Image of Dr Marie Martig

Dr Marie Martig

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

I am a Reader in Astrophysics at the ARI, and have been working at LJMU since May 2017.

Using a combination of numerical simulations and observations of the Milky Way and nearby galaxies, I work on understanding the connection between the present-day properties of galaxies and their formation history.
In particular, I am interested in how small-scale physics (e.g., gas dynamics, star formation, feedback) combines with external processes like mergers and gas accretion to shape the observed galaxy populations. Some of the questions to be generally addressed are the following:
How do galactic disks form, and what sets the radial and vertical density profiles of their stars?
What are the mechanisms for stellar radial migration, and to what extent are disks affected by migration?
How does star formation in disks depend on host galaxy properties and cosmic time?

Most of my research time these days is devoted to the GECKOS survey (, for which I am the science coordinator. GECKOS is a new VLT/MUSE Large Programme, gathering deep high resolution observations for 35 nearby edge-on disc galaxies. GECKOS will deliver spatially resolved measurements of stellar abundances, ages, and kinematics, as well as ionised gas properties and inflow and outflow kinematics; all key parameters for building a complete chemodynamical picture of disk galaxies.


2010, CEA Saclay, France, PhD in astrophysics

Academic appointments

Reader in Astrophysics, ARI/LJMU, 2022 - present
Senior Lecturer, ARI/LJMU, 2017 - 2022
Humboldt Fellow, then postdoctoral fellow in Hans-Walter Rix's group, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, 2013 - 2017
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Center for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, 2010 - 2013

Highlighted publications

Martig M, Pinna F, Falcon-Barroso J, Gadotti DA, Husemann B, Minchev I, Neumann J, Ruiz-Lara T, van de Ven G. 2021. NGC 5746: Formation history of a massive disc-dominated galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 :2458-2478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Ness M, Fouesneau M, Rix H-W. 2016. A Radial Age Gradient in the Geometrically Thick Disk of the Milky Way Astrophysical Journal, 831 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Fouesneau M, Rix H-W, Ness M, Meszaros S, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Pinsonneault M, Serenelli A, Aguirre VS, Zamora O. 2016. Red giant masses and ages derived from carbon and nitrogen abundances Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456 :3655-3670 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Rix H-W, Aguirre VS, Hekker S, Mosser B, Elsworth Y, Bovy J, Stello D, Anders F, Garcia RA, Tayar J, Rodrigues TS, Basu S, Carrera R, Ceillier T, Chaplin WJ, Chiappini C, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Mathur S, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Nidever D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Serenelli A, Shetrone M, Zamora O. 2015. Young alpha-enriched giant stars in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451 :2230-2243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Flynn C. 2014. Dissecting simulated disc galaxies - II. The age-velocity relation MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 443 :2452-2462 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Flynn C. 2014. Dissecting simulated disc galaxies - I. The structure of mono-age populations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 442 :2474-2486 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Crocker AF, Bournaud F, Emsellem E, Gabor JM, Alatalo K, Blitz L, Bois M, Bureau M, Cappellari M, Davies RL, Davis TA, Dekel A, de Zeeuw PT, Duc P-A, Falcon-Barroso J, Khochfar S, Krajnovic D, Kuntschner H, Morganti R, McDermid RM, Naab T, Oosterloo T, Sarzi M, Scott N, Serra P, Griffin KS, Teyssier R, Weijmans A-M, Young LM. 2013. The ATLAS(3D) project - XXII. Low-efficiency star formation in early-type galaxies: hydrodynamic models and observations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 432 :1914-1927 DOI Author Url Publisher Url




Martig M, Bournaud F. 2008. Triggering of merger-induced starbursts by the tidal field of galaxy groups and clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 385 :L39-L42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Journal article

