Dr Colum Cronin is an academic member of staff (with teaching duties). He teaches on the BA Physical Education, BSc Sport Coaching and MSc. Coaching courses. On these courses, Colum shares his research, which predominantly explores how coaches can develop caring relationships with athletes. He is the coauthor of the book, Care in Sport Coaching, published by Routledge. Colum's other research interests include disability sport coaching and coach education. He is an associate editor of the academic journal Sports Coaching Review, and was recently awarded the AIESEP (International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) Young Scholar of the Year Award 2019. He has worked with a number of sporting organisations such as the Football Association and UK Coaching.
2016, University of Birmingham, UK, PhD
2009, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, MSc Sport Coaching
2008, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate Of Education
2001, Northumbria University, United Kingdom, BSc (Hon) Sport Management
2005, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Certificate in Self Management
2005, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, Certificate in Management of others
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer Physical Education and Sport Coaching, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
Senior Lecturer Sport Pedagogy, University of Cumbria, 2010 - 2015
Lecturer Public Services and Sport, Burnley College, 2002 - 2010
Highlighted publications
Cronin C. 2023. Care in sport coaching; different perspectives and alternative voices Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hickey C, Cronin C. 2022. Developing Caring Cultures in Football: a model for practice and change Campbell N, Brady A, Tincknell-Smith A. Developing and Supporting Athlete Wellbeing: person first, athlete second :150-165 Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url
Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Enright KJ. 2019. The Challenge to Care in a Premier League Football Club Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Baker M, Reeves MJ, Johnson G, Cronin CJ. 2018. Lifting the veil of depression and alcoholism in sport coaching: how do we care for carers? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Armour K. 2018. Care in Sport Coaching Pedagogical Cases Routledge 9781351109291
Cronin CJ, Armour KM. 2015. ‘Being’ in the coaching world: new insights on youth performance coaching from an interpretative phenomenological approach Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Farrugia M, Olthof S, Roberts SJ, Cronin CJ. 2025. Making the Best Use of Time: Analysis of Practice Structure in Maltese Football Coaching MCAST Journal of Applied Research & Practice, 8 :61-75 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kirk C, Cronin C, Langan-Evans C, Clark DR, Morton JP. 2024. From Early Explorers to Restricted Practitioners: A Qualitative Analysis of Coaches’ Development, Context, and Practices Within U.K. Mixed Martial Arts International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts S. 2024. ‘Teeing’ Up Games for Understanding (TUGfU): a golf coach’s perception and application of a game-based approach Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon AJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ, Twist C, Close GL. 2024. Physical collisions during elite rugby league match play and training: A stakeholder's perspective International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magill C, Cronin C, Polman R, Rudd J. 2024. Exploration of the Longitudinal Development of Physical Education Teacher Efficacy: Understanding the Key Influences Impacting Preservice Teachers Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Foo WL, Tester E, Close GL, Cronin CJ, Morton JP. 2024. Professional Male Soccer Players' Perspectives of the Nutrition Culture Within an English Premier League Football Club: A Qualitative Exploration Using Bourdieu's Concepts of Habitus, Capital and Field Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead A. 2024. What do high performance football coaches need to know about the coach-athlete relationship? Implications for formal coach education International Sport Coaching Journal, :1-3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Massey KL, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2024. ‘Baby Ban’ and ‘We are not the same’: Creative non-fiction dialogue exploring pregnancy and motherhood for a funded Paralympic and unfunded Olympic athlete Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Noel D, Samuel W, Reece C, Roberts S, Cronin CJ. 2024. The challenges of navigating different spaces and contexts in collaborative doctoral research in sport coaching Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon AJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ, Twist C, Close GL. 2024. Understanding elite rugby league players' experience of collision, effective contact coaching techniques, and player contact psychology: A focus group study Journal of Sports Sciences, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Richardson SJ, McRobert AP, Vinson D, Cronin CJ, Lee C, Roberts SJ. 2023. Systematic review of sport coaches’ and teachers’ perceptions and application of game-based and constraints-led pedagogy: A qualitative meta-study Quest, :1-22 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Tod D, Mcewan HE, Cronin C, Lafferty M. 2023. Client-Led Applied Sport Psychology Practitioners' Narratives About Helping Athletes The Sport Psychologist, 37 :287-296 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead A. 2023. Developing coaches’ knowledge of the athlete-coach relationship through formal coach education: the perceptions of FA Coach