Image of Dr Marcus Hansen

Dr Marcus Hansen

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

See My Tutor



Motalebi P, Nolan S, Hansen M, Neiva Ganga R. 2024. Evaluation of House of Memories: Online Dementia Awareness Training for Nursing Students in Higher Education Publisher Url Public Url

Motalebi P, Nolan S, Hansen M, Neiva R, Davies L. 2024. Evaluation of House of Memories Cymru Publisher Url Public Url

Rickly J, Halpern N, Hansen M, Fellenor J. 2020. Covid-19: the effects of isolation and social distancing on people with vision impairment Covid-19: the effects of isolation and social distancing on people with vision impairment DOI Publisher Url

Rickly J, Halpern N, McCabe S, Hansen M. 2020. Guide dogs on holiday: Guide dog owner experiences in the travel and tourism sector Guide Dogs on Holiday: Guide dog owner experiences in the travel and tourism sector DOI Publisher Url

Journal article

Garrod B, Hansen M. 2024. Learning to dance the interview dance: the job interview as an obstacle to employment for autistic university graduates Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Watson J, Hanna K, Talbot C, Hansen M, Cannon J, Caprioli T, Gabbay M, Komuravelli A, Eley R, Tetlow H, Giebel C. 2024. A systematic review of digital access to post-diagnostic health and social care services for dementia International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Duignan MB, Zou S, Park J, Everett S, Walsh L, Page S, Fyall A, Hansen M. 2023. How do event zones influence visitor behaviour and engagement with host destinations? A longitudinal study of the Cambridge half marathon (2017–2020) Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 30 :100798-100798 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tomej K, Hansen M, Blichfeldt BS. 2023. Travel information needs of informal carers of people living with dementia Current Issues in Tourism, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Duignan MB, Brittain I, Hansen M, Fyall A, Gerard S, Page S. 2023. Leveraging accessible tourism development through mega-events, and the disability-attitude gap Tourism Management, 99 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Rickly JM, Halpern N, Hansen M, Welsman J. 2022. Traveling with a guide dog: Confidence, constraints and affective qualities of the human-guide dog relationship Tourism Management, 93 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Fyall A, Macpherson R, Horley J. 2021. The role of occupational therapy in accessible tourism Annals of Tourism Research, 90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Halpern N, Rickly JM, Hansen M, Fellenor J. 2021. COVID-19 and vision impairment: Constraints negotiation, participation, and well-being during lockdown in the United Kingdom British Journal of Visual Impairment, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rickly JM, Halpern N, Hansen M, Welsman J. 2021. Travelling with a Guide Dog: Experiences of People with Vision Impairment Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Fyall A, Spyriadis T. 2020. From finance to adventure: using ERM as a framework in adventure tourism Managing Sport and Leisure, 27 :540-557 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Fyall A, Spyriadis T. 2020. Adventure or amusement? Image and identity challenges for the aerial adventure industry and implications for positioning and policy Anatolia, 31 :423-435 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Rogers D, Fyall A, Spyriadis T, Brander-Brown J. 2019. Collaborative industry risk management in adventure tourism: A case study of the US aerial adventure industry JOURNAL OF OUTDOOR RECREATION AND TOURISM-RESEARCH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Hansen M, Fyall A, Spyriadis T, Rogers D, Brander-Brown J. 2019. Motivating stakeholder collaboration within the aerial adventure industry International Journal of Tourism Research, 21 :311-322 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Hjalager A-M, Fyall A. Adventure tourism innovation: Benefitting or hampering operations? Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Books (authored)

Pillmayer M, Hansen M, Karl M. 2024. Tourism Destination Development A Geographic Perspective on Destination Management and Tourist Demand 9783110794021


Hansen M, Pillmayer M, Karl M. 2024. The Contribution of Academia to Destination Development Tourism Destination Development A Geographic Perspective on Destination Management and Tourist Demand :1-10 De Gruyter 9783110794021

Hansen M, Pillmayer M, Karl M. 2024. The Contribution of Academia to Destination Development Pillmayer M, Karl M, Hansen M. Tourism Destination Development A Geographic Perspective on Destination Management and Tourist Demand 9783110794021

Halpern N, Garrod B, Rickly J, Hansen M. 2024. Tourism Promotional Materials: Examining the Intersections of Accessibility and Inclusion Pillmayer M, Karl M, Hansen M. Tourism Destination Development A Geographic Perspective on Destination Management and Tourist Demand Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG 9783110794090

Hansen M. 2022. Dementia-friendly heritage visitor attractions: a case study of the National Trust Fyall A, Garrod B, Leask A, Wanhill S. Managing Visitor Attractions Routledge DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M. 2022. Managing Safety, Security and Risk at Visitor Attractions Fyall A, Garrod B, Leask A, Wanhill S. Managing Visitor Attractions Routledge 9781000570724 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M. 2022. Case Study Managing Visitor Attractions :399-405 Taylor & Francis DOI

Eide D, Hjalager A-M, Hansen M. 2022. Innovative Certifications in Adventure Tourism: Attributes and Diffusion Augusto-Costa R, Brandao F, Breda Z, Costa C. Planning and Managing the Experience Economy in Tourism :161-175 IGI Global 9781799887751 DOI Publisher Url

Hansen M. 2022. Managing Safety, Security, and Risk at Visitor Attractions Managing Visitor Attractions, 3rd Edition :180-196 DOI Publisher Url

Hansen M. 2022. Case Study: Dementia-friendly Heritage Visitor Attractions: A Case Study of the National Trust Managing Visitor Attractions, 3rd Edition :400-406 DOI Publisher Url

Hansen M, Fyall A, Leask A, Wardrop K. 2021. Creating Dementia-Friendly Destinations in Scotland Duignan MB. Managing Events, Festivals and the Visitor Economy Concepts, Collaborations and Cases :17-36 CABI 9781789242843 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Eide D, Hjalager A-M, Hansen M. 2021. Innovative Certifications in Adventure Tourism Advances in Hospitality, Tourism, and the Services Industry :161-175 IGI Global 9781799887751 DOI Publisher Url

Hansen M. 2021. Accessible Tourist Experiences Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience Routledge 9781032114255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hansen M, Rickly J, Halpern N, McCabe S. 2021. A working holiday: from home to destination with a guide dog Rickly J, Kline C. Exploring non-human work in tourism From beasts of burden to animal ambassadors Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG 9783110660043 DOI Publisher Url


Rickly J, Hansen M. 2023. Tourism Geographies and accessible tourism Hansen M, Rickly J. Tourism Geographies: an international journal of tourism place, space and the environment, Publisher Url
