Image of Dr Conor Omand

Dr Conor Omand

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


Srinivasaragavan GP, Yang S, Anand S, Sollerman J, Ho AYQ, Corsi A, Cenko SB, Perley D, Schulze S, Sanchez-Fleming M, Pope J, Sarin N, Omand C, Das KK, Fremling C, Andreoni I, Bruch R, Burdge KB, De K, Gal-Yam A, Gangopadhyay A, Graham MJ, Jencson JE, Karambelkar V, Kasliwal MM, Kulkarni SR, Martikainen J, Sharma YS, Tzanidakis A, Yan L, Yao Y, Bellm EC, Groom SL, Masci FJ, Nir G, Purdum J, Smith R, Sravan N. 2024. Optical and Radio Analysis of Systemically Classified Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae from the Zwicky Transient Facility Author Url

Omand CMB, Sarin N, Temim T. 2024. SN 1054 as a Pulsar-Driven Supernova: Implications for the Crab Pulsar and Remnant Evolution Author Url

Gkini A, Lunnan R, Schulze S, Dessart L, Brennan SJ, Sollerman J, Pessi PJ, Nichol M, Yan L, Omand CMB, Kangas T, Moore T, Anderson JP, Chen T-W, Gonzalez EP, Gromadzki M, Gutiérrez CP, Hiramatsu D, Howell DA, Ihanec N, Inserra C, McCully C, Müller-Bravo TE, Pellegrino C, Pignata G, Pursiainen M, Young DR. 2023. SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines Author Url Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Sarin N. 2023. A Generalized Semi-Analytic Model for Magnetar-Driven Supernovae Author Url Publisher Url

Schweyer T, Sollerman J, Jerkstrand A, Ergon M, Chen T-W, Omand CMB, Schulze S, Coughlin MW, Andreoni I, Fremling C, Rau A, Sharma Y, Strotjohann NL, Yan L, Graham MJ, Kasliwal MM, Laher RR, Purdum J, Rosnet P, Rusholme B, Smith R. 2023. SN 2019odp: A Massive Oxygen-Rich Type Ib Supernova Author Url

Anand S, Barnes J, Yang S, Kasliwal MM, Coughlin MW, Sollerman J, De K, Fremling C, Corsi A, Ho AYQ, Balasubramanian A, Omand C, Srinivasaragavan GP, Cenko SB, Ahumada T, Andreoni I, Dahiwale A, Das KK, Jencson J, Karambelkar V, Kumar H, Metzger BD, Perley D, Sarin N, Schweyer T, Schulze S, Sharma Y, Sit T, Stein R, Tartaglia L, Tinyanont S, Tzanidakis A, Roestel JV, Yao Y, Bloom JS, Cook DO, Dekany R, Graham MJ, Groom SL, Kaplan DL, Masci FJ, Medford MS, Riddle R, Zhang C. 2023. Collapsars as Sites of r-process Nucleosynthesis: Systematic Near-Infrared Follow-up of Type Ic-BL Supernovae Author Url Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Jerkstrand A. 2022. Towards Nebular Spectral Modeling of Magnetar-Powered Supernovae Author Url Publisher Url

Kool EC, Johansson J, Sollerman J, Moldón J, Moriya TJ, Schulze S, Chomiuk L, Harris C, Pérez-Torres M, Mattila S, Lundqvist P, Graham M, Yang S, Perley DA, Strotjohann NL, Fremling C, Gal-Yam A, Lezmy J, Maguire K, Omand C, Smith M, Andreoni I, Bellm EC, De K, Bloom JS, Groom SL, Kasliwal MM, Masci F, Medford M, Park S, Purdum J, Reynolds TM, Riddle R, Robert E, Ryder SD, Sharma Y, Stern D. 2022. A radio-detected Type Ia supernova with helium-rich circumstellar material Author Url Publisher Url

Sarin N, Omand CMB, Margalit B, Jones DI. 2022. On the diversity of magnetar-driven kilonovae Author Url Publisher Url

West SL, Lunnan R, Omand CMB, Kangas T, Schulze S, Strotjohann N, Yang S, Fransson C, Sollerman J, Perley D, Yan L, Chen T-W, Chen ZH, Taggart K, Fremling C, Bloom JS, Drake A, Graham MJ, Kasliwal MM, Laher R, Medford MS, Neill JD, Riddle R, Shupe D. 2022. SN2020qlb: A hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with well-characterized light curve undulations Author Url Publisher Url

Ayache EH, Omand CMB. 2022. Generating Scientific Articles with Machine Learning Author Url

