Image of Sarah Shardlow

Sarah Shardlow

Nursing and Advanced Practice

Faculty of Health


2019, University of Chester, United Kingdom, MSc in Advanced Clinical practice, Health and Social care
2014, University of Chester, United Kingdom, BSc, Adult nursing
2005, University of Chester, United Kingdom, Diploma in HE, Adult nursing

Academic appointments

Lecturer/Senior lecturer- Advanced practice, Allied health and nursing, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present

Postgraduate training

Professional Doctorate, United Kingdom, University of Chester, 2020 - present

Journal article

Morrell-Scott N, Lavery J, Cooper D, Ollier M, Baker S, Deehan D, Fisher J, Flewitt S, Hughes J, Pierce-Hayes I, Shardlow S, Solomon S, Dalton M. Where can advanced practice go next to support cardiac patients? British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 18 :1-3 DOI Publisher Url