Developers International Sport Coaching Journal, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chapman RJ, Cope E, Richardson D, Littlewood M, Cronin C. 2023. How did we get here; a historical and social exploration of the construction of English FA coach education Sport, Education and Society, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Magill C, Cronin C, Walsh B, Polman R, Rudd J. 2023. Teaching efficacy of undergraduate PE students; what are the key predictors and what can PE educators learn from this? Frontiers in Education, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C. 2023. Care in sport coaching; different perspectives and alternative voices Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McHaffie SJ, Langan-Evans C, Morehen JC, Strauss JA, Areta JL, Rosimus C, Evans M, Elliott-Sale KJ, Cronin CJ, Morton JP. 2022. Normalising the conversation: a qualitative analysis of player and stakeholder perceptions of menstrual health support within elite female soccer Science and Medicine in Football, 6 :633-642 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dempsey NM, Cope E, Richardson D, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ. 2022. An examination of content knowledge in formal coach education curriculum Sport, Education and Society, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Watson M, Smith D, Fenton J, Pedraza-Ramirez I, Laborde S, Cronin C. 2022. Introducing esports coaching to sport coaching (not as sport coaching) Sports Coaching Review, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Langan-Evans C, Cronin C, Hearris MA, Elliott-Sale KJ, Morton JP. 2022. Perceptions of Current Issues in Female Sport Nutrition From Elite Athletes, Practitioners, and Researchers Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 30 :133-143 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
McHaffie SJ, Langan-Evans C, Morehen JC, Strauss JA, Areta JL, Rosimus C, Evans M, Elliott-Sale KJ, Cronin CJ, Morton JP. 2022. Carbohydrate fear, skinfold targets and body image issues: A qualitative analysis of player and stakeholder perceptions of the nutrition culture within elite female soccer. Science and Medicine in Football, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dempsey NM, Cope E, Richardson DJ, Littlewood MA, Cronin CJ. 2021. Less may be more: how do coach developers reproduce “learner-centred” policy in practice? Sports Coaching Review, 10 :203-224 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dempsey NM, Richardson DJ, Cope E, Cronin CJ. 2020. Creating and disseminating coach education policy: a case of formal coach education in grassroots football Sport, Education and Society, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rudd JR, Crotti M, Fitton-Davies K, O'Callaghan L, Bardid F, Utesh T, Roberts SJ, Boddy LM, Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Foulkes JD, Watson PM, Pesce C, Button C, Lubans D, Buszard T, Walsh BA, Foweather L. 2020. Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6-Year-Old Children From Deprived Areas of North West England Frontiers in Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stephenson J, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2020. ‘Suspended above, and in action’: Think Aloud as a reflective practice tool. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7 :11-21 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Chapman R, Richardson D, Cope E, Cronin C. 2019. Learning from the past; a Freirean analysis of FA coach education since 1967 Sport, Education and Society, :1-17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Daniels L, Cronin CJ. 2019. Athletes’ views on care in coaching: Perspectives of women footballers in the U.K. Applied Coaching Research Journal, 3 :34-39 Publisher Url Public Url
Whitehead AE, Umeh FK, Walsh BA, Whittaker E, Cronin CJ. 2019. Back to Netball: Motivations for participation in a female focused Netball sport program. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 27 :21-29 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Knowles ZR, Enright KJ. 2019. The Challenge to Care in a Premier League Football Club Sports Coaching Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Roberts SJ, Baker M, Reeves MJ, Johnson G, Cronin CJ. 2018. Lifting the veil of depression and alcoholism in sport coaching: how do we care for carers? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Walsh BA, Whittaker E, Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE. 2018. ‘Net Mums’: a narrative account of participants’ experiences within a netball intervention McGannon K. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Walsh BA, Whitehead A, Whittaker E, Quayle L. 2018. Carefully supporting autonomy – learning coaching lessons and advancing theory from women’s netball in England. Sports Coaching Review, 8 :149-171 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Ryrie A, Huntley T, Hayton JW. 2017. 'Sinking and swimming in disability coaching': an autoethnographic account of coaching in a new context Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Whitehead AE, Webster S, Huntley T. 2017. Transforming, storing and consuming athletic experiences; a coach’s narrative of using a video app. Evans J. Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Lowes J. 2016. Brief Encounters with Qualitative Methods in Health Research: Phenomenology and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research Practice and Learning,, 5 :8-12 Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Lowes J. 2016. Embedding experiential learning in HE sport coaching courses: An action research study Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 18 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Armour KM. 2015. ‘Being’ in the coaching world: new insights on youth performance coaching from an interpretative phenomenological approach Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Miller PK, Baker G. 2015. Nurture, nature and some very dubious social skills: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of talent identification practices in elite English youth soccer Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7 :642-662 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Armour KM. 2013. Lived experience and community sport coaching: A phenomenological investigation Sport, Education and Society, 20 :959-975 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin CJ, Miller PK. 2013. Rethinking the factuality of “contextual” factors in an ethnomethodological mode: Towards a reflexive understanding of action-context dynamism in the theorisation of coaching Sport Coaching Review, 2 :1-17 DOI Publisher Url
Bampouras TM, Cronin CJ, Miller PK. 2012. Performance analytic processes in elite sport practice: An exploratory investigation of the perspectives of a sport scientist, coach and athlete International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Miller PK, Rowe L, Cronin CJ, Bampouras TM. 2012. Heuristic Reasoning and the Observer's View: The Influence of Example-Availability on ad-hoc Frequency Judgments in Sport JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, 24 :290-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C. 2025. Phenomenology Research Methods in Sports Coaching, Second Edition :150-160 DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Jennings M. 2024. Tough love and compromised care in the Dojo Chroni S, Olusoga P, Dieffenbach K, Kenttä G. Coaching Stories: Navigating Storms, Triumphs, and Transformations in Sport :111-111 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Dempsey N, Chapman R, Cronin C. 2024. Assessment in Coach Education: A Disjointed Piece of the Puzzle? Liam M. Sport Coach Education, Development, and Assessment International Perspectives :49-61 Routledge 9781040023242 DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Ryrie A. 2024. Youth Sport Coaching Girginov V, Marttinen R. Routledge Resources Online: Sports Studies Routledge DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hickey C, Cronin C. 2022. Developing Caring Cultures in Football: a model for practice and change Campbell N, Brady A, Tincknell-Smith A. Developing and Supporting Athlete Wellbeing: person first, athlete second :150-165 Routledge. London DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, James B. 2022. Care in community sport coaching Ives B, Potrac P, Gale L, Nelson L. Community Sport Coaching: Policies and Practice :240-252 Routledge DOI
Cronin C. 2021. Caring Coaching: Examining the notion of ‘cruel to be kind’ and other caring myths Whitehead A, Coe J. Myths of Sport Coaching Sequoia Books. London 978-1914110122 Publisher Url
Cronin C, Bush J. 2021. Care in Community Sport Coaching Community Sport Coaching :240-252 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin CJ, Lowes J. 2019. Care in Community Sports Coaching Gale L, Ives B. Sports coaching in the community: Developing knowledge and insight :79-95 Manchester Metropolitan University Publisher Url Public Url
Chapman R, Dempsey N, Cronin C, Richardson D. 2019. Developing “the community” through the effective coaching of grassroots football: What’s the role of coach education? Gale L, Ives B. Sports coaching in the community: Developing knowledge and insight :18-33 Manchester Metropolitan University. Manchester Publisher Url
Cronin C, Armour K. 2018. Conclusions, guidelines and future questions Care in Sport Coaching :124-135 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Hayton J, Hjälm S, Armour K. 2018. The cost of caring Care in Sport Coaching :101-123 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Roberts S, Cronin O, Armour K. 2018. Caring for, and with, others Care in Sport Coaching :82-100 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Armour K. 2018. Nurturing care in sport coaching Care in Sport Coaching :44-61 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Armour K, Cronin C. 2018. Why pedagogical case studies? Care in Sport Coaching :30-43 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Armour K. 2018. Introduction to care in coaching Care in Sport Coaching :1-14 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin C, Armour K, Gano-Overway L. 2018. Care theory and sport coaching Care in Sport Coaching :15-29 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Cronin CJ, Armour K, Enright KJ. 2018. Caring through Science and Autonomy: Terry’s Story Care in Sport Coaching 1 Taylor & Francis (Routledge) 9781351109314 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Allen J, Chapman R, Nichol A, Whitehead AE, Johns K, Carroll M, Hayton J, Lascu A, Hall E, Potrac P, Ryrie A, Cronin C. 2024. Challenges and Opportunities for Community Sport Coach Development: An appreciative inquiry project Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C, Champ F, Gherardi M, Hardwick A, Huntley DT, Lewis C, Rongen F, Ryrie A, Tod D, Whitehead A. 2022. Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ Care for Coaches: Mixed experiences, varied needs, and care ‘infrastructure’ to support the coaching ‘workforce’ :1-40
Huntley T, Whitehead A, Cronin C, Williams C, Ryrie A, Townsend R. 2019. Pan-European Work Force Audit (Output 1) and Best Practice Case Study (Output 2) Report. The Experiences of Coaches in Paralympic and Disability Sport Author Url Publisher Url
Whitehead AE, Walsh BA, Cronin CJ, Quayle L, Whittaker E. 2016. Back to Netball changing lives! Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Newland A, Cronin CJ, Cook GM, Whitehead AE. 2024. The athlete-coach relationship in FA coach education; a black hole? AISEP Conference Public Url
