Academic Registry training sessions February to July 2023

Academic Registry offer a range of online and in-person training sessions aimed at both academic and administrative staff.

There are still many training opportunities available this academic year, through to the end of July 2023, covering a range of topics:

  • An Introduction to Courseloop
  • Using Courseloop for module and programme amendments
  • Using Courseloop in programme and validation review
  • Academic Misconduct training
  • Invigilation training
  • Module Leader toolkit
  • Programme Leader toolkit
  • Programme Leader briefings on external examiner annual reports
  • Results notification
  • Webhub: student information and dashboards for Programme Leaders, Module Teams and Personal Tutors

To register your place on any of the training sessions, visit the Academic Registry staff events webpage and keep a look-out for any additional training sessions and dates.

For training sessions delivered via Microsoft Teams, staff should use their LJMU work email address when registering their attendance.


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