Conference presentation:
Simulating connection: a critical scoping review of relatedness manipulations in experimental paradigms, 8th International Self-Determination Theory Conference, Orlando, Florida, Oral presentation. 2023
Appraising frustration: personality as a moderator between basic psychological needs and stress appraisals, FEPSAC 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Padua, Italy, “Gimme 5” Oral presentation. 2022
The protective role of personality factors in challenging environments: a moderator between needs thwarting and stress appraisals, BPS conference “Positive adaptations: psychological strengths”, Online, Poster presentation. 2021
Il ruolo dei fattori di personalità nella moderazione della reazione allo stress durante la performance, 23rd National Congress of AIPS (Italian Sport Psychology Association), Online, Science Slam Oral Presentation. 2021
A transtheoretical model exploring how personality factors moderate the effect of environmental stressors on appraisals, 35th Annual PsyPAG Conference, Online, Oral presentation.
Membership of professional bodies:
Accredited Psychologist, Order of Psychologists of Lombardy. 2018
Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy.