Professional Services Staff Governor Elections

Following the call for nominations, the below candidates are standing for election, to represent Professional Services as a Staff Governor, sitting on the Board of Governors:

  • Joe Coombes, Sport and Physical Activity Operations Manager
  • Kathy Houghton, Procurement Manager
  • Ed Naylor, Head of Accommodation and Student Living
  • Philip Rothwell, Senior Learning Technology Developer
  • Emily Walker, Impact Officer

There is one Professional Services staff vacancy on the Board. The elected candidate will serve for a period of three years, commencing in advance of the next Board of Governors meeting, which will take place on Monday 24 April 2023.

The election will be conducted via an anonymous online ballot in which only Professional Services staff are eligible to vote. It will open on Monday 13 March 2023 at 12pm, and close on Monday 27 March 2023 at 5pm.

The candidate with the most votes will be announced on Thursday 30 March 2023. In order to facilitate the voting process, all individuals eligible to vote will be added to an MS Teams page, which will be completed in advance of the opening of the election period.

For eligible staff without access to a computer, paper ballots can be provided with instructions for completion and return. If you have any direct reports or colleagues for whom this may apply to, please contact the Secretariat team via email to discuss further. 

On Monday 13 March 2023, all eligible staff will receive instructions via MS Teams on how to cast their vote.

Although elected by staff within their particular category, members of the Board of Governors will not be representing any particular group or service area.

If you require any further information, please contact the Secretariat team.


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