Dr Ivo Siekmann
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: I.Siekmann@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2092
Journal article
Humpe A, Mazzali PA, Gal-Yam A, Siekmann I. 2025. Decision tree ensembles for automatic spectroscopic classification of tidal disruption events Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 538 :301-311 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Alhassan Y, Siekmann I, Petrovskii S. 2024. Mathematical model of oxygen minimum zones in the vertical distribution of oxygen in the ocean Scientific Reports, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hawker M, Siekmann I. 2024. "People" meet "Markovians" - Individual-based modelling with hybrid stochastic systems Journal of Biological Systems, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mitchinson AJ, Pogson M, Czanner G, Conway D, Wilkinson RR, Murphy MF, Siekmann I, Webb SD. 2024. A stochastic model for topographically influenced cell migration Journal of Theoretical Biology, 581 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Srisawat K, Stead CA, Hesketh K, Pogson MA, Strauss JA, Cocks MS, Siekmann I, Phillips SM, Lisboa PJ, Shepherd SO, Burniston JG. 2023. People with obesity exhibit losses in muscle proteostasis that are partly improved by exercise training Proteomics, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Araujo R, Brumley D, Cursons J, Day K, Faria M, Flegg JA, Germano D, Hunt H, Hunter P, Jenner A, Johnston S, McCaw JM, Maini P, Miller C, Muskovic W, Osborne J, Pan M, Rajagopal V, Shahidi N, Siekmann I, Stumpf M, Zanca A. 2023. Frontiers of Mathematical Biology: A workshop honouring Professor Edmund Crampin Mathematical Biosciences, 359 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hoy M, Fritsch S, Bröcker T, Kuhl J, Siekmann I. 2023. A Stochastic Model of Personality Differences Based on PSI Theory Mathematics, 11 :1182 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Köhnke MC, Siekmann I, Seno H, Malchow H. 2020. A type IV functional response with different shapes in a predator-prey model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 505 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Köhnke MC, Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2020. Taxis-driven pattern formation in a predator-prey model with group defense Ecological Complexity, 43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Bjelosevic S, Landman K, Monagle P, Ignjatovic V, Crampin EJ. 2019. Mathematical modelling indicates that lower activity of the haemostatic system in neonates is primarily due to lower prothrombin concentration Scientific Reports, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bengfort M, Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2018. Invasive competition with Fokker-Planck diffusion and noise Ecological Complexity, 34 :134-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gawthrop PJ, Siekmann I, Kameneva T, Saha S, Ibbotson MR, Crampin EJ. 2017. Bond graph modelling of chemoelectrical energy transduction IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, 11 :127-138 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I. 2017. An applied mathematician's perspective on Rosennean complexity Ecological Complexity, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Bengfort M, Malchow H. 2017. Coexistence of competitors mediated by nonlinear noise European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 226 :2157-2170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Fackrell M, Crampin EJ, Taylor P. 2016. Modelling modal gating of ion channels with hierarchical Markov models Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 472 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2016. Fighting Enemies and Noise: Competition of Residents and Invaders in a Stochastically Fluctuating Environment Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 11 :137-157 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rajagopal V, Bass G, Walker CG, Crossman DJ, Petzer A, Hickey A, Siekmann I, Hoshijima M, Ellisman MH, Crampin EJ, Soeller C. 2015. Examination of the Effects of Heterogeneous Organization of RyR Clusters, Myofibrils and Mitochondria on Ca2+ Release Patterns in Cardiomyocytes PLoS Computational Biology, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2015. Competition of residents and invaders in a variable environment: Response to enemies and dangerous noise DOI Author Url
Siekmann I, Cao P, Sneyd J, Crampin EJ. 2015. Data-driven modelling of the inositol trisphosphate receptor (IPR) and its role in calcium induced calcium release (CICR) DOI Author Url