Pinna F, Walo-Martín D, Grand RJJ, Martig M, Fragkoudi F, Gómez FA, Marinacci F, Pakmor R. 2024. Stellar populations and the origin of thick disks in AURIGA simulations Astronomy and Astrophysics, 683 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Sattler N, Pinna F, Neumayer N, Falcón-Barroso J, Martig M, Gadotti DA, van de Ven G, Minchev I. 2023. The vertical structure of the spiral galaxy NGC 3501: first stages of the formation of a thin metal-rich disc Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 520 :3066-3079 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Shah EA, Kartaltepe JS, Magagnoli CT, Cox IG, Wetherell CT, Vanderhoof BN, Cooke KC, Calabro A, Chartab N, Conselice CJ, Croton DJ, de la Vega A, Hathi NP, Ilbert O, Inami H, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, Lemaux BC, Lubin L, Mantha KB, Marchesi S, Martig M, Moreno J, Pampliega BA, Patton DR, Salvato M, Treister E. 2022. Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Star Formation at 0.5 < z < 3.0 Astrophysical Journal, 940 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes ME, Pfeffer JL, Bastian N, Martig M, Kruijssen JMD, Crain RA, Reina-Campos M, Trujillo-Gomez S. 2022. The physics governing the upper truncation mass of the globular cluster mass function Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510 :6190-6200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Pinna F, Falcon-Barroso J, Gadotti DA, Husemann B, Minchev I, Neumann J, Ruiz-Lara T, van de Ven G. 2021. NGC 5746: Formation history of a massive disc-dominated galaxy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 508 :2458-2478 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Walo-Martín D, Pérez I, Grand RJJ, Falcón-Barroso J, Pinna F, Martig M. 2021. Local variations of the Stellar Velocity Ellipsoid-I: The disc of galaxies in the Auriga simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506 :1801-1814 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Serenelli A, Weiss A, Aerts C, Angelou GC, Baroch D, Bastian N, Bergemann M, Bestenlehner JM, Czekala I, Elias-Rosa N, Escorza A, Eylen VV, Feuillet DK, Gandolfi D, Gieles M, Girardi L, Lodieu N, Martig M, Bertolami MMM, Mombarg JSG, Morales JC, Moya A, Nsamba B, Pavlovski K, Pedersen MG, Ribas I, Schneider FRN, Aguirre VS, Stassun K, Tolstoy E, Tremblay P-E, Zwintz K. 2021. Weighing stars from birth to death: mass determination methods across the HRD The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Falcon-Barroso J, Martig M. 2021. BAYES-LOSVD: A Bayesian framework for non-parametric extraction of the line-of-sight velocity distribution of galaxies ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 646 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes ME, Jethwa P, Hilker M, Ven GVD, Martig M, Pfeffer JL, Bastian N, Kruijssen JMD, Trujillo-Gomez S, Reina-Campos M, Crain RA. 2021. What to expect when using globular clusters as tracers of the total mass distribution in Milky Way-mass galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502 :2828-2844 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Garcia De La Cruz J, Martig M, Minchev I, James PA. 2020. On the Flaring of Thick Disc of Galaxies: Insights from Simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 501 :5105-5120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Rosado-Belza D, Falcon-Barroso J, Knapen JH, Bittner A, Gadotti DA, Neumann J, de Lorenzo-Caceres A, Mendez-Abreu J, Querejeta M, Martin-Navarro I, Sanchez-Blazquez P, Coelho PRT, Martig M, van de Ven G, Kim T. 2020. The kinematics of young and old stellar populations in nuclear rings of MUSE TIMER galaxies Astronomy and Astrophysics, 644 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Shah EA, Kartaltepe JS, Magagnoli CT, Cox IG, Wetherell CT, Vanderhoof BN, Calabro A, Chartab N, Conselice CJ, Croton DJ, Donley J, Groot LD, Vega ADL, Hathi NP, Ilbert O, Inami H, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, Lemaux BC, Mantha KB, Marchesi S, Martig M, Masters DC, McGrath EJ, McIntosh DH, Moreno J, Nayyeri H, Pampliega BA, Salvato M, Snyder GF, Straughn AN, Treister E, Weston ME. 2020. Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interactions on the Enhancement of Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.5 < z < 3.0 The Astrophysical Journal, 904 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gadotti DA, Bittner A, Falcon-Barroso J, Mendez-Abreu J, Kim T, Fragkoudi F, de Lorenzo-Caceres A, Leaman R, Neumann J, Querejeta M, Sanchez-Blazquez P, Martig M, Martin-Navarro I, Perez I, Seidel MK, van de Ven G. 2020. Kinematic signatures of nuclear discs and bar-driven secular evolution in nearby galaxies of the MUSE TIMER project Astronomy and Astrophysics, 643 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hilmi T, Minchev I, Buck T, Martig M, Quillen AC, Monari G, Famaey B, de Jong RS, Laporte CFP, Read J, Sanders JL, Steinmetz M, Wegg C. 2020. Fluctuations in galactic bar parameters due to bar-spiral interaction Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 497 :933-955 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Neumann J, Fragkoudi F, Pérez I, Gadotti DA, Falcón-Barroso J, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Bittner A, Husemann B, Gómez FA, Grand RJJ, Donohoe-Keyes CE, Kim T, Lorenzo-Cáceres AD, Martig M, Méndez-Abreu J, Pakmor R, Seidel MK, Ven GVD. 2020. Stellar populations across galaxy bars in the MUSE TIMER project Astronomy & Astrophysics, 637 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chantereau W, Biernacki P, Martig M, Bastian N, Salaris M, Teyssier R. 2020. The loss of the intracluster medium in globular clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 493 :1306-1316 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes ME, Pfeffer JL, Martig M, Reina-Campos M, Bastian N, Crain RA, Kruijssen JMD. 2019. The [α/Fe]-[Fe/H] relation in the E-MOSAICS simulations: its connection to the birth place of globular clusters and the fraction of globular cluster field stars in the bulge Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491 :4012-4022 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Donohoe-Keyes CE, Martig M, James PA, Kraljic K. 2019. Redistribution of Stars and Gas in the Star Formation Deserts of Barred Galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489 :4992-5003 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Leaman R, Fragkoudi F, Querejeta M, Leung GYC, Gadotti