Menopause cafes throughout 2024

This year we will once again host four menopause cafes for our staff. Anyone wishing to attend can book via the staff wellbeing events page.

Join us for a cuppa and a chat at the first café of the year which will take place on Tuesday 16 January, from 10am to 11.30am in the John Lennon Art and Design Building, Roderick Walker Seminar Room.

Further cafes will take place throughout the year on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 17 April
  • Wednesday 10 July
  • Wednesday 16 October

Find out more about or work across the university to better understand and recognise support needed by those experiencing the menopause and perimenopause, and to increase awareness across the organisation in our World Menopause Day 2023 article.

About the menopause cafes

The menopause café was founded in Scotland by Rachel Weiss in 2017, and LJMU has been working with her to establish cafes on campus.

The cafes offer a place for our LJMU community to eat cake, drink tea and discuss menopause in an accessible, respectful and confidential space, open to all staff regardless of age or gender.

The HR team and Menopause Matters staff group are working with colleagues across the university to ensure that our staff from all departments and in all roles are able to attend cafes throughout the year.

You can contact the HR team via email with any suggestions or questions related to menopause support and awareness, or if you want to join the group.


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