Prof Kay Standing
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: K.E.Standing@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5040
Prof Kay Standing (she/her) has worked at LJMU since 1997. She is an intersectional feminist with research interests in gender, education, gender based violence and menstruation in the UK and Nepal. She is currently working with Pseudomyxoma Survivor and Pinc and Steel Physiotherapy researching the experiences of rare cancer survivors. With Dr Bee Hughes, Kay is co editing the Sage encyclopaedia of menstruation and society. She was Co.I (with Dr Sara Parker) on the British Academy/GCRF funded project 'Dignity Without Danger': Collaboratively analysing stigma and taboos to develop innovative strategies to address menstrual exclusion in Nepal'. Other recent research includes BA/Leverhulme small grant on re-usable menstrual products in Nepal, evaluating the On the Ball initiative to provide menstrual projects in football stadia, and a Hefce funded project looking at sexual violence in HEIs. She was project manager for the Tender Acting to End Abuse project for 7 years working with schools in Merseyside on RSE, using art and drama to explore healthy relationships, and providing INSET training on recognising early warning signs of domestic abuse.
Kay has also been involved in research on gender and education in Nepal since 2003. She has undertaken public engagement events to normalise discussions of menstruation at the British Academy Summer School and Being Human festivals, and organised a British Academy International Conference on menstruation in the Global South and North. She is currently co organising the Menstruation Research Network conference, May 2024. She has also project managed two ESF funded research projects on women and work life balance in the UK and the Netherlands.
Kay is Level 3 (Foundation year) sociology lead and employability champion for Sociology and Criminology and Sociology. She teaches across the Sociology programme on a range of modules including Body Politics, Sociology at Work and Dissertations. She is a member of LJMU Sexual violence and Hate Crime, and the Respect Always, Working Groups. Kay writes regularly for the The Conversation and has published widely in both academic and online publications.
Kay is a founding member of the Menstruation Research Network, and works closely with the Period Project Merseyside. She is also a mentor with the Girls Foundation, and an Ambassador for Wirral We Are Undefeatable.
1997, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, PhD
1986, University of Kent, United Kingdom, MA Women's Studies
1984, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) 1st Class
Academic appointments
Professor in Gender Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Reader in Gender Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - 2020
Lecturer in Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - present
Head of Women's Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 1999 - 2005
Highlighted publications
Standing K, Standing PIGSK, Parker RIDSS, Parker S, Lotter S. 2024. Experiences of Menstruation from the Global South and North Towards Visualised, Inclusive, and Applied Menstruation Studies Oxford University Press, USA 9780197267578
Weiss R, Douglas H, Standing K. 2024. Inclusive conversations about menopause Standing K, Parker S, Lotter S. Experiences of menstruation from the Global South and North: Towards a visualised, inclusive, and applied menstruation studies Oxford University Press 9780197267578 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Basnet S, Standing KE, Parker SL, Sharma S. 2022. Violence Against Women and Girls in Humanitarian Crisis: Learning from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake South Asian Journal of Law, Policy, and Social Research, 1 Publisher Url Public Url