DA, Husemann B, Falcon-Barroso J, Sanchez-Blazquez P, van de Ven G, Kim T, Coelho P, Lyubenova M, de Lorenzo-Caceres A, Martig M, Martinez-Valpuesta I, Neumann J, Perez I, Seidel M. 2019. Survival of molecular gas in a stellar feedback-driven outflow witnessed with the MUSE TIMER project and ALMA Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 :3904-3928 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mackereth JT, Bovy J, Leung HW, Schiavon RP, Trick WH, Chaplin WJ, Cunha K, Feuillet DK, Majewski SR, Martig M, Miglio A, Nidever D, Pinsonneault MH, Aguirre VS, Sobeck J, Taya J, Zasowski G. 2019. Dynamical heating across the Milky Way disc using APOGEE and Gaia Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 489 :176-195 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Carrillo I, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, Monari G, Laporte CFP, Anders F, Queiroz ABA, Chiappini C, Khalatyan A, Martig M, McMillan P, Santiago BX, Youakim K. 2019. Kinematics with Gaia DR2: the force of a dwarf Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490 :797-812 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Spitoni E, Cescutti G, Minchev I, Matteucci F, Aguirre VS, Martig M, Bono G, Chiappini C. 2019. 2D chemical evolution model: The impact of Galactic disc asymmetries on azimuthal chemical abundance variations Astronomy & Astrophysics, 628 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minchev I, Matijevic G, Hogg DW, Guiglion G, Steinmetz M, Anders F, Chiappini C, Martig M, Queiroz A, Scannapieco C. 2019. Yule-Simpson's paradox in Galactic Archaeology Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 487 :3946-3957 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pinna F, Falcon-Barroso J, Martig M, Coccato L, Corsini EM, de Zeeuw PT, Gadotti DA, Iodice E, Leaman R, Lyubenova M, Martin-Navarro I, Morelli L, Sarzi M, van de Ven G, Viaene S, McDermid RM. 2019. The Fornax 3D project: Thick disks in a cluster environment Astronomy and Astrophysics, 625 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Nuza SE, Scannapieco C, Chiappini C, Junqueira TC, Minchev I, Martig M. 2019. Gas accretion in Milky Way-like galaxies: temporal and radial dependencies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482 :3089-3108 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minchev I, Anders F, Recio-Blanco A, Chiappini C, Laverny PD, Queiroz A, Steinmetz M, Adibekyan V, Carrillo I, Cescutti G, Guiglion G, Hayden M, Jong RSD, Kordopatis G, Majewski SR, Martig M, Santiago BX. 2018. Estimating stellar birth radii and the time evolution of the Milky Way's ISM metallicity gradient Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481 :1645-1657 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Hughes ME, Pfeffer J, Martig M, Bastian N, Crain RA, Kruijssen JMD, Reina-Campos M. 2018. Fossil stellar streams and their globular cluster populations in the E-MOSAICS simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 482 :2795-2806 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gadotti DA, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Falcón-Barroso J, Husemann B, Seidel MK, Pérez I, Lorenzo-Cáceres AD, Martinez-Valpuesta I, Fragkoudi F, Leung G, Ven GVD, Leaman R, Coelho P, Martig M, Kim T, Neumann J, Querejeta M. 2018. Time Inference with MUSE in Extragalactic Rings (TIMER): Properties of the Survey and High-Level Data Products Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Zhu L, Ven GVD, Bosch RVD, Rix H-W, Lyubenova M, Falcón-Barroso J, Martig M, Mao S, Xu D, Jin Y, Obreja A, Grand RJJ, Dutton AA, Maccio AV, Gómez FA, Walcher JC, García-Benito R, Zibetti S, Sánchez SF. 2018. The stellar orbit distribution in present-day galaxies inferred from the CALIFA survey Nature Astronomy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Aguirre VS, Bojsen-Hansen M, Slumstrup D, Casagrande L, Kawata D, Ciuca I, Handberg R, Lund MN, Mosumgaard JR, Huber D, Johnson JA, Pinsonneault MH, Serenelli AM, Stello D, Tayar J, Bird JC, Cassisi S, Hon M, Martig M, Nissen PE, Rix HW, Schönrich R, Sahlholdt C, Trick WH, Yu J. 2018. Confirming chemical clocks: asteroseismic age dissection of the Milky Way disk(s) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Gobat R, Daddi E, Magdis G, Bournaud F, Sargent M, Martig M, Jin S, Finoguenov A, Béthermin M, Hwang HS, Renzini A, Wilson GW, Aretxaga I, Yun M, Strazzullo V, Valentino F. 2018. The unexpectedly large dust and gas content of quiescent galaxies at z>1.4 Nature Astronomy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Pinna F, Falcón-Barroso J, Martig M, Martínez-Valpuesta I, Méndez-Abreu J, Ven GVD, Leaman R, Lyubenova M. 2018. Revisiting the Stellar Velocity Ellipsoid - Hubble type relation: observations versus simulations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Zhu L, Bosch RVD, Ven GVD, Lyubenova M, Falcón-Barroso J, Meidt SE, Martig M, Shen J, Li Z-Y, Yildirim A, Walcher CJ, Sanchez SF. 2017. Orbital decomposition of CALIFA spiral galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Miglio A, Chiappini C, Mosser B, Davies GR, Freeman K, Girardi L, Jofre P, Kawata D, Rendle BM, Valentini M, Casagrande L, Chaplin WJ, Gilmore G, Hawkins K, Holl B, Appourchaux T, Belkacem K, Bossini D, Brogaard K, Goupil M-J, Montalban J, Noels A, Anders F, Rodrigues T, Piotto G, Pollacco D, Rauer H, Prieto CA, Avelino PP, Babusiaux C, Barban C, Barbuy B, Basu S, Baudin F, Benomar O, Bienayme O, Binney J, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bressan A, Cacciari C, Campante TL, Cassisi S, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Combes F, Creevey O, Cunha MS, Jong RSD, Laverny PD, Degl'Innocenti S, Deheuvels S, Depagne E, DeRidder J, DiMatteo P, Mauro MPD, Dupret M-A, Eggenberger P, Elsworth Y, Famaey B, Feltzing S, Garcia RA, Gerhard O, Gibson BK, Gizon L, Haywood M, Handberg R, Heiter U, Hekker S, Huber D, Ibata R, Katz D, Kawaler SD, Kjeldsen H, Kurtz DW, Lagarde N, Lebreton Y, Lund MN, Majewski SR, Marigo P, Martig M, Mathur S, Minchev I, Morel T, Ortolani S, Pinsonneault MH, Plez B, Moroni PGP, Pricopi D, Recio-Blanco A, Reyle C, Robin A, Roxburgh IW, Salaris M, Santiago BX, Schiavon R, Serenelli A, Sharma S, Aguirre VS, Soubiran C, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Strassmeier KG, Ventura P, Ventura R, Walton NA, Worley CC. 2017. PLATO as it is: a legacy mission for Galactic archaeology Astronomische Nachrichten, 338 :644-661 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Leaman