People Politics and the Planet in Crisis

LJMU is hosting an international workshop this spring, focusing on People, Politics and the Planet in Crisis – and there is an opportunity for you to get involved.

The event is being organised by the International Relations and Politics department and will explore the impact of climate change on geopolitics and political systems at the end of the 21st Century.

The workshop will be a hybrid of in-person and online on Thursday 6 April, with contributions invited from staff, students and people outside LJMU whose research interests will inform the five principal reasons for the event:

  1. To bring experts and interested people into the research area and encourage people to be more predictive in their assessments of the impact of climate change on geopolitics, political systems and political ideology
  2. To support the process of getting an edited series, People, Politics and the Planet in Crisis approved
  3. To write a research report mapping out the discussions at the conference and include a summary in an edited collection
  4. To provide a productive and supportive environment for people wanting to do research in this area
  5. To illustrate the consequences of our current environmental actions

If you are interested in participating, please submit a short summary of your interests and experience in examining climate change, alongside an explanation of your interest in exploring the long-term predictive impacts of climate change, to Dr Matthew Hill by Thursday 16 February 2023.


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