Image of Dr Clare Horrocks

Dr Clare Horrocks

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

I have worked at LJMU for over twenty years and am an established researcher in the field of Victorian Popular Culture. I am the MCC Employability Lead and Outreach Coordinator. I welcome applications for PhDs on any aspect of the Victorian Periodical Press, Punch and author attribution projects. My specialisms include working with Archives and enhancing the transition of Archival studies for the Digital Age; I am an Academic Advisor to Gale Cengage Learning and creator of the Punch Contributor Ledgers Project at LJMU, including an online Exhibition which identifies the women contributors to Punch for the first time.


2009, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Cultural History, Humanities and Social Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2000 - present

Highlighted publications

Horrocks C. 2024. New Humour, New Dialogue: Ada Leverson's Contributions to Punch and The Yellow Book Gavin AE, Oulton CWDLL. British Women's Writing from Bronte to Bloomsbury Volume 3 1890s Palgrave Macmillan. Switzerland DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Moody N. 2020. Crumbs from the Table: Matilda Betham-Edwards's Comic Writing in Punch Gavin AE, Oulton CWDLL. British Women's Writing From Bronte to Bloomsbury Volume 2 1860s and 1870s 2 :135-149 Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-38527-9 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2016. Digital Thackeray: Preserving the Legacy Salmon R. Thackeray in time: Modernity, History and Memory Ashgate. Hants

Internet publication

Horrocks C. 2025. Into the Archives: Pocket Books, Almanacks and the Punch Contributor Ledgers Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2014. Studying Satire as a Form of Historical Communication: Teaching and Learning with Punch Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2014. Case Study: Nineteenth Century Punch in the Seminar Room Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2014. Case Study: Twentieth Century Punch in the Seminar Room Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2010. The Illustrated London News and Travel Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2010. The Illustrated London News and Health Publisher Url

Journal article

Horrocks C. 2024. Out of the Archives The Women of Punch Exhibition and Archive (Liverpool John Moores Special Collections & Archives) International Centre for Victorian Women Writers Newsletter, Publisher Url Public Url

Keates KE, Horrocks C. 2017. Dickens Quarterly Checklist Dickens Quarterly, 34 :76-79 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2016. Crafting the Woman Professional in the Long Nineteenth Century: Artistry and Industry in Britain Women's Writing, 23 :417-420 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Keates KE. 2015. The Dickens Quarterly Checklist Dickens Quarterly, 32 :265-271 DOI Publisher Url

Cayley S, Horrocks C. 2015. The Punch Historical Archive, 1841–1992 : A Sustainable Brand for the Digital Age Victorian Periodicals Review, 48 :238-243 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Keates KE. 2015. The Dickens Quarterly Checklist Dickens Quarterly, 32 :170-175 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Keates KE. 2015. The Dickens Quarterly Checklist Dickens Quarterly, 32 :89-93 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2014. Social and Professional Networks in the Victorian Periodical Press Journal of Victorian Culture, 19 :247-251 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2013. Nineteenth Century Journalism Online: The Market versus Academia Media History, DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2013. Review of Digitization Panels at the 2013 RSVP Conference Victorian Periodicals Review, 46 :562-565 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C. 2013. Periodical Girls Journal of Victorian Culture, 18 :305-307 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2013. 'Is there anybody there?' Examining Victorian Responses to Spiritualism and the Occult Journal of Victorian Culture,

Jones C, Cox P, Marren B, Walchester K, Horrocks C, Gritt A. 2013. Book Reviews Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 162 :235-251 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2012. Advances in Digitization: The Dickens Journals Online Project 2012 Victorian Periodicals Review, 45 :358-362 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2012. Studying Nineteenth-Century Media: Marking the Shift from 'Reader' to 'User' Journal of Victorian Culture, 17 :376-379 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2012. Re-examining Thackeray through a 'Family Lens' Journal of Victorian Culture, 17 :262-264 DOI Publisher Url