R, Mendel JT, Wisnioski E, Brooks AM, Beasley MA, Starkenburg E, Martig M, Battaglia G, Christensen C, Cole AA, Boer TJLD, Wills D. 2017. A unified model for age-velocity dispersion relations in Local Group galaxies: Disentangling ISM turbulence and latent dynamical heating Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472 :1879-1896 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Herpich J, Stinson GS, Rix H-W, Martig M, Dutton AA. 2017. How to bend galaxy disc profiles - II. Stars surfing the bar in Type-III discs Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470 :4941-4955 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minchev I, Steinmetz M, Chiappini C, Martig M, Anders F, Matijevic G, de Jong RS. 2017. The Relationship Between Mono-Abundance and Mono-Age Stellar Populations in the Milky Way Disk Astrophysical Journal, 834 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Nuza SE, Chiappini C, Scannapieco C, Minchev I, Martig M, Junqueira TC. 2017. How does the stellar disk of the Milky Way get its gas? Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 13 :219-222 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Anders F, Chiappini C, Rodrigues TS, Miglio A, Montalban J, Mosser B, Girardi L, Valentini M, Noels A, Morel T, Johnson JA, Schultheis M, Baudin F, Peralta RDA, Hekker S, Themessl N, Kallinger T, Garcia RA, Mathur S, Baglin A, Santiago BX, Martig M, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, da Costa LN, Maia MAG, Allende Prieto C, Cunha K, Beers TC, Epstein C, Garcia Perez AE, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Harding P, Holtzman J, Majewski SR, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Shetrone MD, Stassun K, Zamora O, Zasowski G. 2016. Galactic archaeology with asteroseismology and spectroscopy: Red giants observed by CoRoT and APOGEE Astronomy & Astrophysics, 597 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Ness M, Fouesneau M, Rix H-W. 2016. A Radial Age Gradient in the Geometrically Thick Disk of the Milky Way Astrophysical Journal, 831 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Walcher CJ, Yates RM, Minchev I, Chiappini C, Bergemann M, Bruzual G, Charlot S, Coelho PRT, Gallazzi A, Martig M. 2016. Self-similarity in the chemical evolution of galaxies and the delay-time distribution of SNe Ia ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 594 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M. 2016. Milky Way chemo-dynamics in the era of Gaia Astronomische Nachrichten, 337 :944-948 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Ness M, Hogg DW, Rix H-W, Martig M, Pinsonneault MH, Ho AYQ. 2016. Spectroscopic Determination of Masses (And Implied Ages) for Red Giants Astrophysical Journal, 823 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Querejeta M, Carmen Eliche-Moral M, Tapia T, Borlaff A, van de Ven G, Lyubenova M, Martig M, Falcon-Barroso J, Mendez-Abreu J, Zamorano J, Gallego J. 2016. Creating lenticular galaxies with mergers DePaz AG, Knapen JH, Lee JC. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 11 :114-116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Fouesneau M, Rix H-W, Ness M, Meszaros S, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Pinsonneault M, Serenelli A, Aguirre VS, Zamora O. 2016. Red giant masses and ages derived from carbon and nitrogen abundances Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456 :3655-3670 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Querejeta M, Eliche-Moral MC, Tapia T, Borlaff A, van de Ven G, Lyubenova M, Martig M, Falcón-Barroso J, Méndez-Abreu J, Zamorano J, Gallego J. 2015. Creating S0s with major mergers: A 3D view Galaxies, 3 :202-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Kartaltepe JS, Mozena M, Kocevski D, McIntosh DH, Lotz J, Bell EF, Faber S, Ferguson H, Koo D, Bassett R, Bernyk M, Blancato K, Bournaud F, Cassata P, Castellano M, Cheung E, Conselice CJ, Croton D, Dahlen T, De Mello DF, DeGroot L, Donley J, Guedes J, Grogin N, Hathi N, Hilton M, Hollon B, Koekemoer A, Liu N, Lucas RA, Martig M, McGrath E, McPartland C, Mobasher B, Morlock A, O'Leary E, Peth M, Pforr J, Pillepich A, Rosario D, Soto E, Straughn A, Telford O, Sunnquist B, Trump J, Weiner B, Wuyts S. 2015. CANDELS VISUAL CLASSIFICATIONS: SCHEME, DATA RELEASE, AND FIRST RESULTS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Alam S, Albareti FD, Allende Prieto C, Anders F, Anderson SF, Anderton T, Andrews BH, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Bailey S, Basu S, Bautista JE, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Bender CF, Berlind AA, Beutler F, Bhardwaj V, Bird JC, Bizyaev D, Blake CH, Blanton MR, Blomqvist M, Bochanski JJ, Bolton AS, Bovy J, Bradley AS, Brandt WN, Brauer DE, Brinkmann J, Brown PJ, Brownstein JR, Burden A, Burtin E, Busca NG, Cai Z, Capozzi D, Rosell AC, Carr MA, Carrera R, Chambers KC, Chaplin WJ, Chen Y-C, Chiappini C, Chojnowski SD, Chuang C-H, Clerc N, Comparat J, Covey K, Croft RAC, Cuesta AJ, Cunha K, da Costa LN, Da Rio N, Davenport JRA, Dawson KS, De Lee N, Delubac T, Deshpande R, Dhital S, Dutra-Ferreira L, Dwelly T, Ealet A, Ebelke GL, Edmondson EM, Eisenstein DJ, Ellsworth T, Elsworth Y, Epstein CR, Eracleous M, Escoffier S, Esposito M, Evans ML, Fan X, Fernandez-Alvar E, Feuillet D, Ak NF, Finley H, Finoguenov A, Flaherty K, Fleming SW, Font-Ribera A, Foster J, Frinchaboy PM, Galbraith-Frew JG, Garcia RA, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Garcia Perez AE, Gaulme P, Ge J, Genova-Santos R, Georgakakis A, Ghezzi L, Gillespie BA, Girardi L, Goddard D, Gontcho SGA, Gonzalez Hernandez JI, Grebel EK, Green PJ, Grieb JN, Grieves N, Gunn JE, Guo H, Harding P, Hasselquist S, Hawley SL, Hayden M, Hearty FR, Hekker S, Ho S, Hogg DW, Holley-Bockelmann K, Holtzman JA, Honscheid K, Huber D, Huehnerhoff J, Ivans II, Jiang L, Johnson JA, Kinemuchi K, Kirkby D, Kitaura F, Klaene MA, Knapp GR, Kneib J-P, Koenig XP, Lam CR, Lan T-W, Lang D, Laurent P, Le Goff J-M, Leauthaud A, Lee K-G, Lee YS, Licquia TC, Liu J, Long DC, Lopez-Corredoira M, Lorenzo-Oliveira D, Lucatello S, Lundgren B, Lupton RH, Mack CE, Mahadevan S, Maia MAG, Majewski SR, Malanushenko E, Malanushenko V, Manchado A, Manera M, Mao Q, Maraston C, Marchwinski RC, Margala D, Martell SL, Martig M, Masters KL, Mathur S, McBride CK, McGehee PM, McGreer ID, McMahon RG, Menard B, Menzel M-L, Merloni A, Meszaros S, Miller AA, Miralda-Escude J, Miyatake