Image of Dr Julie Roberts

Dr Julie Roberts

School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Science

See My Tutor


1. Disaster Victim Identification (DVI)

- Achieving positive identifications in highly disrupted, burnt and commingled remains. Analysis of factors that influence DNA success rates in mass fatality incidents / fatal fires, including recovery methods at the scene, environmental influences, tissue types, and mortuary processes
- Improving protocols for recovery of fragmented and burnt remains
- Multidisciplinary approaches to improve identification rates of large population groups including victims of war crimes and unidentified deceased migrants
- Post-conflict analysis of the deceased: Using multiple datasets to identify patterns relating to demographic profiles of victims, cause of death, geographical location of crimes and burial sites

2. Strengthening the links between higher education and commercial forensic science

3. Presentation of forensic anthropology evidence in expert witness statements and the courtroom, and how this impacts on the bereaved.