Richardson LD, Cronin CJ, Lane KE, Davies IG. 2018. Women's lived experience of fatness. 'My body is not public property!' 6th International Weight Stigma Conference, Leeds Beckett University
Conference publication
Watson M, Smtih D, Fenton J, Pedraza I, Laborde S, Cronin C. 2021. What Is esports coaching? a qualitative examination of the experiences of professional league of legends coaches INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY, 19 :S65-S66 Author Url
Book review
Cronin CJ. 2020. Sociology, Curriculum Studies and Professional Knowledge: New Perspectives on the Works of Michael Young edited by David Guile, David Lambert and Michael J. Reiss, London, Routledge, 2018, 292, £88, ISBN: 9781138675834 Sport, Education and Society, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C. 2019. Book Review: Ethics in youth sport: policy and pedagogical applications by Stephen Harvey, and Richard L. Light, (eds.), Abingdon, Routledge, 2012, 240pp., $53 (paperback), $128 (hardback), ISBN 9781138795778 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 46 :454-457 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cronin C. 2011. Book Review: Doing your literature review: traditional and systematic techniques, by Jill Jesson, Lydia Matheson and Fiona M. Lacey, London, Sage, 2011, 192 pp., £20.99 (paperback), ISBN: 978-1-848-60154-3 Evaluation and Research in Education, 3 :219-221 DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Cronin C, Armour K. 2018. Care in Sport Coaching Pedagogical Cases Routledge 9781351109291
Research Grants Awarded:
UK Coaching, Community Coach Development, Justine Allen (University of Northumbria), Amy Whitehead (LJMU), Adam Nichol (University of Northumbria), Reece Chapman (University of Northumbria), Paul Potrac (University of Northumbria), Ed Hall (University of Northumbria), Claire Bruce-Martin (University of Northumbria), Karen Johns (University of Northumbria), Alex Lascu (University of Canberrra), Mark Carroll (University of Stirling), Lindsay Findlay-King (University of Northumbria), John Hayton (University of Northumbria),, Grant value (£): 14,968.16. 2024
England Rugby Football League, 'Watch Aloud' - Measuring parental sideline behaviour, Amy Whitehead (P1), Danny Cullinane, Colum Cronin, Gus Ryrie, Katie Fitton-Davies, Vicci Boyd, Colin Lewis, Amy Hardwick, Grant value (£): £21,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2022
UK Coaching, Caring Cultures in Sport Coaching, Amy Whitehead (LJMU), David Tod (LJMU), Francesca Champ (LJMU), Angus Ryrie (LJMU), Colin Lewis (LJMU), Fieke Rongen (Leeds Beckett University), Tabo Huntley (LJMU)., Grant value (£): £15, 000, Duration of research project: 7 Months. 2021
Erasmus Plus, Para-Disability Coach Education and Learning Project- Enhancing Para-disability sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment with reference to a Para-Disability European Sport Coaching Framework and Massive Open Online Course, LJMU Team: Dr Amy Whitehead, Professor Philip Vickerman, Dr Colum Cronin, Dr Gus Ryrie, Ms Catherine Walker, Dr Nicola Rowley and Dr James Rudd, Grant value (£): 334, 355, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2018
Football Association, Review of Grassroots Coach Education Provision, David Richardson, David Morley, Martin Littlewood, Grant value (£): 58, 200, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2017
Other invited event:
UK Coaching & Oxford Brooks Duty of Care Event, Online, Online presentation of care research to practitioners, academics and policy makers. 2021
International Council for Coaching Excellence Connect Webinar, Online, Online webinar exploring care in coaching to an international audience. 2021
UK Coach Performance Pathway Coaches Conference, Online, Presentation on Care for Coaches to coaches within the UK talent pathway. 2021
British Cycling Coach Education Webinars, Online, Workshop on Care in Coaching. 2020
UK Coaching Coach Developer Network, Online, Workshop on care in sport coaching to UK coach developers. 2020
Media Coverage:
Euro 2020: how football managers and coaches control the narrative (opens in a new tab) 2021
Conference presentation:
Using ‘Think Aloud’ to reflect on mentor practice: A collaborative action research approach in grassroots football, International Council for Coaching Excellence, Global Coaching Conference, Tokyo, Poster presentation. 2019
Releasing the Coaching Imagination, AIESEP World Congress, Edinburgh, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Caring in the Uncaring football world, Future Football: a design for life”: Conference by The Football Collective at FC United, FC Utd Manchester, Oral presentation. 2016
Growing the Elite Athlete: John Dewey and Sport Coaching, Democracy and Education: 100 Years on, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Oral presentation. 2016
Care: An Essence of Youth Performance Coaching, Third Biannual International Coaching Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Oral presentation. 2015
The Lifeworld of Youth Performance Sport Coaches, British Sociological Association Sport Study Group, Edge Hill University, Oral presentation. 2015
Talent identification in English youth soccer: exploring the lived experiences of professional gatekeeper coaches, 4th International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, Loughborough University, Oral presentation. 2014
Working with ‘Real Kids’; How do Novice Coaches Experience Early Coaching Activities?, British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists, University of Central Lancashire, Poster presentation. 2012
External committees:
UK Coaching Duty to Care Steering Group, UK Coaching, Steering Group Member.