H, Montero-Dorta AD, More S, Morganson E, Morice-Atkinson X, Morrison HL, Mosser B, Muna D, Myers AD, Nandra K, Newman JA, Neyrinck M, Nguyen DC, Nichol RC, Nidever DL, Noterdaeme P, Nuza SE, O'Connell JE, O'Connell RW, O'Connell R, Ogando RLC, Olmstead MD, Oravetz AE, Oravetz DJ, Osumi K, Owen R, Padgett DL, Padmanabhan N, Paegert M, Palanque-Delabrouille N, Pan K, Parejko JK, Paris I, Park C, Pattarakijwanich P, Pellejero-Ibanez M, Pepper J, Percival WJ, Perez-Fournon I, Perez-Rafols I, Petitjean P, Pieri MM, Pinsonneault MH, Porto de Mello GF, Prada F, Prakash A, Price-Whelan AM, Protopapas P, Raddick MJ, Rahman M, Reid BA, Rich J, Rix H-W, Robin AC, Rockosi CM, Rodrigues TS, Rodriguez-Torres S, Roe NA, Ross AJ, Ross NP, Rossi G, Ruan JJ, Rubino-Martin JA, Rykoff ES, Salazar-Albornoz S, Salvato M, Samushia L, Sanchez AG, Santiago B, Sayres C, Schiavon RP, Schlegel DJ, Schmidt SJ, Schneider DP, Schultheis M, Schwope AD, Scoccola CG, Scott C, Sellgren K, Seo H-J, Serenelli A, Shane N, Shen Y, Shetrone M, Shu Y, Aguirre VS, Sivarani T, Skrutskie MF, Slosar A, Smith VV, Sobreira F, Souto D, Stassun KG, Steinmetz M, Stello D, Strauss MA, Streblyanska A, Suzuki N, Swanson MEC, Tan JC, Tayar J, Terrien RC, Thakar AR, Thomas D, Thomas N, Thompson BA, Tinker JL, Tojeiro R, Troup NW, Vargas-Magana M, Vazquez JA, Verde L, Viel M, Vogt NP, Wake DA, Wang J, Weaver BA, Weinberg DH, Weiner BJ, White M, Wilson JC, Wisniewski JP, Wood-Vasey WM, Yeche C, York DG, Zakamska NL, Zamora O, Zasowski G, Zehavi I, Zhao G-B, Zheng Z, Zhou X, Zhou Z, Zou H, Zhu G. 2015. THE ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH DATA RELEASES OF THE SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FINAL DATA FROM SDSS-III ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 219 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Querejeta M, Eliche-Moral MC, Tapia T, Borlaff A, van de Ven G, Lyubenova M, Martig M, Falcon-Barroso J, Mendez-Abreu J. 2015. Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers Explaining angular momentum and concentration change from spirals to S0s ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 579 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Rix H-W, Aguirre VS, Hekker S, Mosser B, Elsworth Y, Bovy J, Stello D, Anders F, Garcia RA, Tayar J, Rodrigues TS, Basu S, Carrera R, Ceillier T, Chaplin WJ, Chiappini C, Frinchaboy PM, Garcia-Hernandez DA, Hearty FR, Holtzman J, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Mathur S, Meszaros S, Miglio A, Nidever D, Pan K, Pinsonneault M, Schiavon RP, Schneider DP, Serenelli A, Shetrone M, Zamora O. 2015. Young alpha-enriched giant stars in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 451 :2230-2243 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Sargent MT, Daddi E, Bournaud F, Onodera M, Feruglio C, Martig M, Gobat R, Dannerbauer H, Schinnerer E. 2015. A DIRECT CONSTRAINT ON THE GAS CONTENT OF A MASSIVE, PASSIVELY EVOLVING ELLIPTICAL GALAXY AT z=1.43 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 806 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Martig M, Streich D, Scannapieco C, de Jong RS, Steinmetz M. 2015. ON THE FORMATION OF GALACTIC THICK DISKS The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 804 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Chiappini C, Anders F, Rodrigues TS, Miglio A, Montalban J, Mosser B, Girardi L, Valentini M, Noels A, Morel T, Minchev I, Steinmetz M, Santiago BX, Schultheis M, Martig M, da Costa LN, Maia MAG, Allende Prieto C, Peralta RDA, Hekker S, Themessl N, Kallinger T, Garcia RA, Mathur S, Baudin F, Beers TC, Cunhall K, Harding P, Holtzman J, Majewski S, Meszaros S, Nidever D, Pan K, Schiavon RP, Shetrone MD, Schneider DP, Stassun K. 2015. Young [alpha/Fe]-enhanced stars discovered by CoRoT and APOGEE: What is their origin? ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 576 :1-7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Herpich J, Stinson GS, Dutton AA, Rix H-W, Martig M, Roskar R, Maccio AV, Quinn TR, Wadsley J. 2015. How to bend galaxy disc profiles: the role of halo spin MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 448 :L99-L103 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Rosario DJ, McIntosh DH, van der Wel A, Kartaltepe J, Lang P, Santini P, Wuyts S, Lutz D, Rafelski M, Villforth C, Alexander DM, Bauer FE, Bell EF, Berta S, Brandt WN, Conselice CJ, Dekel A, Faber SM, Ferguson HC, Genzel R, Grogin NA, Kocevski DD, Koekemoer AM, Koo DC, Lotz JM, Magnelli B, Maiolino R, Mozena M, Mullaney JR, Papovich CJ, Popesso P, Tacconi LJ, Trump JR, Avadhuta S, Bassett R, Bell A, Bernyk M, Bournaud F, Cassata P, Cheung E, Croton D, Donley J, DeGroot L, Guedes J, Hathi N, Herrington J, Hilton M, Lai K, Lani C, Martig M, McGrath E, Mutch S, Mortlock A, McPartland C, O'Leary E, Peth M, Pillepich A, Poole G, Snyder D, Straughn A, Telford O, Tonini C, Wandro P. 2015. The host galaxies of X- ray selected active galactic nuclei to z=2.5: Structure, star formation, and their relationships from CANDELS and Herschel/PACS ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 573 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M. 2014. Chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way disk II. Variations with Galactic radius and height above the disk plane ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 572 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Stevens ARH, Martig M, Croton DJ, Feng Y. 2014. Where do galaxies end? Comparing measurement techniques of hydrodynamic-simulation galaxies' integrated properties MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 445 :239-255 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Laine S, Knapen JH, Munoz-Mateos J-C, Kim T, Comeron S, Martig M, Holwerda BW, Athanassoula E, Bosma A, Johansson PH, Erroz-Ferrer S, Gadotti DA, de Paz AG, Hinz J, Laine J, Laurikainen E, Menendez-Delmestre K, Mizusawa T, Regan MW, Salo H, Sheth K, Seibert M, Buta RJ, Cisternas M, Elmegreen BG, Elmegreen DM, Ho LC, Madore BF, Zaritsky D. 2014. Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera near-infrared features in the outer parts of S(4)G galaxies MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 444 :3015-3039 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Flynn C. 2014. Dissecting simulated disc galaxies - II. The age-velocity relation MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 443 :2452-2462 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

