Dr Naomi McLeod
School of Education
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: N.J.McLeod@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5370
I started my career as an early years and Key Stage 1 teacher in the North West of England. For many years I led Early Childhood Studies and the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Early Years Teacher Education programme at Liverpool Hope University. Most recently I am at Liverpool John Moores University teaching across Early Childhood and Education Studies and I lead the MA in International Approaches to Early Childhood Education. My doctorate focused on developing pedagogical participation for young children, and critical reflection as a tool for Continued Professional Development for early childhood educators across the sector. This focus on valuing children as agents of change and the need for reflexivity, continues to be a research interest evident in my published work and in the working partnerships I’ve developed with educators and creative professionals in the field of early years, creativity and participation. Most recently, I am the editor of ’Empowering Early Childhood Educators: International Pedagogy as Provocation’ (2019). I am currently leading a team of co-authors writing a book entitled ‘Global Perspectives of Early Childhood Education’ which is dues to be published in 2021.
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, Ed.D, Early Childhood Education
University of Liverpool,, United Kingdom, M.Sc, Education
University of Liverpool (St Katharine’s College) (Now Liverpool Hope University), united Kingdom, B.Ed Honours, University of Liverpool (St Katharine’s College
Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy, (SFHEA)
Academic appointments
Programme Lead for MA International Approaches to ECE / Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies, Education Health and Community, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
McLeod N, Ärlemalm-Hagsér E, Boyd D, Assunção Folque M, Kahriman D. 2023. Building knowledge and competence to promote sustainability in early childhood education – four European case studies Young Children and the Environment: Early Learning for Sustainability
Boyd D, McLeod N. 2021. Using an arts based, flexible approach to evaluate student’s interconnected learning of education for sustainability in Early Childhood. Filho WL, Salvia AL, Frankenberger F. Teaching and Sustainable Development: using the transformative power of teaching to raise awareness on sustainable development and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing. UK
Giardiello P, Karlsson Häikiö T, Härkönen U, Lohilahti L, McLeod N. 2019. A Finnish perspective of early childhood education Empowering Early Childhood Educators :138-154 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod N, Karlsson Häikiö T. 2019. Democracy and participation in early childhood education Empowering Early Childhood Educators :63-92 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod N, Giardiello P. 2019. The purpose of education today Empowering Early Childhood Educators :11-35 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod N, Giardiello P. 2019. Afterword Empowering Early Childhood Educators :244-245 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod N, Karlsson Häikiö T, Mårtensson P. 2019. Hope for the future Empowering Early Childhood Educators :222-243 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod N, Giardiello P. 2019. Introduction Empowering Early Childhood Educators :1-8 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
McLeod NJ. 2016. Education as a philosophical endeavour. In: Philosophy for children in teacher education: Creating the conditions for learning Routledge 978-1-315-64031-0
Rodrigues S, McLeod NJ. 2014. The Reflective Teacher Handbook for Teacher Education Rotterdam: Sense Publishers 978-94-6209-693-6
Ng W, Murphy C, Mccullagh J, Doherty A, Mcleod N. 2014. Developing Reflective Practice Handbook for Teacher Educators :33-48 SensePublishers DOI Publisher Url
Giardiello P, Parr E, Mcleod N, Redman C. 2014. Understanding Pedagogy Handbook for Teacher Educators :15-32 SensePublishers DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
McLeod N, Okon E, Garrison D, Boyd D, Daly A. 2023. Global Perspectives of Early Childhood Education: valuing local cultures McLeod N, Daly A. Sage. London
McLeod N, Okon E, Garrison D, Boyd D, Daly A. 2023. Global Perspectives of Early Childhood Education: valuing local cultures McLeod N, Daly A. Sage. London
McLeod N, Giardiello P. 2019. Empowering Early Childhood Educators: International Pedagogies as Provocation. McLeod N, Giardiello P. Routledge
McLeod N, Giardiello P. 2019. Empowering Early Childhood Educators: International Pedagogies as Provocation. McLeod N, Giardiello P. Routledge
Journal article
McLeod N, Stockell K, Astbury E, McCann J. 2020. Nurturing young children’s self-identity and respect for difference through artwork as a provocation using philosophical enquiry: a pilot study Early Years: an international journal of research and development, :1-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McLeod N, Anderson B. 2019. Towards an understanding of ‘school’ readiness: collective interpretations and priorities Educational Action Research, :1-19 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McLeod NJ, N Wright D, McCall K, Fuji FM, McLeod NJ. 2017. Visual rhythms: facilitating young children’s creative engagement at Tate Liverpool European Early Childhood Educational Research Journal., 26 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McLeod N. 2015. Reflecting on reflection: improving teachers’ readiness to facilitate participatory learning with young children Professional Development in Education, 41 :254-272 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McLeod N. 2011. Exploring Early Years educators' ownership of language and communication knowledge and skills: a review of key policy and initial reflections onEvery Child a Talkerand its implementation Education 3-13, 39 :429-445 DOI Publisher Url
Gallard D, Daly A, Wood P, McLeod N. 2016. Transitions for people alongside process: the journey of SPARK to Open Journal. LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference.
