students nationwide. Their mission is to educate young minds on both national and international current affairs, inspiring them to become proactive members of society. 

Rachael's involvement with EYPUK began in early 2022 during her time at Birkenhead Sixth Form College, where she participated in a regional session in Merseyside as part of the debating team. Reflecting on her experience, she expressed how it significantly boosted her self-confidence and teamwork skills, amplifying her passion for researching and discussing global topics with peers. 

"The whole experience was amazing, it really helped develop my self-confidence and teamworking skills. This opportunity allowed me to further my passion for researching and discussing global topics with other young people." 

Following their regional success, Rachael and her team advanced to the National Merseyside session in September 2022 at Liverpool Hope University, "I got my first taste of university life as we stayed at Liverpool Hope University for three days." This experience not only cultivated new friendships but also provided a unique platform for collaboration with students from across the UK, reinforcing Rachael's determination to continue her involvement with EYPUK. 

"It encouraged making friends and working with people who you may never have met without EYPUK," Rachael emphasised. "I always knew I wanted to be a part of EYPUK again. My friends from Scotland who I met through my national session suggested I should apply to be Head Organiser, so I did." 

Rachael and Zoe met during fresher’s week here at LJMU when they began their studies and bonded over their shared love of complex global issues. 

Zoe readily accepted Rachael's invitation to put themselves forward and become event organisers for one of EYPUK’s regional events, "I think it's important that young people are aware of issues both nationally and internationally." 

Zoe believes that politics is a topic that you can’t run away from since it affects every aspect of life, sport included, “There are multiple examples you can use where sport and politics have collided, for example racism is an issue that sport has recognised and tried to promote change by kneeling before a football game in order to create awareness.” 

Zoe believes all young people should have some education in the political world and that the EYPUK is a great place to start. 

“As first-time organisers, Professor Joe Yates alongside the events team have been incredibly helpful during the planning process," Rachael acknowledged. "I initially met Professor Joe Yates through my involvement with the Liverpool Combined Authority Youth Group where I represented during the Cradle to Career Launch for Sefton and St. Helens." 

Dr Alex Miles, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor/Director of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences was the university representative and delivered a welcome speech at the event, commending the delegates for their impressive contributions.  

“It was lovely to provide the welcome comments for such an interesting and valuable event. I was impressed with the organisation of the event with clear thought having been given to creating a rigorous yet supportive forum for the exchange of ideas. All my expectations were exceeded when the first teams spoke on a debate about artificial intelligence, as they showcased their evident research and demonstrated an ability to talk in a passionate, informed manner that was an example in public speaking. The ability – and willingness – to expose their ideas and arguments in a large auditorium should not be under-estimated, yet they all did this with confidence and with a positive demeanour that did them and their colleges proud!” 

Lucy Owen, President and Head of the Jury, kicked off the event with a warm welcome, while Vice-President Sean Cadwallader joined in too. 

A total of 40 students from different schools showed up. Four schools brought eight-member teams, and Birkenhead Sixth Form College sent in two teams. 

Among the schools were Birkenhead High School, Carmel College, Chesterfield High School, and Liverpool College. 

The day was packed with six debates covering various topics like Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age (AIDA), The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), The Committee on Fisheries (PECH), and The Committee on Regional Development (REGI). 

The winners were Summer Nationals (AIDA) Liverpool College and Autumn Nationals (ENVI) Birkenhead Sixth Form College.  

The two winners will move on to the national session. They'll face off against schools from all over the UK. The winners of the national session will then head to another session in Europe plus standout individuals spotted by the jury at the national session might snag invites to other events across Europe. 

“Although I have never been a part of anything quite like the EYPUK, I think that what they are offering to young people in that respect is amazing and something everyone should be a part of at some point in their young lives. I'm honoured to be just one of the many people who are making this a reality,” said Zoe. 

To stay updated on future initiatives, visit EYPUK's Instagram account @eypuk and their website. 


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