Poidevin F, Omand CMB, Pérez-Fournon I, Clavero R, Shirley R, Marques-Chaves R, Angel CJ, Geier S. 2022. Post maximum light and late time optical imaging polarimetry of type I superluminous supernova 2020znr Author Url Publisher Url

Murase K, Omand CMB, Coppejans DL, Nagai H, Bower GC, Chornock R, Fox DB, Kashiyama K, Law C, Margutti R, Meszaros P. 2021. ALMA and NOEMA constraints on synchrotron nebular emission from embryonic superluminous supernova remnants and radio-gamma-ray connection Author Url Publisher Url

Law CJ, Omand CMB, Kashiyama K, Murase K, Bower GC, Aggarwal K, Burke-Spolaor S, Butler BJ, Demorest P, Lazio TJW, Linford J, Tendulkar SP, Rupen MP. 2019. A Search for Late-Time Radio Emission and Fast Radio Bursts from Superluminous Supernovae Author Url Publisher Url

Omand C, Kashiyama K, Murase K. 2018. Dust formation in embryonic pulsar-aided supernova remnants Author Url Publisher Url

Nishino M, Rikvold PA, Omand C, Miyashita S. 2018. Multistability in an unusual phase diagram induced by the competition between antiferromagnetic-like short-range and ferromagnetic-like long-range interactions Author Url Publisher Url

Elenbaas C, Huppenkothen D, Omand C, Watts AL, Bissaldi E, Caiazzo I, Heyl J. 2017. Magnetar giant flare high-energy emission Author Url Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Kashiyama K, Murase K. 2017. Radio Emission from Embryonic Super-Luminous Supernova Remnants Author Url Publisher Url

Asvathaman A, Omand C, Barton A, Heyl JS. 2016. A Fast Algorithm for Finding Point Sources in the Fermi Data Stream: FermiFAST Author Url Publisher Url

Rikvold PA, Brown G, Miyashita S, Omand C, Nishino M. 2015. Equilibrium, Metastability, and Hysteresis in a Model Spin-crossover Material with Nearest-neighbor Antiferromagnetic-like and Long-range Ferromagnetic-like Interactions Author Url Publisher Url

Dicaire NM, Omand C, Navratil P. 2014. Alternative similarity renormalization group generators in nuclear structure calculations Author Url Publisher Url

Omand C, Balogh M, Poggianti B. 2014. The connection between galaxy structure and quenching efficiency Author Url Publisher Url