van der Wel A, Chang Y-Y, Bell EF, Holden BP, Ferguson HC, Giavalisco M, Rix H-W, Skelton R, Whitaker K, Momcheva I, Brammer G, Kassin SA, Martig M, Dekel A, Ceverino D, Koo DC, Mozena M, van Dokkum PG, Franx M, Faber SM, Primack J. 2014. GEOMETRY OF STAR-FORMING GALAXIES FROM SDSS, 3D-HST, AND CANDELS ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 792 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Minchev I, Flynn C. 2014. Dissecting simulated disc galaxies - I. The structure of mono-age populations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 442 :2474-2486 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M, Steinmetz M, de Jong RS, Boeche C, Scannapieco C, Zwitter T, Wyse RFG, Binney JJ, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bienayme O, Famaey B, Freeman KC, Gibson BK, Grebel EK, Gilmore G, Helmi A, Kordopatis G, Lee YS, Munari U, Navarro JF, Parker QA, Quillen AC, Reid WA, Siebert A, Siviero A, Seabroke G, Watson F, Williams M. 2014. A NEW STELLAR CHEMO-KINEMATIC RELATION REVEALS THE MERGER HISTORY OF THE MILKY WAY DISK ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, 781 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M. 2014. The chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way disc - A new modeling approach Feltzing S, Zhao G, Walton NA, Whitelock PA. SETTING THE SCENE FOR GAIA AND LAMOST, 9 :130-141 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M. 2013. Chemodynamical evolution of the Milky Way disk I. The solar vicinity ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 558 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Crocker AF, Bournaud F, Emsellem E, Gabor JM, Alatalo K, Blitz L, Bois M, Bureau M, Cappellari M, Davies RL, Davis TA, Dekel A, de Zeeuw PT, Duc P-A, Falcon-Barroso J, Khochfar S, Krajnovic D, Kuntschner H, Morganti R, McDermid RM, Naab T, Oosterloo T, Sarzi M, Scott N, Serra P, Griffin KS, Teyssier R, Weijmans A-M, Young LM. 2013. The ATLAS(3D) project - XXII. Low-efficiency star formation in early-type galaxies: hydrodynamic models and observations MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 432 :1914-1927 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Famaey B, Quillen AC, Dehnen W, Martig M, Siebert A. 2012. Radial migration does little for Galactic disc thickening ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 548 DOI Author Url Publisher Url