Siekmann I. 2015. Bifurcation analysis of individual-based models in population dynamics Ecological Complexity, 21 :177-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Siekmann I, Sneyd J, Crampin EJ. 2014. Statistical analysis of modal gating in ion channels PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 470 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Martin J, Wang X, Simpson C, Siekmann I. 2014. PyTrA: ultra-fast transient absorption data analysis software INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 11 :601-609 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martin J, Wang X, Simpson C, Siekmann I. 2014. PyTrA: Ultra-fast transient absorption data analysis software International Journal of Nanotechnology, 11 :601-609 DOI Publisher Url
Siekmann I. 2013. On competition in ecology, epidemiology and eco-epidemiology ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY, 14 :166-179 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Sneyd J, Crampin EJ. 2012. MCMC Can Detect Nonidentifiable Models BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 103 :2275-2286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Wagner LE, Yule D, Crampin EJ, Sneyd J. 2012. A Kinetic Model for Type I and II IP3R Accounting for Mode Changes BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 103 :658-668 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Wagner LE, Yule D, Fox C, Bryant D, Crampin EJ, Sneyd J. 2011. MCMC Estimation of Markov Models for Ion Channels BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 100 :1919-1929 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H, Venturino E. 2010. On competition of predators and prey infection ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY, 7 :446-457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H, Venturino E. 2008. An extension of the Beretta-Kuang model of viral diseases MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, 5 :549-565 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2008. Local Collapses in the Truscott-Brindley Model MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF NATURAL PHENOMENA, 3 :114-130 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Malchow H, Venturino E. 2008. Predation may defeat spatial spread of infection Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2 :40-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones M, Lallensack JN, Jarman I, Falkingham P, Siekmann I. 2024. Classification of dinosaur footprints using machine learning Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url
Hawker M, Cao P, Sneyd J, Siekmann I. 2024. A Ca$^{2+}$ puff model based on integrodifferential equations DOI Author Url
Srisawat K, Stead C, Hesketh K, Pogson M, Strauss J, Cocks M, Siekmann I, Phillips S, Lisboa P, Shepherd S, Burniston J. 2023. People with obesity exhibit losses in muscle proteostasis that are partly improved by exercise training Authorea Preprints DOI Publisher Url
Srisawat K, Stead C, Hesketh K, Pogson M, Strauss J, Cocks M, Siekmann I, Phillips S, Lisboa P, Shepherd S, Burniston J. 2023. Muscle of obese insulin-resistant humans exhibits losses in proteostasis and attenuated proteome dynamics that are improved by exercise training bioRxiv DOI Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Bjelosevic S, Landman K, Monagle P, Ignjatovic V, Crampin E. 2018. Mathematical modelling indicates that lower activity of the haemostatic system in neonates is primarily due to lower prothrombin concentration arXiv DOI
Siekmann I. 2017. An applied mathematician's perspective on Rosennean Complexity arXiv DOI
Bengfort M, Siekmann I, Malchow H. 2016. Invasive competition with Fokker-Planck diffusion and noise arXiv DOI
Siekmann I, Fackrell M, Crampin EJ, Taylor P. 2016. Modelling modal gating of ion channels with hierarchical Markov models arXiv DOI
Gawthrop PJ, Siekmann I, Kameneva T, Saha S, Ibbotson MR, Crampin EJ. 2015. Bond Graph Modelling of Chemoelectrical Energy Transduction arXiv DOI
Siekmann I, Bengfort M, Malchow H. Invasion patterns in competitive systems DOI Author Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Siekmann I, Osborne JM. 2023. Editorial: Do individuals matter? - Individual-based versus population-based models applied to biology and health Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 9 DOI Publisher Url
Siekmann I, Cao P, Sneyd J, Crampin EJ. 2019. Data-Driven Modelling of the Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor (IPR) and its Role in Calcium-Induced Calcium Release (CICR) de Pitta M, Berry H. Computational Glioscience Springer DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Malchow H, Hilker FM, Siekmann I, Petrovskii SV, Medvinsky AB. 2008. Mathematical Models of Pattern Formation in Planktonic Predation-Diffusion Systems: A Review ASPECTS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELLING: APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE, MEDICINE, ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT :1-26 978-3-7643-8590-3 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Siekmann I, Wagner LE, Yule D, Crampin EJ, Sneyd J. 2012. A Park/Drive Model for the Inositol-Trisphosphate Receptor (IPR) BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society 102 :110A-110A DOI Author Url Publisher Url