Journal article

Sarin N, Hübner M, Omand CMB, Setzer CN, Schulze S, Adhikari N, Sagués-Carracedo A, Galaudage S, Wallace WF, Lamb GP, Lin ET. 2024. REDBACK: a Bayesian inference software package for electromagnetic transients Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 531 :1203-1227 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Gkini A, Lunnan R, Schulze S, Dessart L, Brennan SJ, Sollerman J, Pessi PJ, Nicholl M, Yan L, Omand CMB, Kangas T, Moore T, Anderson JP, Chen TW, Gonzalez EP, Gromadzki M, Gutiérrez CP, Hiramatsu D, Howell DA, Ihanec N, Inserra C, McCully C, Müller-Bravo TE, Pellegrino C, Pignata G, Pursiainen M, Young DR. 2024. SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines Astronomy and Astrophysics, 685 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Schulze S, Fransson C, Kozyreva A, Chen TW, Yaron O, Jerkstrand A, Gal-Yam A, Sollerman J, Yan L, Kangas T, Leloudas G, Omand CMB, Smartt SJ, Yang Y, Nicholl M, Sarin N, Yao Y, Brink TG, Sharon A, Rossi A, Chen P, Chen Z, Cikota A, De K, Drake AJ, Filippenko AV, Fremling C, Fréour L, Fynbo JPU, Ho AYQ, Inserra C, Irani I, Kuncarayakti H, Lunnan R, Mazzali P, Ofek EO, Palazzi E, Perley DA, Pursiainen M, Rothberg B, Shingles LJ, Smith K, Taggart K, Tartaglia L, Zheng WK, Anderson JP, Cassara L, Christensen E, Djorgovski SG, Galbany L, Gkini A, Graham MJ, Gromadzki M, Groom SL, Hiramatsu D, Howell DA, Kasliwal MM, McCully C, Müller-Bravo TE, Paiano S, Paraskeva E, Pessi PJ, Polishook D, Rau A, Rigault M, Rusholme B. 2024. 1100 days in the life of the supernova 2018ibb The best pair-instability supernova candidate, to date Astronomy & Astrophysics, 683 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Anand S, Barnes J, Yang S, Kasliwal MM, Coughlin MW, Sollerman J, De K, Fremling C, Corsi A, Ho AYQ, Balasubramanian A, Omand C, Srinivasaragavan GP, Cenko SB, Ahumada T, Andreoni I, Dahiwale A, Das KK, Jencson J, Karambelkar V, Kumar H, Metzger BD, Perley D, Sarin N, Schweyer T, Schulze S, Sharma Y, Sit T, Stein R, Tartaglia L, Tinyanont S, Tzanidakis A, van Roestel J, Yao Y, Bloom JS, Cook DO, Dekany R, Graham MJ, Groom SL, Kaplan DL, Masci FJ, Medford MS, Riddle R, Zhang C. 2024. Collapsars as Sites of r-process Nucleosynthesis: Systematic Photometric Near-infrared Follow-up of Type Ic-BL Supernovae The Astrophysical Journal, 962 :68-68 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Omand CMB, Sarin N. 2023. A generalized semi-analytic model for magnetar-driven supernovae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 :6455-6472 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ho AYQ, Perley DA, Chen P, Schulze S, Dhillon V, Kumar H, Suresh A, Swain V, Bremer M, Smartt SJ, Anderson JP, Anupama GC, Awiphan S, Barway S, Bellm EC, Ben-Ami S, Bhalerao V, de Boer T, Brink TG, Burruss R, Chandra P, Chen TW, Chen WP, Cooke J, Coughlin MW, Das KK, Drake AJ, Filippenko AV, Freeburn J, Fremling C, Fulton MD, Gal-Yam A, Galbany L, Gao H, Graham MJ, Gromadzki M, Gutiérrez CP, Hinds KR, Inserra C, A J N, Karambelkar V, Kasliwal MM, Kulkarni S, Müller-Bravo TE, Magnier EA, Mahabal AA, Moore T, Ngeow CC, Nicholl M, Ofek EO, Omand CMB, Onori F, Pan YC, Pessi PJ, Petitpas G, Polishook D, Poshyachinda S, Pursiainen M, Riddle R, Rodriguez AC, Rusholme B, Segre E, Sharma Y, Smith KW, Sollerman J, Srivastav S, Strotjohann NL, Suhr M, Svinkin D, Wang Y, Wiseman P, Wold A, Yang S, Yang Y, Yao Y, Young DR, Zheng WK. 2023. Minutes-duration optical flares with supernova luminosities Nature, 623 :927-931 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Margutti R, Bright JS, Matthews DJ, Coppejans DL, Alexander KD, Berger E, Bietenholz M, Chornock R, DeMarchi L, Drout MR, Eftekhari T, Jacobson-Galán WV, Laskar T, Milisavljevic D, Murase K, Nicholl M, Omand CMB, Stroh M, Terreran G, VanderLey BA. 2023. Luminous Radio Emission from the Superluminous Supernova 2017ens at 3.3 yr after Explosion Astrophysical Journal Letters, 954 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Corsi A, Ho AYQ, Cenko SB, Kulkarni SR, Anand S, Yang S, Sollerman J, Srinivasaragavan GP, Omand CMB, Balasubramanian A, Frail DA, Fremling C, Perley DA, Yao Y, Dahiwale AS, De K, Dugas A, Hankins M, Jencson J, Kasliwal MM, Tzanidakis A, Bellm EC, Laher RR, Masci FJ, Purdum JN, Regnault N. 2023. A Search for Relativistic Ejecta in a Sample of ZTF Broad-lined Type Ic Supernovae Astrophysical Journal, 953 :1-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Poidevin F, Omand CMB, Könyves-Tóth R, Pérez-Fournon I, Clavero R, Geier S, Jimenez Angel C, Marques-Chaves R, Shirley R. 2023. Optical polarization and spectral properties of the hydrogen-poor superluminous supernovae SN 2021bnw and SN 2021fpl Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521 :5418-5439 DOI Publisher Url

Kool EC, Johansson J, Sollerman J, Moldón J, Moriya TJ, Mattila S, Schulze S, Chomiuk L, Pérez-Torres M, Harris C, Lundqvist P, Graham M, Yang S, Perley DA, Strotjohann NL, Fremling C, Gal-Yam A, Lezmy J, Maguire K, Omand C, Smith M, Andreoni I, Bellm EC, Bloom JS, De K, Groom SL, Kasliwal MM, Masci FJ, Medford MS, Park S, Purdum J, Reynolds TM, Riddle R, Robert E, Ryder SD, Sharma Y, Stern D. 2023. A radio-detected type Ia supernova with helium-rich circumstellar material Nature, 617 :477-482 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Omand CMB, Jerkstrand A. 2023. Toward nebular spectral modeling of magnetar-powered supernovae Astronomy & Astrophysics, 673 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