Ennis A, Donovan-Hall L, Standing KE, Mistry V. 2021. Lifting the lid on period poverty in higher education: a student engagement perspective Innovations in Practice, 14 :23-31 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Standing K, Porter J. 2020. Love Island and Relationship Education Frontiers in Sociology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson KYM, Standing KE. 2019. 'Changing the Culture’ – A feminist academic activist critique Violence Against Women, 25 :1331-1351 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hughes B, Standing KE. 2019. How cultural attitudes to menstruation have finally started to shift Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Parker SL, Bista S. 2017. ‘It’s Breaking Quite Big Social Taboos’ Violence Against Women and Girls and Self-Defense Training in Nepal Women's Studies International Forum, 64 :51-58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Parker SL, Bista S. 2016. Grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in post-earthquake Nepal: lessons from the field Gender and Development, 24 :187-204 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Parker S, Standing K, Shrestha BK. 2014. 'My grandfather broke all traditional norms by sending both his daughters to school': Lessons from 'inspirational' women in Nepal Gender and Development, 22 :91-108 DOI Publisher Url
Standing K, Porter J. 2026. ‘He hits me and it’s hard ’ …. Using creative methods in schools to research gender-based violence Routledge International Handbook of Gender-Based Violence Research
Standing K, Parker S, Lotter S. 2024. Conclusion Standing K, Parker S, Lotter S. Experiences of menstruation from the Global South and North: Towards a visualised, inclusive and applied menstruation studies. British Academy/Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url
Lotter S, Standing K, Parker S. 2024. Introduction Standing K, Parker S, Lotter S. Experiences of menstruation from the Global South and North: Towards a visualised, inclusive and applied menstruation studies The British Academy/Oxford University Press. Oxford
Weiss R, Douglas H, Standing K. 2024. Inclusive conversations about menopause Standing K, Parker S, Lotter S. Experiences of menstruation from the Global South and North: Towards a visualised, inclusive, and applied menstruation studies Oxford University Press 9780197267578 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
STANDING KAY, PARKER S, LOTTER S. 2024. Introduction EXPERIENCES OF MENSTRUATION FROM THE GLOBAL SOUTH AND NORTH :1-15 British AcademyLondon 9780197267578 DOI Publisher Url
Parker S, Standing K, Subedi M. 2024. INTRODUCTION Menstruation in Nepal: Dignity without Danger :1-17 DOI Publisher Url
Parker S, Standing K, Subedi M. 2024. CONCLUSION AND THE WAY FORWARD Menstruation in Nepal: Dignity without Danger :253-264 DOI Publisher Url
Parker S, Standing K. 2024. ‘DIGNITY’ AND ‘FREEDOM’ KITS: Insights into Re-usable Menstrual Pads in Nepal Menstruation in Nepal: Dignity without Danger :145-163 DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE, Parker S. 2017. Girls’ and women’s rights to menstrual health in Nepal Mahtab N. Women's Issues and Rights in the Developing World :156-168 IGI Global Publisher. Hershey, Pennsylvania (USA) 9781522530183 DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE. 2011. Teaching Gender Courses: the changing positions and identifications of students Mirza M, Hussey D. Teaching Gender and Sexualities in the Twenty First Century, C-SAP. Birmingham
Standing KE. 2011. Teaching Gender Courses: the changing positions and identifications of students Mirza M, Hussey D. Teaching Gender and Sexualities in the Twenty First Century, C-SAP. Birmingham
Standing KE. 2011. Teaching Gender Courses: the changing positions and identifications of students Mirza M, Hussey D. Teaching Gender and Sexualities in the Twenty First Century, C-SAP. Birmingham
Standing KE, Griffiths D. 2011. Teaching Gender Courses: the changing positions and identifications of students Mirza M, Hussey D. Teaching Gender and Sexualities in the Twenty First Century, C-SAP. Birmingham
Standing KE, Wattis L, Lloyd S, Lewis J. 2010. The Gendered Nature of Work- Life Balance Ford DC. Fragmenting family? 9781905929788
Parker S, Standing K. 2007. The Impact of Conflict on schools in Nepal’ Leach F, Dunne M. Education, conflict and reconciliation Peter Lang Pub Inc 9783039109456
Standing K, Parker S, Dhital L. 2006. Schools in Nepal: ‘Zones of Peace’ or Sites of Gendered Violence Leach FE, Mitchell C. Combating gender violence in and around schools Trentham Books Ltd 9781858563886
Standing KE. 2001. Gender and social changes in Europe: women, employment, family and politics representation in the European Union Gilberg T. Social changes in Asia and Europe in the age of globalisation
