Image of Dr Aliki Myrto Perysinaki

Dr Aliki Myrto Perysinaki

Liverpool School of Art and Design

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


Dr Perysinaki's role as a Studio Design Tutor spans across undergraduate and postgraduate Architecture programmes. She tutors and lectures with undergraduate cohorts in Design, History and Theory, and Technology and Practice; and she runs modules focusing on Climate change. In the postgraduate programmes (MArch and MA in Urban Design), she is a Studio Design Tutor and Specialist Study Tutor, guiding students through the development of dissertations and design projects. As part of her teaching delivery, she runs design projects focusing on contemporary housing design in urban areas. She is currently preparing an MA on Housing Design, Policy and Social Agency intended to address the housing subject examining the socio-political context of housing design, affordability, shortage, supply and sustainability. Drawing upon both her research and teaching activity, her work is intended to impel a critique of current housing standards, policy and residential form.

Dr Perysinaki's research focuses primarily on the influence of sustainable development on the architectural design process, developing a critical understanding of architecture - as process and profession - through what she defines as ‘complexity’ and ‘complex design process’. In addition to publications and presentations at international conferences in this field (including a shortlisted article for the Housing category for the RIBA Presidents Medals for Research 2017), her current work examines the links between sustainability and tradition, the transformation of urbanscapes due to climatic change and the potential of housing typologies to provide affordable design.

Dr Perysinaki's PhD in Architecture and Urbanism was awarded the Prize of PhD Thesis and Research in Architecture by the Academy of Architecture in France.


Greek, Modern (1453-)
Spanish; Castilian


2014, Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (France) and School of Planning and Media Design, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), France, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism
2009, ENSA Versailles - Pantheon-Sorbonne University, France, Master 2 Historical gardens, Cultural heritage and Landscape
2009, School of Architecture Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Post-master in Conception-Space-Civilisation, Architecture-Design of space
2007, School of Architecture Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Diploma of Architect Engineer

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer in Architecture, School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - present