West SL, Lunnan R, Omand CMB, Kangas T, Schulze S, Strotjohann NL, Yang S, Fransson C, Sollerman J, Perley D, Yan L, Chen TW, Chen ZH, Taggart K, Fremling C, Bloom JS, Drake A, Graham MJ, Kasliwal MM, Laher R, Medford MS, Neill JD, Riddle R, Shupe D. 2023. SN 2020qlb: A hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with well-characterized light curve undulations Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Sarin N, Omand CMB, Margalit B, Jones DI. 2022. On the diversity of magnetar-driven kilonovae Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 :4949-4962 DOI Publisher Url

Kangas T, Yan L, Schulze S, Fransson C, Sollerman J, Lunnan R, Omand CMB, Andreoni I, Burruss R, Chen T-W, Drake AJ, Fremling C, Gal-Yam A, Graham MJ, Groom SL, Lezmy J, Mahabal AA, Masci FJ, Perley D, Riddle R, Tartaglia L, Yao Y. 2022. The Zwicky Transient Facility phase I sample of hydrogen-rich superluminous supernovae without strong narrow emission lines Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 516 :1193-1218 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Poidevin F, Omand CMB, Perez-Fournon I, Clavero R, Shirley R, Marques-Chaves R, Jimenez Angel C, Geier S. 2022. Post maximum light and late time optical imaging polarimetry of type i superluminous supernova 2020znr Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 511 :5948-5963 DOI Publisher Url

Murase K, Omand CMB, Coppejans DL, Nagai H, Bower GC, Chornock R, Fox DB, Kashiyama K, Law C, Margutti R, Mészáros P. 2021. ALMA and NOEMA constraints on synchrotron nebular emission from embryonic superluminous supernova remnants and radio–gamma-ray connection Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 :44-51 DOI Publisher Url

Eftekhari T, Margalit B, Omand CMB, Berger E, Blanchard PK, Demorest P, Metzger BD, Murase K, Nicholl M, Villar VA, Williams PKG, Alexander KD, Chatterjee S, Coppejans DL, Cordes JM, Gomez S, Hosseinzadeh G, Hsu B, Kashiyama K, Margutti R, Yin Y. 2021. Late-time radio and millimeter observations of superluminous supernovae and long gamma-ray bursts: Implications for central engines, fast radio bursts, and obscured star formation Astrophysical Journal, 912 DOI Publisher Url

Law CJ, Omand CMB, Kashiyama K, Murase K, Bower GC, Aggarwal K, Burke-Spolaor S, Butler BJ, Demorest P, Lazio TJW, Linford J, Tendulkar SP, Rupen MP. 2019. A search for late-time radio emission and fast radio bursts from superluminous supernovae Astrophysical Journal, 886 DOI Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Kashiyama K, Murase K. 2019. Dust formation in embryonic pulsar-aided supernova remnants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484 :5468-5483 DOI Publisher Url

Nishino M, Rikvold PA, Omand C, Miyashita S. 2018. Multistability in an unusual phase diagram induced by the competition between antiferromagnetic-like short-range and ferromagnetic-like long-range interactions Physical Review B, 98 DOI Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Kashiyama K, Murase K. 2018. Radio emission from embryonic superluminous supernova remnants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474 :573-579 DOI Publisher Url

Asvathaman A, Omand C, Barton A, Heyl JS. 2017. A fast algorithm for finding point sources in the Fermi data stream: Fermifast Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466 :2378-2389 DOI Publisher Url

Elenbaas C, Huppenkothen D, Omand C, Watts AL, Bissaldi E, Caiazzo I, Heyl J. 2017. Magnetar giant flare high-energy emission Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471 :1856-1872 DOI Publisher Url

Rikvold PA, Brown G, Miyashita S, Omand C, Nishino M. 2016. Equilibrium, metastability, and hysteresis in a model spin-crossover material with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic-like and long-range ferromagnetic-like interactions Physical Review B, 93 DOI Publisher Url

Dicaire NM, Omand C, Navrátil P. 2014. Alternative similarity renormalization group generators in nuclear structure calculations Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 90 DOI Publisher Url

Omand CMB, Balogh ML, Poggianti BM. 2014. The connection between galaxy structure and quenching efficiency Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 440 :843-858 DOI Publisher Url
