Image of Dr Mehdi Seddighi

Dr Mehdi Seddighi

School of Engineering

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Mehdi holds a BSc in Aerospace Engineering and MSc in Aerodynamics from Iran, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Aberdeen. He studied a PhD in Engineering (Fluid Mechanics) on Direct Numerical Simulation of unsteady turbulent-turbulent transient flows, from 2008-2011. Upon completion of his PhD, he joined University of Sheffield, was working as a Research Associate in Turbulence, on several EPSRC, industrial and departmental projects until September 2015 when he joined LJMU as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics.

Research interests
- Unsteady turbulent flow (Numerical: DNS/LES; Experiment: PIV/LDV)
- Bypass transition in turbulent-turbulent transient flow (Smooth-wall, Rough wall)
- Control of turbulent flow
- Simulation of pulsatile blood flow
- Hydrodynamics
- Marine Renewable Energy
- Turbulent flow over rough surfaces

Web addresses

Current Projects
- Development of Very Low Head Tidal Turbine, Innovate UK, £30,978, 2023-2025, PI.
- On the Development of a Novel Approach in Modelling of Turbulent Pulsating Flows, EPSRC, £259,481, 2020-2023, PI, with Charles Moulinec (STFC Laboratories).

Completed Projects
- Development of next generation of Anilox Rolls and Sleeves, Innovate UK, £396,431, 2019-2021, CoI, with Martin Sharp (PI).

Research Team:
1) Dr Mehdi Seddiq (Post-docoral Research Associate)
Project: Development of next generation of Anilox Rolls and Sleeves (InnovateUK funded project)
Ink trasnfer between anilox and flexo-plate rollers: U-type cell shape

2) Dr Osama Maklad (Post-docoral Research Associate)
Project: On the Development of a Novel Approach in Modelling of Turbulent Pulsating
Flows (EPSRC funded project)

3) Mr Jack Campbell (PhD student; 2019-)
PhD title: Study of turbulence and heat transfer in pulsating flows
Despite extensive research available in the literature, on effects of pulsating flow with heat transfer, our understanding of turbulence behaviour and heat transfer in such flows is limited. The aim of this project is to investigate detailed turbulence structure and heat transfer performance in channel flows. The study use Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) accompanied by investigation using PIV / LDV physical experiments.

4) Mr Leon Newton (PhD student; 2019-)
PhD title: A study of modelling of turbulent flow over patterned and rough surfaces
The proposed PhD project aims to improve predictions, and reduce CFD simulation time, by studying detailed flow structure and friction drag on patterned surfaces and modelling these surfaces using the slip-length concept. The research study both steady and unsteady flow conditions over various roughness regimes. The research will also investigate further our recent finding that the nature of turbulence response of a rough-wall transient channel flow starting from a steady turbulent flow resembles the boundary layer roughness-induced laminar-turbulent transition (Seddighi et al., 2015).

5) Mr Tobi Onasanya (PhD student; 2021-)
PhD title: Investigation of wall shear stress and flow behaviour in pulsating blood flows in large arteries
Understanding flow dynamics in pulsating flows is a crucial factor in predicting flow behaviour and subsequently arterial plaque rupture in Atherosclerosis disease. The aim of this project is to investigate effect of various pulsatile parameters on flow behaviour in some large veins. This process is simulated using DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) and LES (Large Eddy Simulation) accompanied by experimental data which will be obtained in collaboration with the group’s project partner.

Former members:
1) Dr Khaled Takrouri (PhD student; 2016-2020)
PhD title: Study of drag reduction over a novel textured surface
The project studied detailed flow structure of flow over smooth and a novel biomimetic textured surface. The simulations were carried using our in-house DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) and LES (Large Eddy Simulation) computer codes, CHAPSim. The DNS code is parallelised using a hybrid MPI / MP approach by our group and has been used successfully on several projects.

2) Mehmet Caglar (Visiting student; October 2019 - January 2020)

3) Sebastiano Giorgi (Visiting student; June 2018 - September 2018)

o Postdoctoral Positions
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Fluid Mechanics

o PhD positions
Dr Seddighi is currently seeking motivated students with strong background in physics or engineering for PhD projects on the following areas:
- Study of blood flow in arteries with atherosclerotic plaque rupture
- Control of turbulent flow using micro-patterned textured surfaces
- Turbulent-turbulent transient flow over smooth and rough surfaces

Current Teaching
- Fluid Mechanics I (Level 4)
- Fluid Mechanics III (Level 6) (Viscous flow, boundary layer theory - Physical descriptions, , boundary layer theory - Prandtl BL Equation, , Blasius solution, von Karman's momentum integral equation)
- Engineering Analysis - CFD part (Level 6)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (Level 7, MSc) (Introduction to CFD/Ipython Notebook, Steady diffusion problems ( Ipython Notebook; html), Introduction to numerical solution for linear algebraic equations, Steady convection-diffusion problems, Steady N.S. equation - SIMPLE algorithm, Unsteady N.S. equation – Chorin (projection) algorithm, Verification & Validation in CFD, Introduction to Turbulence - RANS)

Academic appointments
Reader in Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2021
Post-doc Research Associate in Turbulence, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield, 2011 - 2015
