I'm a PGR who has also gone through LJMU's English and Creative Writing undergrad and MA. I'm an aspiring author whose main focus is Fantasy/Sci-Fi and I'm currently trying to find an agent for my first duology. I'm also hoping to become a Creative Writing lecturer/tutor in the future as, while I'd love to live off my writing, I'm also well aware that doesn't often happen, especially overnight. Lecturing would let me work in a field I love while hopefully encouraging others to pursue their passions.
I was a finalist in the 2016 Pulp Idol competition, so the first chapter of my first book, Z'kani, is officially in print in their Pulp Idol Firsts: 10th Anniversary Edition. I also practice kendo/Japanese sword fighting with the Liverpol Kendo Club, over at the IM Marsh campus.
2017, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Merit MA Writing
2014, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, 2:1 BA (Joint Hons) English and Creative Writing
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
Academic appointments
Sessional Tutor, Liverpool Screen School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - 2020