Image of Prof Kay Standing

Prof Kay Standing

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor




Inspirational Women in Nepal





Prof Kay Standing (she/her) has worked at LJMU since 1997. She is an intersectional feminist with research interests in gender, education, gender based violence and menstruation in the UK and Nepal. She is currently working with Pseudomyxoma Survivor and Pinc and Steel Physiotherapy researching the experiences of rare cancer survivors. With Dr Bee Hughes, Kay is co editing the Sage encyclopaedia of menstruation and society. She was Co.I (with Dr Sara Parker) on the British Academy/GCRF funded project 'Dignity Without Danger': Collaboratively analysing stigma and taboos to develop innovative strategies to address menstrual exclusion in Nepal'. Other recent research includes BA/Leverhulme small grant on re-usable menstrual products in Nepal, evaluating the On the Ball initiative to provide menstrual projects in football stadia, and a Hefce funded project looking at sexual violence in HEIs. She was project manager for the Tender Acting to End Abuse project for 7 years working with schools in Merseyside on RSE, using art and drama to explore healthy relationships, and providing INSET training on recognising early warning signs of domestic abuse.

Kay has also been involved in research on gender and education in Nepal since 2003. She has undertaken public engagement events to normalise discussions of menstruation at the British Academy Summer School and Being Human festivals, and organised a British Academy International Conference on menstruation in the Global South and North. She is currently co organising the Menstruation Research Network conference, May 2024. She has also project managed two ESF funded research projects on women and work life balance in the UK and the Netherlands.

Kay is Level 3 (Foundation year) sociology lead and employability champion for Sociology and Criminology and Sociology. She teaches across the Sociology programme on a range of modules including Body Politics, Sociology at Work and Dissertations. She is a member of LJMU Sexual violence and Hate Crime, and the Respect Always, Working Groups. Kay writes regularly for the The Conversation and has published widely in both academic and online publications.

Kay is a founding member of the Menstruation Research Network, and works closely with the Period Project Merseyside. She is also a mentor with the Girls Foundation, and an Ambassador for Wirral We Are Undefeatable.


1997, London South Bank University, United Kingdom, PhD
1986, University of Kent, United Kingdom, MA Women's Studies
1984, Lancaster University, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) 1st Class

Academic appointments

Professor in Gender Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Reader in Gender Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014 - 2020
Lecturer in Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2005 - present
Head of Women's Studies, Liverpool John Moores University, 1999 - 2005
