Transatlantic research partnership in the arts

LJMU’s School of Art and Design has agreed a five-year partnership with Transart Institute in New York City, which will see the two organisations offer a joint transdisciplinary doctoral programme from summer 2020. The aim of the programme is to create an exchange in research areas including contemporary art, art history, curating and exhibition studies, digital culture and technology.

The new partnership, led by LJMU’s Prof. Joasia Krysa, will offer opportunities for current LJMU researchers to co-curate exhibitions, residencies and intensives across both sides of the Atlantic, and to develop new and innovative practice-based research.

Initially, the programme will welcome ten Transart doctoral students who will complete three years in NYC and Liverpool, where they will engage with LJMU’s cultural partnerships, including the Liverpool Biennial 2020 art programme. Students from LJMU will also be invited to apply for a place on subsequent recruitment cycles.
The programme will be validated by LJMU, and will include a supervisory staff base made up of LJMU and Transart academics. Students from either side of the Atlantic will come together biannually for intensive workshops, where they will collaborate to create a programme of work – residential workshops are held in New York, Berlin and next year, Liverpool. 

Commenting on the new partnership, Prof Krysa said: We are thrilled to embark on collaboration with Transart Institute to test new approaches to creative research in the global context. Bringing together Transart’s international experience of practice-based low residency mobile models of learning with LJMU’s history of art education going back to 1825, its world class research, and cultural partnerships in the city of Liverpool, we are ideally placed to offer innovative ways of thinking about research practice with global impact.

The partnership also opens up new research discipline within the School of Art and Design’s Institute of Art and Technology in the form of a multi-disciplinary ‘lab’ made up of a community of artists, practitioners, researchers, PhD students and fellows.

Transart Institute’s Director, Cella, adds: We are excited to launch this new partnership, which will open a space for a truly global, creative research community, with opportunities to expand, enhance and sustain individual and collective practices internationally. The cross-pollination between LJMU and Transart research communities, encompassing as it does such a wide range of diverse practices and areas of knowledge and interest, will enrich the research praxis of all students and academics who are involved in this partnership.”

More details about the new research opportunities will be available on the LJMU website in due course. 

Image credit: Aleks Slota


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