Di Matteo P, Bournaud F, Martig M, Combes F, Melchior AL, Semelin B. 2010. How Ubiquitous are Massive Starbursts in Interacting Galaxies? VerdesMontenegro L, DelOlmo A, Sulentic J. GALAXIES IN ISOLATION: EXPLORING NATURE VERSUS NURTURE, 421 :165-+ Author Url


Bournaud F, Elmegreen BG, Martig M. 2009. The Thick Disks of Spiral Galaxies as Relics from Gas-Rich, Turbulent, Clumpy Disks at High Redshift Astrophysical Journal Letters, 707 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Martig M, Bournaud F, Teyssier R. 2009. Numerical simulations of galaxy evolution in cosmological context Andersen J, BlandHawthorn J, Nordstrom B. GALAXY DISK IN COSMOLOGICAL CONTEXT, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 254TH SYMPOSIUM OF THE IAU, :429-434 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Di Matteo P, Bournaud F, Martig M, Combes F, Melchior A-L, Semelin B. 2008. On the frequency, intensity, and duration of starburst episodes triggered by galaxy interactions and mergers ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 492 :31-U23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Martig M, Bournaud F. 2008. Triggering of merger-induced starbursts by the tidal field of galaxy groups and clusters MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 385 :L39-L42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Doré O, Martig M, Mellier Y, Kilbinger M, Benjamin J, Fu L, Hoekstra H, Schultheis M, Semboloni E, Tereno I. 2007. Testing Gravity with the CFHTLS-Wide Cosmic Shear Survey and SDSS LRGs Author Url