Standing KE. 1999. Negotiating the home and the school: low income lone mothering and unpaid schoolwork McKie L, Bowlby S, Gregory S. Gender, power and the household DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE. 1998. Writing the voices of the less powerful; research on lone mothers Ribbens J, Edwards R. Feminist Dilemmas in qualitative research Sage. London 9780761956648 DOI Publisher Url
Standing K, David M, Edwards R, Reay D. 1996. Mothering and Education: Reflexivity and Feminist Methodology Walsh V, Morley L. Breaking Boundaries: Women in Higher Education Taylor & Francis. London
Standing K. The Absent Spaces of Lone Mothers’ Leisure’ Clough S, White J. Women’s Leisure Experiences: Ages, Stages and Roles Publication No. 70, :65-74 Leisure Studies Association
Standing K. Overcoming Intersectional Barriers: Lessons from “Inspirational” Women in Nepal Mahtab N. Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis IGI
Parker S, Standing K, Subedi M. Introduction Menstruation in Nepal :1-17 Taylor & Francis DOI
Books (edited)
2026. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Menstruation and Society Hughes B, Standing K. 1 SAGE
Books (authored)
Standing K, Standing PIGSK, Parker RIDSS, Parker S, Lotter S. 2024. Experiences of Menstruation from the Global South and North Towards Visualised, Inclusive, and Applied Menstruation Studies Oxford University Press, USA 9780197267578
Parker S, Standing K, Subedi M. 2024. MENSTRUATION IN NEPAL: Dignity Without Danger :1-264 DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Porter J, Standing K. 2024. My Perfect Partner: Using Creative Methods to Address Gender Based Violence Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gender Research, International Conference on Gender Research 1 :321-330 DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE. Undergraduate Student Conferences as a form of assessment’ LJMU Learning and Teaching Conference
Standing KE, Thapliya H. The Challenges of Teaching Gender in Nepal: findings from the DelPHE project’ BNAC
Standing KE, James L. ‘(Re) negotiating the domestic: work life balance, gender and class in the UK and Netherlands’ ) Rediscovering the Domestic: Interdisciplinary reflections on contemporary global cultures
Standing KE. Cultural Capital in the Capital of Culture’ Capital, Culture, Power: Criminalisation and Resistance,
Standing KE, Mahtab, M, Parker S. Gender mainstreaming in Nepal, Bangladesh and the UK UKFIET
Standing KE, Mahtab N, Thapilya H, Parker S. findings from the DelpHE project: gender activism and views of gender courses in HE DELPHE Conference on Gender, Health and Education
Standing KE. Mainstreaming or malestreaming gender in HE in Nepal and Bangladesh Gender Mainstreaming
Standing KE, Harbord K. Using wikis as tools for learning and assessment: case studies from social science Learning and Teaching Conference
Standing K. we object Forthcoming Feminisms
Internet publication
Porter J, Standing K. 2023. My Perfect Partner: Creative methods in relationship education Publisher Url
Standing K, Hughes B. 2022. Menstrual art: why everyone should go and see it Publisher Url
Hughes B, Standing KE. 2019. How cultural attitudes to menstruation have finally started to shift Publisher Url Public Url
Standing K, Parker S. 2019. Nepal's menstrual huts: What can be done about the practice of confining women to cow sheds? Publisher Url
Standing KE, Parker SL. 2019. Nepal’s menstrual huts: what can be done about this practice of confining women to cow sheds? Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Porter J. 2018. Love Island: Adam shows teenagers how not to treat romantic partners Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Zipp S. 2018. Celtic FC leads way in tackling period poverty, now other clubs need to follow Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE. 2018. Why private companies shouldn’t be involved in ‘menstrual education’ Publisher Url Public Url
Parker S, Standing K. 2018. Tackling the taboo around menstruation Nepal Author Url
Standing K. 2018. Pad Man: How Bollywood is challenging period stigma in India Publisher Url
Standing KE. 2018. Padman: how Bollywood is challenging the stigma around periods in India Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Basnet S, Standing KE, Parker SL, Sharma S. 2022. Violence Against Women and Girls in Humanitarian Crisis: Learning from the 2015 Nepal Earthquake South Asian Journal of Law, Policy, and Social Research, 1 Publisher Url Public Url
Ennis A, Donovan-Hall L, Standing KE, Mistry V. 2021. Lifting the lid on period poverty in higher education: a student engagement perspective Innovations in Practice, 14 :23-31 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Standing K, Porter J. 2020. Love Island and Relationship Education Frontiers in Sociology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Atkinson KYM, Standing KE. 2019. 'Changing the Culture’ – A feminist academic activist critique Violence Against Women, 25 :1331-1351 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hughes B, Standing KE. 2018. Menstrual art: why everyone should go and see it The Conversation, Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Parker SL, Bista S. 2017. ‘It’s Breaking Quite Big Social Taboos’ Violence Against Women and Girls and Self-Defense Training in Nepal Women's Studies International Forum, 64 :51-58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Parker SL, Bista S. 2016. Grassroots responses to violence against women and girls in post-earthquake Nepal: lessons from the field Gender and Development, 24 :187-204 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Parker S, Standing K, Shrestha BK. 2014. 'My grandfather broke all traditional norms by sending both his daughters to school': Lessons from 'inspirational' women in Nepal Gender and Development, 22 :91-108 DOI Publisher Url
Parker S, Standing K, Pant B. 2013. Caught in the cross fire: Children's right to education during conflict - the case of Nepal 1996-2006 Children and Society, 27 :372-384 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Standing KE, Wattis L, Yerkes M. 2013. Mothers and work-life Balance: Exploring the contradictions and complexities involved in work-family negotiation Community Work and Family, 1 :1-19 DOI Publisher Url
Patiniotis J, Standing K. 2012. License to cause harm? Sex entertainment venues and women's sense of safety in inner city centres: Jackie Patiniotis and Kay Standing consider how the effects of lap dancing clubs contribute to women's vulnerability in public spaces Criminal Justice Matters, 88 :10-12 DOI
Standing KE, Pant B. 2011. Citizenship rights and women’s roles in development agencies in post conflict Nepal Gender and Development, 19 DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE, Parker S, Mahtab N, Thapaliya H. 2011. Gender and Women’s Studies courses in Nepal, Bangladesh and the UK: experiences from the DelPHE link programme, Education and Development, 22 :85-106 Publisher Url
Standing KE, James L. 2010. Developing an undergraduate e-journal in the school of social science Vickerman P. Innovations in Practice, 2 :65-72
Yerkes M, Standing K, Wattis L, Wain S. 2010. The disconnection between policy practices and women's lived experiences: Combining work and life in the UK and the Netherlands Community, Work and Family, 13 :411-427 DOI Publisher Url
Yerkes M, Standing K, Wain S. 2010. The Disconnection between Policy Practices and Women’s Lived Experiences: combining work and life in the UK and the Netherlands Community, Work and Family, 4 :411-427
Standing K, Dhital L. 2006. Researching Gender and Education in the Context of Conflict: Experiences of the Gender and Development Project in Nepal’ Education and Development, 22 :26-34
Standing K. 1999. Lone mothers and 'parental' involvement: A contradiction in policy? Journal of Social Policy, 28 :479-495 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Standing K. 1999. Lone mothers' involvement in their children's schooling: Towards a new typology of maternal involvement Gender and Education, 11 :57-73 DOI Publisher Url
Standing K. 1999. Class work: Mothers' involvement in their children's primary schooling WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM, 22 :451-451 Author Url
Standing K. 1999. Feminist Legal Studies, 7 :33-46 DOI Publisher Url
David M, Davies J, Edwards R, Reay D, Standing K. 1997. Choice Within Constraints: Mothers and schooling Gender and Education, 9 :397-410 DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE. 1997. Scrimping, saving and schooling Critical Social Policy,
Standing KE, Wattis L, Yerkes M. Mothers and work-life Balance: Exploring the contradictions and complexities involved in work-family negotiation DOI Publisher Url