External committees:
External Examiner, University of Bolton, External Examiner for MA Global Educational Leadership and MA Inclusive Education Practice (New York College Athens and Thessaloniki). 2021
Early Childhood Degree Network Sustainability Working Group, ECDN. 2021
Advisory Board for Children’s Centres in Knowsley, Knowsley Children's Centres, Emeritus Board Member for the Advisory Board for Children’s Centres in Knowsley. 2010
Advisory Board for Children’s Centres in Knowsley, Knowsley LA Children's Centres, Emeritus Board Member for the Advisory Board for Children’s Centres in Knowsley - with a focus on research informing practice. Ongoing. 2010
Hope One World (Charity), Hope One World (Charity), Trustee, http://www.hopeoneworld.org.uk/. 2003
Conference presentation:
Interconnected Learning of Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood Education, CERES Research Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2021
Towards a collective understanding of ‘school’ readiness: Collective interpretations and priorities, Hope EECERA Holistic Well-being SIG Debates in child and family well-being, Liverpool Hope University, Oral presentation. 2018
Nurturing young children’s sense of self through artwork as a provocation and philosophical enquiry, LJMU EHC Research Conference, Crowne Plaza, Oral presentation. 2018
'Nurturing a sense of self in young children through artwork as a provocation for philosophical enquiry', European Early Childhood Educational Research Association, Bologna, Italy, Oral presentation. 2017
Visual rhythms: Facilitating young children’s creative engagement at Tate Liverpool, European Early Childhood Educational Research Association, Dublin University, Oral presentation. 2017
'Nurturing a sense of self in young children through artwork as a provocation for philosophical enquiry' Initial findings, ‘Young People in a changing world: Action, Agency and Participation’ conference’, Liverpool Hope University, Oral presentation. 2016
Patterns and Rhythms: Facilitating Young children’s creative engagement at Tate Liverpool, International Journal of Arts and Education (iJADE) conference, Tate Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2014
Evoking New Ways of Seeing Through Creative Hermeneutic Methods: Working With Teachers to Improve Participatory Teaching with Young Children, European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Istanbul university, Oral presentation. 2013
A fresh take on Reflection: Working with Teachers to improve Participatory Practice with Young Children, European Conference for Educational Research (ECER), Cadiz University Spain, Oral presentation. 2012
How can an examination provide opportunities for reflection?, Writing Development in Higher Education (WDHE), Liverpool Hope University, Oral presentation. 2012
Evoking new ways of seeing and being: personal reflections on emancipatory and transformational action learning through creative hermeneutic approaches, Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN), University of Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2010
‘The experience of transformational learning and critically creative action to build research capacity’, Enhancing Practice: Creating innovative, creative and strategic healthcare, social care and education practice’, Belfast University, Northern Ireland, Oral presentation. 2010
Reflection through recording, Writing Development in Higher Education, Royal College of Nursing, London, Oral presentation. 2010
Other Professional Activity:
Review of Journal Article Role of Art Programs in Young Children’s Social-Emotional Learning" for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. 2021
Review for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. ‘The Creativity Has No End: Learning from the Lillian de Lissa & Belgravia Children’s Centre".. 2020
PhD supervision completion: Thesis entitled: ‘Beyond Words: Engaging young children and families in gallery education’ March 2020. 2020
Review of Journal Article for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. The role of the medium for verbal engagement: Shared reading in groups with books and apps in Norwegian ECEC institutions. 2020
Peer Review Journal Article: Review for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. ‘The Creativity Has No End: Learning from the Lillian de Lissa & Belgravia Children’s Centre".
