Stay safe this winter

Winter Break main

The winter break starts this week and we hope you all have an enjoyable and safe break.

Tips for staying safe

Thinking ahead, looking after each other and making plans to get home will help you to enjoy your festive celebrations that little bit more. Remember to:   

  • Travel with a group of friends when leaving a party, pub or venue after dark. If you or your friends have to travel alone, make sure you let each other know you have arrived home safely.
  • If you need to get a taxi, make sure it is a registered cab. Where possible, try to pre-book a taxi home. 
  • Keep a careful eye on your belongings; remember that the holiday crowds create an ideal environment for pickpockets and other opportunist criminals. 
  • Stick with your friends and look out for each other.
  • Stash some cash in case you lose your purse or wallet. 
  • Store an ‘in case of emergency’ number in your phone as well as writing one out and storing it in your purse or wallet. 

We've put together a Winter Break Guide where you’ll find further information on: 

  • Personal safety
  • Safety of belongings and accommodation 
  • Health and mental wellbeing including useful links and helplines  
  • Things to do in Liverpool 
  • Faith events and services
  • Library opening times 
  • Information for international students 
  • Money advice 

We wish all our students a safe and enjoyable winter break. We look forward to seeing you in 2020. 


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