Standing K. Inspirational Women: insights into gender and development in Nepal Hamro Sansa Journal of Women’s Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal, :83-87
Standing KE. License to cause harm? Sex Entertainment Venues and women’s sense of safety in inner city centres Criminal Justice Matters, DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE, Parker SL. 2016. Overcoming intersectional barriers: Lessons from 'inspirational' women in Nepal Mahtab N, Parker S, Haque T, Sabur A, Sowed ASM. DOI Publisher Url
Standing KE, Pihlaja S, Davies C, Burton P. 2016. Let's talk about sex: equipping student leaders to address sexual violence on campuses, Hefce final report
Standing KE, Atkinson K. 2016. Let’s talk about sex: equipping student leaders to address sexual violence on campus
Standing KE, Wattis L, Yerkes M, Lloyd S, Hernandez M. Combining Work and Family Life: expereinces from the UK and the Netherlands
Standing KE, Ruffinato E, Lloyd S. Equilibrium: Work Life Balance Training Project
Standing KE. We Object
Highlighted activities
Conference organisation:
Inclusive Menstruation: Practice, Research, Action: 3rd Menstruation Research Network Conference, Organiser, https://menstruationresearchnetwork.org.uk/registration-2024/. 2024
Menstruation: Representing experiences from the Global South and North, British Academy, Fundholder/organizer/convener, https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/events/british-academy-conferences/menstruation-sharing-experiences-from-the-global-north-and-south/. 2021
Conference presentation:
Menstruators with Disability In Emergency Crisis in LMICs, Menstruation at the Margins: How Can We Meet Unmet Needs as Menstrual Health Moves Center Stage?, Fondation Brocher in Hermance, Geneva, Institute for the Study of Human Rights Columbia University, Oral presentation. 2020
Getting ‘On the Ball’ The Campaign for Free Menstrual Products at Football Clubs in the UK, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, USA, Oral presentation. 2019
Re-usable menstrual Pads in Nepal: assessing their impact on women's and girls health and education, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research 2nd Biennial Conference, Kennesaw University, Atlanta, USA, Oral presentation. 2017
Reusable menstrual pads in Nepal post-earthquake, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's 6th Annual Research Symposium on Humanitarium aid in times of disasters., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Poster presentation. 2016
Using the Arts in Teaching and Research:Engaging young people in relationship education and violence prevention, BSA Sociology of the Art Study Group, University of Sheffield, Oral presentation. 2016
Other Professional Activity:
Expert Advisor, Plan International UK https://plan-uk.org/file/plan-uk-break-the-barriers-report-032018pdf/download?token=Fs-HYP3v. 2018
A Bloody Good Show! Adventures in Menstruating Comedy Performance by Chella Quint & Panel Discussion organised by Kay Standing & Bee Hughes as part of Being Human festival of the Humanities 2018. 16 November 2018, The Casa, Liverpool. Chella Quint’s bloody funny, five-star taboo-breaking comedy ‘Adventures in Menstruating’ combines humour, science and craftivism to promote shame-free period talk for audiences of all genders. This delightfully high-energy interactive performance is followed by a panel discussion with the event organisers, menstrual activists, academic researchers, and representatives from The Homeless Period Liverpool and #periodpositive. Panel Chaired by Kay Standing. Panel members: Natalie Denny, Bee Hughes, Chella Quint & Sarah Zipp..
How can we challenge cultural attitudes about periods? British Academy Summer Showcase was a free two-day festival of ideas for curious minds, held from 21-22 June 2019. Throughout history, our attitudes to menstruation have been shaped by cultural, medical, and media representations. These contribute to the stigmatisation of menstruation, period poverty and harmful practices and restrictions that impact on the everyday lives of people who menstruate. Through their work in the UK and Nepal, this exhibit invites visitors to challenge preconceptions and misconceptions about periods. Explore and reflect on historical and contemporary ideas about periods, make your own activist badge and challenge age-old negative associations..