Peer Review of Journal Article: Review for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. Mannuscript entitles A Comparison of Montessori and Traditionally Schooled Nursery Children on Social Skills and Creativity.
Peer Review of Journal Article: Review of manuscript, entitled "The Test Of Creative Imagination: Making The Test Suitable To The 5-6-Year-Old Age Group" for European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. (Nov 2016).
Reviewer for Early Childhood Research Journal “Is there a home advantage in school readiness for young children? Trends in parent engagement in cognitive activities with young children”.
Reviewer for Early Childhood Research Journal ''Experiences of teacher reflection: Reggio Inspired Practice in the Studio”.
Reviewer for Early Childhood Research Journal Maslow’s Hierarchy Applied to Early Childhoo.
Reviewer for Early Childhood Research Journal "Collaborative Practices of Pre School Children in Mathematical Tasks” (2015).
Routledge book proposal review by Gilbert Burgh and Simone Thornton entitled Philosophical Inquiry with Children: An Australian history dedicated to creating an inquiring society. (Nov, 2016).
Research Grants Awarded:
Internal QR Research Fund, Insights into how positive relationships (through valuing personal, social and emotional development) can enhance Early Childhood Education and Care for children in rural Ghana, Grant value (£): £2000. 2020
Curriculum Enhancement Internship Faculty funding, (Evaluating) Quality Approaches to Early Childhood Education and Care in Ghana, Grant value (£): £1000. 2019
FREE funding (Faculty Research and Enterprise Excellence) (Successful), Nurturing a sense of self in young children through artwork as a provocation for philosophical enquiry., Kathy Stokell – ITE LJMU Liz Astbury – Early Years ITE LJMU Katy McCall – Early Years and Families curator at Tate Liverpool Julie McCann – Philosophy 4 Children – School Improvement, Liverpool, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: January - July 2016. 2016
FREE Funding (Faculty Research and Enterprise Excellence), Nurturing a sense of self in young children through artwork as a provocation for philosophical enquiry., Naomi McLeod – Early Childhood Studies LJMU Kathy Stokell – ITE LJMU Liz Astbury – Early Years ITE LJMU Katy McCall – Early Years and Families curator at Tate Liverpool Julie McCann – Philosophy 4 Children – School Improvement, Liverpool, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2016
In house Northampton University Research Grant, closing the attainment gap’ / improving the attainment of disadvantaged children, Eunice Lumsden, University of Northampton, Jackie Musgrave, University of Worcester and Naomi McLeod, Liverpool John Moores University d), Grant value (£): 3,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2015
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), closing the attainment gap’ / improving the attainment of disadvantaged children, Prof Tim Cain, Grant value (£): £9,000. 2014
Knowsley Children’s Centres’ Leadership Fund, School Readiness: Creating a transition toolkit for Early Years Knowsely LA., Babs Anderson, Grant value (£): £4,000, Duration of research project: December 2016. 2013
Knowsley Local Authority / Children's Services, School Readiness: How can we improve our practice, Naomi McLeod and Babs Anderson, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 2016. 2013
Knowsley Chhildren’s Centres’ Leadership Fund, School Readiness: How can we improve our practice? (Phase 1) Facilitate 2 Separate collaborative research enquiry projects – one with Halewood and one with Kirkby, Babs Anderson, Grant value (£): £6,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012
Creative Partnerships and Knowsley LA, Creativity Speaks for Itse, Naomi McLeod, Grant value (£): £12,000. 2006
Creative Partnerships and Knowsley LA, Phase 1 – Creativity Speaks for Itself, Patricia Giardiello, Babs Anderson, Grant value (£): £12,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2006
edagogical Action Research Grant, Network of Hope and the response by students to LearnWise as a method of learning, Grant value (£): £1000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2004
Pedagogical Action Research Grant Liverpool Hope University, Network of Hope and the response by students to LearnWise as a method of learning, Naomi McLeod, Grant value (£): £1,500. 2004
LJMU Internal QR Research Fund:, Insights into how positive relationships (through valuing personal, social and emotional development) can enhance Early Childhood Education and Care for children in rural Ghana, Grant value (£): £2000.
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.