Dr Jack Sugden
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: J.T.Sugden@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5221
A senior lecturer in sport management and law at LJMU since 2021 Jack also has 11 years’ experience working in the sport for development and peace field. He has managed, coordinated and researched such projects in Israel/Palestine, South Africa, West Africa, Jordan, Northern Ireland, and most recently Colombia.
Jack is a founding member of the 'Action for Refugees’ network and has undergone participant ethnographies into rugby and identity in Fiji and mental health in mixed martial arts. Most recently Jack has been working closely with the Fans Supporting Foodbanks movement to help them measure their impact and grow their influence as part of the '#Right to Food' campaign. His research interests lie sport, power and politics and his ongoing work around sport for social change and advocacy for reform in global sport governance.
Prior to teaching at LJMU Jack was a lecturer in sport management and development at Edge Hill University which he joined in 2016. Prior to this Jack taught sport sociology while completing his PhD in sport development and management at The University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
2017, The University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, PhD
2012, Queens University, Belfast, United Kingdom, Masters in Comparative Ethnic Conflict
2009, The university of Manchester, United Kingdom, BA Hons International Politics
Sugden J. 2024. Untangling complexity: The ethnic, gender and class dimensions in Fijian sport and society Kanemasu Y, Besnier N. Towards a Pacific Island Sociology of Sport: Seeking New Horizons 22 Emerald Insight. Leeds, United Kingdom DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden J, Schulenkorf N, Sugden J. 2024. Sport for Development: History, Themes, and Lessons Learnt Sherry E, Schulenkorf N, Phillips P, Rowe K. Managing Sport Development An International Approach Routledge. London 9781003303411 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Schulenkorf N, Sugden J, Sugden J. 2024. Sport for Development: History, Themes, and Lessons Learnt Managing Sport Development: An International Approach, Second Edition :124-138 DOI
Sugden JT, Sugden JP. 2023. Peace and reconciliation - Critical reflections across theory and practice Schulenkorf N, Wealty Peachy J, Spaaij R, Collison-Randall H. Handbook of Sport and International Development :176-186 Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham 9781800378919 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden JT, Sugden J. 2020. Critical reflections on the future of global sport governance in a post-Covid-19 world Paul P, Brody R, Bo L. Sport and the Pandemic Perspectives on Covid-19's Impact on the Sport Industry Routledge 9780367616656 Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden J, Spacey G. 2016. Football 4 Peace: An Activity-Based Community Relations and Reconciliation Initiative Conrad D, White A. Sports-Based Health Interventions Case Studies from Around the World :117-128 Springer 9781461459958
Schulenkorf N, Sugden J, Sugden J. 2016. Sport for conflict resolution and peace building Managing Sport Development :147-158 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Lakisa D, Sugden J, McDonald B. Stairway to heaven: Pasifika rugby migration and athlete welfare Melanie L. Routledge Handbook of Athlete Welfare
Sugden J, Faulkner C, Gransden C, Hindmarsh M. 2023. Fans Supporting Foodbanks Impact and Pantry Use in the Liverpool City Region
Sugden J. Play Life: Values-based Life Skills Training through Physical Activity for Children Play Life: Values-based Life Skills Training through Physical Activity for Children
Journal article
Sugden JT, Sheps S, Sugden J. 2023. Assessing governance without government: A proposal for the International Council of Sport Governance International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden J. 2021. Fight the biopower! Mixed martial arts as resistance Sugden J. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden J. 2020. Jiu-jitsu and society: Male mental health on the mats Sociology of Sport Journal, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden JT, Schulenkorf N, Adair D, Frawley S. 2020. The role of sport in reflecting and shaping group dynamics: The “intergroup relations continuum” and its application to Fijian rugby and soccer Sport Management Review, 23 :271-283 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden JT, Kanemasu Y, Adair D. 2020. Indo-Fijian women and sportive activity: A critical race feminism approach International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 55 :767-787 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden JT. 2020. Sport and ethno-racial formation: imagined distance in Fiji Sport in Society, :1-20 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sugden JT, Adair D, Schulenkorf N, Frawley S. 2019. Exploring Sport and Intergroup Relations in Fiji: Guidance for Researchers Undertaking Short-Term Ethnography Sociology of Sport Journal, 36 :277-288 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Reeves MJ, Hayton JW. 2016. Sport Development 101 Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url
Sugden J. Sport and Integration: An exploration of group identity and intergroup relations in Fiji Schulenkorf NICO, Adair DARYL, Frawley STEVE, Edwards DEBORAH.
Rising star award, Liverpool Business School. 2024
LBS Sustainability in Research and Knowledge Exchange Award, Liverpool Business School. 2023
2016 Research Award - $2000, Sport Management Australia and New Zealand, https://www.smaanz.org/smaanz-awards-and-grants-information. 2016
Teaching qualification:
Certified Management and Business Educator. 2024
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, local adults, volunteers, foodbank organisers, member of parliament, councillor, Merseyside Health Minister, Organiser and speaker, CASA, 29 Hope Street, Fans Supporting Foodbanks reaserch and impact presentation, Fans Supporting Foodbanks presentation of research and impact to local volunteers, MPs, health minister and councillors. 2024
Media Coverage:
Wrote a long read/insights piece for The Conversation around the research I am leading into Fans Supporting Foodbanks 2023
Article in The Conversation 2020
External PGR examinations performed:
Western University, Sydney, PhD, Indo-Fijian Women as Subversive Bodies in Fiji’s Sporting Arena: An Arts-based Study. 2022
The University of Adelaide, PhD, Sport and Livelihoods of Young People in Suva, Fiji: A Sustainable Livelihoods Analysis. 2022
The University of Ulster, PhD, An Analysis of the Management Process in Sport for Development Projects in Northern Ireland. 2021
Fiji National University, PhD, The phenomenon of forced migration: A socio-economic and cultural journey of the internally displaced Indo-Fijian farmers. 2017
External collaboration:
https://ljmu-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/lbsjsugd_ljmu_ac_uk/EdNDNhihh-xAqItYS1KctmYBxt5KDtNKFbRprSoozo8wsw?e=5cuHMY, Parliment, MP Ian Byrne - statement of impact. 2022
https://fundacionbuenpunto.org/, The Colombian ministry of sport - Coldeportes, FUNDACION BUEN PUNTO. 2020
Research Grants Awarded:
British Academy, ‘Fans Supporting Foodbanks’: civil society activism and resistance through sport, Dr Clay Gransden LJMU, Dr Matthew Hindmarsh LJMU, Grant value (£): 8,000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022
External committees:
Directors board, Football for Peace International, Director, https://www.football4peace.org.uk/. 2016