Professional activities
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU Diversity and Inclusion Fund, Yes, We See You, Janette Porter, LJMU, Grant value (£): 8698, Duration of research project: 12 month. 2024
LJMU QR, Physiotherapy and Pseudomyxoma peritonea: developing a ‘people centred’ policy approach to cancer survivorship and wellbeing., Grant value (£): 10,094, Duration of research project: 24 months. 2023
Wellcome Trust, Menstruation Research Network UK: Beyond Products, Camilla Mork Rostvik, Grant value (£): 6,577, Duration of research project: 3. 2021
British Academy, Menstruation: representing experiences from the Global South and North, Grant value (£): 7720, Duration of research project: Conference funding October 2020. 2019
British Academy, How do we change cultural attitudes to menstruation BA Summer Showcase, Grant value (£): 2,000. 2019
LJMU QR GCRF, ‘Collaborative partnership for gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive guideline and resource development for emergencies’, Grant value (£): 8330, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2019
Children in Need, SEN schools and PHSE, Porter, Janette, Grant value (£): 9935.00, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
GCRF/LJMU, Developing gender-sensitive and disability-inclusive guidelines and resource development for emergencies, Grant value (£): 8,330.00, Duration of research project: 7 months. 2019
British Academy/GCRF, 'Dignity Without Danger' Collaboratively analysing stigma and taboos to develop innovative strategies to address menstrual exclusion in Nepal', Dr Sara Parker (PI) LJMU, Prof Madhusudan Subedi, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Dr Stefani Lotter, SOAS, Grant value (£): 299,882, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2018
British Academy/GCRF, Dignity without danger: collaboratively analysing stigma and taboos to develop innovative strategies to address menstrual exclusion in Nepal, Dr Sara Parker (PI) LJMU, Dr Stef Lotter, SOAS, Prof Madhusadan Subedi, Trbhuvan Universtiy, Kathmandu, Nepal, Grant value (£): 299,885, Duration of research project: 27 months. 2018
BA Global Challenges Research Fund Sustainable Development, Project titleDignity Without Danger Collaboratively analysing stigma and taboos to develop innovative strategies to address menstrual exclusion in Nepal, Dr Sara Parker, LJMU, Prof Madhu Sudan Subedi Tribhuvan University Dr Stefanie Lotter SOAS University of London, Grant value (£): 299,500, Duration of research project: 27 months. 2018
Tender, Healthy Relationships, Grant value (£): 33,756, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2017
Hefce Catalyst funding, Safer Student Communities (Co. Investigator), Dan Silverstone, Grant value (£): 48,245, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2017
Tender, Tender National Partnership Project, Healthy Relationships: Acting to End Abuse (Principal Investigator), Grant value (£): 43,999, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2017
British Academy/Leverhulme small grant, Re-usable sanitary towel projects: Assessing their wider impact on women's health and well-being in Nepal, Sara Parker, LJMU, Grant value (£): 7820.00, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2016
HEFCE Social Innovation Fund, March-August 2016 Let’s Talk About Sex: Equipping Student Leaders to Address Sexual Violence on Campus (Co. Investigator Joint bid with Birmingham Newman University, University of Brighton and Southampton Solent University), (Co. Investigator Joint bid with Dr Stephen Pihlaja, Birmingham Newman University, Ceri Davis, University of Brighton and Polly Burton Southampton Solent University), Grant value (£): 18262.60, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
HEFCE, Let's talk about sex ; Equipping student leaders to address sexual violence on campus, Polly Burton, Southampton Solent University, Ceri Davis, The University of Brighton/Community University Partnership, Stephen Pihlaja, Newman University, Grant value (£): 18262.60, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
Big Lottery, Tender national partnership: Acting to end abuse - Healthy Relationships in Schools, Tender, Diane Grant, Grant value (£): 88,478, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2012
European Social Fund Objective 3, Work Life Balance Training for Women’s Progression in the Labour Market, Grant value (£): 198,410, Duration of research project: 18months. 2006
European Social Fund Objective 3, Combining work and family life: removing the barriers to women’s progression, Grant value (£): 272,225, Duration of research project: 3. 2003
Being Human, A Bloody Good Show: Adventures in Menstruating and the Periodical Exhibition, Grant value (£): 2,000.
