Curriculum Management system taking shape

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Work is well under way on a major project to develop a new curriculum management system for LJMU.

We are replacing our existing ProdCat and ModCat systems with a new product called CourseLoop.

CourseLoop is a much slicker, more intuitive platform than our current systems and it will make managing and developing curriculum information much simpler and less time-consuming. It will provide a single source of truth for LJMU curriculum information and integrate with our other systems.

In short, it will make the administrative side of our academic work much more efficient and straight forward.

The project formally started in October, since when we have held a number of productive workshops with LJMU colleagues and the CourseLoop team to start shaping the new system and preparing for the next phases of migration to the new platform.

The project is being delivered in five phases, with the first of the five releases of the system scheduled to go live in September 2022.


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