Image of Dr Jo Frankham

Dr Jo Frankham

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

I am the Postgraduate Research Coordinator in the School of Education and, as such, oversee Research Students' support and development. I lead the Doctoral Study Group which focuses on research methodologies. My primary interest and experience is in the field of qualitative/interpretive approaches, with an emphasis on ethnography. I welcome informal enquiries from anyone wishing to study a Ph.D in education.

I was a middle school teacher in Norwich before doing my Ph.D in HIV prevention and AIDS education. I then worked in contract research for 6 years at the Centre for Applied Research in Education at the University of East Anglia, carrying out empirical research with teenagers and parents on sex and sexualities education and HIV/AIDS education. I moved to Manchester University, where I worked for ten years, to lead the Masters and Ph.D research training programmes. During that time, funded research included work with African-Caribbean young men in Manchester high schools (funded by Cariocca Education Trust), with ‘hard to reach’ young men on attitudes to health information and advice (funded by Knowsley Council) and case study work with children and young people who had been permanently excluded from school (funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation). I also led ESRC funded research which explored the rhetorics and realities of carrying out research in partnership with service users.

More recently I have carried out research on the policy context of continuing professional development of teachers in Higher Education. I received funding from the British Academy/Leverhulme to carry out a critical evaluation of the effects of the NSS on higher education. I have also published on the effects of The Teaching Excellence Framework on HE. I am currently writing a book about adoption, drawing on both personal experience and accounts about adoption in the public domain.

I am Editor (with Carrie Paechter) of the international journal Pedagogy, Culture and Society.


University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, Ph.D
University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, B.Ed (Hons)

Academic appointments

Reader in Educational Research, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