Conference organisation:
Inclusive Menstruation: Practice, Research, Action: 3rd Menstruation Research Network Conference, Organiser, https://menstruationresearchnetwork.org.uk/registration-2024/. 2024
Menstruation: Representing experiences from the Global South and North, British Academy, Fundholder/organizer/convener, https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/events/british-academy-conferences/menstruation-sharing-experiences-from-the-global-north-and-south/. 2021
A Bloody Good Show!, Organiser, https://beinghumanfestival.org/event/the-periodical-exhibition/. 2018
Joint Nepal-UK Education and Research Workshop Educational Inclusion and Rights in Practice: Classroom in the Clouds NGO/LJMU School of Education, Organised by Classrooms in the Clouds NGO and LJMU School of Education/Sociology. 2018
A Celebration of Women in Research at LJMU, Co-organiser, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-celebration-of-women-in-research-at-ljmu-2018-tickets-40844915241. 2018
Radical Women, Radical City: Centenary of International Women's Day, Co-Organiser, http://www.liv.ac.uk/philosophy/events/conferences/iwd/index.htm. 2010
Conference presentation:
Visualising Menstruation in Nepal; Lessons from a collaborative action research project, 20th BNAC Nepal Study Days, University of Huddersfield, Oral presentation. 2023
Period positivity: the next step in gender equality, Students at the Heart, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2022
Menstruators with Disability In Emergency Crisis in LMICs, Menstruation at the Margins: How Can We Meet Unmet Needs as Menstrual Health Moves Center Stage?, Fondation Brocher in Hermance, Geneva, Institute for the Study of Human Rights Columbia University, Oral presentation. 2020
Getting ‘On the Ball’ The Campaign for Free Menstrual Products at Football Clubs in the UK, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, USA, Oral presentation. 2019
Changing the culture: a feminist activist critique, Managing, researching and enabling respectful sexual conduct in Higher Education, Ghent University, Ghent, Belguim, Oral presentation. 2018
2017: ‘Resuable menstrual Pad Kits: assessing their impact on women’s and girls’ education and wellbeing’,, The Nepal Sociological Association, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara, Nepal, Oral presentation. 2017
Re-usable menstrual Pads in Nepal: assessing their impact on women's and girls health and education, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research 2nd Biennial Conference, Kennesaw University, Atlanta, USA, Oral presentation. 2017
Evaluating the impact of long haul international fieldtrips and blogging on the student experience in Sociology, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2017
Qualitative research in action: inspirational women in Nepal, LJMU Teaching and learning conference, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2017
Impacts on Menstrual Health : Reusable Sanitary Pads in Nepal, Britain-Nepal Academic Council, Oxford University, Oral presentation. 2017
Reusable menstrual pads in Nepal post-earthquake, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine's 6th Annual Research Symposium on Humanitarium aid in times of disasters., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Poster presentation. 2016
Using the Arts in Teaching and Research:Engaging young people in relationship education and violence prevention, BSA Sociology of the Art Study Group, University of Sheffield, Oral presentation. 2016
‘Acting to End Abuse:’ Using creative methods to engage young people in relationship education and violence prevention, Social research Association Conference, British Library, London, Oral presentation. 2015
Everyone is Vulnerable’: Engaging Young people in a school based relationship violence prevention programme, European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2014
Inspirational women: learning from the Global South, British Nepal Academic Council, University of Oxford, Oral presentation. 2014
Acting to End Abuse: Finding from the Tender ‘Healthy Relationships’ project, Self, Selves and Sexualities International Conference, 3rd Biannual Irish Sexualities Studies Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, Oral presentation. 2014
External committees:
Period Poverty Taskforce (research stream), Government Equalities Office/Department for Education, Research Advisor. 2019
Other invited event:
British Academy Summer Showcase, British Academy, London, How can we challenge cultural attitudes about periods? https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/events/summershowcase/2019. 2019
Being Human Festival Launch, Senate House, University of London, https://beinghumanfestival.org/event/being-human-festival-launch/. 2018
Reflection on Gender and Development in Nepal: Action Research over past 30 years, Central Department of Sociology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, Invited Presentation with Dr Sara Parker, LJMU. 2017
