Dr Alex Miles
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: A.Miles@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5940
Director of Humanities and Social Science
Alex is the Director of the school of Humanities and Social Science, providing leadership of a vibrant range of subject areas (Criminology, English, History, Media, Communication and Culture, Sociology) and a portfolio of degrees from Foundation entry, through to undergraduate and post-graduate level.
His research interests lie primarily in the field of contemporary US foreign policy and, particularly, the approach to international affairs adopted by the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. His work on this topic is the subject of a monograph, The Rise of the Rogue States Doctrine, which is published by Routledge.
With an interest, more broadly, in US Foreign policy and presidential power from the Cold War to the present day Alex has taught previously at the universities of Southampton and Salford and been a visiting public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.
Alex is willing to supervise doctoral candidates on issues relating to post-1945 US Politics and foreign policy or topics on specific presidents in the Cold War and post-Cold War era.
2010, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCERT Higher Education
2009, University of Salford, United Kingdom, PhD
2003, Keele University, United Kingdom, MA US History & Politics
2001, Keele University, United Kingdom, LLB Law & American Studies
2010, Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the HEA
Academic appointments
External Examiner, Sheffield Hallam University, 2014 - present
Books (authored)
Miles A. 2012. US Foreign Policy and the Rogue State Doctrine Routledge 9780415679749 DOI Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
'Not so special anymore? US-UK Relations ad the threat of Brexit, Brexit in a changing Geopolitical Context, Liverpool John Moores University, Redmonds Building, Oral presentation. 2017
Research Grants Awarded:
UACES, Brexit in a changing Geopolitical Context Funds awarded to host conference, Carlo Panara, Rex Li, Matt Hill, David Lowe, Grant value (£): 1500, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017
British International Studies Association, US and Rogue States, Grant value (£): 500, Duration of research project: 3.
Other invited event:
BISA US Foreign Policy Working Group Conference, LSE, London, 'Obama and the Outlier States' presentation. 2014
Arab Spring, Two Years on, School of Law, LJMU, Roundtable discussion of US response to the Arab Spring. 2014
BISA US Foreign Policy Working Group Conference, University of Birmingham, ‘The Invisible Man: Anthony Lake and Democratic Party foreign policy’ paper presented.. 2013
Research Seminar Series, Durham University, School of Government and International Affairs, Durham University, Invited lecture on 'Policymaking in the Shadows: Anthony Lake, from Vietnam to National Security Advisor’.. 2013
Book Launch, Institute for the Study of Americas, London, 'US Foreign Policy and the Rogue States doctrine’, Panel and Book Launch, with Professor Inderjeet Parmar and Professor John Dumbrell.. 2013
IJAS Conference, Harvard University, USA, 'Clinton, Bush and the Rogue States Doctrine’ paper presented. 2011
Woodrow Wilson Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson Center. 2011
Public Policy scholar in residence, Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, Washington, D.C., USA, http://www.wilsoncenter.org/staff/alex-miles. 2011
Teaching qualification:
PG CERT HE. 2010