Register to attend the Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference

All staff are invited to attend the Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference 2023, taking place in December.

The event is being hosted by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology and will celebrate delivering innovative solutions to tackle global challenges.

It takes place on Monday 18 December, 8.30am to 5.45pm.

There will be keynote presentations from:

  • Sir Michael Bibby, Chairman of Bibby Line Group Limited
  • Professor Janet Hemmingway, Founding Director of iiCON: Infection Innovation Consortium, CEO of iiDiagnostics, and Professor of Tropical Medicine at LSTM
  • Naomi Matthews, Africa Survey & Biomonitoring Coordinator at Chester Zoo

Faculty lab tours will be available during lunch. This includes the ship simulator, the electric racing car and the smart homes.

You can register to attend here.



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