Celebrating Survival, Bluecoat, Liverpool, Speaker with RASA, MRANG, Sahir House, MaMa, The Open University. 2016
Crime, safety and sexual entertainment: what are the issues?, University of Kent, invited speaker to ESRC funded workshop on impact of SEVs on communities and businesses. 2012
Policy Studies Institute, London, Combining work and family life: policy and experience in the UK and the Netherlands. 2006
‘Ethnic Minority Women in the Workplace. How high is the glass ceiling?, Reebok Stadium,, Presentation:Combining work and family life: removing the barriers to women’s progression. Implications for Black and Minority Ethnic Women. University of Bolton and Bolton Racial Equality Unit. 2006
Amazing Teaching Awards: JMSU President Award, John Moores Student Union. 2019
Other Professional Activity:
Presidents award, JMSU Amazing teaching award. 2019
Expert Advisor, Plan International UK https://plan-uk.org/file/plan-uk-break-the-barriers-report-032018pdf/download?token=Fs-HYP3v. 2018
Expert Advisor, Plan International UK https://plan-uk.org/file/plan-uk-break-the-barriers-report-032018pdf/download?token=Fs-HYP3v. 2018
A Bloody Good Show! Adventures in Menstruating Comedy Performance by Chella Quint & Panel Discussion organised by Kay Standing & Bee Hughes as part of Being Human festival of the Humanities 2018. 16 November 2018, The Casa, Liverpool. Chella Quint’s bloody funny, five-star taboo-breaking comedy ‘Adventures in Menstruating’ combines humour, science and craftivism to promote shame-free period talk for audiences of all genders. This delightfully high-energy interactive performance is followed by a panel discussion with the event organisers, menstrual activists, academic researchers, and representatives from The Homeless Period Liverpool and #periodpositive. Panel Chaired by Kay Standing. Panel members: Natalie Denny, Bee Hughes, Chella Quint & Sarah Zipp..
Blood Rituals: Light Night 2019 In collaboration with Dignity Without Danger, we present a collaborative multi-part installation examining rituals surrounding menstruation. Blood Rituals combines virtual reality, photography and film exploring menstrual experiences in Nepal with material from LJMU’s Femorabilia collection, artworks by Bee Hughes and Poloumi Basu and craft activities with Period Project Merseyside to reflect on menstrual stigma in the UK and globally..
How can we challenge cultural attitudes about periods? British Academy Summer Showcase was a free two-day festival of ideas for curious minds, held from 21-22 June 2019. Throughout history, our attitudes to menstruation have been shaped by cultural, medical, and media representations. These contribute to the stigmatisation of menstruation, period poverty and harmful practices and restrictions that impact on the everyday lives of people who menstruate. Through their work in the UK and Nepal, this exhibit invites visitors to challenge preconceptions and misconceptions about periods. Explore and reflect on historical and contemporary ideas about periods, make your own activist badge and challenge age-old negative associations..
Membership of professional bodies:
Founding Member, Menstruation Research Network, https://menstruationresearchnetwork.co.uk/. 2018
Member, Menstruation Hygiene Management Alliance, Nepal, https://www.wsscc.org/2018/07/01/the-government-of-nepal-calls-for-dignified-menstruation-hygiene-management/.
External PGR examinations performed:
Edge Hill Uinversity, PhD, Widows and the Aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. 2017
Teaching qualification:
Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2014
External PGR Supervision - completed students:
Liverpool John Moores University, PhD. 2012
External collaboration:
https://plan-uk.org/file/plan-uk-break-the-barriers-report-032018pdf/download?token=Fs-HYP3v, Plan International UK, Expert advisor on period poverty.
Media Coverage:
Being Human Press launch (opens in a new tab)
Celtic FC The Conversation (opens in a new tab)
The Conversation: Love Island (opens in a new tab)
The Conversation -menstrual art, why everyone should go and see it 12/11/18 (opens in a new tab)
The Conversation: Nepal's menstrual huts 23/1/19 (opens in a new tab)
The Conversation - private companies and menstruation (opens in a new tab)
The Independent - Bollywood periods (opens in a new tab)
Artilce Nepali Times (opens in a new tab)
British Academy blog Tackling the taboo around menstruation in Nepal 8/3/18 (opens in a new tab)
Press for progress on Periods in Nepal, University Alliance blog, 8/3/18 (opens in a new tab)
Article in Daily Post on Work -Life balance research 26/5/2006
Radio Interview, We Object, response to licensing lap dancing clubs, London Women's Radio, 12/11/2011
Padman: how Bollywood is challenging the stigma around periods in India
theconversation.com (opens in a new tab)
www.independent.co.uk (opens in a new tab)