Williams L, Horrocks C, Gritt A, White NJ, Vernon K, Winstanley M, Caunce S, Wilson A, Pilkington SA, Stewart E, Hill J, Heywood C, Marren B. 2012. Book Reviews Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 161 :87-123 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2011. The Punch Brotherhood Victorian Periodicals Review, 44 :404-406 Publisher Url

Horrocks CL, Simons G. 2011. "From Paris to Punch: William Makepeace Thackeray and a New Era in Social Satire" Victorians: a journal of culture and literature (formerly Victorian Newsletter), :4-22 Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2010. Online Resources for the Study of Nineteenth Century Pamphlets Journal of Victorian Culture, 15 :399-401 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2010. Punch and Shakespeare Victorian Periodicals Review, 43 :342-343 Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2009. "Introduction to the Special Issue" "Father Thames's Revenge: visualising reform through the characterisation of a social problem" "Discussion: Online Resources for the Study of Victorian Periodicals" "Interview with Patrick Leary" Popular Narrative Media, 2 Publisher Url


Horrocks C. 2024. New Humour, New Dialogue: Ada Leverson's Contributions to Punch and The Yellow Book Gavin AE, Oulton CWDLL. British Women's Writing from Bronte to Bloomsbury Volume 3 1890s Palgrave Macmillan. Switzerland DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Moody N. 2020. Crumbs from the Table: Matilda Betham-Edwards's Comic Writing in Punch Gavin AE, Oulton CWDLL. British Women's Writing From Bronte to Bloomsbury Volume 2 1860s and 1870s 2 :135-149 Palgrave Macmillan 978-3-030-38527-9 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks C, Moody N. 2020. Crumbs from the Table: Matilda Betham-Edwards’s Comic Writing in Punch British Women’s Writing from Brontë to Bloomsbury, 1840-1940 :135-148 Springer International Publishing 9783030385279 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2016. Digital Thackeray: Preserving the Legacy Salmon R. Thackeray in time: Modernity, History and Memory Ashgate. Hants

Horrocks CL. 2013. Detecting Disease in London's Underworld: Household Words and the Campaign for Sanitary Reform Drew J, Winyard B, Mackenzie H. Charles Dickens and the Mid-Victorian Press University of Buckingham Press. UK

Horrocks C. Kingsley, Charles :1-7 Wiley 9781118405383 DOI Publisher Url


Horrocks C. 2023. An Introduction to the Punch Contributor Ledgers Project Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2013. Building a Special Collections Resource: A Few Reflections Building a Special Collections Resource: A Few Reflections Author Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Horrocks C, Edwards Keates K. 2015. Digital Pedagogies: Building Learning Communities for Studying Victorian Periodicals Horrocks C, Edwards Keates K. Victorian Periodicals Review, 48 :157-160 DOI Publisher Url

Book review

Horrocks CL. 2013. Comedy and the 'Middlebrow' Consumer Market 1820 - 1850 Journal of Victorian Culture, DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2013. The Diary of Elizabeth Lee Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 162 Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2013. 'Is There Anybody There?' Examining Victorian Responses to Spiritualism and the Occult Journal of Victorian Culture, 18 :167-170 DOI Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2012. Country Houses of Lancashire Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 161 Publisher Url


Horrocks CL. 2012. Punch and the Victorian Periodical Press Collection Publisher Url

Horrocks CL. 2008. "Mark Lemon" and "Francis Burnand" Brake L, Demoor M.


Horrocks CL. 2009. Proselytising Public Health Reform in Punch 1841 1858 Rogers H, Norquay G. Liverpool John Moores University Public Url


Horrocks C, White N, Parsons E, Stephenson V. Life on the Ocean Wave Author Url

Horrocks CL, Maidment B, Stevenson V. Punch Re-Rooted: Comedy and the Periodical Press 1820 - 1850

Horrocks C, Parsons E, Waters S. The Women of the Nineteenth Century Press

Horrocks C, Foulkes A, Parsons E. The Women of Punch

Highlighted activities

Research Grants Awarded:

Laboratoire Partenaire International - Caen University, Normandy, The Punch Pocket Book Archive, Prof Francoise Baillet, Caen, Grant value (£): £12, 815.78, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2024

Cengage Learning (industry funder), Punch and the Victorian Periodical Press, Grant value (£): 74005.00, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2012

Professional activities

Other Professional Activity:

Awarded a place, through competitive application, on a 12 week NCCPE (National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement) Training programme. 2025

External committees:

Digital Events Committee, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, Committee Member. 2025

Forum for Historical Manuscripts and Academic Research, The National Archives, Shortlisted, Pending Interview Decision.

