Workshops for researchers now available to book for 2024

Our Research Engagement team within Library Services is delighted to announce that they will be hosting further workshops throughout 2024 aimed at researchers and postgraduate researchers (PGRs) to enhance how they manage their research data.

Storing and sharing your research data: February and March workshops

Are you applying for a research grant that requires information on how you will safely store and share your research data?

In this session we will go through:

  • How your research data will be organised during the project
  • How and where you can store your research data
  • Back up and security of data
  • Preparation of data for sharing and archiving
  • How you can share data, give access permissions
  • The value open data will have to others.

LJMU IT Services will provide advice on a range of storage options. The right one will depend on how large your data set is and whether you are collaborating with internal or external colleagues.  

The Research Engagement team will then also go through most frequently asked questions by research funders to enable you to write a data management plan or statement (depending on the funder) to submit as part of your application and how to get feedback before submission.

Sessions can be booked for Thursday 15 February 2024 or Thursday 14 March 2024.

How to write a data management plan (DMP): February and March workshops

Need to write a data management plan for your research application?

In this session we will go through:

  • Where does your data management plan it fit in a proposal?
  • Assessment of existing data
  • Information on new data
  • Formats
  • Quality assurance of data
  • Backup and security of data
  • Management and curation of data
  • Expected difficulties in data sharing.
  • Consent, anonymisation and strategies to enable further re-use of data.
  • Copyright/intellectual property right
  • Responsibilities
  • Preparation of data for sharing and archiving
  • UKRI Feedback

Sessions can be booked for Thursday 8 February 2024 or Tuesday 12 March 2024.

How to deposit your data: February and March workshops

LJMU Research Data Repository is the university’s institutional repository where researchers can safely deposit and store research data on an open access basis. LJMU Research Data Repository is linked to Symplectic, the LJMU research publications system. This session will help you step by step to deposit your research data.

Sessions can be booked for Tuesday 13 February 2024 or Thursday 14 March 2024.

Contact the Research Engagement team

Need more help? Got further questions? Email the Research Engagement team who can advise and support you further.


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