Pinna F, Falcón-Barroso J, Martig M, Sarzi M, Coccato L, Iodice E, Corsini EM, Zeeuw PTD, Gadotti DA, Leaman R, Lyubenova M, McDermid RM, Minchev I, Morelli L, Ven GVD, Viaene S. The Fornax 3D project: unveiling the thick disk origin in FCC 170: signs of accretion? Astronomy and Astrophysics, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Mancillas B, Duc P-A, Combes F, Bournaud F, Emsellem E, Martig M, Michel-Dansac L. 2019. Probing the merger history of red early-type galaxies with their faint stellar substructures ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 632 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chiappini C, Minchev I, Anders F, Brauer D, Boeche C, Martig M. 2015. New observational constraints to milky way chemodynamical models Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 39 :111-123 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Minchev I, Chiappini C, Martig M. 2015. UNDERSTANDING THE FORMATION OF THE MILKY WAY IN THE ERA OF GAIA Walton NA, Figueras F, BalaguerNunez L, Soubiran C. MILKY WAY UNRAVELLED BY GAIA: GREAT SCIENCE FROM THE GAIA DATA RELEASES, Conference on the Milky Way Unravelled by Gaia: GREAT Science from the Gaia Data Releases 67-68 :323-329 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Chiappini C, Minchev I, Martig M. 2013. Constraining the formation of the Milky Way: Ages Montalban J, Noels A, VanGrootel V. 40TH LIEGE INTERNATIONAL ASTROPHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM AGEING LOW MASS STARS: FROM RED GIANTS TO WHITE DWARFS, 40th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium on Ageing Low Mass Stars - From Red Giants to White Dwarfs 43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url


Herpich J, Stinson GS, Dutton AA, Rix H-W, Martig M. 2016. Surfing on the bar: the formation of anti-truncated stellar disk profiles DePaz AG, Knapen JH, Lee JC. FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXY OUTSKIRTS, 11 :78-80 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