Conference organisation:

We Are Amused: Victorian Humour in the Digital Age (University of Caen, Normandie), Co-Investigator, 2024

Working with Nineteenth Century Periodicals - A Symposium, Co-organiser. 2013

40th Annual Conference of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals - Work and Leisure, Conference Organiser, 2011

Victorian Print and Popular Culture Seminar Series, Convenor, 2011

Selling Cultures, Strand Co-ordinator: Victorian Cultures of Selling, 2010

External collaboration:, Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool, City of Liverpool Calendar of Events for the Launch of Cunard's Queen Anne. 2024, Liverpool John Moores University, Culture Liverpool. 2015

Liverpool John Moores University, Special Collections and Archives, Gale Cengage. 2013

British Library, Rachel Foss (Head of Modern Manuscripts). 2011

Conference presentation:

The Power of Wit to Educate and Inform: Punch's Women Contributors, VPFA Study Day: Knowledge in the Victorian Periodical, Manchester Metropolitan University, Other. 2024

The Women of Punch and the Nineteenth Century Periodical Press,, LJMU Special Collections & Archives Launch Event, Special Collections & Archives Reading Room, Oral presentation. 2024

The Women of Punch. A Digital Exhibition, RSVP Digital Event Calendar, Online, Oral presentation. 2024

Success Through the Ages: Punch and the Modernist Challenge 1874 - 1906, BAVS Annual conference - Victorian Ages, Leeds Trinity, Oral presentation. 2015

Keynote Speaker - Punch and its Emerging "Sisterhood" of Contributors 1868 - 1880, ICVWW - Bronte to Bloomsbury, Canterbury Christchurch University, Oral presentation. 2015

Research Grants Awarded:

Laboratoire Partenaire International - Caen University, Normandy, The Punch Pocket Book Archive, Prof Francoise Baillet, Caen, Grant value (£): £12, 815.78, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2024

Cengage Learning (industry funder), Punch and the Victorian Periodical Press, Grant value (£): 74005.00, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2012

Editorial boards:

Victorian Periodicals Review, Submissions Editor, 2023

Media Coverage:

Specialist Advisor for Michael Portillo's Great Railway Journeys BBC 1 2016

Other invited event:

Research Seminar, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Invited to deliver a paper at the Research Centre for Public Health. 2015

North West Nineteenth Century Seminar Series, Manchester Metropolitan University, Invited to deliver a paper on the Punch Contributor Ledgers Project at the quarterly meeting of the North West Nineteenth Century Seminar Series. 2014

AHRC Consultancy Workshop - "Lost Visions", Cardiff University, Invited to test a beta site for a new collaborative AHRC funded project between the University of Cardiff and the British Library tagging over 1 million images from the BL's Flickr account. 2014

W. T. Stead Centenary Conference for a Newspaper Revolution, British Library, London, Invited to give a paper on a Plenary Panel entitled "The Future of the Newspaper Archive". 2012

News of the World Colloquium, Kings College London, Invited Roundtable Plenary panel member. 2010

External PGR examinations performed:

Queens University, Ontario Canada, Shannon Smith, PhD. 2012


Early Career Researcher Fellowship, Liverpool John Moores University. 2010

Curran Fellowship for Archival Research, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, 2009

Industrial connections:

Cengage Learning, Advisory Consultant. 2008

Membership of professional bodies:

Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2001

Member, British Association of Victorian Studies, 1999

Member, Research Society for Victorian Periodicals, 1999
