Dr Rachel Broady
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: R.S.Broady@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr Rachel Broady is a Lecturer in Media, Culture, Communication. She graduated with a doctorate from Liverpool John Moores University having researched the political unconscious in journalistic responses to poverty and protest during the cotton crisis. As a journalist, she wrote for national, regional and local newspapers, magazines and online publications. She still continues to write journalism but now focuses on analysing the industry and its practices. Her research interest is in epistemic injustice in the representations of poverty, with a focus on the news media. She currently leads a campaign in the National Union of Journalists, where she is also a branch equality officer, and seeks to challenge stereotypes of people experiencing poverty. Her work has led to collaborations with ATD Fourth World, Oxford University, Joseph Rowntree Foundation and others. Rachel's profile in international poverty research led her to be invited to the World Bank in Washington where she worked alongside people with experience of poverty, senior economists, and the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.
Rachel is currently Module Leader on:
Analysing Entertainment Media
Public Communications
Professional Writing
Popular Journalism: Research in Practice
2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2006, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MA
1994, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BA
Academic appointments
Lecturer, Media, Culture, Communication, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Graduate Teaching Assistant/Postgraduate researcher, Journalism, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2018
Sessional Lecturer, Media, Culture, Communication, Liverpool John Moores University, 2013 - 2015
Sessional Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, 2007 - 2018
Broady R. 2024. A Challenge to Epistemic Injustice in Journalism: Redefining Expert Sources on Poverty Silenced Voices and the Media Who Gets to Speak? Palgrave Macmillan 9783031654022 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Broady R. 2022. NUJ Reporting Poverty campaign: Introducing a trade union challenge to journalistic representations of the unemployed and the working poor Journal of Class & Culture, 1 :153-171 DOI Publisher Url
Broady R. 2022. NUJ Reporting Poverty Campaign: introducing a trade union challenge to journalistic representations of the unemployed and the working poor Journal of Class and Culture, 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Broady R. 2020. Unearthing the political unconscious in the reporting of homelessness in Manchester International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 16 :91-99 DOI Publisher Url
Broady R. 2019. Poor Reporting: The Political Unconscious in Journalistic Responses to Poverty and Protest During the Cotton Crisis. Hodgson G, O'Brien G, McLean R. Public Url
Books (authored)
Broady R. Poverty and Protest as Public Discourse During the Cotton Crisis Palgrave MacMillan 9783031733055 DOI Publisher Url
External collaboration:
https://www.atdireland.ie/wp/atd-fourth-world-conference-world-bank/, World Bank, International Monetary Foundation, ATD Fourth World. 2024
https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/59992/media-reporting-of-poverty, Parliament, Ian Byrne, MP West Derby. 2022
Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Knowledge Exchange, Liverpool John Moores. 2022
Media Coverage:
Conference presentation:
Campaign to challenge reporting of poverty, Welfare Imaginaries 21st Century Welfare Understanding the Present: constructing rhetoric, realities and resistance over time, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2018
Poor Reporting: Utilising Fredric Jameson’s interpretive horizons to analyse the journalistic response to poverty during the cotton crisis in Manchester 1863, Marxist Literary Group Institute for Culture and Society Marx and the Problem of Politics, Albany, New York, Oral presentation. 2018
Industrial connections:
National Union of Journalists, Equality Officer, Manchester and Salford Branch. 2015
Conference organisation:
Reporting Poverty LJMU, Co-organiser.